- /*
- * @(#)SocketOptions.java 1.20 00/02/02
- *
- * Copyright 1996-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package java.net;
- /**
- * Interface of methods to get/set socket options. This interface is
- * implemented by: <B>SocketImpl</B> and <B>DatagramSocketImpl</B>.
- * Subclasses of these should override the methods
- * of this interface in order to support their own options.
- * <P>
- * The methods and constants which specify options in this interface are
- * for implementation only. If you're not subclassing SocketImpl or
- * DatagramSocketImpl, <B>you won't use these directly.</B> There are
- * type-safe methods to get/set each of these options in Socket, ServerSocket,
- * DatagramSocket and MulticastSocket.
- * <P>
- * A subset of the standard BSD-style socket options are supported in the
- * base classes, <B>PlainSocketImpl</B> and <B>PlainDatagramSocketImpl</B>.
- * A brief description of each and their use is provided.
- * <P>
- * @version 1.20, 02/02/00
- * @author David Brown
- */
- public interface SocketOptions {
- /**
- * Enable/disable the option specified by <I>optID</I>. If the option
- * is to be enabled, and it takes an option-specific "value", this is
- * passed in <I>value</I>. The actual type of value is option-specific,
- * and it is an error to pass something that isn't of the expected type:
- * <BR><PRE>
- * SocketImpl s;
- * ...
- * s.setOption(SO_LINGER, new Integer(10));
- * // OK - set SO_LINGER w/ timeout of 10 sec.
- * s.setOption(SO_LINGER, new Double(10));
- * // ERROR - expects java.lang.Integer
- *</PRE>
- * If the requested option is binary, it can be set using this method by
- * a java.lang.Boolean:
- * <BR><PRE>
- * s.setOption(TCP_NODELAY, new Boolean(true));
- * // OK - enables TCP_NODELAY, a binary option
- * </PRE>
- * <BR>
- * Any option can be disabled using this method with a Boolean(false):
- * <BR><PRE>
- * s.setOption(TCP_NODELAY, new Boolean(false));
- * // OK - disables TCP_NODELAY
- * s.setOption(SO_LINGER, new Boolean(false));
- * // OK - disables SO_LINGER
- * </PRE>
- * <BR>
- * For an option that has a notion of on and off, and requires
- * a non-boolean parameter, setting its value to anything other than
- * <I>Boolean(false)</I> implicitly enables it.
- * <BR>
- * Throws SocketException if the option is unrecognized,
- * the socket is closed, or some low-level error occurred
- * <BR>
- * @param optID identifies the option
- * @param value the parameter of the socket option
- * @throws SocketException if the option is unrecognized,
- * the socket is closed, or some low-level error occurred
- * @see #getOption(int)
- */
- public void
- setOption(int optID, Object value) throws SocketException;
- /**
- * Fetch the value of an option.
- * Binary options will return java.lang.Boolean(true)
- * if enabled, java.lang.Boolean(false) if disabled, e.g.:
- * <BR><PRE>
- * SocketImpl s;
- * ...
- * Boolean noDelay = (Boolean)(s.getOption(TCP_NODELAY));
- * if (noDelay.booleanValue()) {
- * // true if TCP_NODELAY is enabled...
- * ...
- * }
- * </PRE>
- * <P>
- * For options that take a particular type as a parameter,
- * getOption(int) will return the paramter's value, else
- * it will return java.lang.Boolean(false):
- * <PRE>
- * Object o = s.getOption(SO_LINGER);
- * if (o instanceof Integer) {
- * System.out.print("Linger time is " + ((Integer)o).intValue());
- * } else {
- * // the true type of o is java.lang.Boolean(false);
- * }
- * </PRE>
- *
- * @param optID an <code>int</code> identifying the option to fetch
- * @return the value of the option
- * @throws SocketException if the socket is closed
- * @throws SocketException if <I>optID</I> is unknown along the
- * protocol stack (including the SocketImpl)
- * @see #setOption(int, java.lang.Object)
- */
- public Object getOption(int optID) throws SocketException;
- /**
- * The java-supported BSD-style options.
- */
- /**
- * Disable Nagle's algorithm for this connection. Written data
- * to the network is not buffered pending acknowledgement of
- * previously written data.
- *<P>
- * Valid for TCP only: SocketImpl.
- * <P>
- * @see Socket#setTcpNoDelay
- * @see Socket#getTcpNoDelay
- */
- public final static int TCP_NODELAY = 0x0001;
- /**
- * Fetch the local address binding of a socket (this option cannot
- * be "set" only "gotten", since sockets are bound at creation time,
- * and so the locally bound address cannot be changed). The default local
- * address of a socket is INADDR_ANY, meaning any local address on a
- * multi-homed host. A multi-homed host can use this option to accept
- * connections to only one of its addresses (in the case of a
- * ServerSocket or DatagramSocket), or to specify its return address
- * to the peer (for a Socket or DatagramSocket). The parameter of
- * this option is an InetAddress.
- * <P>
- * This option <B>must</B> be specified in the constructor.
- * <P>
- * Valid for: SocketImpl, DatagramSocketImpl
- * <P>
- * @see Socket#getLocalAddress
- * @see DatagramSocket#getLocalAddress
- */
- public final static int SO_BINDADDR = 0x000F;
- /** Sets SO_REUSEADDR for a socket. This is used only for MulticastSockets
- * in java, and it is set by default for MulticastSockets.
- * <P>
- * Valid for: DatagramSocketImpl
- */
- public final static int SO_REUSEADDR = 0x04;
- /** Set which outgoing interface on which to send multicast packets.
- * Useful on hosts with multiple network interfaces, where applications
- * want to use other than the system default. Takes/returns an InetAddress.
- * <P>
- * Valid for Multicast: DatagramSocketImpl
- * <P>
- * @see MulticastSocket#setInterface
- * @see MulitcastSocket#getInterface
- */
- public final static int IP_MULTICAST_IF = 0x10;
- /**
- * Specify a linger-on-close timeout. This option disables/enables
- * immediate return from a <B>close()</B> of a TCP Socket. Enabling
- * this option with a non-zero Integer <I>timeout</I> means that a
- * <B>close()</B> will block pending the transmission and acknowledgement
- * of all data written to the peer, at which point the socket is closed
- * <I>gracefully</I>. Upon reaching the linger timeout, the socket is
- * closed <I>forcefully</I>, with a TCP RST. Enabling the option with a
- * timeout of zero does a forceful close immediately. If the specified
- * timeout value exceeds 65,535 it will be reduced to 65,535.
- * <P>
- * Valid only for TCP: SocketImpl
- *
- * @see Socket#setSoLinger
- * @see Socket#getSoLinger
- */
- public final static int SO_LINGER = 0x0080;
- /** Set a timeout on blocking Socket operations:
- * <PRE>
- * ServerSocket.accept();
- * SocketInputStream.read();
- * DatagramSocket.receive();
- * </PRE>
- *
- * <P> The option must be set prior to entering a blocking
- * operation to take effect. If the timeout expires and the
- * operation would continue to block,
- * <B>java.io.InterruptedIOException</B> is raised. The Socket is
- * not closed in this case.
- *
- * <P> Valid for all sockets: SocketImpl, DatagramSocketImpl
- *
- * @see Socket#setSoTimeout
- * @see ServerSocket#setSoTimeout
- * @see DatagramSocket#setSoTimeout
- */
- public final static int SO_TIMEOUT = 0x1006;
- /**
- * Set a hint the size of the underlying buffers used by the
- * platform for outgoing network I/O. When used in set, this is a
- * suggestion to the kernel from the application about the size of
- * buffers to use for the data to be sent over the socket. When
- * used in get, this must return the size of the buffer actually
- * used by the platform when sending out data on this socket.
- *
- * Valid for all sockets: SocketImpl, DatagramSocketImpl
- *
- * @see Socket#setSendBufferSize
- * @see Socket#getSendBufferSize
- * @see DatagramSocket#setSendBufferSize
- * @see DatagramSocket#getSendBufferSize
- */
- public final static int SO_SNDBUF = 0x1001;
- /**
- * Set a hint the size of the underlying buffers used by the
- * platform for incoming network I/O. When used in set, this is a
- * suggestion to the kernel from the application about the size of
- * buffers to use for the data to be received over the
- * socket. When used in get, this must return the size of the
- * buffer actually used by the platform when receiving in data on
- * this socket.
- *
- * Valid for all sockets: SocketImpl, DatagramSocketImpl
- *
- * @see Socket#setReceiveBufferSize
- * @see Socket#getReceiveBufferSize
- * @see DatagramSocket#setReceiveBufferSize
- * @see DatagramSocket#getReceiveBufferSize
- */
- public final static int SO_RCVBUF = 0x1002;
- /**
- * When the keepalive option is set for a TCP socket and no data
- * has been exchanged across the socket in either direction for
- * 2 hours (NOTE: the actual value is implementation dependent),
- * TCP automatically sends a keepalive probe to the peer. This probe is a
- * TCP segment to which the peer must respond.
- * One of three responses is expected:
- * 1. The peer responds with the expected ACK. The application is not
- * notified (since everything is OK). TCP will send another probe
- * following another 2 hours of inactivity.
- * 2. The peer responds with an RST, which tells the local TCP that
- * the peer host has crashed and rebooted. The socket is closed.
- * 3. There is no response from the peer. The socket is closed.
- *
- * The purpose of this option is to detect if the peer host crashes.
- *
- * Valid only for TCP socket: SocketImpl
- *
- * @see Socket#setKeepAlive
- * @see Socket#getKeepAlive
- */
- public final static int SO_KEEPALIVE = 0x0008;
- }