- /*
- * @(#)URLEncoder.java 1.18 00/02/02
- *
- * Copyright 1995-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package java.net;
- import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
- import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.BitSet;
- /**
- * The class contains a utility method for converting a
- * <code>String</code> into a MIME format called
- * "<code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code>" format.
- * <p>
- * To convert a <code>String</code>, each character is examined in turn:
- * <ul>
- * <li>The ASCII characters '<code>a</code>' through '<code>z</code>',
- * '<code>A</code>' through '<code>Z</code>', '<code>0</code>'
- * through '<code>9</code>', and ".", "-",
- * "*", "_" remain the same.
- * <li>The space character '<code> </code>' is converted into a
- * plus sign '<code>+</code>'.
- * <li>All other characters are converted into the 3-character string
- * "<code>%<i>xy</i></code>", where <i>xy</i> is the two-digit
- * hexadecimal representation of the lower 8-bits of the character.
- * </ul>
- *
- * @author Herb Jellinek
- * @version 1.18, 02/02/00
- * @since JDK1.0
- */
- public class URLEncoder {
- static BitSet dontNeedEncoding;
- static final int caseDiff = ('a' - 'A');
- /* The list of characters that are not encoded have been determined by
- referencing O'Reilly's "HTML: The Definitive Guide" (page 164). */
- static {
- dontNeedEncoding = new BitSet(256);
- int i;
- for (i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) {
- dontNeedEncoding.set(i);
- }
- for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) {
- dontNeedEncoding.set(i);
- }
- for (i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) {
- dontNeedEncoding.set(i);
- }
- dontNeedEncoding.set(' '); /* encoding a space to a + is done in the encode() method */
- dontNeedEncoding.set('-');
- dontNeedEncoding.set('_');
- dontNeedEncoding.set('.');
- dontNeedEncoding.set('*');
- }
- /**
- * You can't call the constructor.
- */
- private URLEncoder() { }
- /**
- * Translates a string into <code>x-www-form-urlencoded</code> format.
- *
- * @param s <code>String</code> to be translated.
- * @return the translated <code>String</code>.
- */
- public static String encode(String s) {
- int maxBytesPerChar = 10;
- StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(s.length());
- ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(maxBytesPerChar);
- OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(buf);
- for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
- int c = (int)s.charAt(i);
- if (dontNeedEncoding.get(c)) {
- if (c == ' ') {
- c = '+';
- }
- out.append((char)c);
- } else {
- // convert to external encoding before hex conversion
- try {
- writer.write(c);
- writer.flush();
- } catch(IOException e) {
- buf.reset();
- continue;
- }
- byte[] ba = buf.toByteArray();
- for (int j = 0; j < ba.length; j++) {
- out.append('%');
- char ch = Character.forDigit((ba[j] >> 4) & 0xF, 16);
- // converting to use uppercase letter as part of
- // the hex value if ch is a letter.
- if (Character.isLetter(ch)) {
- ch -= caseDiff;
- }
- out.append(ch);
- ch = Character.forDigit(ba[j] & 0xF, 16);
- if (Character.isLetter(ch)) {
- ch -= caseDiff;
- }
- out.append(ch);
- }
- buf.reset();
- }
- }
- return out.toString();
- }
- }