- /*
- * @(#)IdentityScope.java 1.46 00/02/02
- *
- * Copyright 1996-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package java.security;
- import java.io.Serializable;
- import java.util.Enumeration;
- import java.util.Properties;
- /**
- * <p>This class represents a scope for identities. It is an Identity
- * itself, and therefore has a name and can have a scope. It can also
- * optionally have a public key and associated certificates.
- *
- * <p>An IdentityScope can contain Identity objects of all kinds, including
- * Signers. All types of Identity objects can be retrieved, added, and
- * removed using the same methods. Note that it is possible, and in fact
- * expected, that different types of identity scopes will
- * apply different policies for their various operations on the
- * various types of Identities.
- *
- * <p>There is a one-to-one mapping between keys and identities, and
- * there can only be one copy of one key per scope. For example, suppose
- * <b>Acme Software, Inc</b> is a software publisher known to a user.
- * Suppose it is an Identity, that is, it has a public key, and a set of
- * associated certificates. It is named in the scope using the name
- * "Acme Software". No other named Identity in the scope has the same
- * public key. Of course, none has the same name as well.
- *
- * @see Identity
- * @see Signer
- * @see Principal
- * @see Key
- *
- * @version 1.46 00/02/02
- * @author Benjamin Renaud
- *
- * @deprecated This class is no longer used. Its functionality has been
- * replaced by <code>java.security.KeyStore</code>, the
- * <code>java.security.cert</code> package, and
- * <code>java.security.Principal</code>.
- */
- public abstract
- class IdentityScope extends Identity {
- /* The system's scope */
- private static IdentityScope scope;
- // initialize the system scope
- private static void initializeSystemScope() {
- String classname = (String) AccessController.doPrivileged(
- new PrivilegedAction() {
- public Object run() {
- return Security.getProperty("system.scope");
- }
- });
- if (classname == null) {
- return;
- } else {
- try {
- Class.forName(classname);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- Security.error("unable to establish a system scope from " +
- classname);
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * This constructor is used for serialization only and should not
- * be used by subclasses.
- */
- protected IdentityScope() {
- this("restoring...");
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new identity scope with the specified name.
- *
- * @param name the scope name.
- */
- public IdentityScope(String name) {
- super(name);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new identity scope with the specified name and scope.
- *
- * @param name the scope name.
- * @param scope the scope for the new identity scope.
- *
- * @exception KeyManagementException if there is already an identity
- * with the same name in the scope.
- */
- public IdentityScope(String name, IdentityScope scope)
- throws KeyManagementException {
- super(name, scope);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the system's identity scope.
- *
- * @return the system's identity scope.
- */
- public static IdentityScope getSystemScope() {
- if (scope == null) {
- initializeSystemScope();
- }
- return scope;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the system's identity scope.
- *
- * <p>First, if there is a security manager, its
- * <code>checkSecurityAccess</code>
- * method is called with <code>"setSystemScope"</code>
- * as its argument to see if it's ok to set the identity scope.
- *
- * @param scope the scope to set.
- *
- * @exception SecurityException if a security manager exists and its
- * <code>checkSecurityAccess</code> method doesn't allow
- * setting the identity scope.
- *
- * @see SecurityManager#checkSecurityAccess
- */
- protected static void setSystemScope(IdentityScope scope) {
- check("setSystemScope");
- IdentityScope.scope = scope;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the number of identities within this identity scope.
- *
- * @return the number of identities within this identity scope.
- */
- public abstract int size();
- /**
- * Returns the identity in this scope with the specified name (if any).
- *
- * @param name the name of the identity to be retrieved.
- *
- * @return the identity named <code>name</code>, or null if there are
- * no identities named <code>name</code> in this scope.
- */
- public abstract Identity getIdentity(String name);
- /**
- * Retrieves the identity whose name is the same as that of the
- * specified principal. (Note: Identity implements Principal.)
- *
- * @param principal the principal corresponding to the identity
- * to be retrieved.
- *
- * @return the identity whose name is the same as that of the
- * principal, or null if there are no identities of the same name
- * in this scope.
- */
- public Identity getIdentity(Principal principal) {
- return getIdentity(principal.getName());
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the identity with the specified public key.
- *
- * @param key the public key for the identity to be returned.
- *
- * @return the identity with the given key, or null if there are
- * no identities in this scope with that key.
- */
- public abstract Identity getIdentity(PublicKey key);
- /**
- * Adds an identity to this identity scope.
- *
- * @param identity the identity to be added.
- *
- * @exception KeyManagementException if the identity is not
- * valid, a name conflict occurs, another identity has the same
- * public key as the identity being added, or another exception
- * occurs. */
- public abstract void addIdentity(Identity identity)
- throws KeyManagementException;
- /**
- * Removes an identity from this identity scope.
- *
- * @param identity the identity to be removed.
- *
- * @exception KeyManagementException if the identity is missing,
- * or another exception occurs.
- */
- public abstract void removeIdentity(Identity identity)
- throws KeyManagementException;
- /**
- * Returns an enumeration of all identities in this identity scope.
- *
- * @return an enumeration of all identities in this identity scope.
- */
- public abstract Enumeration identities();
- /**
- * Returns a string representation of this identity scope, including
- * its name, its scope name, and the number of identities in this
- * identity scope.
- *
- * @return a string representation of this identity scope.
- */
- public String toString() {
- return super.toString() + "[" + size() + "]";
- }
- private static void check(String directive) {
- SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
- if (security != null) {
- security.checkSecurityAccess(directive);
- }
- }
- }