- /*
- * @(#)TimeZone.java 1.56 01/03/18
- *
- * Copyright 1996-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- /*
- * (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - All Rights Reserved
- * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - All Rights Reserved
- *
- * The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted
- * and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM. These
- * materials are provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent
- * and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple US and International
- * patents. This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
- * Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
- *
- */
- package java.util;
- import java.io.Serializable;
- import java.lang.ref.SoftReference;
- import java.security.AccessController;
- import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
- import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
- import java.text.NumberFormat;
- import java.text.ParsePosition;
- import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;
- /**
- * <code>TimeZone</code> represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight
- * savings.
- *
- * <p>
- * Typically, you get a <code>TimeZone</code> using <code>getDefault</code>
- * which creates a <code>TimeZone</code> based on the time zone where the program
- * is running. For example, for a program running in Japan, <code>getDefault</code>
- * creates a <code>TimeZone</code> object based on Japanese Standard Time.
- *
- * <p>
- * You can also get a <code>TimeZone</code> using <code>getTimeZone</code>
- * along with a time zone ID. For instance, the time zone ID for the
- * U.S. Pacific Time zone is "America/Los_Angeles". So, you can get a
- * U.S. Pacific Time <code>TimeZone</code> object with:
- * <blockquote>
- * <pre>
- * TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");
- * </pre>
- * </blockquote>
- * You can use <code>getAvailableIDs</code> method to iterate through
- * all the supported time zone IDs. You can then choose a
- * supported ID to get a <code>TimeZone</code>.
- * If the time zone you want is not represented by one of the
- * supported IDs, then you can create a custom time zone ID with
- * the following syntax:
- *
- * <blockquote>
- * <pre>
- * GMT[+|-]hh[[:]mm]
- * </pre>
- * </blockquote>
- *
- * For example, you might specify GMT+14:00 as a custom
- * time zone ID. The <code>TimeZone</code> that is returned
- * when you specify a custom time zone ID does not include
- * daylight savings time.
- * <p>
- * For compatibility with JDK 1.1.x, some other three-letter time zone IDs
- * (such as "PST", "CTT", "AST") are also supported. However, <strong>their
- * use is deprecated</strong> because the same abbreviation is often used
- * for multiple time zones (for example, "CST" could be U.S. "Central Standard
- * Time" and "China Standard Time"), and the Java platform can then only
- * recognize one of them.
- *
- *
- * @see Calendar
- * @see GregorianCalendar
- * @see SimpleTimeZone
- * @version 1.56 03/18/01
- * @author Mark Davis, David Goldsmith, Chen-Lieh Huang, Alan Liu
- * @since JDK1.1
- */
- abstract public class TimeZone implements Serializable, Cloneable {
- /**
- * Sole constructor. (For invocation by subclass constructors, typically
- * implicit.)
- */
- public TimeZone() {
- }
- /**
- * A style specifier for <code>getDisplayName()</code> indicating
- * a short name, such as "PST."
- * @see #LONG
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public static final int SHORT = 0;
- /**
- * A style specifier for <code>getDisplayName()</code> indicating
- * a long name, such as "Pacific Standard Time."
- * @see #SHORT
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public static final int LONG = 1;
- // Constants used internally; unit is milliseconds
- private static final int ONE_MINUTE = 60*1000;
- private static final int ONE_HOUR = 60*ONE_MINUTE;
- private static final int ONE_DAY = 24*ONE_HOUR;
- /**
- * Cache to hold the SimpleDateFormat objects for a Locale.
- */
- private static Hashtable cachedLocaleData = new Hashtable(3);
- // Proclaim serialization compatibility with JDK 1.1
- static final long serialVersionUID = 3581463369166924961L;
- /**
- * Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of
- * daylight savings. This is the offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
- * @param era the era of the given date.
- * @param year the year in the given date.
- * @param month the month in the given date.
- * Month is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
- * @param day the day-in-month of the given date.
- * @param dayOfWeek the day-of-week of the given date.
- * @param milliseconds the millis in day in <em>standard</em> local time.
- * @return the offset to add *to* GMT to get local time.
- */
- abstract public int getOffset(int era, int year, int month, int day,
- int dayOfWeek, int milliseconds);
- /**
- * Gets the time zone offset, for current date, modified in case of
- * daylight savings. This is the offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
- * @param era the era of the given date.
- * @param year the year in the given date.
- * @param month the month in the given date.
- * Month is 0-based. e.g., 0 for January.
- * @param day the day-in-month of the given date.
- * @param dayOfWeek the day-of-week of the given date.
- * @param milliseconds the millis in day in <em>standard</em> local time.
- * @param monthLength the length of the given month in days.
- * @param prevMonthLength the length of the previous month in days.
- * @return the offset to add *to* GMT to get local time.
- */
- int getOffset(int era, int year, int month, int day,
- int dayOfWeek, int milliseconds, int monthLength, int prevMonthLength) {
- // Default implementation which ignores the monthLength.
- // SimpleTimeZone overrides this and actually uses monthLength.
- return getOffset(era, year, month, day, dayOfWeek, milliseconds);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the base time zone offset to GMT.
- * This is the offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
- * @param offsetMillis the given base time zone offset to GMT.
- */
- abstract public void setRawOffset(int offsetMillis);
- /**
- * Gets unmodified offset, NOT modified in case of daylight savings.
- * This is the offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
- * @return the unmodified offset to add *to* UTC to get local time.
- */
- abstract public int getRawOffset();
- /**
- * Gets the ID of this time zone.
- * @return the ID of this time zone.
- */
- public String getID()
- {
- return ID;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the time zone ID. This does not change any other data in
- * the time zone object.
- * @param ID the new time zone ID.
- */
- public void setID(String ID)
- {
- if (ID == null) {
- throw new NullPointerException();
- }
- this.ID = ID;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user
- * in the default locale.
- * This method returns the long name, not including daylight savings.
- * If the display name is not available for the locale,
- * then this method returns a string in the format
- * <code>GMT[+-]hh:mm</code>.
- * @return the human-readable name of this time zone in the default locale.
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public final String getDisplayName() {
- return getDisplayName(false, LONG, Locale.getDefault());
- }
- /**
- * Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user
- * in the specified locale.
- * This method returns the long name, not including daylight savings.
- * If the display name is not available for the locale,
- * then this method returns a string in the format
- * <code>GMT[+-]hh:mm</code>.
- * @param locale the locale in which to supply the display name.
- * @return the human-readable name of this time zone in the given locale
- * or in the default locale if the given locale is not recognized.
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public final String getDisplayName(Locale locale) {
- return getDisplayName(false, LONG, locale);
- }
- /**
- * Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user
- * in the default locale.
- * If the display name is not available for the locale,
- * then this method returns a string in the format
- * <code>GMT[+-]hh:mm</code>.
- * @param daylight if true, return the daylight savings name.
- * @param style either <code>LONG</code> or <code>SHORT</code>
- * @return the human-readable name of this time zone in the default locale.
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public final String getDisplayName(boolean daylight, int style) {
- return getDisplayName(daylight, style, Locale.getDefault());
- }
- /**
- * Returns a name of this time zone suitable for presentation to the user
- * in the specified locale.
- * If the display name is not available for the locale,
- * then this method returns a string in the format
- * <code>GMT[+-]hh:mm</code>.
- * @param daylight if true, return the daylight savings name.
- * @param style either <code>LONG</code> or <code>SHORT</code>
- * @param locale the locale in which to supply the display name.
- * @return the human-readable name of this time zone in the given locale
- * or in the default locale if the given locale is not recognized.
- * @exception IllegalArgumentException style is invalid.
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public String getDisplayName(boolean daylight, int style, Locale locale) {
- /* NOTES:
- * (1) We use SimpleDateFormat for simplicity; we could do this
- * more efficiently but it would duplicate the SimpleDateFormat code
- * here, which is undesirable.
- * (2) Attempts to move the code from SimpleDateFormat to here also run
- * aground because this requires SimpleDateFormat to keep a Locale
- * object around, which it currently doesn't; to synthesize such a
- * locale upon resurrection; and to somehow handle the special case of
- * construction from a DateFormatSymbols object.
- */
- if (style != SHORT && style != LONG) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal style: " + style);
- }
- // We keep a cache, indexed by locale. The cache contains a
- // SimpleDateFormat object, which we create on demand.
- SoftReference data = (SoftReference)cachedLocaleData.get(locale);
- SimpleDateFormat format;
- if (data == null ||
- (format = (SimpleDateFormat)data.get()) == null) {
- format = new SimpleDateFormat(null, locale);
- cachedLocaleData.put(locale, new SoftReference(format));
- }
- // Create a new SimpleTimeZone as a stand-in for this zone; the stand-in
- // will have no DST, or DST during January, but the same ID and offset,
- // and hence the same display name. We don't cache these because
- // they're small and cheap to create.
- SimpleTimeZone tz;
- if (daylight && useDaylightTime()) {
- int savings = ONE_HOUR;
- try {
- savings = ((SimpleTimeZone) this).getDSTSavings();
- } catch (ClassCastException e) {}
- tz = new SimpleTimeZone(getRawOffset(), getID(),
- Calendar.JANUARY, 1, 0, 0,
- Calendar.FEBRUARY, 1, 0, 0,
- savings);
- } else {
- tz = new SimpleTimeZone(getRawOffset(), getID());
- }
- format.applyPattern(style == LONG ? "zzzz" : "z");
- format.setTimeZone(tz);
- // Format a date in January. We use the value 10*ONE_DAY == Jan 11 1970
- // 0:00 GMT.
- return format.format(new Date(864000000L));
- }
- /**
- * Queries if this time zone uses daylight savings time.
- * @return true if this time zone uses daylight savings time,
- * false, otherwise.
- */
- abstract public boolean useDaylightTime();
- /**
- * Queries if the given date is in daylight savings time in
- * this time zone.
- * @param date the given Date.
- * @return true if the given date is in daylight savings time,
- * false, otherwise.
- */
- abstract public boolean inDaylightTime(Date date);
- /**
- * Gets the <code>TimeZone</code> for the given ID.
- *
- * @param ID the ID for a <code>TimeZone</code>, either an abbreviation
- * such as "PST", a full name such as "America/Los_Angeles", or a custom
- * ID such as "GMT-8:00". Note that the support of abbreviations is
- * for JDK 1.1.x compatibility only and full names should be used.
- *
- * @return the specified <code>TimeZone</code>, or the GMT zone if the given ID
- * cannot be understood.
- */
- public static synchronized TimeZone getTimeZone(String ID) {
- /* We first try to lookup the zone ID in our hashtable. If this fails,
- * we try to parse it as a custom string GMT[+-]hh:mm. This allows us
- * to recognize zones in user.timezone that otherwise cannot be
- * identified. We do the recognition here, rather than in getDefault(),
- * so that the default zone is always the result of calling
- * getTimeZone() with the property user.timezone.
- *
- * If all else fails, we return GMT, which is probably not what the user
- * wants, but at least is a functioning TimeZone object. */
- TimeZone zone = TimeZoneData.get(ID);
- if (zone == null) zone = parseCustomTimeZone(ID);
- if (zone == null) zone = (TimeZone)GMT.clone();
- return zone;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the available IDs according to the given time zone offset.
- * @param rawOffset the given time zone GMT offset.
- * @return an array of IDs, where the time zone for that ID has
- * the specified GMT offset. For example, "America/Phoenix" and "America/Denver"
- * both have GMT-07:00, but differ in daylight savings behavior.
- */
- public static synchronized String[] getAvailableIDs(int rawOffset) {
- String[] result;
- Vector matched = new Vector();
- /* The array TimeZoneData.zones is no longer sorted by raw offset.
- * Now scanning through all zone data to match offset.
- */
- for (int i = 0; i < TimeZoneData.zones.length; ++i) {
- if (TimeZoneData.zones[i].getRawOffset() == rawOffset)
- matched.add(TimeZoneData.zones[i].getID());
- }
- result = new String[matched.size()];
- matched.toArray(result);
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * Gets all the available IDs supported.
- * @return an array of IDs.
- */
- public static synchronized String[] getAvailableIDs() {
- String[] resultArray = new String[TimeZoneData.zones.length];
- int count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < TimeZoneData.zones.length; ++i)
- resultArray[count++] = TimeZoneData.zones[i].getID();
- // copy into array of the right size and return
- String[] finalResult = new String[count];
- System.arraycopy(resultArray, 0, finalResult, 0, count);
- return finalResult;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the platform defined TimeZone ID.
- **/
- private static native String getSystemTimeZoneID(String javaHome,
- String region);
- /**
- * Gets the default <code>TimeZone</code> for this host.
- * The source of the default <code>TimeZone</code>
- * may vary with implementation.
- * @return a default <code>TimeZone</code>.
- */
- public static synchronized TimeZone getDefault() {
- if (defaultZone == null) {
- // get the time zone ID from the system properties
- String zoneID = (String) AccessController.doPrivileged(
- new GetPropertyAction("user.timezone"));
- // if the time zone ID is not set (yet), perform the
- // platform to Java time zone ID mapping.
- if (zoneID == null || zoneID.equals("")) {
- String region = (String) AccessController.doPrivileged(
- new GetPropertyAction("user.region"));
- String javaHome = (String) AccessController.doPrivileged(
- new GetPropertyAction("java.home"));
- zoneID = getSystemTimeZoneID(javaHome, region);
- if (zoneID == null) {
- zoneID = GMT_ID;
- }
- final String id = zoneID;
- AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
- public Object run() {
- System.setProperty("user.timezone", id);
- return null;
- }
- });
- }
- defaultZone = getTimeZone(zoneID);
- }
- return (TimeZone)defaultZone.clone();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the <code>TimeZone</code> that is
- * returned by the <code>getDefault</code> method. If <code>zone</code>
- * is null, reset the default to the value it had originally when the
- * VM first started.
- * @param zone the new default time zone
- */
- public static synchronized void setDefault(TimeZone zone)
- {
- defaultZone = zone;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if this zone has the same rule and offset as another zone.
- * That is, if this zone differs only in ID, if at all. Returns false
- * if the other zone is null.
- * @param other the <code>TimeZone</code> object to be compared with
- * @return true if the other zone is not null and is the same as this one,
- * with the possible exception of the ID
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public boolean hasSameRules(TimeZone other) {
- return other != null && getRawOffset() == other.getRawOffset() &&
- useDaylightTime() == other.useDaylightTime();
- }
- /**
- * Overrides Cloneable
- */
- public Object clone()
- {
- try {
- TimeZone other = (TimeZone) super.clone();
- other.ID = ID;
- return other;
- } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
- throw new InternalError();
- }
- }
- // =======================privates===============================
- /**
- * The string identifier of this <code>TimeZone</code>. This is a
- * programmatic identifier used internally to look up <code>TimeZone</code>
- * objects from the system table and also to map them to their localized
- * display names. <code>ID</code> values are unique in the system
- * table but may not be for dynamically created zones.
- * @serial
- */
- private String ID;
- private static TimeZone defaultZone = null;
- static final String GMT_ID = "GMT";
- private static final int GMT_ID_LENGTH = 3;
- private static final String CUSTOM_ID = "Custom";
- private static NumberFormat numberFormat = null;
- private static final TimeZone GMT = new SimpleTimeZone(0, GMT_ID);
- /**
- * Parse a custom time zone identifier and return a corresponding zone.
- * @param id a string of the form GMT[+-]hh:mm, GMT[+-]hhmm, or
- * GMT[+-]hh.
- * @return a newly created SimpleTimeZone with the given offset and
- * no daylight savings time, or null if the id cannot be parsed.
- */
- private static final SimpleTimeZone parseCustomTimeZone(String id) {
- if (id.length() > GMT_ID_LENGTH &&
- id.regionMatches(true, 0, GMT_ID, 0, GMT_ID_LENGTH)) {
- ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(GMT_ID_LENGTH);
- boolean negative = false;
- int offset;
- if (id.charAt(pos.getIndex()) == '-')
- negative = true;
- else if (id.charAt(pos.getIndex()) != '+')
- return null;
- pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex() + 1);
- // Create NumberFormat if necessary
- synchronized (TimeZoneData.class) {
- if (numberFormat == null) {
- numberFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
- numberFormat.setParseIntegerOnly(true);
- }
- }
- synchronized (numberFormat) {
- // Look for either hh:mm, hhmm, or hh
- int start = pos.getIndex();
- Number n = numberFormat.parse(id, pos);
- if (n == null) return null;
- offset = n.intValue();
- if (pos.getIndex() < id.length() &&
- id.charAt(pos.getIndex()) == ':') {
- // hh:mm
- offset *= 60;
- pos.setIndex(pos.getIndex() + 1);
- n = numberFormat.parse(id, pos);
- if (n == null) return null;
- offset += n.intValue();
- }
- else {
- // hhmm or hh
- // Be strict about interpreting something as hh; it must be
- // an offset < 30, and it must be one or two digits. Thus
- // 0010 is interpreted as 00:10, but 10 is interpreted as
- // 10:00.
- if (offset < 30 && (pos.getIndex() - start) <= 2)
- offset *= 60; // hh, from 00 to 29; 30 is 00:30
- else
- offset = offset % 100 + offset / 100 * 60; // hhmm
- }
- if (negative) offset = -offset;
- return new SimpleTimeZone(offset * 60000, CUSTOM_ID);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- // Internal Implementation Notes [LIU]
- //
- // TimeZone data is stored in two parts. The first is an encoding of the
- // rules for each TimeZone. A TimeZone rule includes the offset of a zone
- // in milliseconds from GMT, the starting month and day for daylight savings
- // time, if there is any, and the ending month and day for daylight savings
- // time. The starting and ending days are specified in terms of the n-th
- // day of the week, for instance, the first Sunday or the last ("-1"-th)
- // Sunday of the month. The rules are stored as statically-constructed
- // SimpleTimeZone objects in the TimeZone class.
- //
- // Each rule has a unique internal identifier string which is used to
- // specify it. This identifier string is arbitrary, and is not to be shown
- // to the user -- it is for programmatic use only. In order to instantiate
- // a TimeZone object, you pass its identifier string to
- // TimeZone.getTimeZone(). (This identifier is also used to index the
- // localized string data.)
- //
- // The second part of the data consists of localized string names used by
- // DateFormat to describe various TimeZones. A TimeZone may have up to four
- // names: The abbreviated and long name for standard time in that zone, and
- // the abbreviated and long name for daylight savings time in that zone.
- // The data also includes a representative city. For example, [ "PST",
- // "Pacific Standard Time", "PDT", "Pacific Daylight Time", "Los Angeles" ]
- // might be one such set of string names in the en_US locale. These strings
- // are intended to be shown to the user. The string data is indexed in the
- // system by a pair (String id, Locale locale). The id is the unique string
- // identifier for the rule for the given TimeZone (as passed to
- // TimeZone.getTimeZone()). String names are stored as localized resource
- // data of the class java.text.resources.DateFormatZoneData??? where ??? is
- // the Locale specifier (e.g., DateFormatZoneData_en_US). This data is a
- // two-dimensional array of strings with N rows and 6 columns. The columns
- // are id, short standard name, long standard name, short daylight name,
- // long daylight name, representative city name.
- //
- // The mapping between rules (SimpleTimeZone objects) and localized string
- // names (DateFormatZoneData objects) is one-to-many. That is, there will
- // sometimes be more than one localized string name sets associated with
- // each rule.
- //
- // Each locale can potentially have localized name data for all time zones.
- // Since we support approximately 90 time zones and approximately 50
- // locales, there can be over 4500 sets of localized names. In practice,
- // only a fraction of these names are provided. If a time zone needs to be
- // displayed to the user in a given locale, and there is no string data in
- // that locale for that time zone, then the default representation will be
- // shown. This is a string of the form GMT+HHMM or GMT-HHMM, where HHMM
- // represents the offset in hours and minutes with respect to GMT. This
- // format is used because it is recognized in all locales. In order to make
- // this mechanism to work, the root resource data (in the class
- // DateFormatZoneData) is left empty.
- //
- // The current default TimeZone is determined via the system property
- // user.timezone. This is set by the platform-dependent native code to
- // a three-letter abbreviation. We interpret these into our own internal
- // IDs using a lookup table.
- }
- /**
- * Encapsulates data for international timezones. This package-private class is for
- * internal use only by TimeZone. It encapsulates the list of recognized international
- * timezones. By implementing this as a separate class, the loading and initialization
- * cost for this array is delayed until a TimeZone object is actually created from its ID.
- * This class contains only static variables and static methods; it cannot be instantiated.
- */
- class TimeZoneData
- {
- static final TimeZone get(String ID) {
- Object o = lookup.get(ID);
- return o == null ? null : (TimeZone)((TimeZone)o).clone(); // [sic]
- }
- // ---------------- BEGIN GENERATED DATA ----------------
- private static final int ONE_HOUR = 60*60*1000;
- private static final int ONE_MINUTE = 60*1000;
- // The following data is based on tzdata2001a.
- static SimpleTimeZone zones[] = {
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-11*ONE_HOUR, "MIT" /* Pacific/Apia */),
- // Zone MIT -11:00 - WST # W Samoa Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-11*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Apia"),
- // Zone Pacific/Apia -11:00 - WST # W Samoa Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-11*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Niue"),
- // Zone Pacific/Niue -11:00 - NUT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-11*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Pago_Pago"),
- // Zone Pacific/Pago_Pago -11:00 - SST # S=Samoa
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-10*ONE_HOUR, "America/Adak",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Adak -10:00 US HA%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-10*ONE_HOUR, "HST" /* Pacific/Honolulu */),
- // Zone HST -10:00 - HST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-10*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Fakaofo"),
- // Zone Pacific/Fakaofo -10:00 - TKT # Tokelau Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-10*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Honolulu"),
- // Zone Pacific/Honolulu -10:00 - HST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-10*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Rarotonga"),
- // Zone Pacific/Rarotonga -10:00 Cook CK%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-10*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Tahiti"),
- // Zone Pacific/Tahiti -10:00 - TAHT # Tahiti Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-(9*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE), "Pacific/Marquesas"),
- // Zone Pacific/Marquesas -9:30 - MART # Marquesas Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-9*ONE_HOUR, "AST" /* America/Anchorage */,
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone AST -9:00 US AK%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-9*ONE_HOUR, "America/Anchorage",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Anchorage -9:00 US AK%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-9*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Gambier"),
- // Zone Pacific/Gambier -9:00 - GAMT # Gambier Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-8*ONE_HOUR, "America/Los_Angeles",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Los_Angeles -8:00 US P%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-8*ONE_HOUR, "America/Tijuana",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Tijuana -8:00 US P%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-8*ONE_HOUR, "America/Vancouver",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Vanc 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Vanc 1962 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Vancouver -8:00 Vanc P%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-8*ONE_HOUR, "PST" /* America/Los_Angeles */,
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone PST -8:00 US P%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-8*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Pitcairn"),
- // Zone Pacific/Pitcairn -8:00 - PST # Pitcairn Standard Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-7*ONE_HOUR, "America/Dawson_Creek"),
- // Zone America/Dawson_Creek -7:00 - MST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-7*ONE_HOUR, "America/Denver",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Denver -7:00 US M%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-7*ONE_HOUR, "America/Edmonton",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Edm 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Edm 1972 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Edmonton -7:00 Edm M%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-7*ONE_HOUR, "America/Mazatlan",
- Calendar.MAY, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.SEPTEMBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Mexico 2001 max - May Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Mexico 2001 max - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Mazatlan -7:00 Mexico M%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-7*ONE_HOUR, "America/Phoenix"),
- // Zone America/Phoenix -7:00 - MST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-7*ONE_HOUR, "MST" /* America/Denver */,
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone MST -7:00 US M%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-7*ONE_HOUR, "PNT" /* America/Phoenix */),
- // Zone PNT -7:00 - MST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "America/Belize"),
- // Zone America/Belize -6:00 Belize C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "America/Chicago",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Chicago -6:00 US C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "America/Costa_Rica"),
- // Zone America/Costa_Rica -6:00 CR C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "America/El_Salvador"),
- // Zone America/El_Salvador -6:00 Salv C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "America/Guatemala"),
- // Zone America/Guatemala -6:00 Guat C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "America/Managua"),
- // Zone America/Managua -6:00 - CST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "America/Mexico_City",
- Calendar.MAY, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.SEPTEMBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Mexico 2001 max - May Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Mexico 2001 max - Sep lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Mexico_City -6:00 Mexico C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "America/Regina"),
- // Zone America/Regina -6:00 - CST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "America/Tegucigalpa"),
- // Zone America/Tegucigalpa -6:00 Salv C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "America/Winnipeg",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Winn 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Winn 1987 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 S
- // Zone America/Winnipeg -6:00 Winn C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "CST" /* America/Chicago */,
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone CST -6:00 US C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Easter",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 9, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 4*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, 9, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 3*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Chile 1999 max - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule Chile 2000 max - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 -
- // Zone Pacific/Easter -6:00 Chile EAS%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-6*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Galapagos"),
- // Zone Pacific/Galapagos -6:00 - GALT # Galapagos Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Bogota"),
- // Zone America/Bogota -5:00 CO CO%sT # Colombia Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Cayman"),
- // Zone America/Cayman -5:00 - EST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Grand_Turk",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule TC 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 D
- // Rule TC 1979 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Grand_Turk -5:00 TC E%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Guayaquil"),
- // Zone America/Guayaquil -5:00 - ECT # Ecuador Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Havana",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Cuba 2000 max - Apr Sun>=1 0:00s 1:00 D
- // Rule Cuba 1998 max - Oct lastSun 0:00s 0 S
- // Zone America/Havana -5:00 Cuba C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Indianapolis"),
- // Zone America/Indianapolis -5:00 - EST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Jamaica"),
- // Zone America/Jamaica -5:00 - EST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Lima"),
- // Zone America/Lima -5:00 Peru PE%sT # Peru Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Montreal",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Mont 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Mont 1957 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Montreal -5:00 Mont E%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Nassau",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Bahamas 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Bahamas 1964 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Nassau -5:00 Bahamas E%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/New_York",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/New_York -5:00 US E%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Panama"),
- // Zone America/Panama -5:00 - EST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Port-au-Prince"),
- // Zone America/Port-au-Prince -5:00 Haiti E%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Porto_Acre" /* America/Rio_Branco */),
- // Zone America/Porto_Acre -5:00 - ACT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "America/Rio_Branco"),
- // Zone America/Rio_Branco -5:00 - ACT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "EST" /* America/New_York */,
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule US 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule US 1967 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone EST -5:00 US E%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-5*ONE_HOUR, "IET" /* America/Indianapolis */),
- // Zone IET -5:00 - EST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Anguilla"),
- // Zone America/Anguilla -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Antigua"),
- // Zone America/Antigua -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Aruba"),
- // Zone America/Aruba -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Asuncion",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Para 1996 max - Oct Sun>=1 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Para 1998 max - Mar Sun>=1 0:00 0 -
- // Zone America/Asuncion -4:00 Para PY%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Barbados"),
- // Zone America/Barbados -4:00 Barb A%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Caracas"),
- // Zone America/Caracas -4:00 - VET
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Cuiaba",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 8, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.FEBRUARY, 15, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Brazil 2000 max - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Brazil 2001 max - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 -
- // Zone America/Cuiaba -4:00 Brazil AM%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Curacao"),
- // Zone America/Curacao -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Dominica"),
- // Zone America/Dominica -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Grenada"),
- // Zone America/Grenada -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Guadeloupe"),
- // Zone America/Guadeloupe -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Guyana"),
- // Zone America/Guyana -4:00 - GYT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Halifax",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Halifax 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Halifax 1962 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Halifax -4:00 Halifax A%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/La_Paz"),
- // Zone America/La_Paz -4:00 - BOT # Bolivia Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Manaus"),
- // Zone America/Manaus -4:00 - AMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Martinique"),
- // Zone America/Martinique -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Montserrat"),
- // Zone America/Montserrat -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Port_of_Spain"),
- // Zone America/Port_of_Spain -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Puerto_Rico"),
- // Zone America/Puerto_Rico -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Santiago",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 9, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 4*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, 9, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 3*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Chile 1999 max - Oct Sun>=9 4:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule Chile 2000 max - Mar Sun>=9 3:00u 0 -
- // Zone America/Santiago -4:00 Chile CL%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Santo_Domingo"),
- // Zone America/Santo_Domingo -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/St_Kitts"),
- // Zone America/St_Kitts -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/St_Lucia"),
- // Zone America/St_Lucia -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/St_Thomas"),
- // Zone America/St_Thomas -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/St_Vincent"),
- // Zone America/St_Vincent -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Thule",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Thule 1993 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Thule 1993 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Thule -4:00 Thule A%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "America/Tortola"),
- // Zone America/Tortola -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "Antarctica/Palmer",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 9, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, 9, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule ChileAQ 1999 max - Oct Sun>=9 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule ChileAQ 2000 max - Mar Sun>=9 0:00 0 -
- // Zone Antarctica/Palmer -4:00 ChileAQ CL%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "Atlantic/Bermuda",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Bahamas 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Bahamas 1964 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone Atlantic/Bermuda -4:00 Bahamas A%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "Atlantic/Stanley",
- Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.APRIL, 15, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Falk 2001 max - Sep Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Falk 2001 max - Apr Sun>=15 2:00 0 -
- // Zone Atlantic/Stanley -4:00 Falk FK%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-4*ONE_HOUR, "PRT" /* America/Puerto_Rico */),
- // Zone PRT -4:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-(3*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE), "America/St_Johns",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule StJohns 1989 max - Apr Sun>=1 0:01 1:00 D
- // Rule StJohns 1987 max - Oct lastSun 0:01 0 S
- // Zone America/St_Johns -3:30 StJohns N%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-(3*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE), "CNT" /* America/St_Johns */,
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule StJohns 1989 max - Apr Sun>=1 0:01 1:00 D
- // Rule StJohns 1987 max - Oct lastSun 0:01 0 S
- // Zone CNT -3:30 StJohns N%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-3*ONE_HOUR, "AGT" /* America/Buenos_Aires */),
- // Zone AGT -3:00 - ART
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-3*ONE_HOUR, "America/Buenos_Aires"),
- // Zone America/Buenos_Aires -3:00 - ART
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-3*ONE_HOUR, "America/Cayenne"),
- // Zone America/Cayenne -3:00 - GFT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-3*ONE_HOUR, "America/Fortaleza"),
- // Zone America/Fortaleza -3:00 - BRT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-3*ONE_HOUR, "America/Godthab",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone America/Godthab -3:00 EU WG%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-3*ONE_HOUR, "America/Miquelon",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Mont 1987 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Mont 1957 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0 S
- // Zone America/Miquelon -3:00 Mont PM%sT # Pierre & Miquelon Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-3*ONE_HOUR, "America/Montevideo"),
- // Zone America/Montevideo -3:00 Uruguay UY%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-3*ONE_HOUR, "America/Paramaribo"),
- // Zone America/Paramaribo -3:00 - SRT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-3*ONE_HOUR, "America/Sao_Paulo",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 8, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.FEBRUARY, 15, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Brazil 2000 max - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Brazil 2001 max - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 -
- // Zone America/Sao_Paulo -3:00 Brazil BR%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-3*ONE_HOUR, "BET" /* America/Sao_Paulo */,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 8, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.FEBRUARY, 15, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Brazil 2000 max - Oct Sun>=8 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Brazil 2001 max - Feb Sun>=15 0:00 0 -
- // Zone BET -3:00 Brazil BR%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-2*ONE_HOUR, "America/Noronha"),
- // Zone America/Noronha -2:00 - FNT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-2*ONE_HOUR, "Atlantic/South_Georgia"),
- // Zone Atlantic/South_Georgia -2:00 - GST # South Georgia Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-1*ONE_HOUR, "America/Scoresbysund",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone America/Scoresbysund -1:00 EU EG%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-1*ONE_HOUR, "Atlantic/Azores",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Atlantic/Azores -1:00 EU AZO%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-1*ONE_HOUR, "Atlantic/Cape_Verde"),
- // Zone Atlantic/Cape_Verde -1:00 - CVT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(-1*ONE_HOUR, "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen"),
- // Zone Atlantic/Jan_Mayen -1:00 - EGT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Abidjan"),
- // Zone Africa/Abidjan 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Accra"),
- // Zone Africa/Accra 0:00 Ghana %s
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Banjul"),
- // Zone Africa/Banjul 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Bissau"),
- // Zone Africa/Bissau 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Casablanca"),
- // Zone Africa/Casablanca 0:00 - WET
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Conakry"),
- // Zone Africa/Conakry 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Dakar"),
- // Zone Africa/Dakar 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Freetown"),
- // Zone Africa/Freetown 0:00 SL %s
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Lome"),
- // Zone Africa/Lome 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Monrovia"),
- // Zone Africa/Monrovia 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Nouakchott"),
- // Zone Africa/Nouakchott 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Ouagadougou"),
- // Zone Africa/Ouagadougou 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Sao_Tome"),
- // Zone Africa/Sao_Tome 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Africa/Timbuktu"),
- // Zone Africa/Timbuktu 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Atlantic/Canary",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Atlantic/Canary 0:00 EU WE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Atlantic/Faeroe",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Atlantic/Faeroe 0:00 EU WE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Atlantic/Reykjavik"),
- // Zone Atlantic/Reykjavik 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Atlantic/St_Helena"),
- // Zone Atlantic/St_Helena 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Europe/Dublin",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Dublin 0:00 EU GMT/IST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Europe/Lisbon",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Lisbon 0:00 EU WE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "Europe/London",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/London 0:00 EU GMT/BST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT"),
- // Zone GMT 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "UTC" /* GMT */),
- // Zone GMT 0:00 - GMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(0, "WET",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone WET 0:00 EU WE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Algiers"),
- // Zone Africa/Algiers 1:00 - CET
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Bangui"),
- // Zone Africa/Bangui 1:00 - WAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Douala"),
- // Zone Africa/Douala 1:00 - WAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Kinshasa"),
- // Zone Africa/Kinshasa 1:00 - WAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Lagos"),
- // Zone Africa/Lagos 1:00 - WAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Libreville"),
- // Zone Africa/Libreville 1:00 - WAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Luanda"),
- // Zone Africa/Luanda 1:00 - WAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Malabo"),
- // Zone Africa/Malabo 1:00 - WAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Ndjamena"),
- // Zone Africa/Ndjamena 1:00 - WAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Niamey"),
- // Zone Africa/Niamey 1:00 - WAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Porto-Novo"),
- // Zone Africa/Porto-Novo 1:00 - WAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Tunis"),
- // Zone Africa/Tunis 1:00 Tunisia CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Windhoek",
- Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Namibia 1994 max - Sep Sun>=1 2:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Namibia 1995 max - Apr Sun>=1 2:00 0 -
- // Zone Africa/Windhoek 1:00 Namibia WA%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "ECT" /* Europe/Paris */,
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone ECT 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Amsterdam",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Amsterdam 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Andorra",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Andorra 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Belgrade",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Belgrade 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Berlin",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Berlin 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Brussels",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Brussels 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Budapest",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Budapest 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Copenhagen",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Copenhagen 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Gibraltar",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Gibraltar 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Luxembourg",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Luxembourg 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Madrid",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Madrid 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Malta",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Malta 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Monaco",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Monaco 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Oslo",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Oslo 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Paris",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Paris 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Prague",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Prague 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Rome",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Rome 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Stockholm",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Stockholm 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Tirane",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Tirane 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Vaduz",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Vaduz 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Vienna",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Vienna 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Warsaw",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Warsaw 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(1*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Zurich",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Zurich 1:00 EU CE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "ART" /* Africa/Cairo */,
- Calendar.APRIL, -1, Calendar.FRIDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.SEPTEMBER, -1, Calendar.THURSDAY, 23*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Egypt 1995 max - Apr lastFri 0:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Egypt 1995 max - Sep lastThu 23:00s 0 -
- // Zone ART 2:00 Egypt EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Blantyre"),
- // Zone Africa/Blantyre 2:00 - CAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Bujumbura"),
- // Zone Africa/Bujumbura 2:00 - CAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Cairo",
- Calendar.APRIL, -1, Calendar.FRIDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.SEPTEMBER, -1, Calendar.THURSDAY, 23*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Egypt 1995 max - Apr lastFri 0:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Egypt 1995 max - Sep lastThu 23:00s 0 -
- // Zone Africa/Cairo 2:00 Egypt EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Gaborone"),
- // Zone Africa/Gaborone 2:00 - CAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Harare"),
- // Zone Africa/Harare 2:00 - CAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Johannesburg"),
- // Zone Africa/Johannesburg 2:00 SA SAST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Kigali"),
- // Zone Africa/Kigali 2:00 - CAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Lubumbashi"),
- // Zone Africa/Lubumbashi 2:00 - CAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Lusaka"),
- // Zone Africa/Lusaka 2:00 - CAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Maputo"),
- // Zone Africa/Maputo 2:00 - CAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Maseru"),
- // Zone Africa/Maseru 2:00 - SAST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Mbabane"),
- // Zone Africa/Mbabane 2:00 - SAST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Tripoli"),
- // Zone Africa/Tripoli 2:00 - EET
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Amman",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.THURSDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.SEPTEMBER, -1, Calendar.THURSDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Jordan 2000 max - Mar lastThu 0:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Jordan 1999 max - Sep lastThu 0:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Amman 2:00 Jordan EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Beirut",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Lebanon 1993 max - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Lebanon 1999 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Beirut 2:00 Lebanon EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Damascus",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, 0, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 1, 0, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Syria 1999 max - Apr 1 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Syria 1994 max - Oct 1 0:00 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Damascus 2:00 Syria EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Jerusalem",
- Calendar.APRIL, 9, 0, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 24, 0, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Zion 2001 only - Apr 9 1:00 1:00 D
- // Rule Zion 2001 only - Sep 24 1:00 0 S
- // Zone Asia/Jerusalem 2:00 Zion I%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Nicosia",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EUAsia 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EUAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Nicosia 2:00 EUAsia EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "CAT" /* Africa/Harare */),
- // Zone CAT 2:00 - CAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "EET",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone EET 2:00 EU EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Athens",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Athens 2:00 EU EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Bucharest",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Bucharest 2:00 EU EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Chisinau",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Chisinau 2:00 EU EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Helsinki",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Helsinki 2:00 EU EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Istanbul",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Istanbul 2:00 EU EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Kaliningrad",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Kaliningrad 2:00 Russia EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Kiev",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Kiev 2:00 EU EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Minsk",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Minsk 2:00 Russia EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Riga",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Riga 2:00 EU EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Simferopol",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Simferopol 2:00 EU EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Sofia",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.UTC_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule EU 1981 max - Mar lastSun 1:00u 1:00 S
- // Rule EU 1996 max - Oct lastSun 1:00u 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Sofia 2:00 EU EE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Tallinn"),
- // Zone Europe/Tallinn 2:00 - EET
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(2*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Vilnius"),
- // Zone Europe/Vilnius 2:00 - EET
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Addis_Ababa"),
- // Zone Africa/Addis_Ababa 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Asmera"),
- // Zone Africa/Asmera 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam"),
- // Zone Africa/Dar_es_Salaam 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Djibouti"),
- // Zone Africa/Djibouti 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Kampala"),
- // Zone Africa/Kampala 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Khartoum"),
- // Zone Africa/Khartoum 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Mogadishu"),
- // Zone Africa/Mogadishu 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Africa/Nairobi"),
- // Zone Africa/Nairobi 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Aden"),
- // Zone Asia/Aden 3:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Baghdad",
- Calendar.APRIL, 1, 0, 3*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 1, 0, 3*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Iraq 1991 max - Apr 1 3:00s 1:00 D
- // Rule Iraq 1991 max - Oct 1 3:00s 0 S
- // Zone Asia/Baghdad 3:00 Iraq A%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Bahrain"),
- // Zone Asia/Bahrain 3:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Kuwait"),
- // Zone Asia/Kuwait 3:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Qatar"),
- // Zone Asia/Qatar 3:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Riyadh"),
- // Zone Asia/Riyadh 3:00 - AST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "EAT" /* Africa/Addis_Ababa */),
- // Zone EAT 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Moscow",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Moscow 3:00 Russia MSK/MSD
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Indian/Antananarivo"),
- // Zone Indian/Antananarivo 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Indian/Comoro"),
- // Zone Indian/Comoro 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR, "Indian/Mayotte"),
- // Zone Indian/Mayotte 3:00 - EAT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "Asia/Tehran",
- Calendar.MARCH, 21, 0, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 23, 0, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Iran 2001 2003 - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Iran 2001 2003 - Sep 23 0:00 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Tehran 3:30 Iran IR%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(3*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "MET" /* Asia/Tehran */,
- Calendar.MARCH, 21, 0, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 23, 0, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Iran 2001 2003 - Mar 21 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Iran 2001 2003 - Sep 23 0:00 0 -
- // Zone MET 3:30 Iran IR%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Aqtau",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule E-EurAsia 1981 max - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule E-EurAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Aqtau 4:00 E-EurAsia AQT%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Baku",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 1*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Azer 1997 max - Mar lastSun 1:00 1:00 S
- // Rule Azer 1997 max - Oct lastSun 1:00 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Baku 4:00 Azer AZ%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Dubai"),
- // Zone Asia/Dubai 4:00 - GST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Muscat"),
- // Zone Asia/Muscat 4:00 - GST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Tbilisi",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule E-EurAsia 1981 max - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule E-EurAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Tbilisi 4:00 E-EurAsia GE%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Yerevan",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule RussiaAsia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule RussiaAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Yerevan 4:00 RussiaAsia AM%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "Europe/Samara",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Europe/Samara 4:00 Russia SAM%sT # Samara Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "Indian/Mahe"),
- // Zone Indian/Mahe 4:00 - SCT # Seychelles Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "Indian/Mauritius"),
- // Zone Indian/Mauritius 4:00 - MUT # Mauritius Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "Indian/Reunion"),
- // Zone Indian/Reunion 4:00 - RET # Reunion Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR, "NET" /* Asia/Yerevan */,
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule RussiaAsia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule RussiaAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone NET 4:00 RussiaAsia AM%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(4*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "Asia/Kabul"),
- // Zone Asia/Kabul 4:30 - AFT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Aqtobe",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule E-EurAsia 1981 max - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule E-EurAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Aqtobe 5:00 E-EurAsia AQT%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Ashgabat"),
- // Zone Asia/Ashgabat 5:00 - TMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Ashkhabad" /* Asia/Ashgabat */),
- // Zone Asia/Ashkhabad 5:00 - TMT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Bishkek",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Kirgiz 1997 max - Mar lastSun 2:30 1:00 S
- // Rule Kirgiz 1997 max - Oct lastSun 2:30 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Bishkek 5:00 Kirgiz KG%sT # Kirgizstan Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Dushanbe"),
- // Zone Asia/Dushanbe 5:00 - TJT # Tajikistan Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Karachi"),
- // Zone Asia/Karachi 5:00 - PKT # Pakistan Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Tashkent"),
- // Zone Asia/Tashkent 5:00 - UZT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Yekaterinburg",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Yekaterinburg 5:00 Russia YEK%sT # Yekaterinburg Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Indian/Chagos"),
- // Zone Indian/Chagos 5:00 - IOT # BIOT Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Indian/Kerguelen"),
- // Zone Indian/Kerguelen 5:00 - TFT # ISO code TF Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "Indian/Maldives"),
- // Zone Indian/Maldives 5:00 - MVT # Maldives Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR, "PLT" /* Asia/Karachi */),
- // Zone PLT 5:00 - PKT # Pakistan Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "Asia/Calcutta"),
- // Zone Asia/Calcutta 5:30 - IST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "IST" /* Asia/Calcutta */),
- // Zone IST 5:30 - IST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(5*ONE_HOUR+45*ONE_MINUTE, "Asia/Katmandu"),
- // Zone Asia/Katmandu 5:45 - NPT # Nepal Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR, "Antarctica/Mawson"),
- // Zone Antarctica/Mawson 6:00 - MAWT # Mawson Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Almaty",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 0, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule E-EurAsia 1981 max - Mar lastSun 0:00 1:00 S
- // Rule E-EurAsia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 0:00 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Almaty 6:00 E-EurAsia ALM%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Colombo"),
- // Zone Asia/Colombo 6:00 - LKT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Dacca" /* Asia/Dhaka */),
- // Zone Asia/Dacca 6:00 - BDT # Bangladesh Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Dhaka"),
- // Zone Asia/Dhaka 6:00 - BDT # Bangladesh Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Novosibirsk",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Novosibirsk 6:00 Russia NOV%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Thimbu" /* Asia/Thimphu */),
- // Zone Asia/Thimbu 6:00 - BTT # Bhutan Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Thimphu"),
- // Zone Asia/Thimphu 6:00 - BTT # Bhutan Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR, "BST" /* Asia/Dhaka */),
- // Zone BST 6:00 - BDT # Bangladesh Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "Asia/Rangoon"),
- // Zone Asia/Rangoon 6:30 - MMT # Myanmar Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(6*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "Indian/Cocos"),
- // Zone Indian/Cocos 6:30 - CCT # Cocos Islands Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(7*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Bangkok"),
- // Zone Asia/Bangkok 7:00 - ICT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(7*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Jakarta"),
- // Zone Asia/Jakarta 7:00 - JAVT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(7*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Krasnoyarsk",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Krasnoyarsk 7:00 Russia KRA%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(7*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Phnom_Penh"),
- // Zone Asia/Phnom_Penh 7:00 - ICT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(7*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Saigon"),
- // Zone Asia/Saigon 7:00 - ICT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(7*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Vientiane"),
- // Zone Asia/Vientiane 7:00 - ICT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(7*ONE_HOUR, "Indian/Christmas"),
- // Zone Indian/Christmas 7:00 - CXT # Christmas Island Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(7*ONE_HOUR, "VST" /* Asia/Saigon */),
- // Zone VST 7:00 - ICT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Antarctica/Casey"),
- // Zone Antarctica/Casey 8:00 - WST # Western (Aus) Standard Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Brunei"),
- // Zone Asia/Brunei 8:00 - BNT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Hong_Kong"),
- // Zone Asia/Hong_Kong 8:00 HK HK%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Irkutsk",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Irkutsk 8:00 Russia IRK%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"),
- // Zone Asia/Kuala_Lumpur 8:00 - MYT # Malaysia Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Macao"),
- // Zone Asia/Macao 8:00 PRC C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Manila"),
- // Zone Asia/Manila 8:00 Phil PH%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Shanghai"),
- // Zone Asia/Shanghai 8:00 PRC C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Singapore"),
- // Zone Asia/Singapore 8:00 - SGT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Taipei"),
- // Zone Asia/Taipei 8:00 Taiwan C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Ujung_Pandang"),
- // Zone Asia/Ujung_Pandang 8:00 - BORT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Ulaanbaatar"),
- // Zone Asia/Ulaanbaatar 8:00 Mongol ULA%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Ulan_Bator" /* Asia/Ulaanbaatar */),
- // Zone Asia/Ulan_Bator 8:00 Mongol ULA%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "Australia/Perth"),
- // Zone Australia/Perth 8:00 - WST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(8*ONE_HOUR, "CTT" /* Asia/Shanghai */),
- // Zone CTT 8:00 PRC C%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Jayapura"),
- // Zone Asia/Jayapura 9:00 - JAYT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Pyongyang"),
- // Zone Asia/Pyongyang 9:00 - KST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Seoul"),
- // Zone Asia/Seoul 9:00 ROK K%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Tokyo"),
- // Zone Asia/Tokyo 9:00 - JST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Yakutsk",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Yakutsk 9:00 Russia YAK%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR, "JST" /* Asia/Tokyo */),
- // Zone JST 9:00 - JST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Palau"),
- // Zone Pacific/Palau 9:00 - PWT # Palau Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "ACT" /* Australia/Darwin */),
- // Zone ACT 9:30 Aus CST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "Australia/Adelaide",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule AS 1987 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
- // Rule AS 1995 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Australia/Adelaide 9:30 AS CST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "Australia/Broken_Hill",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule AS 1987 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
- // Rule AS 1995 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Australia/Broken_Hill 9:30 AS CST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(9*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "Australia/Darwin"),
- // Zone Australia/Darwin 9:30 Aus CST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR, "AET" /* Australia/Sydney */,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule AN 2001 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
- // Rule AN 1996 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone AET 10:00 AN EST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR, "Antarctica/DumontDUrville"),
- // Zone Antarctica/DumontDUrville 10:00 - DDUT # Dumont-d'Urville Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Vladivostok",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Vladivostok 10:00 Russia VLA%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR, "Australia/Brisbane"),
- // Zone Australia/Brisbane 10:00 AQ EST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR, "Australia/Hobart",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule AT 2001 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 -
- // Rule AT 1991 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Australia/Hobart 10:00 AT EST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR, "Australia/Sydney",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule AN 2001 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 1:00 -
- // Rule AN 1996 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Australia/Sydney 10:00 AN EST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Guam"),
- // Zone Pacific/Guam 10:00 - ChST # Chamorro Standard Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Port_Moresby"),
- // Zone Pacific/Port_Moresby 10:00 - PGT # Papua New Guinea Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Saipan"),
- // Zone Pacific/Saipan 10:00 - ChST # Chamorro Standard Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Truk"),
- // Zone Pacific/Truk 10:00 - TRUT # Truk Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(10*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "Australia/Lord_Howe",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.WALL_TIME,
- // Rule LH 2001 max - Oct lastSun 2:00 0:30 -
- // Rule LH 1996 max - Mar lastSun 2:00 0 -
- // Zone Australia/Lord_Howe 10:30 LH LHST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(11*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Magadan",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Magadan 11:00 Russia MAG%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(11*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Efate"),
- // Zone Pacific/Efate 11:00 Vanuatu VU%sT # Vanuatu Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(11*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Guadalcanal"),
- // Zone Pacific/Guadalcanal 11:00 - SBT # Solomon Is Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(11*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Kosrae"),
- // Zone Pacific/Kosrae 11:00 - KOST
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(11*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Noumea"),
- // Zone Pacific/Noumea 11:00 NC NC%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(11*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Ponape"),
- // Zone Pacific/Ponape 11:00 - PONT # Ponape Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(11*ONE_HOUR, "SST" /* Pacific/Guadalcanal */),
- // Zone SST 11:00 - SBT # Solomon Is Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(11*ONE_HOUR+30*ONE_MINUTE, "Pacific/Norfolk"),
- // Zone Pacific/Norfolk 11:30 - NFT # Norfolk Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Antarctica/McMurdo",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, 15, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule NZAQ 1990 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 D
- // Rule NZAQ 1990 max - Mar Sun>=15 2:00s 0 S
- // Zone Antarctica/McMurdo 12:00 NZAQ NZ%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Anadyr",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Anadyr 12:00 Russia ANA%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Asia/Kamchatka",
- Calendar.MARCH, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, -1, Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Russia 1993 max - Mar lastSun 2:00s 1:00 S
- // Rule Russia 1996 max - Oct lastSun 2:00s 0 -
- // Zone Asia/Kamchatka 12:00 Russia PET%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "NST" /* Pacific/Auckland */,
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, 15, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule NZ 1990 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 D
- // Rule NZ 1990 max - Mar Sun>=15 2:00s 0 S
- // Zone NST 12:00 NZ NZ%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Auckland",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, 15, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule NZ 1990 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:00s 1:00 D
- // Rule NZ 1990 max - Mar Sun>=15 2:00s 0 S
- // Zone Pacific/Auckland 12:00 NZ NZ%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Fiji"),
- // Zone Pacific/Fiji 12:00 Fiji FJ%sT # Fiji Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Funafuti"),
- // Zone Pacific/Funafuti 12:00 - TVT # Tuvalu Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Majuro"),
- // Zone Pacific/Majuro 12:00 - MHT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Nauru"),
- // Zone Pacific/Nauru 12:00 - NRT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Tarawa"),
- // Zone Pacific/Tarawa 12:00 - GILT # Gilbert Is Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Wake"),
- // Zone Pacific/Wake 12:00 - WAKT # Wake Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Wallis"),
- // Zone Pacific/Wallis 12:00 - WFT # Wallis & Futuna Time
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(12*ONE_HOUR+45*ONE_MINUTE, "Pacific/Chatham",
- Calendar.OCTOBER, 1, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR+45*ONE_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- Calendar.MARCH, 15, -Calendar.SUNDAY, 2*ONE_HOUR+45*ONE_MINUTE, SimpleTimeZone.STANDARD_TIME,
- 1*ONE_HOUR),
- // Rule Chatham 1990 max - Oct Sun>=1 2:45s 1:00 D
- // Rule Chatham 1991 max - Mar Sun>=15 2:45s 0 S
- // Zone Pacific/Chatham 12:45 Chatham CHA%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(13*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Enderbury"),
- // Zone Pacific/Enderbury 13:00 - PHOT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(13*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Tongatapu"),
- // Zone Pacific/Tongatapu 13:00 Tonga TO%sT
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------
- new SimpleTimeZone(14*ONE_HOUR, "Pacific/Kiritimati"),
- // Zone Pacific/Kiritimati 14:00 - LINT
- };
- // ---------------- END GENERATED DATA ----------------
- private static Hashtable lookup = new Hashtable(zones.length);
- static {
- for (int i=0; i < zones.length; ++i)
- lookup.put(zones[i].getID(), zones[i]);
- TimeZone.getDefault(); // to cache default system time zone
- }
- }
- //eof