1. /*
  2. * %W% %E%
  3. *
  4. * Copyright 1997-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  5. *
  6. * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  7. * Use is subject to license terms.
  8. *
  9. */
  10. package javax.accessibility;
  11. import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
  12. /**
  13. * A resource bundle containing the localized strings in the accessibility
  14. * package. This is meant only for internal use by Java Accessibility and
  15. * is not meant to be used by assistive technologies or applications.
  16. *
  17. * @version %I% %G% %U%
  18. * @author Willie Walker
  19. * @deprecated This class is deprecated as of version 1.3 of the
  20. * Java 2 Platform.
  21. */
  22. public class AccessibleResourceBundle extends ListResourceBundle {
  23. /**
  24. * Returns the mapping between the programmatic keys and the
  25. * localized display strings.
  26. */
  27. public Object[][] getContents() {
  28. return contents;
  29. }
  30. /**
  31. * The table holding the mapping between the programmatic keys
  32. * and the display strings for the en_US locale.
  33. */
  34. static final Object[][] contents = {
  36. // Role names
  37. // { "application","application" },
  38. // { "border","border" },
  39. // { "checkboxmenuitem","check box menu item" },
  40. // { "choice","choice" },
  41. // { "column","column" },
  42. // { "cursor","cursor" },
  43. // { "document","document" },
  44. // { "grouping","grouping" },
  45. // { "image","image" },
  46. // { "indicator","indicator" },
  47. // { "radiobuttonmenuitem","radio button menu item" },
  48. // { "row","row" },
  49. // { "tablecell","table cell" },
  50. // { "treenode","tree node" },
  51. { "alert","alert" },
  52. { "awtcomponent","AWT component" },
  53. { "checkbox","check box" },
  54. { "colorchooser","color chooser" },
  55. { "columnheader","column header" },
  56. { "combobox","combo box" },
  57. { "canvas","canvas" },
  58. { "desktopicon","desktop icon" },
  59. { "desktoppane","desktop pane" },
  60. { "dialog","dialog" },
  61. { "directorypane","directory pane" },
  62. { "glasspane","glass pane" },
  63. { "filechooser","file chooser" },
  64. { "filler","filler" },
  65. { "frame","frame" },
  66. { "internalframe","internal frame" },
  67. { "label","label" },
  68. { "layeredpane","layered pane" },
  69. { "list","list" },
  70. { "listitem","list item" },
  71. { "menubar","menu bar" },
  72. { "menu","menu" },
  73. { "menuitem","menu item" },
  74. { "optionpane","option pane" },
  75. { "pagetab","page tab" },
  76. { "pagetablist","page tab list" },
  77. { "panel","panel" },
  78. { "passwordtext","password text" },
  79. { "popupmenu","popup menu" },
  80. { "progressbar","progress bar" },
  81. { "pushbutton","push button" },
  82. { "radiobutton","radio button" },
  83. { "rootpane","root pane" },
  84. { "rowheader","row header" },
  85. { "scrollbar","scroll bar" },
  86. { "scrollpane","scroll pane" },
  87. { "separator","separator" },
  88. { "slider","slider" },
  89. { "splitpane","split pane" },
  90. { "swingcomponent","swing component" },
  91. { "table","table" },
  92. { "text","text" },
  93. { "tree","tree" },
  94. { "togglebutton","toggle button" },
  95. { "toolbar","tool bar" },
  96. { "tooltip","tool tip" },
  97. { "unknown","unknown" },
  98. { "viewport","viewport" },
  99. { "window","window" },
  100. // Relations
  101. { "labelFor","label for" },
  102. { "labeledBy","labeled by" },
  103. { "memberOf","member of" },
  104. { "controlledBy","controlledBy" },
  105. { "controllerFor","controllerFor" },
  106. // State modes
  107. { "active","active" },
  108. { "armed","armed" },
  109. { "busy","busy" },
  110. { "checked","checked" },
  111. { "collapsed", "collapsed" },
  112. { "editable","editable" },
  113. { "expandable", "expandable" },
  114. { "expanded", "expanded" },
  115. { "enabled","enabled" },
  116. { "focusable","focusable" },
  117. { "focused","focused" },
  118. { "iconified", "iconified" },
  119. { "modal", "modal" },
  120. { "multiline", "multiple line" },
  121. { "multiselectable","multiselectable" },
  122. { "opaque", "opaque" },
  123. { "pressed","pressed" },
  124. { "resizable", "resizable" },
  125. { "selectable","selectable" },
  126. { "selected","selected" },
  127. { "showing","showing" },
  128. { "singleline", "single line" },
  129. { "transient", "transient" },
  130. { "visible","visible" },
  131. { "vertical","vertical" },
  132. { "horizontal","horizontal" }
  134. };
  135. }