- /*
- * @(#)LinkException.java 1.5 00/02/02
- *
- * Copyright 1999, 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package javax.naming;
- /**
- * This exception is used to describe problems encounter while resolving links.
- * Addition information is added to the base NamingException for pinpointing
- * the problem with the link.
- *<p>
- * Analogous to how NamingException captures name resolution information,
- * LinkException captures "link"-name resolution information pinpointing
- * the problem encountered while resolving a link. All these fields may
- * be null.
- * <ul>
- * <li> Link Resolved Name. Portion of link name that has been resolved.
- * <li> Link Resolved Object. Object to which resolution of link name proceeded.
- * <li> Link Remaining Name. Portion of link name that has not been resolved.
- * <li> Link Explanation. Detail explaining why link resolution failed.
- *</ul>
- *
- *<p>
- * A LinkException instance is not synchronized against concurrent
- * multithreaded access. Multiple threads trying to access and modify
- * a single LinkException instance should lock the object.
- *
- * @author Rosanna Lee
- * @author Scott Seligman
- * @version 1.5 00/02/02
- *
- * @see Context#lookupLink
- * @see LinkRef
- * @since 1.3
- */
- /*<p>
- * The serialized form of a LinkException object consists of the
- * serialized fields of its NamingException superclass, the link resolved
- * name (a Name object), the link resolved object, link remaining name
- * (a Name object), and the link explanation String.
- */
- public class LinkException extends NamingException {
- /**
- * Contains the part of the link that has been successfully resolved.
- * It is a composite name and can be null.
- * This field is initialized by the constructors.
- * You should access and manipulate this field
- * through its get and set methods.
- * @serial
- * @see #getLinkResolvedName
- * @see #setLinkResolvedName
- */
- protected Name linkResolvedName;
- /**
- * Contains the object to which resolution of the part of the link was successful.
- * Can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors.
- * You should access and manipulate this field
- * through its get and set methods.
- * @serial
- * @see #getLinkResolvedObj
- * @see #setLinkResolvedObj
- */
- protected Object linkResolvedObj;
- /**
- * Contains the remaining link name that has not been resolved yet.
- * It is a composite name and can be null.
- * This field is initialized by the constructors.
- * You should access and manipulate this field
- * through its get and set methods.
- * @serial
- * @see #getLinkRemainingName
- * @see #setLinkRemainingName
- */
- protected Name linkRemainingName;
- /**
- * Contains the exception of why resolution of the link failed.
- * Can be null. This field is initialized by the constructors.
- * You should access and manipulate this field
- * through its get and set methods.
- * @serial
- * @see #getLinkExplanation
- * @see #setLinkExplanation
- */
- protected String linkExplanation;
- /**
- * Constructs a new instance of LinkException with an explanation
- * All the other fields are initialized to null.
- * @param explanation A possibly null string containing additional
- * detail about this exception.
- * @see java.lang.Throwable#getMessage
- */
- public LinkException(String explanation) {
- super(explanation);
- linkResolvedName = null;
- linkResolvedObj = null;
- linkRemainingName = null;
- linkExplanation = null;
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new instance of LinkException.
- * All the non-link-related and link-related fields are initialized to null.
- */
- public LinkException() {
- super();
- linkResolvedName = null;
- linkResolvedObj = null;
- linkRemainingName = null;
- linkExplanation = null;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the leading portion of the link name that was resolved
- * successfully.
- *
- * @return The part of the link name that was resolved successfully.
- * It is a composite name. It can be null, which means
- * the link resolved name field has not been set.
- * @see #getLinkResolvedObj
- * @see #setLinkResolvedName
- */
- public Name getLinkResolvedName() {
- return this.linkResolvedName;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the remaining unresolved portion of the link name.
- * @return The part of the link name that has not been resolved.
- * It is a composite name. It can be null, which means
- * the link remaining name field has not been set.
- * @see #setLinkRemainingName
- */
- public Name getLinkRemainingName() {
- return this.linkRemainingName;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the object to which resolution was successful.
- * This is the object to which the resolved link name is bound.
- *
- * @return The possibly null object that was resolved so far.
- * If null, it means the link resolved object field has not been set.
- * @see #getLinkResolvedName
- * @see #setLinkResolvedObj
- */
- public Object getLinkResolvedObj() {
- return this.linkResolvedObj;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the explanation associated with the problem encounter
- * when resolving a link.
- *
- * @return The possibly null detail string explaining more about the problem
- * with resolving a link.
- * If null, it means there is no
- * link detail message for this exception.
- * @see #setLinkExplanation
- */
- public String getLinkExplanation() {
- return this.linkExplanation;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the explanation associated with the problem encounter
- * when resolving a link.
- *
- * @param msg The possibly null detail string explaining more about the problem
- * with resolving a link. If null, it means no detail will be recorded.
- * @see #getLinkExplanation
- */
- public void setLinkExplanation(String msg) {
- this.linkExplanation = msg;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the resolved link name field of this exception.
- *<p>
- * <tt>name</tt> is a composite name. If the intent is to set
- * this field using a compound name or string, you must
- * "stringify" the compound name, and create a composite
- * name with a single component using the string. You can then
- * invoke this method using the resulting composite name.
- *<p>
- * A copy of <code>name</code> is made and stored.
- * Subsequent changes to <code>name</code> does not
- * affect the copy in this NamingException and vice versa.
- *
- *
- * @param name The name to set resolved link name to. This can be null.
- * If null, it sets the link resolved name field to null.
- * @see #getLinkResolvedName
- */
- public void setLinkResolvedName(Name name) {
- if (name != null) {
- this.linkResolvedName = (Name)(name.clone());
- } else {
- this.linkResolvedName = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the remaining link name field of this exception.
- *<p>
- * <tt>name</tt> is a composite name. If the intent is to set
- * this field using a compound name or string, you must
- * "stringify" the compound name, and create a composite
- * name with a single component using the string. You can then
- * invoke this method using the resulting composite name.
- *<p>
- * A copy of <code>name</code> is made and stored.
- * Subsequent changes to <code>name</code> does not
- * affect the copy in this NamingException and vice versa.
- *
- * @param name The name to set remaining link name to. This can be null.
- * If null, it sets the remaining name field to null.
- * @see #getLinkRemainingName
- */
- public void setLinkRemainingName(Name name) {
- if (name != null)
- this.linkRemainingName = (Name)(name.clone());
- else
- this.linkRemainingName = null;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the link resolved object field of this exception.
- * This indicates the last successfully resolved object of link name.
- * @param obj The object to set link resolved object to. This can be null.
- * If null, the link resolved object field is set to null.
- * @see #getLinkResolvedObj
- */
- public void setLinkResolvedObj(Object obj) {
- this.linkResolvedObj = obj;
- }
- /**
- * Generates the string representation of this exception.
- * This string consists of the NamingException information plus
- * the link's remaining name.
- * This string is used for debugging and not meant to be interpreted
- * programmatically.
- * @return The non-null string representation of this link exception.
- */
- public String toString() {
- return super.toString() + "; Link Remaining Name: '" +
- this.linkRemainingName + "'";
- }
- /**
- * Generates the string representation of this exception.
- * This string consists of the NamingException information plus
- * the additional information of resolving the link.
- * If 'detail' is true, the string also contains information on
- * the link resolved object. If false, this method is the same
- * as the form of toString() that accepts no parameters.
- * This string is used for debugging and not meant to be interpreted
- * programmatically.
- *
- * @param detail If true, add information about the link resolved
- * object.
- * @return The non-null string representation of this link exception.
- */
- public String toString(boolean detail) {
- if (!detail || this.linkResolvedObj == null)
- return this.toString();
- return this.toString() + "; Link Resolved Object: " +
- this.linkResolvedObj;
- }
- /**
- * Use serialVersionUID from JNDI 1.1.1 for interoperability
- */
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -7967662604076777712L;
- };