- /*
- * @(#)BasicBorders.java 1.20 00/02/02
- *
- * Copyright 1997-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package javax.swing.plaf.basic;
- import javax.swing.*;
- import javax.swing.border.*;
- import javax.swing.plaf.*;
- import javax.swing.text.JTextComponent;
- import java.awt.Component;
- import java.awt.Insets;
- import java.awt.Dimension;
- import java.awt.Rectangle;
- import java.awt.Color;
- import java.awt.Graphics;
- import java.io.Serializable;
- /**
- * Factory object that can vend Borders appropriate for the basic L & F.
- * @version 1.20 02/02/00
- * @author Georges Saab
- * @author Amy Fowler
- */
- public class BasicBorders {
- public static Border getButtonBorder() {
- UIDefaults table = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
- Border buttonBorder = new BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource(
- new BasicBorders.ButtonBorder(
- table.getColor("controlShadow"),
- table.getColor("controlDkShadow"),
- table.getColor("controlHighlight"),
- table.getColor("controlLtHighlight")),
- new MarginBorder());
- return buttonBorder;
- }
- public static Border getRadioButtonBorder() {
- UIDefaults table = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
- Border radioButtonBorder = new BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource(
- new BasicBorders.RadioButtonBorder(
- table.getColor("controlShadow"),
- table.getColor("controlDkShadow"),
- table.getColor("controlHighlight"),
- table.getColor("controlLtHighlight")),
- new MarginBorder());
- return radioButtonBorder;
- }
- public static Border getToggleButtonBorder() {
- UIDefaults table = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
- Border toggleButtonBorder = new BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource(
- new BasicBorders.ToggleButtonBorder(
- table.getColor("controlShadow"),
- table.getColor("controlDkShadow"),
- table.getColor("controlHighlight"),
- table.getColor("controlLtHighlight")),
- new MarginBorder());
- return toggleButtonBorder;
- }
- public static Border getMenuBarBorder() {
- UIDefaults table = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
- Border menuBarBorder = new BasicBorders.MenuBarBorder(
- table.getColor("controlShadow"),
- table.getColor("controlLtHighlight")
- );
- return menuBarBorder;
- }
- public static Border getSplitPaneBorder() {
- UIDefaults table = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
- Border splitPaneBorder = new BasicBorders.SplitPaneBorder(
- table.getColor("controlLtHighlight"),
- table.getColor("controlDkShadow"));
- return splitPaneBorder;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a border instance for a JSplitPane divider
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public static Border getSplitPaneDividerBorder() {
- UIDefaults table = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
- Border splitPaneBorder = new BasicBorders.SplitPaneDividerBorder(
- table.getColor("controlLtHighlight"),
- table.getColor("controlDkShadow"));
- return splitPaneBorder;
- }
- public static Border getTextFieldBorder() {
- UIDefaults table = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
- Border textFieldBorder = new BasicBorders.FieldBorder(
- table.getColor("controlShadow"),
- table.getColor("controlDkShadow"),
- table.getColor("controlHighlight"),
- table.getColor("controlLtHighlight"));
- return textFieldBorder;
- }
- public static Border getProgressBarBorder() {
- UIDefaults table = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
- Border progressBarBorder = new BorderUIResource.LineBorderUIResource(Color.green, 2);
- return progressBarBorder;
- }
- public static Border getInternalFrameBorder() {
- UIDefaults table = UIManager.getLookAndFeelDefaults();
- Border internalFrameBorder = new BorderUIResource.CompoundBorderUIResource(
- new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED,
- table.getColor("controlHighlight"),
- table.getColor("controlLtHighlight"),
- table.getColor("controlDkShadow"),
- table.getColor("controlShadow")),
- BorderFactory.createLineBorder(
- table.getColor("control"), 1));
- return internalFrameBorder;
- }
- public static class ButtonBorder extends AbstractBorder implements UIResource {
- protected Color shadow;
- protected Color darkShadow;
- protected Color highlight;
- protected Color lightHighlight;
- public ButtonBorder(Color shadow, Color darkShadow,
- Color highlight, Color lightHighlight) {
- this.shadow = shadow;
- this.darkShadow = darkShadow;
- this.highlight = highlight;
- this.lightHighlight = lightHighlight;
- }
- public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y,
- int width, int height) {
- boolean isPressed = false;
- boolean isDefault = false;
- if (c instanceof AbstractButton) {
- AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton)c;
- ButtonModel model = b.getModel();
- isPressed = model.isPressed() && model.isArmed();
- if (c instanceof JButton) {
- isDefault = ((JButton)c).isDefaultButton();
- }
- }
- BasicGraphicsUtils.drawBezel(g, x, y, width, height,
- isPressed, isDefault, shadow,
- darkShadow, highlight, lightHighlight);
- }
- public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) {
- // leave room for default visual
- return new Insets(3,3,3,3);
- }
- }
- public static class ToggleButtonBorder extends ButtonBorder {
- public ToggleButtonBorder(Color shadow, Color darkShadow,
- Color highlight, Color lightHighlight) {
- super(shadow, darkShadow, highlight, lightHighlight);
- }
- public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y,
- int width, int height) {
- BasicGraphicsUtils.drawBezel(g, x, y, width, height,
- false, false,
- shadow, darkShadow,
- highlight, lightHighlight);
- }
- public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) {
- return new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2);
- }
- }
- public static class RadioButtonBorder extends ButtonBorder {
- public RadioButtonBorder(Color shadow, Color darkShadow,
- Color highlight, Color lightHighlight) {
- super(shadow, darkShadow, highlight, lightHighlight);
- }
- public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- if (c instanceof AbstractButton) {
- AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton)c;
- ButtonModel model = b.getModel();
- if (model.isArmed() && model.isPressed() || model.isSelected()) {
- BasicGraphicsUtils.drawLoweredBezel(g, x, y, width, height,
- shadow, darkShadow,
- highlight, lightHighlight);
- } else {
- BasicGraphicsUtils.drawBezel(g, x, y, width, height,
- false, b.isFocusPainted() && b.hasFocus(),
- shadow, darkShadow,
- highlight, lightHighlight);
- }
- } else {
- BasicGraphicsUtils.drawBezel(g, x, y, width, height, false, false,
- shadow, darkShadow, highlight, lightHighlight);
- }
- }
- public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) {
- return new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2);
- }
- }
- public static class MenuBarBorder extends AbstractBorder implements UIResource {
- private Color shadow;
- private Color highlight;
- public MenuBarBorder(Color shadow, Color highlight) {
- this.shadow = shadow;
- this.highlight = highlight;
- }
- public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
- BasicGraphicsUtils.drawGroove(g, 0, height-2,
- width, height,
- shadow, highlight);
- }
- public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) {
- return new Insets(0, 0, 2, 0);
- }
- }
- public static class MarginBorder extends AbstractBorder implements UIResource {
- public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) {
- Insets margin = null;
- //
- // Ideally we'd have an interface defined for classes which
- // support margins (to avoid this hackery), but we've
- // decided against it for simplicity
- //
- if (c instanceof AbstractButton) {
- AbstractButton b = (AbstractButton)c;
- margin = b.getMargin();
- } else if (c instanceof JToolBar) {
- JToolBar t = (JToolBar)c;
- margin = t.getMargin();
- } else if (c instanceof JTextComponent) {
- JTextComponent t = (JTextComponent)c;
- margin = t.getMargin();
- }
- return (margin != null? margin : new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
- }
- }
- public static class FieldBorder extends AbstractBorder implements UIResource {
- protected Color shadow;
- protected Color darkShadow;
- protected Color highlight;
- protected Color lightHighlight;
- public FieldBorder(Color shadow, Color darkShadow,
- Color highlight, Color lightHighlight) {
- this.shadow = shadow;
- this.highlight = highlight;
- this.darkShadow = darkShadow;
- this.lightHighlight = lightHighlight;
- }
- public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y,
- int width, int height) {
- BasicGraphicsUtils.drawEtchedRect(g, x, y, width, height,
- shadow, darkShadow,
- highlight, lightHighlight);
- }
- public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) {
- Insets margin = null;
- if (c instanceof JTextComponent) {
- margin = ((JTextComponent)c).getMargin();
- }
- if (margin != null) {
- return new Insets(2+margin.top, 2+margin.left,
- 2+margin.bottom, 2+margin.right);
- }
- return new Insets(2, 2, 2, 2);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Draws the border around the divider in a splitpane
- * (when BasicSplitPaneUI is used). To get the appropriate effect, this
- * needs to be used with a SplitPaneBorder.
- */
- static class SplitPaneDividerBorder implements Border, UIResource {
- Color highlight;
- Color shadow;
- SplitPaneDividerBorder(Color highlight, Color shadow) {
- this.highlight = highlight;
- this.shadow = shadow;
- }
- public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y,
- int width, int height) {
- Component child;
- Rectangle cBounds;
- JSplitPane splitPane = ((BasicSplitPaneDivider)c).
- getBasicSplitPaneUI().getSplitPane();
- Dimension size = c.getSize();
- child = splitPane.getLeftComponent();
- // This is needed for the space between the divider and end of
- // splitpane.
- g.setColor(c.getBackground());
- g.drawRect(x, y, width - 1, height - 1);
- if(splitPane.getOrientation() == JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT) {
- if(child != null) {
- g.setColor(highlight);
- g.drawLine(0, 0, 0, size.height);
- }
- child = splitPane.getRightComponent();
- if(child != null) {
- g.setColor(shadow);
- g.drawLine(size.width - 1, 0, size.width - 1, size.height);
- }
- } else {
- if(child != null) {
- g.setColor(highlight);
- g.drawLine(0, 0, size.width, 0);
- }
- child = splitPane.getRightComponent();
- if(child != null) {
- g.setColor(shadow);
- g.drawLine(0, size.height - 1, size.width,
- size.height - 1);
- }
- }
- }
- public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) {
- if (c instanceof BasicSplitPaneDivider) {
- BasicSplitPaneUI bspui = ((BasicSplitPaneDivider)c).
- getBasicSplitPaneUI();
- if (bspui != null) {
- JSplitPane splitPane = bspui.getSplitPane();
- if (splitPane != null) {
- if (splitPane.getOrientation() ==
- return new Insets(0, 1, 0, 1);
- }
- return new Insets(1, 0, 1, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- return new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1);
- }
- public boolean isBorderOpaque() { return true; }
- }
- /**
- * Draws the border around the splitpane. To work correctly you shoudl
- * also install a border on the divider (property SplitPaneDivider.border).
- */
- public static class SplitPaneBorder implements Border, UIResource {
- protected Color highlight;
- protected Color shadow;
- public SplitPaneBorder(Color highlight, Color shadow) {
- this.highlight = highlight;
- this.shadow = shadow;
- }
- public void paintBorder(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y,
- int width, int height) {
- // The only tricky part with this border is that the divider is
- // not positioned at the top (for horizontal) or left (for vert),
- // so this border draws to where the divider is:
- // -----------------
- // |xxxxxxx xxxxxxx|
- // |x --- x|
- // |x | | x|
- // |x |D| x|
- // |x | | x|
- // |x --- x|
- // |xxxxxxx xxxxxxx|
- // -----------------
- // The above shows (rather excessively) what this looks like for
- // a horizontal orientation. This border then draws the x's, with
- // the SplitPaneDividerBorder drawing its own border.
- Component child;
- Rectangle cBounds;
- JSplitPane splitPane = (JSplitPane)c;
- child = splitPane.getLeftComponent();
- // This is needed for the space between the divider and end of
- // splitpane.
- g.setColor(c.getBackground());
- g.drawRect(x, y, width - 1, height - 1);
- if(splitPane.getOrientation() == JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT) {
- if(child != null) {
- cBounds = child.getBounds();
- g.setColor(shadow);
- g.drawLine(0, 0, cBounds.width + 1, 0);
- g.drawLine(0, 1, 0, cBounds.height + 2);
- g.setColor(highlight);
- g.drawLine(1, cBounds.height + 1, cBounds.width + 1,
- cBounds.height + 1);
- }
- child = splitPane.getRightComponent();
- if(child != null) {
- cBounds = child.getBounds();
- int maxX = cBounds.x + cBounds.width;
- int maxY = cBounds.y + cBounds.height;
- g.setColor(shadow);
- g.drawLine(cBounds.x - 1, 0, maxX, 0);
- g.drawLine(cBounds.x - 1, maxY, cBounds.x, maxY);
- g.setColor(highlight);
- g.drawLine(cBounds.x, maxY, maxX, maxY);
- g.drawLine(maxX, 0, maxX, maxY + 1);
- }
- } else {
- if(child != null) {
- cBounds = child.getBounds();
- g.setColor(shadow);
- g.drawLine(0, 0, cBounds.width + 1, 0);
- g.drawLine(0, 1, 0, cBounds.height);
- g.setColor(highlight);
- g.drawLine(1 + cBounds.width, 0, 1 + cBounds.width,
- cBounds.height + 1);
- g.drawLine(0, cBounds.height + 1, 0, cBounds.height + 1);
- }
- child = splitPane.getRightComponent();
- if(child != null) {
- cBounds = child.getBounds();
- int maxX = cBounds.x + cBounds.width;
- int maxY = cBounds.y + cBounds.height;
- g.setColor(shadow);
- g.drawLine(0, cBounds.y - 1, 0, maxY);
- g.drawLine(maxX, cBounds.y - 1, maxX, cBounds.y - 1);
- g.drawLine(0, cBounds.y - 1, cBounds.width, cBounds.y - 1);
- g.setColor(highlight);
- g.drawLine(0, maxY, cBounds.width + 1, maxY);
- g.drawLine(maxX, cBounds.y, maxX, maxY);
- }
- }
- }
- public Insets getBorderInsets(Component c) {
- return new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1);
- }
- public boolean isBorderOpaque() { return true; }
- }
- }