- /*
- * @(#)BasicInternalFrameTitlePane.java 1.33 00/02/02
- *
- * Copyright 1997-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package javax.swing.plaf.basic;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- import javax.swing.*;
- import javax.swing.plaf.*;
- import javax.swing.border.*;
- import javax.swing.event.InternalFrameEvent;
- import java.util.EventListener;
- import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
- import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
- import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
- import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
- /**
- * The class that manages a basic title bar
- * <p>
- * <strong>Warning:</strong>
- * Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with
- * future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate
- * for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same
- * version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for
- * long term persistence.
- *
- * @version 1.33 02/02/00
- * @author David Kloba
- * @author Steve Wilson
- */
- public class BasicInternalFrameTitlePane extends JComponent
- {
- protected JMenuBar menuBar;
- protected JButton iconButton;
- protected JButton maxButton;
- protected JButton closeButton;
- protected JMenu windowMenu;
- protected JInternalFrame frame;
- protected Color selectedTitleColor;
- protected Color selectedTextColor;
- protected Color notSelectedTitleColor;
- protected Color notSelectedTextColor;
- protected Icon maxIcon;
- protected Icon minIcon;
- protected Icon iconIcon;
- protected Icon closeIcon;
- protected PropertyChangeListener propertyChangeListener;
- protected Action closeAction;
- protected Action maximizeAction;
- protected Action iconifyAction;
- protected Action restoreAction;
- protected Action moveAction;
- protected Action sizeAction;
- protected static final String CLOSE_CMD = "Close";
- protected static final String ICONIFY_CMD = "Minimize";
- protected static final String RESTORE_CMD = "Restore";
- protected static final String MAXIMIZE_CMD = "Maximize";
- protected static final String MOVE_CMD = "Move";
- protected static final String SIZE_CMD = "Size";
- public BasicInternalFrameTitlePane(JInternalFrame f) {
- frame = f;
- installTitlePane();
- }
- protected void installTitlePane() {
- installDefaults();
- // Installing listeners must be done in addNotify because they are
- // uninstalled in removeNotify. Internal frames (and their title panes)
- // get removed and re-added to their parent every time they are
- // selected, although this is an implementation detail that may
- // eventually change. Installing the defaults should not happen in
- // addNotify however because changes in the default LAF would be picked
- // up every time a frame was selected.
- createActions();
- enableActions();
- createActionMap();
- setLayout(createLayout());
- assembleSystemMenu();
- createButtons();
- addSubComponents();
- }
- protected void addSubComponents() {
- add(menuBar);
- add(iconButton);
- add(maxButton);
- add(closeButton);
- }
- protected void createActions() {
- maximizeAction = new MaximizeAction();
- iconifyAction = new IconifyAction();
- closeAction = new CloseAction();
- restoreAction = new RestoreAction();
- moveAction = new MoveAction();
- sizeAction = new SizeAction();
- }
- ActionMap createActionMap() {
- ActionMap map = new ActionMapUIResource();
- map.put("showSystemMenu", new ShowSystemMenuAction(true));
- map.put("hideSystemMenu", new ShowSystemMenuAction(false));
- return map;
- }
- protected void installListeners() {
- if( propertyChangeListener == null ) {
- propertyChangeListener = createPropertyChangeListener();
- }
- frame.addPropertyChangeListener(propertyChangeListener);
- }
- protected void uninstallListeners() {
- frame.removePropertyChangeListener(propertyChangeListener);
- }
- protected void installDefaults() {
- maxIcon = UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.maximizeIcon");
- minIcon = UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.minimizeIcon");
- iconIcon = UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.iconifyIcon");
- closeIcon = UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.closeIcon");
- selectedTitleColor = UIManager.getColor("InternalFrame.activeTitleBackground");
- selectedTextColor = UIManager.getColor("InternalFrame.activeTitleForeground");
- notSelectedTitleColor = UIManager.getColor("InternalFrame.inactiveTitleBackground");
- notSelectedTextColor = UIManager.getColor("InternalFrame.inactiveTitleForeground");
- }
- protected void uninstallDefaults() {
- }
- public void addNotify() {
- super.addNotify();
- installListeners();
- addSystemMenuItems(windowMenu);
- enableActions();
- }
- public void removeNotify() {
- super.removeNotify();
- if (windowMenu!=null) {
- windowMenu.removeAll();
- }
- uninstallDefaults();
- uninstallListeners();
- }
- protected void createButtons() {
- iconButton = new NoFocusButton();
- iconButton.addActionListener(iconifyAction);
- maxButton = new NoFocusButton();
- maxButton.addActionListener(maximizeAction);
- closeButton = new NoFocusButton();
- closeButton.addActionListener(closeAction);
- setButtonIcons();
- }
- protected void setButtonIcons() {
- if(frame.isIcon()) {
- iconButton.setIcon(minIcon);
- maxButton.setIcon(maxIcon);
- } else if (frame.isMaximum()) {
- iconButton.setIcon(iconIcon);
- maxButton.setIcon(minIcon);
- } else {
- iconButton.setIcon(iconIcon);
- maxButton.setIcon(maxIcon);
- }
- closeButton.setIcon(closeIcon);
- }
- protected void assembleSystemMenu() {
- menuBar = createSystemMenuBar();
- windowMenu = createSystemMenu();
- menuBar.add(windowMenu);
- // moved to addNotify - addSystemMenuItems(windowMenu);
- enableActions();
- }
- protected void addSystemMenuItems(JMenu systemMenu) {
- JMenuItem mi = (JMenuItem)systemMenu.add(restoreAction);
- mi.setMnemonic('R');
- mi = (JMenuItem)systemMenu.add(moveAction);
- mi.setMnemonic('M');
- mi = (JMenuItem)systemMenu.add(sizeAction);
- mi.setMnemonic('S');
- mi = (JMenuItem)systemMenu.add(iconifyAction);
- mi.setMnemonic('n');
- mi = (JMenuItem)systemMenu.add(maximizeAction);
- mi.setMnemonic('x');
- systemMenu.add(new JSeparator());
- mi = (JMenuItem)systemMenu.add(closeAction);
- mi.setMnemonic('C');
- }
- protected JMenu createSystemMenu() {
- return new JMenu(" ");
- }
- protected JMenuBar createSystemMenuBar() {
- menuBar = new SystemMenuBar();
- menuBar.setBorderPainted(false);
- return menuBar;
- }
- protected void showSystemMenu(){
- // windowMenu.setPopupMenuVisible(true);
- // windowMenu.setVisible(true);
- windowMenu.doClick();
- }
- public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
- boolean isSelected = frame.isSelected();
- if(isSelected)
- g.setColor(selectedTitleColor);
- else
- g.setColor(notSelectedTitleColor);
- g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
- if(frame.getTitle() != null) {
- Font f = g.getFont();
- g.setFont(UIManager.getFont("InternalFrame.titleFont"));
- if(isSelected)
- g.setColor(selectedTextColor);
- else
- g.setColor(notSelectedTextColor);
- // Center text vertically.
- FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
- int fmHeight = fm.getHeight() - fm.getLeading();
- int baseline = (18 - fmHeight) / 2 +
- fm.getAscent() + fm.getLeading();
- int titleX;
- String title = frame.getTitle();
- if( BasicGraphicsUtils.isLeftToRight(frame) ) {
- titleX = menuBar.getX() + menuBar.getWidth() + 2;
- } else {
- titleX = menuBar.getX() - 2
- - SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm,title);
- }
- g.drawString(title, titleX, baseline);
- g.setFont(f);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Post a WINDOW_CLOSING-like event to the frame, so that it can
- * be treated like a regular Frame.
- */
- protected void postClosingEvent(JInternalFrame frame) {
- InternalFrameEvent e = new InternalFrameEvent(
- frame, InternalFrameEvent.INTERNAL_FRAME_CLOSING);
- // Try posting event, unless there's a SecurityManager.
- if (JInternalFrame.class.getClassLoader() == null) {
- try {
- Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemEventQueue().postEvent(e);
- return;
- } catch (SecurityException se) {
- // Use dispatchEvent instead.
- }
- }
- frame.dispatchEvent(e);
- }
- protected void enableActions() {
- restoreAction.setEnabled(frame.isMaximum() || frame.isIcon());
- maximizeAction.setEnabled(frame.isMaximizable() && !frame.isMaximum() );
- iconifyAction.setEnabled(frame.isIconifiable() && !frame.isIcon());
- closeAction.setEnabled(frame.isClosable());
- sizeAction.setEnabled(false);
- moveAction.setEnabled(false);
- }
- protected PropertyChangeListener createPropertyChangeListener() {
- return new PropertyChangeHandler();
- }
- protected LayoutManager createLayout() {
- return new TitlePaneLayout();
- }
- /**
- * This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug.
- * This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
- * Instantiate it only within subclasses of <Foo>.
- */
- public class PropertyChangeHandler implements PropertyChangeListener {
- public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
- String prop = (String)evt.getPropertyName();
- if(JInternalFrame.IS_SELECTED_PROPERTY.equals(prop)) {
- repaint();
- return;
- }
- if(JInternalFrame.IS_ICON_PROPERTY.equals(prop) ||
- JInternalFrame.IS_MAXIMUM_PROPERTY.equals(prop)) {
- setButtonIcons();
- enableActions();
- return;
- }
- if( prop.equals("closable") ) {
- if( (Boolean)evt.getNewValue() == Boolean.TRUE )
- add(closeButton);
- else
- remove(closeButton);
- } else if( prop.equals("maximizable") ) {
- if( (Boolean)evt.getNewValue() == Boolean.TRUE )
- add(maxButton);
- else
- remove(maxButton);
- } else if( prop.equals("iconifiable") ) {
- if( (Boolean)evt.getNewValue() == Boolean.TRUE )
- add(iconButton);
- else
- remove(iconButton);
- }
- enableActions();
- revalidate();
- repaint();
- }
- } // end PropertyHandler class
- /**
- * This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug.
- * This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
- * Instantiate it only within subclasses of <Foo>.
- */
- public class TitlePaneLayout implements LayoutManager {
- public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component c) {}
- public void removeLayoutComponent(Component c) {}
- public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container c) {
- return new Dimension(100, 18);
- }
- public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container c) {
- return preferredLayoutSize(c);
- }
- public void layoutContainer(Container c) {
- boolean leftToRight = BasicGraphicsUtils.isLeftToRight(frame);
- int w = getWidth();
- int x;
- x = (leftToRight) ? 2 : w - 16 - 2;
- menuBar.setBounds(x, 1, 16, 16);
- x = (leftToRight) ? w - 16 - 2 : 2;
- if(frame.isClosable()) {
- closeButton.setBounds(x, 2, 16, 14);
- x += (leftToRight) ? -(16 + 2) : 16 + 2;
- }
- if(frame.isMaximizable()) {
- maxButton.setBounds(x, 2, 16, 14);
- x += (leftToRight) ? -(16 + 2) : 16 + 2;
- }
- if(frame.isIconifiable()) {
- iconButton.setBounds(x, 2, 16, 14);
- }
- }
- } // end TitlePaneLayout
- /**
- * This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug.
- * This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
- * Instantiate it only within subclasses of <Foo>.
- */
- public class CloseAction extends AbstractAction {
- public CloseAction() {
- super(CLOSE_CMD);
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- if(frame.isClosable()) {
- frame.doDefaultCloseAction();
- }
- }
- } // end CloseAction
- /**
- * This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug.
- * This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
- * Instantiate it only within subclasses of <Foo>.
- */
- public class MaximizeAction extends AbstractAction {
- public MaximizeAction() {
- super(MAXIMIZE_CMD);
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- if(frame.isMaximizable()) {
- if(!frame.isMaximum()) {
- try { frame.setMaximum(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e5) { }
- } else {
- try {
- frame.setMaximum(false);
- } catch (PropertyVetoException e6) { }
- }
- }
- }
- } // MaximizeAction
- /**
- * This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug.
- * This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
- * Instantiate it only within subclasses of <Foo>.
- */
- public class IconifyAction extends AbstractAction {
- public IconifyAction() {
- super(ICONIFY_CMD);
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- if(frame.isIconifiable()) {
- if(!frame.isIcon()) {
- try { frame.setIcon(true); } catch (PropertyVetoException e1) { }
- } else{
- try { frame.setIcon(false); } catch (PropertyVetoException e1) { }
- }
- }
- }
- } // end IconifyAction
- /**
- * This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug.
- * This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
- * Instantiate it only within subclasses of <Foo>.
- */
- public class RestoreAction extends AbstractAction {
- public RestoreAction() {
- super(RESTORE_CMD);
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- if(frame.isMaximizable() && frame.isMaximum()) {
- try { frame.setMaximum(false); } catch (PropertyVetoException e4) { }
- }
- else if ( frame.isIconifiable() && frame.isIcon() ) {
- try { frame.setIcon(false); } catch (PropertyVetoException e4) { }
- }
- }
- } // end RestoreAction
- /**
- * This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug.
- * This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
- * Instantiate it only within subclasses of <Foo>.
- */
- public class MoveAction extends AbstractAction {
- public MoveAction() {
- super(MOVE_CMD);
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- // This action is currently undefined
- }
- } // end MoveAction
- /*
- * Handles showing and hiding the system menu.
- */
- private class ShowSystemMenuAction extends AbstractAction {
- private boolean show; // whether to show the menu
- public ShowSystemMenuAction(boolean show) {
- this.show = show;
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- if (show) {
- windowMenu.doClick();
- } else {
- windowMenu.setVisible(false);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug.
- * This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
- * Instantiate it only within subclasses of <Foo>.
- */
- public class SizeAction extends AbstractAction {
- public SizeAction() {
- super(SIZE_CMD);
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- // This action is currently undefined
- }
- } // end SizeAction
- /**
- * This inner class is marked "public" due to a compiler bug.
- * This class should be treated as a "protected" inner class.
- * Instantiate it only within subclasses of <Foo>.
- */
- public class SystemMenuBar extends JMenuBar {
- public boolean isFocusTraversable() { return false; }
- public void requestFocus() {}
- public void paint(Graphics g) {
- Icon icon = frame.getFrameIcon();
- if (icon == null) {
- icon = UIManager.getIcon("InternalFrame.icon");
- }
- if (icon != null) {
- // Resize to 16x16 if necessary.
- if (icon instanceof ImageIcon && (icon.getIconWidth() > 16 || icon.getIconHeight() > 16)) {
- Image img = ((ImageIcon)icon).getImage();
- ((ImageIcon)icon).setImage(img.getScaledInstance(16, 16, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH));
- }
- icon.paintIcon(this, g, 0, 0);
- }
- }
- public boolean isOpaque() {
- return true;
- }
- } // end SystemMenuBar
- private class NoFocusButton extends JButton {
- public NoFocusButton() { setFocusPainted(false); }
- public boolean isFocusTraversable() { return false; }
- public void requestFocus() {};
- public boolean isOpaque() { return true; }
- }; // end NoFocusButton
- } // End Title Pane Class