- /*
- * @(#)MetalLabelUI.java 1.7 00/02/02
- *
- * Copyright 1998-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package javax.swing.plaf.metal;
- import javax.swing.*;
- import javax.swing.plaf.*;
- import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*;
- import java.awt.*;
- /**
- * A Windows L&F implementation of LabelUI. This implementation
- * is completely static, i.e. there's only one UIView implementation
- * that's shared by all JLabel objects.
- *
- * @version 1.7 02/02/00
- * @author Hans Muller
- */
- public class MetalLabelUI extends BasicLabelUI
- {
- protected static MetalLabelUI metalLabelUI = new MetalLabelUI();
- public static ComponentUI createUI(JComponent c) {
- return metalLabelUI;
- }
- /**
- * Just paint the text gray (Label.disabledForeground) rather than
- * in the labels foreground color.
- *
- * @see #paint
- * @see #paintEnabledText
- */
- protected void paintDisabledText(JLabel l, Graphics g, String s, int textX, int textY)
- {
- int accChar = l.getDisplayedMnemonic();
- g.setColor(UIManager.getColor("Label.disabledForeground"));
- BasicGraphicsUtils.drawString(g, s, accChar, textX, textY);
- }
- }