1. /*
  2. * @(#)MinorCodes.java 1.31 03/01/23
  3. *
  4. * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  5. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
  6. */
  7. package com.sun.corba.se.internal.POA ;
  8. import com.sun.corba.se.internal.orbutil.ORBConstants;
  9. import org.omg.CORBA.OMGVMCID ;
  10. /** Minor codes for CORBA system-exceptions. These codes are marshalled
  11. * on the wire and allow the client to know the exact cause of the exception.
  12. * The minor code numbers for POA/JavaIDLx start with 101 to distinguish
  13. * them from JavaIDL minor codes which start from 1.
  14. */
  15. public final class MinorCodes {
  16. // BAD_CONTEXT exception minor codes
  17. // BAD_INV_ORDER exception minor codes
  18. public static final int SERVANT_MANAGER_ALREADY_SET = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 1;
  19. // BAD_OPERATION exception minor codes
  20. public static final int SERVANT_ORB = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 1;
  21. public static final int BAD_SERVANT = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 2;
  22. // BAD_PARAM exception minor codes
  23. public static final int BAD_TRANSACTION_CONTEXT = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 1;
  24. public static final int BAD_REPOSITORY_ID = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 2;
  25. // BAD_TYPECODE exception minor codes
  26. // BOUNDS exception minor codes
  27. // COMM_FAILURE exception minor codes
  28. // DATA_CONVERSION exception minor codes
  29. // IMP_LIMIT exception minor codes
  30. // INTF_REPOS exception minor codes
  31. // INTERNAL exception minor codes
  32. public static final int INVOKESETUP = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 1;
  33. public static final int BAD_LOCALREPLYSTATUS = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 2;
  34. public static final int PERSISTENT_SERVERPORT_ERROR = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 3;
  35. public static final int SERVANT_DISPATCH = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 4;
  36. public static final int WRONG_CLIENTSC = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 5;
  37. public static final int CANT_CLONE_TEMPLATE = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 6;
  38. public static final int POACURRENT_UNBALANCED_STACK =
  39. ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 7;
  40. public static final int POACURRENT_NULL_FIELD = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 8;
  41. public static final int POA_INTERNAL_GET_SERVANT_ERROR =
  42. ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 9;
  43. // INV_FLAG exception minor codes
  44. // INV_IDENT exception minor codes
  45. // INV_OBJREF exception minor codes
  46. // MARSHAL exception minor codes
  47. // NO_MEMORY exception minor codes
  48. // FREE_MEM exception minor codes
  49. // NO_IMPLEMENT exception minor codes
  50. // NO_PERMISSION exception minor codes
  51. // NO_RESOURCES exception minor codes
  52. // NO_RESPONSE exception minor codes
  53. // OBJ_ADAPTER exception minor codes
  54. public static final int POA_LOOKUP_ERROR = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 1;
  55. public static final int POA_INACTIVE = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 2;
  56. public static final int POA_NO_SERVANT_MANAGER = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 3;
  57. public static final int POA_NO_DEFAULT_SERVANT = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 4;
  58. public static final int POA_SERVANT_NOT_UNIQUE = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 5;
  59. public static final int POA_WRONG_POLICY = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 6;
  60. public static final int FINDPOA_ERROR = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 7;
  61. public static final int ADAPTER_ACTIVATOR_EXCEPTION = OMGVMCID.value + 1 ;
  62. public static final int POA_SERVANT_ACTIVATOR_LOOKUP_FAILED = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 9;
  63. public static final int POA_BAD_SERVANT_MANAGER = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 10;
  64. public static final int POA_SERVANT_LOCATOR_LOOKUP_FAILED = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 11;
  65. public static final int POA_UNKNOWN_POLICY = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 12;
  66. public static final int POA_NOT_FOUND = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 13;
  67. public static final int SERVANT_LOOKUP = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 14;
  68. public static final int LOCAL_SERVANT_LOOKUP = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 15;
  69. // INITIALIZE exception minor codes
  70. public static final int JTS_INIT_ERROR = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 1;
  71. public static final int PERSISTENT_SERVERID_NOT_SET = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 2;
  72. public static final int PERSISTENT_SERVERPORT_NOT_SET = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 3;
  73. public static final int ORBD_ERROR = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 4;
  74. public static final int BOOTSTRAP_ERROR = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 5;
  75. // PERSIST_STORE exception minor codes
  76. // TRANSIENT exception minor codes
  77. public static final int POA_DISCARDING = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 1;
  78. // UNKNOWN exception minor codes
  79. public static final int OTSHOOKEXCEPTION = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 1;
  80. public static final int UNKNOWN_SERVER_EXCEPTION = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 2;
  81. public static final int UNKNOWN_SERVERAPP_EXCEPTION = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 3;
  82. public static final int UNKNOWN_LOCALINVOCATION_ERROR = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 4;
  83. // OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception minor codes
  84. public static final int ADAPTER_ACTIVATOR_NONEXISTENT = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 1;
  85. public static final int ADAPTER_ACTIVATOR_FAILED = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 2;
  86. public static final int BAD_SKELETON = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 3;
  87. public static final int NULL_SERVANT = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 4;
  88. public static final int ADAPTER_DESTROYED = ORBConstants.POA_BASE + 5;
  89. } ;