1. package com.sun.corba.se.internal.orbutil.resources;
  2. import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
  3. public final class sunorb extends ListResourceBundle {
  4. private static final Object[][] contents = {
  5. { "bootstrap.exception", "caught exception while saving Properties to file {0}: Exception {1}" },
  6. { "bootstrap.filenotfound", "the file {0} not found" },
  7. { "bootstrap.filenotreadable", "the file {0} is not readable" },
  8. { "bootstrap.success", "setting port to {0} and reading services from {1}" },
  9. { "bootstrap.usage", "Usage: {0} <options> \n\nwhere <options> includes:\n -ORBInitialPort Initial Port (required)\n -InitialServicesFile File containing list of initial services (required)\n" },
  10. { "orbd.commfailure", "\nFailed to start ORBD because ORBinitialPort is already in use" },
  11. { "orbd.internalexception", "\nFailed to start ORBD because of an Internal Exception. \nPossible Causes: \n1. Specified ORBInitialPort or ORBActivationPort is already in use \n2. No Write Permission to write orb.db " },
  12. { "orbd.usage", "Usage: {0} <options> \n\nwhere <options> includes:\n -port Activation Port where the ORBD should be started, default 1049 (optional)\n -defaultdb Directory for ORBD files, default \"./orb.db\" (optional)\n -serverid Server Id for ORBD, default 1 (optional)\n -ORBInitialPort Initial Port (required)\n -ORBInitialHost Initial HostName (required)\n" },
  13. { "pnameserv.success", "Persistent NameServer Started Successfully" },
  14. { "servertool.appname", "\tapplicationName - {0}" },
  15. { "servertool.args", "\targs - {0}" },
  16. { "servertool.baddef", "Bad server definition: {0}" },
  17. { "servertool.banner", "\n\nWelcome to the Java IDL Server Tool \nplease enter commands at the prompt \n" },
  18. { "servertool.classpath", "\tclasspath - {0}" },
  19. { "servertool.getserverid", "\n\tgetserverid [ -applicationName <name> ] \n" },
  20. { "servertool.getserverid1", "return the server id for an applicationName" },
  21. { "servertool.getserverid2", "\tServer ID for applicationName {0} is {1}" },
  22. { "servertool.helddown", "\tserver is held down." },
  23. { "servertool.help", "\thelp\n\tOR\n\thelp <command name>\n" },
  24. { "servertool.help1", "get help" },
  25. { "servertool.list", "\n\tlist\n" },
  26. { "servertool.list1", "list all registered servers" },
  27. { "servertool.list2", "\n\tServer Id\tServer Class Name\t\tServer Application\n\t---------\t-----------------\t\t------------------\n" },
  28. { "servertool.listactive", "\n\tlistactive" },
  29. { "servertool.listactive1", "list currently active servers" },
  30. { "servertool.listappnames", "\tlistappnames\n" },
  31. { "servertool.listappnames1", "list applicationNames currently defined" },
  32. { "servertool.listappnames2", "Currently defined server applicationNames:" },
  33. { "servertool.locate", "\n\tlocate [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ] [ <-endpointType <endpointType> ] \n" },
  34. { "servertool.locate1", "locate ports of specific type for a registered server" },
  35. { "servertool.locate2", "\n\n\tHost Name {0} \n\n\t\tPort\t\tPort Type\t\tORB Id\n\t\t----\t\t---------\t\t------\n" },
  36. { "servertool.locateorb", "\n\tlocateperorb [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ] [ -orbid <ORB name> ]\n" },
  37. { "servertool.locateorb1", "locate ports for a specific orb of registered server" },
  38. { "servertool.locateorb2", "\n\n\tHost Name {0} \n\n\t\tPort\t\tPortType\t\tORB Id\n\t\t----\t\t--------\t\t------\n" },
  39. { "servertool.name", "\tname - {0}" },
  40. { "servertool.nosuchorb", "\tinvalid ORB." },
  41. { "servertool.nosuchserver", "\tno such server found." },
  42. { "servertool.orbidmap", "\tUsage: orblist [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ]\n" },
  43. { "servertool.orbidmap1", "list of orb names and their mapping" },
  44. { "servertool.orbidmap2", "\n\tORB Id\t\tORB Name\n\t------\t\t--------\n" },
  45. { "servertool.quit", "\n\tquit\n" },
  46. { "servertool.quit1", "quit this tool" },
  47. { "servertool.register", "\n\n\tregister -server <server class name> \n\t -applicationName <alternate server name> \n\t -classpath <classpath to server> \n\t -args <args to server> \n\t -vmargs <args to server Java VM>\n" },
  48. { "servertool.register1", "register an activatable server" },
  49. { "servertool.register2", "\tserver registered (serverid = {0})." },
  50. { "servertool.register3", "\tserver registerd but held down (serverid = {0})." },
  51. { "servertool.register4", "\tserver already registered (serverid = {0})." },
  52. { "servertool.serverid", "\tserver id - {0}" },
  53. { "servertool.servernotrunning", "\tserver is not running." },
  54. { "servertool.serverup", "\tserver is already up." },
  55. { "servertool.shorthelp", "\n\n\tAvailable Commands: \n\t------------------- \n" },
  56. { "servertool.shutdown", "\n\tshutdown [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ]\n" },
  57. { "servertool.shutdown1", "shutdown a registered server" },
  58. { "servertool.shutdown2", "\tserver sucessfully shutdown." },
  59. { "servertool.startserver", "\n\tstartup [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ]\n" },
  60. { "servertool.startserver1", "start a registered server" },
  61. { "servertool.startserver2", "\tserver sucessfully started up." },
  62. { "servertool.unregister", "\n\tunregister [ -serverid <server id> | -applicationName <name> ] \n" },
  63. { "servertool.unregister1", "unregister a registered server" },
  64. { "servertool.unregister2", "\tserver unregistered." },
  65. { "servertool.usage", "Usage: {0} <options> \n\nwhere <options> includes:\n -ORBInitialPort Initial Port (required)\n -ORBInitialHost Initial HostName (required)\n" },
  66. { "servertool.vmargs", "\tvmargs - {0}" },
  67. { "tnameserv.exception", "caught an exception while starting the bootstrap service on port {0}" },
  68. { "tnameserv.hs1", "Initial Naming Context:\n{0}" },
  69. { "tnameserv.hs2", "TransientNameServer: setting port for initial object references to: {0}" },
  70. { "tnameserv.hs3", "Ready." },
  71. { "tnameserv.invalidhostoption", "ORBInitialHost is not a valid option for NameService" },
  72. { "tnameserv.orbinitialport0", "ORBInitialPort 0 is not valid option for NameService" },
  73. { "tnameserv.usage", "try using a different port with commandline arguments -ORBInitialPort <portno>" },
  74. };
  75. protected final Object[][] getContents() {
  76. return contents;
  77. }
  78. }