- /*
- * @(#)MouseWheelListener.java 1.3 03/01/23
- *
- * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
- package java.awt.event;
- import java.util.EventListener;
- /**
- * The listener interface for receiving mouse wheel events on a component.
- * (For clicks and other mouse events, use the MouseListener. For mouse
- * movement and drags, use the MouseMotionListener.)
- * <P>
- * The class that is interested in processing a mouse wheel event
- * implements this interface (and all the methods it contains).
- * <P>
- * The listener object created from that class is then registered with a
- * component using the component's <code>addMouseWheelListener</code>
- * method. A mouse wheel event is generated when the mouse wheel is rotated.
- * When a mouse wheel event occurs, that object's <code>mouseWheelMoved</code>
- * method is invoked.
- *
- * @author Brent Christian
- * @version 1.3 01/23/03
- * @see MouseWheelEvent
- * @since 1.4
- */
- public interface MouseWheelListener extends EventListener {
- /**
- * Invoked when the mouse wheel is rotated.
- * @see MouseWheelEvent
- */
- public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e);
- }