- /*
- * @(#)FlatteningPathIterator.java 1.15 03/01/23
- *
- * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
- package java.awt.geom;
- import java.util.*;
- /**
- * The <code>FlatteningPathIterator</code> class returns a flattened view of
- * another {@link PathIterator} object. Other {@link java.awt.Shape Shape}
- * classes can use this class to provide flattening behavior for their paths
- * without having to perform the interpolation calculations themselves.
- *
- * @version 1.6 06/29/98
- * @author Jim Graham
- */
- public class FlatteningPathIterator implements PathIterator {
- static final int GROW_SIZE = 24; // Multiple of cubic & quad curve size
- PathIterator src; // The source iterator
- double squareflat; // Square of the flatness parameter
- // for testing against squared lengths
- int limit; // Maximum number of recursion levels
- double hold[] = new double[14]; // The cache of interpolated coords
- // Note that this must be long enough
- // to store a full cubic segment and
- // a relative cubic segment to avoid
- // aliasing when copying the coords
- // of a curve to the end of the array.
- // This is also serendipitously equal
- // to the size of a full quad segment
- // and 2 relative quad segments.
- double curx, cury; // The ending x,y of the last segment
- double movx, movy; // The x,y of the last move segment
- int holdType; // The type of the curve being held
- // for interpolation
- int holdEnd; // The index of the last curve segment
- // being held for interpolation
- int holdIndex; // The index of the curve segment
- // that was last interpolated. This
- // is the curve segment ready to be
- // returned in the next call to
- // currentSegment().
- int levels[]; // The recursion level at which
- // each curve being held in storage
- // was generated.
- int levelIndex; // The index of the entry in the
- // levels array of the curve segment
- // at the holdIndex
- boolean done; // True when iteration is done
- /**
- * Constructs a new <code>FlatteningPathIterator</code> object that
- * flattens a path as it iterates over it. The iterator does not
- * subdivide any curve read from the source iterator to more than
- * 10 levels of subdivision which yields a maximum of 1024 line
- * segments per curve.
- * @param src the original unflattened path being iterated over
- * @param flatness the maximum allowable distance between the
- * control points and the flattened curve
- */
- public FlatteningPathIterator(PathIterator src, double flatness) {
- this(src, flatness, 10);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new <code>FlatteningPathIterator</code> object
- * that flattens a path as it iterates over it.
- * The <code>limit</code> parameter allows you to control the
- * maximum number of recursive subdivisions that the iterator
- * can make before it assumes that the curve is flat enough
- * without measuring against the <code>flatness</code> parameter.
- * The flattened iteration therefore never generates more than
- * a maximum of <code>(2^limit)</code> line segments per curve.
- * @param src the original unflattened path being iterated over
- * @param flatness the maximum allowable distance between the
- * control points and the flattened curve
- * @param limit the maximum number of recursive subdivisions
- * allowed for any curved segment
- * @exception <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> if
- * <code>flatness</code> or <code>limit</code>
- * is less than zero
- */
- public FlatteningPathIterator(PathIterator src, double flatness,
- int limit) {
- if (flatness < 0.0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("flatness must be >= 0");
- }
- if (limit < 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("limit must be >= 0");
- }
- this.src = src;
- this.squareflat = flatness * flatness;
- this.limit = limit;
- this.levels = new int[limit + 1];
- // prime the first path segment
- next(false);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the flatness of this iterator.
- * @return the flatness of this <code>FlatteningPathIterator</code>.
- */
- public double getFlatness() {
- return Math.sqrt(squareflat);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the recursion limit of this iterator.
- * @return the recursion limit of this
- * <code>FlatteningPathIterator</code>.
- */
- public int getRecursionLimit() {
- return limit;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the winding rule for determining the interior of the
- * path.
- * @return the winding rule of the original unflattened path being
- * iterated over.
- * @see PathIterator#WIND_EVEN_ODD
- * @see PathIterator#WIND_NON_ZERO
- */
- public int getWindingRule() {
- return src.getWindingRule();
- }
- /**
- * Tests if the iteration is complete.
- * @return <code>true</code> if all the segments have
- * been read; <code>false</code> otherwise.
- */
- public boolean isDone() {
- return done;
- }
- /*
- * Ensures that the hold array can hold up to (want) more values.
- * It is currently holding (hold.length - holdIndex) values.
- */
- void ensureHoldCapacity(int want) {
- if (holdIndex - want < 0) {
- int have = hold.length - holdIndex;
- int newsize = hold.length + GROW_SIZE;
- double newhold[] = new double[newsize];
- System.arraycopy(hold, holdIndex,
- newhold, holdIndex + GROW_SIZE,
- have);
- hold = newhold;
- holdIndex += GROW_SIZE;
- holdEnd += GROW_SIZE;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Moves the iterator to the next segment of the path forwards
- * along the primary direction of traversal as long as there are
- * more points in that direction.
- */
- public void next() {
- next(true);
- }
- private void next(boolean doNext) {
- int level;
- if (holdIndex >= holdEnd) {
- if (doNext) {
- src.next();
- }
- if (src.isDone()) {
- done = true;
- return;
- }
- holdType = src.currentSegment(hold);
- levelIndex = 0;
- levels[0] = 0;
- }
- switch (holdType) {
- case SEG_MOVETO:
- case SEG_LINETO:
- curx = hold[0];
- cury = hold[1];
- if (holdType == SEG_MOVETO) {
- movx = curx;
- movy = cury;
- }
- holdIndex = 0;
- holdEnd = 0;
- break;
- case SEG_CLOSE:
- curx = movx;
- cury = movy;
- holdIndex = 0;
- holdEnd = 0;
- break;
- case SEG_QUADTO:
- if (holdIndex >= holdEnd) {
- // Move the coordinates to the end of the array.
- holdIndex = hold.length - 6;
- holdEnd = hold.length - 2;
- hold[holdIndex + 0] = curx;
- hold[holdIndex + 1] = cury;
- hold[holdIndex + 2] = hold[0];
- hold[holdIndex + 3] = hold[1];
- hold[holdIndex + 4] = curx = hold[2];
- hold[holdIndex + 5] = cury = hold[3];
- }
- level = levels[levelIndex];
- while (level < limit) {
- if (QuadCurve2D.getFlatnessSq(hold, holdIndex) < squareflat) {
- break;
- }
- ensureHoldCapacity(4);
- QuadCurve2D.subdivide(hold, holdIndex,
- hold, holdIndex - 4,
- hold, holdIndex);
- holdIndex -= 4;
- // Now that we have subdivided, we have constructed
- // two curves of one depth lower than the original
- // curve. One of those curves is in the place of
- // the former curve and one of them is in the next
- // set of held coordinate slots. We now set both
- // curves level values to the next higher level.
- level++;
- levels[levelIndex] = level;
- levelIndex++;
- levels[levelIndex] = level;
- }
- // This curve segment is flat enough, or it is too deep
- // in recursion levels to try to flatten any more. The
- // two coordinates at holdIndex+4 and holdIndex+5 now
- // contain the endpoint of the curve which can be the
- // endpoint of an approximating line segment.
- holdIndex += 4;
- levelIndex--;
- break;
- if (holdIndex >= holdEnd) {
- // Move the coordinates to the end of the array.
- holdIndex = hold.length - 8;
- holdEnd = hold.length - 2;
- hold[holdIndex + 0] = curx;
- hold[holdIndex + 1] = cury;
- hold[holdIndex + 2] = hold[0];
- hold[holdIndex + 3] = hold[1];
- hold[holdIndex + 4] = hold[2];
- hold[holdIndex + 5] = hold[3];
- hold[holdIndex + 6] = curx = hold[4];
- hold[holdIndex + 7] = cury = hold[5];
- }
- level = levels[levelIndex];
- while (level < limit) {
- if (CubicCurve2D.getFlatnessSq(hold, holdIndex) < squareflat) {
- break;
- }
- ensureHoldCapacity(6);
- CubicCurve2D.subdivide(hold, holdIndex,
- hold, holdIndex - 6,
- hold, holdIndex);
- holdIndex -= 6;
- // Now that we have subdivided, we have constructed
- // two curves of one depth lower than the original
- // curve. One of those curves is in the place of
- // the former curve and one of them is in the next
- // set of held coordinate slots. We now set both
- // curves level values to the next higher level.
- level++;
- levels[levelIndex] = level;
- levelIndex++;
- levels[levelIndex] = level;
- }
- // This curve segment is flat enough, or it is too deep
- // in recursion levels to try to flatten any more. The
- // two coordinates at holdIndex+6 and holdIndex+7 now
- // contain the endpoint of the curve which can be the
- // endpoint of an approximating line segment.
- holdIndex += 6;
- levelIndex--;
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the coordinates and type of the current path segment in
- * the iteration.
- * The return value is the path segment type:
- * A float array of length 6 must be passed in and can be used to
- * store the coordinates of the point(s).
- * Each point is stored as a pair of float x,y coordinates.
- * SEG_MOVETO and SEG_LINETO types return one point,
- * and SEG_CLOSE does not return any points.
- * @param coords an array that holds the data returned from
- * this method
- * @return the path segment type of the current path segment.
- * @exception <code>NoSuchElementException</code> if there
- * are no more elements in the flattening path to be
- * returned.
- * @see PathIterator#SEG_MOVETO
- * @see PathIterator#SEG_LINETO
- * @see PathIterator#SEG_CLOSE
- */
- public int currentSegment(float[] coords) {
- if (isDone()) {
- throw new NoSuchElementException("flattening iterator out of bounds");
- }
- int type = holdType;
- if (type != SEG_CLOSE) {
- coords[0] = (float) hold[holdIndex + 0];
- coords[1] = (float) hold[holdIndex + 1];
- if (type != SEG_MOVETO) {
- type = SEG_LINETO;
- }
- }
- return type;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the coordinates and type of the current path segment in
- * the iteration.
- * The return value is the path segment type:
- * A double array of length 6 must be passed in and can be used to
- * store the coordinates of the point(s).
- * Each point is stored as a pair of double x,y coordinates.
- * SEG_MOVETO and SEG_LINETO types return one point,
- * and SEG_CLOSE does not return any points.
- * @param coords an array that holds the data returned from
- * this method
- * @return the path segment type of the current path segment.
- * @exception <code>NoSuchElementException</code> if there
- * are no more elements in the flattening path to be
- * returned.
- * @see PathIterator#SEG_MOVETO
- * @see PathIterator#SEG_LINETO
- * @see PathIterator#SEG_CLOSE
- */
- public int currentSegment(double[] coords) {
- if (isDone()) {
- throw new NoSuchElementException("flattening iterator out of bounds");
- }
- int type = holdType;
- if (type != SEG_CLOSE) {
- coords[0] = hold[holdIndex + 0];
- coords[1] = hold[holdIndex + 1];
- if (type != SEG_MOVETO) {
- type = SEG_LINETO;
- }
- }
- return type;
- }
- }