- /*
- * @(#)SampleModel.java 1.35 03/01/23
- *
- * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
- /* ****************************************************************
- ******************************************************************
- ******************************************************************
- *** COPYRIGHT (c) Eastman Kodak Company, 1997
- *** As an unpublished work pursuant to Title 17 of the United
- *** States Code. All rights reserved.
- ******************************************************************
- ******************************************************************
- ******************************************************************/
- package java.awt.image;
- /**
- * This abstract class defines an interface for extracting samples of pixels
- * in an image. All image data is expressed as a collection of pixels.
- * Each pixel consists of a number of samples. A sample is a datum
- * for one band of an image and a band consists of all samples of a
- * particular type in an image. For example, a pixel might contain
- * three samples representing its red, green and blue components.
- * There are three bands in the image containing this pixel. One band
- * consists of all the red samples from all pixels in the
- * image. The second band consists of all the green samples and
- * the remaining band consists of all of the blue samples. The pixel
- * can be stored in various formats. For example, all samples from
- * a particular band can be stored contiguously or all samples from a
- * single pixel can be stored contiguously.
- * <p>
- * Subclasses of SampleModel specify the types of samples they can
- * represent (e.g. unsigned 8-bit byte, signed 16-bit short, etc.)
- * and may specify how the samples are organized in memory.
- * In the Java 2D(tm) API, built-in image processing operators may
- * not operate on all possible sample types, but generally will work
- * for unsigned integral samples of 16 bits or less. Some operators
- * support a wider variety of sample types.
- * <p>
- * A collection of pixels is represented as a Raster, which consists of
- * a DataBuffer and a SampleModel. The SampleModel allows access to
- * samples in the DataBuffer and may provide low-level information that
- * a programmer can use to directly manipulate samples and pixels in the
- * DataBuffer.
- * <p>
- * This class is generally a fall back method for dealing with
- * images. More efficient code will cast the SampleModel to the
- * appropriate subclass and extract the information needed to directly
- * manipulate pixels in the DataBuffer.
- *
- * @see java.awt.image.DataBuffer
- * @see java.awt.image.Raster
- * @see java.awt.image.ComponentSampleModel
- * @see java.awt.image.PixelInterleavedSampleModel
- * @see java.awt.image.BandedSampleModel
- * @see java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel
- * @see java.awt.image.SinglePixelPackedSampleModel
- */
- public abstract class SampleModel
- {
- /** Width in pixels of the region of image data that this SampleModel
- * describes.
- */
- protected int width;
- /** Height in pixels of the region of image data that this SampleModel
- * describes.
- */
- protected int height;
- /** Number of bands of the image data that this SampleModel describes. */
- protected int numBands;
- /** Data type of the DataBuffer storing the pixel data.
- * @see java.awt.image.DataBuffer
- */
- protected int dataType;
- static private native void initIDs();
- static {
- ColorModel.loadLibraries();
- initIDs();
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a SampleModel with the specified parameters.
- * @param dataType The data type of the DataBuffer storing the pixel data.
- * @param w The width (in pixels) of the region of image data.
- * @param h The height (in pixels) of the region of image data.
- * @param numBands The number of bands of the image data.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>w</code> or <code>h</code>
- * is not greater than 0
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the product of <code>w</code>
- * and <code>h</code> is greater than
- * <code>Integer.MAX_VALUE</code>
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>dataType</code> is not
- * one of the supported data types
- */
- public SampleModel(int dataType, int w, int h, int numBands)
- {
- float size = (float)w*h;
- if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Width ("+w+") and height ("+
- h+") must be > 0");
- }
- if (size >= Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Dimensions (width="+w+
- " height="+h+") are too large");
- }
- if (dataType < DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE ||
- (dataType > DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE &&
- dataType != DataBuffer.TYPE_UNDEFINED))
- {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported dataType: "+
- dataType);
- }
- if (numBands <= 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of bands must be > 0");
- }
- this.dataType = dataType;
- this.width = w;
- this.height = h;
- this.numBands = numBands;
- }
- /** Returns the width in pixels.
- * @return the width in pixels of the region of image data
- * that this <code>SampleModel</code> describes.
- */
- final public int getWidth() {
- return width;
- }
- /** Returns the height in pixels.
- * @return the height in pixels of the region of image data
- * that this <code>SampleModel</code> describes.
- */
- final public int getHeight() {
- return height;
- }
- /** Returns the total number of bands of image data.
- * @return the number of bands of image data that this
- * <code>SampleModel</code> describes.
- */
- final public int getNumBands() {
- return numBands;
- }
- /** Returns the number of data elements needed to transfer a pixel
- * via the getDataElements and setDataElements methods. When pixels
- * are transferred via these methods, they may be transferred in a
- * packed or unpacked format, depending on the implementation of the
- * SampleModel. Using these methods, pixels are transferred as an
- * array of getNumDataElements() elements of a primitive type given
- * by getTransferType(). The TransferType may or may not be the same
- * as the storage DataType.
- * @return the number of data elements.
- * @see #getDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see #getDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see #setDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see #setDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see #getTransferType
- */
- public abstract int getNumDataElements();
- /** Returns the data type of the DataBuffer storing the pixel data.
- * @return the data type.
- */
- final public int getDataType() {
- return dataType;
- }
- /** Returns the TransferType used to transfer pixels via the
- * getDataElements and setDataElements methods. When pixels
- * are transferred via these methods, they may be transferred in a
- * packed or unpacked format, depending on the implementation of the
- * SampleModel. Using these methods, pixels are transferred as an
- * array of getNumDataElements() elements of a primitive type given
- * by getTransferType(). The TransferType may or may not be the same
- * as the storage DataType. The TransferType will be one of the types
- * defined in DataBuffer.
- * @return the transfer type.
- * @see #getDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see #getDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see #setDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see #setDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see #getNumDataElements
- * @see java.awt.image.DataBuffer
- */
- public int getTransferType() {
- return dataType;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the samples for a specified pixel in an int array,
- * one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x, y The coordinates of the pixel location
- * @param iArray If non-null, returns the samples in this array
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data
- * @return the samples for the specified pixel.
- * @see #setPixel(int, int, int[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if iArray is too small to hold the output.
- */
- public int[] getPixel(int x, int y, int iArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- int pixels[];
- if (iArray != null)
- pixels = iArray;
- else
- pixels = new int[numBands];
- for (int i=0; i<numBands; i++) {
- pixels[i] = getSample(x, y, i, data);
- }
- return pixels;
- }
- /**
- * Returns data for a single pixel in a primitive array of type
- * TransferType. For image data supported by the Java 2D API, this
- * will be one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT,
- * DataBuffer.TYPE_INT, DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT, DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT,
- * or DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE. Data may be returned in a packed format,
- * thus increasing efficiency for data transfers. Generally, obj
- * should be passed in as null, so that the Object will be created
- * automatically and will be of the right primitive data type.
- * <p>
- * The following code illustrates transferring data for one pixel from
- * DataBuffer <code>db1</code>, whose storage layout is described by
- * SampleModel <code>sm1</code>, to DataBuffer <code>db2</code>, whose
- * storage layout is described by SampleModel <code>sm2</code>.
- * The transfer will generally be more efficient than using
- * getPixel/setPixel.
- * <pre>
- * SampleModel sm1, sm2;
- * DataBuffer db1, db2;
- * sm2.setDataElements(x, y, sm1.getDataElements(x, y, null, db1), db2);
- * </pre>
- * Using getDataElements/setDataElements to transfer between two
- * DataBuffer/SampleModel pairs is legitimate if the SampleModels have
- * the same number of bands, corresponding bands have the same number of
- * bits per sample, and the TransferTypes are the same.
- * <p>
- * If obj is non-null, it should be a primitive array of type TransferType.
- * Otherwise, a ClassCastException is thrown. An
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if obj is non-null and is not large enough to hold
- * the pixel data.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param obj If non-null, a primitive array in which to return
- * the pixel data.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the data elements for the specified pixel.
- * @see #getNumDataElements
- * @see #getTransferType
- * @see java.awt.image.DataBuffer
- * @see #setDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if obj is too small to hold the output.
- */
- public abstract Object getDataElements(int x, int y,
- Object obj, DataBuffer data);
- /**
- * Returns the pixel data for the specified rectangle of pixels in a
- * primitive array of type TransferType.
- * For image data supported by the Java 2D API, this
- * will be one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE, DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT,
- * DataBuffer.TYPE_INT, DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT, DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT,
- * or DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE. Data may be returned in a packed format,
- * thus increasing efficiency for data transfers. Generally, obj
- * should be passed in as null, so that the Object will be created
- * automatically and will be of the right primitive data type.
- * <p>
- * The following code illustrates transferring data for a rectangular
- * region of pixels from
- * DataBuffer <code>db1</code>, whose storage layout is described by
- * SampleModel <code>sm1</code>, to DataBuffer <code>db2</code>, whose
- * storage layout is described by SampleModel <code>sm2</code>.
- * The transfer will generally be more efficient than using
- * getPixels/setPixels.
- * <pre>
- * SampleModel sm1, sm2;
- * DataBuffer db1, db2;
- * sm2.setDataElements(x, y, w, h, sm1.getDataElements(x, y, w,
- * h, null, db1), db2);
- * </pre>
- * Using getDataElements/setDataElements to transfer between two
- * DataBuffer/SampleModel pairs is legitimate if the SampleModels have
- * the same number of bands, corresponding bands have the same number of
- * bits per sample, and the TransferTypes are the same.
- * <p>
- * If obj is non-null, it should be a primitive array of type TransferType.
- * Otherwise, a ClassCastException is thrown. An
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if obj is non-null and is not large enough to hold
- * the pixel data.
- * @param x The minimum X coordinate of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param y The minimum Y coordinate of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param obj If non-null, a primitive array in which to return
- * the pixel data.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the data elements for the specified region of pixels.
- * @see #getNumDataElements
- * @see #getTransferType
- * @see #setDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see java.awt.image.DataBuffer
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if obj is too small to hold the output.
- */
- public Object getDataElements(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- Object obj, DataBuffer data) {
- int type = getTransferType();
- int numDataElems = getNumDataElements();
- int cnt = 0;
- Object o = null;
- switch(type) {
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
- byte[] btemp;
- byte[] bdata;
- if (obj == null)
- bdata = new byte[numDataElems*w*h];
- else
- bdata = (byte[])obj;
- for (int i=y; i<y+h; i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<x+w; j++) {
- o = getDataElements(j, i, o, data);
- btemp = (byte[])o;
- for (int k=0; k<numDataElems; k++) {
- bdata[cnt++] = btemp[k];
- }
- }
- }
- obj = (Object)bdata;
- break;
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
- short[] sdata;
- short[] stemp;
- if (obj == null)
- sdata = new short[numDataElems*w*h];
- else
- sdata = (short[])obj;
- for (int i=y; i<y+h; i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<x+w; j++) {
- o = getDataElements(j, i, o, data);
- stemp = (short[])o;
- for (int k=0; k<numDataElems; k++) {
- sdata[cnt++] = stemp[k];
- }
- }
- }
- obj = (Object)sdata;
- break;
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
- int[] idata;
- int[] itemp;
- if (obj == null)
- idata = new int[numDataElems*w*h];
- else
- idata = (int[])obj;
- for (int i=y; i<y+h; i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<x+w; j++) {
- o = getDataElements(j, i, o, data);
- itemp = (int[])o;
- for (int k=0; k<numDataElems; k++) {
- idata[cnt++] = itemp[k];
- }
- }
- }
- obj = (Object)idata;
- break;
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
- float[] fdata;
- float[] ftemp;
- if (obj == null)
- fdata = new float[numDataElems*w*h];
- else
- fdata = (float[])obj;
- for (int i=y; i<y+h; i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<x+w; j++) {
- o = getDataElements(j, i, o, data);
- ftemp = (float[])o;
- for (int k=0; k<numDataElems; k++) {
- fdata[cnt++] = ftemp[k];
- }
- }
- }
- obj = (Object)fdata;
- break;
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
- double[] ddata;
- double[] dtemp;
- if (obj == null)
- ddata = new double[numDataElems*w*h];
- else
- ddata = (double[])obj;
- for (int i=y; i<y+h; i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<x+w; j++) {
- o = getDataElements(j, i, o, data);
- dtemp = (double[])o;
- for (int k=0; k<numDataElems; k++) {
- ddata[cnt++] = dtemp[k];
- }
- }
- }
- obj = (Object)ddata;
- break;
- }
- return obj;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the data for a single pixel in the specified DataBuffer from a
- * primitive array of type TransferType. For image data supported by
- * the Java 2D API, this will be one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE,
- * DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, DataBuffer.TYPE_INT, DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT,
- * DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE. Data in the array
- * may be in a packed format, thus increasing efficiency for data
- * transfers.
- * <p>
- * The following code illustrates transferring data for one pixel from
- * DataBuffer <code>db1</code>, whose storage layout is described by
- * SampleModel <code>sm1</code>, to DataBuffer <code>db2</code>, whose
- * storage layout is described by SampleModel <code>sm2</code>.
- * The transfer will generally be more efficient than using
- * getPixel/setPixel.
- * <pre>
- * SampleModel sm1, sm2;
- * DataBuffer db1, db2;
- * sm2.setDataElements(x, y, sm1.getDataElements(x, y, null, db1),
- * db2);
- * </pre>
- * Using getDataElements/setDataElements to transfer between two
- * DataBuffer/SampleModel pairs is legitimate if the SampleModels have
- * the same number of bands, corresponding bands have the same number of
- * bits per sample, and the TransferTypes are the same.
- * <p>
- * obj must be a primitive array of type TransferType. Otherwise,
- * a ClassCastException is thrown. An
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if obj is not large enough to hold the pixel data.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param obj A primitive array containing pixel data.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getNumDataElements
- * @see #getTransferType
- * @see #getDataElements(int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see java.awt.image.DataBuffer
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if obj is too small to hold the input.
- */
- public abstract void setDataElements(int x, int y,
- Object obj, DataBuffer data);
- /**
- * Sets the data for a rectangle of pixels in the specified DataBuffer
- * from a primitive array of type TransferType. For image data supported
- * by the Java 2D API, this will be one of DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE,
- * DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT, DataBuffer.TYPE_INT, DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT,
- * DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT, or DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE. Data in the array
- * may be in a packed format, thus increasing efficiency for data
- * transfers.
- * <p>
- * The following code illustrates transferring data for a rectangular
- * region of pixels from
- * DataBuffer <code>db1</code>, whose storage layout is described by
- * SampleModel <code>sm1</code>, to DataBuffer <code>db2</code>, whose
- * storage layout is described by SampleModel <code>sm2</code>.
- * The transfer will generally be more efficient than using
- * getPixels/setPixels.
- * <pre>
- * SampleModel sm1, sm2;
- * DataBuffer db1, db2;
- * sm2.setDataElements(x, y, w, h, sm1.getDataElements(x, y, w, h,
- * null, db1), db2);
- * </pre>
- * Using getDataElements/setDataElements to transfer between two
- * DataBuffer/SampleModel pairs is legitimate if the SampleModels have
- * the same number of bands, corresponding bands have the same number of
- * bits per sample, and the TransferTypes are the same.
- * <p>
- * obj must be a primitive array of type TransferType. Otherwise,
- * a ClassCastException is thrown. An
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if obj is not large enough to hold the pixel data.
- * @param x The minimum X coordinate of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param y The minimum Y coordinate of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param obj A primitive array containing pixel data.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getNumDataElements
- * @see #getTransferType
- * @see #getDataElements(int, int, int, int, Object, DataBuffer)
- * @see java.awt.image.DataBuffer
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if obj is too small to hold the input.
- */
- public void setDataElements(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- Object obj, DataBuffer data) {
- int cnt = 0;
- Object o = null;
- int type = getTransferType();
- int numDataElems = getNumDataElements();
- switch(type) {
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_BYTE:
- byte[] barray = (byte[])obj;
- byte[] btemp = new byte[numDataElems];
- for (int i=y; i<y+h; i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<x+w; j++) {
- for (int k=0; k<numDataElems; k++) {
- btemp[k] = barray[cnt++];
- }
- setDataElements(j, i, btemp, data);
- }
- }
- break;
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_USHORT:
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_SHORT:
- short[] sarray = (short[])obj;
- short[] stemp = new short[numDataElems];
- for (int i=y; i<y+h; i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<x+w; j++) {
- for (int k=0; k<numDataElems; k++) {
- stemp[k] = sarray[cnt++];
- }
- setDataElements(j, i, stemp, data);
- }
- }
- break;
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_INT:
- int[] iArray = (int[])obj;
- int[] itemp = new int[numDataElems];
- for (int i=y; i<y+h; i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<x+w; j++) {
- for (int k=0; k<numDataElems; k++) {
- itemp[k] = iArray[cnt++];
- }
- setDataElements(j, i, itemp, data);
- }
- }
- break;
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_FLOAT:
- float[] fArray = (float[])obj;
- float[] ftemp = new float[numDataElems];
- for (int i=y; i<y+h; i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<x+w; j++) {
- for (int k=0; k<numDataElems; k++) {
- ftemp[k] = fArray[cnt++];
- }
- setDataElements(j, i, ftemp, data);
- }
- }
- break;
- case DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE:
- double[] dArray = (double[])obj;
- double[] dtemp = new double[numDataElems];
- for (int i=y; i<y+h; i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<x+w; j++) {
- for (int k=0; k<numDataElems; k++) {
- dtemp[k] = dArray[cnt++];
- }
- setDataElements(j, i, dtemp, data);
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the samples for the specified pixel in an array of float.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param fArray If non-null, returns the samples in this array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the samples for the specified pixel.
- * @see #setPixel(int, int, float[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if fArray is too small to hold the output.
- */
- public float[] getPixel(int x, int y, float fArray[],
- DataBuffer data) {
- float pixels[];
- if (fArray != null)
- pixels = fArray;
- else
- pixels = new float[numBands];
- for (int i=0; i<numBands; i++)
- pixels[i] = getSampleFloat(x, y, i, data);
- return pixels;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the samples for the specified pixel in an array of double.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param dArray If non-null, returns the samples in this array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the samples for the specified pixel.
- * @see #setPixel(int, int, double[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if dArray is too small to hold the output.
- */
- public double[] getPixel(int x, int y, double dArray[],
- DataBuffer data) {
- double pixels[];
- if(dArray != null)
- pixels = dArray;
- else
- pixels = new double[numBands];
- for (int i=0; i<numBands; i++)
- pixels[i] = getSampleDouble(x, y, i, data);
- return pixels;
- }
- /**
- * Returns all samples for a rectangle of pixels in an
- * int array, one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param iArray If non-null, returns the samples in this array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the samples for the specified region of pixels.
- * @see #setPixels(int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if iArray is too small to hold the output.
- */
- public int[] getPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- int iArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- int pixels[];
- int Offset=0;
- if (iArray != null)
- pixels = iArray;
- else
- pixels = new int[numBands * w * h];
- for (int i=y; i<(h+y); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(w+x); j++) {
- for(int k=0; k<numBands; k++) {
- pixels[Offset++] = getSample(j, i, k, data);
- }
- }
- }
- return pixels;
- }
- /**
- * Returns all samples for a rectangle of pixels in a float
- * array, one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param fArray If non-null, returns the samples in this array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the samples for the specified region of pixels.
- * @see #setPixels(int, int, int, int, float[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if fArray is too small to hold the output.
- */
- public float[] getPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- float fArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- float pixels[];
- int Offset = 0;
- if (fArray != null)
- pixels = fArray;
- else
- pixels = new float[numBands * w * h];
- for (int i=y; i<(h+y); i++) {
- for(int j=x; j<(w+x); j++) {
- for(int k=0; k<numBands; k++) {
- pixels[Offset++] = getSampleFloat(j, i, k, data);
- }
- }
- }
- return pixels;
- }
- /**
- * Returns all samples for a rectangle of pixels in a double
- * array, one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param dArray If non-null, returns the samples in this array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the samples for the specified region of pixels.
- * @see #setPixels(int, int, int, int, double[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if dArray is too small to hold the output.
- */
- public double[] getPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- double dArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- double pixels[];
- int Offset = 0;
- if (dArray != null)
- pixels = dArray;
- else
- pixels = new double[numBands * w * h];
- // Fix 4217412
- for (int i=y; i<(h+y); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(w+x); j++) {
- for (int k=0; k<numBands; k++) {
- pixels[Offset++] = getSampleDouble(j, i, k, data);
- }
- }
- }
- return pixels;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the sample in a specified band for the pixel located
- * at (x,y) as an int.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param b The band to return.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the sample in a specified band for the specified pixel.
- * @see #setSample(int, int, int, int, DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds.
- */
- public abstract int getSample(int x, int y, int b, DataBuffer data);
- /**
- * Returns the sample in a specified band
- * for the pixel located at (x,y) as a float.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param b The band to return.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the sample in a specified band for the specified pixel.
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds.
- */
- public float getSampleFloat(int x, int y, int b, DataBuffer data) {
- float sample;
- sample = (float) getSample(x, y, b, data);
- return sample;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the sample in a specified band
- * for a pixel located at (x,y) as a double.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param b The band to return.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the sample in a specified band for the specified pixel.
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds.
- */
- public double getSampleDouble(int x, int y, int b, DataBuffer data) {
- double sample;
- sample = (double) getSample(x, y, b, data);
- return sample;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the samples for a specified band for the specified rectangle
- * of pixels in an int array, one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param b The band to return.
- * @param iArray If non-null, returns the samples in this array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the samples for the specified band for the specified region
- * of pixels.
- * @see #setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds, or if iArray is too small to
- * hold the output.
- */
- public int[] getSamples(int x, int y, int w, int h, int b,
- int iArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- int pixels[];
- int Offset=0;
- if (iArray != null)
- pixels = iArray;
- else
- pixels = new int[w * h];
- for(int i=y; i<(h+y); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(w+x); j++) {
- pixels[Offset++] = getSample(j, i, b, data);
- }
- }
- return pixels;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the samples for a specified band for the specified rectangle
- * of pixels in a float array, one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param b The band to return.
- * @param fArray If non-null, returns the samples in this array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the samples for the specified band for the specified region
- * of pixels.
- * @see #setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, float[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds, or if fArray is too small to
- * hold the output.
- */
- public float[] getSamples(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- int b, float fArray[],
- DataBuffer data) {
- float pixels[];
- int Offset=0;
- if (fArray != null)
- pixels = fArray;
- else
- pixels = new float[w * h];
- for (int i=y; i<(h+y); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(w+x); j++) {
- pixels[Offset++] = getSampleFloat(j, i, b, data);
- }
- }
- return pixels;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the samples for a specified band for a specified rectangle
- * of pixels in a double array, one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param b The band to return.
- * @param dArray If non-null, returns the samples in this array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @return the samples for the specified band for the specified region
- * of pixels.
- * @see #setSamples(int, int, int, int, int, double[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds, or if dArray is too small to
- * hold the output.
- */
- public double[] getSamples(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- int b, double dArray[],
- DataBuffer data) {
- double pixels[];
- int Offset=0;
- if (dArray != null)
- pixels = dArray;
- else
- pixels = new double[w * h];
- for (int i=y; i<(y+h); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(x+w); j++) {
- pixels[Offset++] = getSampleDouble(j, i, b, data);
- }
- }
- return pixels;
- }
- /**
- * Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using an int array of samples for input.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param iArray The input samples in an int array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getPixel(int, int, int[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if iArray or data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if iArray is too small to hold the input.
- */
- public void setPixel(int x, int y, int iArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- for (int i=0; i<numBands; i++)
- setSample(x, y, i, iArray[i], data);
- }
- /**
- * Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using a float array of samples for input.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param fArray The input samples in a float array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getPixel(int, int, float[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if fArray or data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if fArray is too small to hold the input.
- */
- public void setPixel(int x, int y, float fArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- for (int i=0; i<numBands; i++)
- setSample(x, y, i, fArray[i], data);
- }
- /**
- * Sets a pixel in the DataBuffer using a double array of samples
- * for input.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param dArray The input samples in a double array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getPixel(int, int, double[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if dArray or data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if fArray is too small to hold the input.
- */
- public void setPixel(int x, int y, double dArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- for (int i=0; i<numBands; i++)
- setSample(x, y, i, dArray[i], data);
- }
- /**
- * Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from an int array containing
- * one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param iArray The input samples in an int array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getPixels(int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if iArray or data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if iArray is too small to hold the input.
- */
- public void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- int iArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- int Offset=0;
- for (int i=y; i<(y+h); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(x+w); j++) {
- for (int k=0; k<numBands; k++) {
- setSample(j, i, k, iArray[Offset++], data);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from a float array containing
- * one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param fArray The input samples in a float array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getPixels(int, int, int, int, float[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if fArray or data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if fArray is too small to hold the input.
- */
- public void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- float fArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- int Offset=0;
- for (int i=y; i<(y+h); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(x+w); j++) {
- for(int k=0; k<numBands; k++) {
- setSample(j, i, k, fArray[Offset++], data);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets all samples for a rectangle of pixels from a double array
- * containing one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param dArray The input samples in a double array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getPixels(int, int, int, int, double[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if dArray or data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds, or if dArray is too small to hold the input.
- */
- public void setPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h,
- double dArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- int Offset=0;
- for (int i=y; i<(y+h); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(x+w); j++) {
- for (int k=0; k<numBands; k++) {
- setSample(j, i, k, dArray[Offset++], data);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y)
- * in the DataBuffer using an int for input.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param b The band to set.
- * @param s The input sample as an int.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getSample(int, int, int, DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds.
- */
- public abstract void setSample(int x, int y, int b,
- int s,
- DataBuffer data);
- /**
- * Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y)
- * in the DataBuffer using a float for input.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param b The band to set.
- * @param s The input sample as a float.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getSample(int, int, int, DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds.
- */
- public void setSample(int x, int y, int b,
- float s ,
- DataBuffer data) {
- int sample = (int)s;
- setSample(x, y, b, sample, data);
- }
- /**
- * Sets a sample in the specified band for the pixel located at (x,y)
- * in the DataBuffer using a double for input.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the pixel location.
- * @param b The band to set.
- * @param s The input sample as a double.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getSample(int, int, int, DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds.
- */
- public void setSample(int x, int y, int b,
- double s,
- DataBuffer data) {
- int sample = (int)s;
- setSample(x, y, b, sample, data);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle
- * of pixels from an int array containing one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param b The band to set.
- * @param iArray The input samples in an int array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getSamples(int, int, int, int, int, int[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if iArray or data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds, or if iArray is too small to
- * hold the input.
- */
- public void setSamples(int x, int y, int w, int h, int b,
- int iArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- int Offset=0;
- for (int i=y; i<(y+h); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(x+w); j++) {
- setSample(j, i, b, iArray[Offset++], data);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle
- * of pixels from a float array containing one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param b The band to set.
- * @param fArray The input samples in a float array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getSamples(int, int, int, int, int, float[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if fArray or data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds, or if fArray is too small to
- * hold the input.
- */
- public void setSamples(int x, int y, int w, int h, int b,
- float fArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- int Offset=0;
- for (int i=y; i<(y+h); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(x+w); j++) {
- setSample(j, i, b, fArray[Offset++], data);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the samples in the specified band for the specified rectangle
- * of pixels from a double array containing one sample per array element.
- * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException may be thrown if the coordinates are
- * not in bounds.
- * @param x The X coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param y The Y coordinate of the upper left pixel location.
- * @param w The width of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param h The height of the pixel rectangle.
- * @param b The band to set.
- * @param dArray The input samples in a double array.
- * @param data The DataBuffer containing the image data.
- * @see #getSamples(int, int, int, int, int, double[], DataBuffer)
- *
- * @throws NullPointerException if dArray or data is null.
- * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the coordinates or
- * the band index are not in bounds, or if dArray is too small to
- * hold the input.
- */
- public void setSamples(int x, int y, int w, int h, int b,
- double dArray[], DataBuffer data) {
- int Offset=0;
- for (int i=y; i<(y+h); i++) {
- for (int j=x; j<(x+w); j++) {
- setSample(j, i, b, dArray[Offset++], data);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates a SampleModel which describes data in this SampleModel's
- * format, but with a different width and height.
- * @param w the width of the image data
- * @param h the height of the image data
- * @return a <code>SampleModel</code> describing the same image
- * data as this <code>SampleModel</code>, but with a
- * different size.
- */
- public abstract SampleModel createCompatibleSampleModel(int w, int h);
- /**
- * Creates a new SampleModel
- * with a subset of the bands of this
- * SampleModel.
- * @param bands the subset of bands of this <code>SampleModel</code>
- * @return a <code>SampleModel</code> with a subset of bands of this
- * <code>SampleModel</code>.
- */
- public abstract SampleModel createSubsetSampleModel(int bands[]);
- /**
- * Creates a DataBuffer that corresponds to this SampleModel.
- * The DataBuffer's width and height will match this SampleModel's.
- * @return a <code>DataBuffer</code> corresponding to this
- * <code>SampleModel</code>.
- */
- public abstract DataBuffer createDataBuffer();
- /** Returns the size in bits of samples for all bands.
- * @return the size of samples for all bands.
- */
- public abstract int[] getSampleSize();
- /** Returns the size in bits of samples for the specified band.
- * @param band the specified band
- * @return the size of the samples of the specified band.
- */
- public abstract int getSampleSize(int band);
- }