- /*
- * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
- /*
- * @(#)AbstractInterruptibleChannel.java 1.14 03/01/23
- */
- package java.nio.channels.spi;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.lang.reflect.Method;
- import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
- import java.nio.channels.*;
- import java.security.AccessController;
- import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
- import sun.nio.ch.Interruptible;
- /**
- * Base implementation class for interruptible channels.
- *
- * <p> This class encapsulates the low-level machinery required to implement
- * the asynchronous closing and interruption of channels. A concrete channel
- * class must invoke the {@link #begin begin} and {@link #end end} methods
- * before and after, respectively, invoking an I/O operation that might block
- * indefinitely. In order to ensure that the {@link #end end} method is always
- * invoked, these methods should be used within a
- * <tt>try</tt> ... <tt>finally</tt> block: <a name="be">
- *
- * <blockquote><pre>
- * boolean completed = false;
- * try {
- * begin();
- * completed = ...; // Perform blocking I/O operation
- * return ...; // Return result
- * } finally {
- * end(completed);
- * }</pre></blockquote>
- *
- * <p> The <tt>completed</tt> argument to the {@link #end end} method tells
- * whether or not the I/O operation actually completed, that is, whether it had
- * any effect that would be visible to the invoker. In the case of an
- * operation that reads bytes, for example, this argument should be
- * <tt>true</tt> if, and only if, some bytes were actually transferred into the
- * invoker's target buffer.
- *
- * <p> A concrete channel class must also implement the {@link
- * #implCloseChannel implCloseChannel} method in such a way that if it is
- * invoked while another thread is blocked in a native I/O operation upon the
- * channel then that operation will immediately return, either by throwing an
- * exception or by returning normally. If a thread is interrupted or the
- * channel upon which it is blocked is asynchronously closed then the channel's
- * {@link #end end} method will throw the appropriate exception.
- *
- * <p> This class performs the synchronization required to implement the {@link
- * java.nio.channels.Channel} specification. Implementations of the {@link
- * #implCloseChannel implCloseChannel} method need not synchronize against
- * other threads that might be attempting to close the channel. </p>
- *
- *
- * @author Mark Reinhold
- * @author JSR-51 Expert Group
- * @version 1.14, 03/01/23
- * @since 1.4
- */
- public abstract class AbstractInterruptibleChannel
- implements Channel, InterruptibleChannel
- {
- private Object closeLock = new Object();
- private volatile boolean open = true;
- /**
- * Initializes a new instance of this class.
- */
- protected AbstractInterruptibleChannel() { }
- /**
- * Closes this channel.
- *
- * <p> If the channel has already been closed then this method returns
- * immediately. Otherwise it marks the channel as closed and then invokes
- * the {@link #implCloseChannel implCloseChannel} method in order to
- * complete the close operation. </p>
- *
- * @throws IOException
- * If an I/O error occurs
- */
- public final void close() throws IOException {
- synchronized (closeLock) {
- if (!open)
- return;
- open = false;
- implCloseChannel();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Closes this channel.
- *
- * <p> This method is invoked by the {@link #close close} method in order
- * to perform the actual work of closing the channel. This method is only
- * invoked if the channel has not yet been closed, and it is never invoked
- * more than once.
- *
- * <p> An implementation of this method must arrange for any other thread
- * that is blocked in an I/O operation upon this channel to return
- * immediately, either by throwing an exception or by returning normally.
- * </p>
- *
- * @throws IOException
- * If an I/O error occurs while closing the channel
- */
- protected abstract void implCloseChannel() throws IOException;
- public final boolean isOpen() {
- return open;
- }
- // -- Interruption machinery --
- private Interruptible interruptor;
- private volatile boolean interrupted = false;
- /**
- * Marks the beginning of an I/O operation that might block indefinitely.
- *
- * <p> This method should be invoked in tandem with the {@link #end end}
- * method, using a <tt>try</tt> ... <tt>finally</tt> block as
- * shown <a href="#be">above</a>, in order to implement asynchronous
- * closing and interruption for this channel. </p>
- */
- protected final void begin() {
- if (interruptor == null) {
- interruptor = new Interruptible() {
- public void interrupt() {
- synchronized (closeLock) {
- if (!open)
- return;
- interrupted = true;
- open = false;
- try {
- AbstractInterruptibleChannel.this.implCloseChannel();
- } catch (IOException x) { }
- }
- }};
- }
- blockedOn(interruptor);
- if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted())
- interruptor.interrupt();
- }
- /**
- * Marks the end of an I/O operation that might block indefinitely.
- *
- * <p> This method should be invoked in tandem with the {@link #begin
- * begin} method, using a <tt>try</tt> ... <tt>finally</tt> block
- * as shown <a href="#be">above</a>, in order to implement asynchronous
- * closing and interruption for this channel. </p>
- *
- * @param completed
- * <tt>true</tt> if, and only if, the I/O operation completed
- * successfully, that is, had some effect that would be visible to
- * the operation's invoker
- *
- * @throws AsynchronousCloseException
- * If the channel was asynchronously closed
- *
- * @throws ClosedByInterruptException
- * If the thread blocked in the I/O operation was interrupted
- */
- protected final void end(boolean completed)
- throws AsynchronousCloseException
- {
- blockedOn(null);
- if (completed) {
- interrupted = false;
- return;
- }
- if (interrupted) throw new ClosedByInterruptException();
- if (!open) throw new AsynchronousCloseException();
- }
- // -- Reflection hackery --
- private static Method blockedOnMethod = null;
- static void blockedOn(Interruptible intr) { // package-private
- if (blockedOnMethod == null)
- initBlockedOn();
- try {
- blockedOnMethod.invoke(Thread.currentThread(),
- new Object[] { intr });
- } catch (IllegalAccessException x) {
- throw new Error(x);
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
- throw new Error(x);
- } catch (InvocationTargetException x) {
- throw new Error(x);
- }
- }
- private static void initBlockedOn() {
- AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
- public Object run() {
- try {
- Class th = Class.forName("java.lang.Thread");
- blockedOnMethod
- = th.getDeclaredMethod("blockedOn",
- new Class[] { Interruptible.class });
- blockedOnMethod.setAccessible(true);
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException x) {
- throw new Error(x);
- } catch (NoSuchMethodException x) {
- throw new Error(x);
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException x) {
- throw new Error(x);
- } catch (ClassCastException x) {
- throw new Error(x);
- }
- return null;
- }});
- }
- // Workaround for apparent VM bug: Sometimes an interrupted thread
- // cannot load a class
- private static class FooChannel extends AbstractInterruptibleChannel {
- protected void implCloseChannel() { }
- }
- static {
- FooChannel fc = new FooChannel();
- fc.begin();
- try {
- fc.end(true);
- } catch (IOException e) { }
- }
- }