- /*
- * @(#)Bidi.java 1.13 03/03/19
- *
- * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
- /*
- * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999-2000 - All Rights Reserved
- *
- * The original version of this source code and documentation is
- * copyrighted and owned by IBM. These materials are provided
- * under terms of a License Agreement between IBM and Sun.
- * This technology is protected by multiple US and International
- * patents. This notice and attribution to IBM may not be removed.
- */
- package java.text;
- import java.awt.Toolkit;
- import java.awt.font.TextAttribute;
- import java.awt.font.NumericShaper;
- /**
- * This class implements the Unicode Version 3.0 Bidirectional Algorithm.
- * <p>
- * A Bidi object provides information on the bidirectional reordering of the text
- * used to create it. This is required, for example, to properly display Arabic
- * or Hebrew text. These languages are inherently mixed directional, as they order
- * numbers from left-to-right while ordering most other text from right-to-left.
- * <p>
- * Once created, a Bidi object can be queried to see if the text it represents is
- * all left-to-right or all right-to-left. Such objects are very lightweight and
- * this text is relatively easy to process.
- * <p>
- * If there are multiple runs of text, information about the runs can be accessed
- * by indexing to get the start, limit, and level of a run. The level represents
- * both the direction and the 'nesting level' of a directional run. Odd levels
- * are right-to-left, while even levels are left-to-right. So for example level
- * 0 represents left-to-right text, while level 1 represents right-to-left text, and
- * level 2 represents left-to-right text embedded in a right-to-left run.
- *
- * @since 1.4
- */
- public final class Bidi {
- byte dir;
- byte baselevel;
- int length;
- int[] runs;
- int[] cws;
- static {
- java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
- new sun.security.action.LoadLibraryAction("awt"));
- java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
- new sun.security.action.LoadLibraryAction("fontmanager"));
- }
- /** Constant indicating base direction is left-to-right. */
- public static final int DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = 0;
- /** Constant indicating base direction is right-to-left. */
- public static final int DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = 1;
- /**
- * Constant indicating that the base direction depends on the first strong
- * directional character in the text according to the Unicode
- * Bidirectional Algorithm. If no strong directional character is present,
- * the base direction is left-to-right.
- */
- public static final int DIRECTION_DEFAULT_LEFT_TO_RIGHT = -2;
- /**
- * Constant indicating that the base direction depends on the first strong
- * directional character in the text according to the Unicode
- * Bidirectional Algorithm. If no strong directional character is present,
- * the base direction is right-to-left.
- */
- public static final int DIRECTION_DEFAULT_RIGHT_TO_LEFT = -1;
- private static final int DIR_MIXED = 2;
- /**
- * Create Bidi from the given paragraph of text and base direction.
- * @param paragraph a paragraph of text
- * @param flags a collection of flags that control the algorithm. The
- * algorithm understands the flags DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT,
- * Other values are reserved.
- */
- public Bidi(String paragraph, int flags) {
- if (paragraph == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("paragraph is null");
- }
- nativeBidiChars(this, paragraph.toCharArray(), 0, null, 0, paragraph.length(), flags);
- }
- /**
- * Create Bidi from the given paragraph of text.
- * <p>
- * The RUN_DIRECTION attribute in the text, if present, determines the base
- * direction (left-to-right or right-to-left). If not present, the base
- * direction is computes using the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm, defaulting to left-to-right
- * if there are no strong directional characters in the text. This attribute, if
- * present, must be applied to all the text in the paragraph.
- * <p>
- * The BIDI_EMBEDDING attribute in the text, if present, represents embedding level
- * information. Negative values from -1 to -62 indicate overrides at the absolute value
- * of the level. Positive values from 1 to 62 indicate embeddings. Where values are
- * zero or not defined, the base embedding level as determined by the base direction
- * is assumed.
- * <p>
- * The NUMERIC_SHAPING attribute in the text, if present, converts European digits to
- * other decimal digits before running the bidi algorithm. This attribute, if present,
- * must be applied to all the text in the paragraph.
- *
- * @param paragraph a paragraph of text with optional character and paragraph attribute information
- *
- * @see TextAttribute#BIDI_EMBEDDING
- * @see TextAttribute#NUMERIC_SHAPING
- * @see TextAttribute#RUN_DIRECTION
- */
- public Bidi(AttributedCharacterIterator paragraph) {
- if (paragraph == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("paragraph is null");
- }
- byte[] embeddings = null;
- int start = paragraph.getBeginIndex();
- int limit = paragraph.getEndIndex();
- int length = limit - start;
- int n = 0;
- char[] text = new char[length];
- for (char c = paragraph.first(); c != paragraph.DONE; c = paragraph.next()) {
- text[n++] = c;
- }
- paragraph.first();
- try {
- Boolean runDirection = (Boolean)paragraph.getAttribute(TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION);
- if (runDirection != null) {
- if (TextAttribute.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR.equals(runDirection)) {
- flags = DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT; // clears default setting
- } else {
- }
- }
- }
- catch (ClassCastException e) {
- }
- try {
- NumericShaper shaper = (NumericShaper)paragraph.getAttribute(TextAttribute.NUMERIC_SHAPING);
- if (shaper != null) {
- shaper.shape(text, 0, text.length);
- }
- }
- catch (ClassCastException e) {
- }
- int pos = start;
- do {
- paragraph.setIndex(pos);
- Object embeddingLevel = paragraph.getAttribute(TextAttribute.BIDI_EMBEDDING);
- int newpos = paragraph.getRunLimit(TextAttribute.BIDI_EMBEDDING);
- if (embeddingLevel != null) {
- try {
- int intLevel = ((Integer)embeddingLevel).intValue();
- if (intLevel >= -61 && intLevel < 61) {
- byte level = (byte)(intLevel < 0 ? (-intLevel | 0x80) : intLevel);
- if (embeddings == null) {
- embeddings = new byte[length];
- }
- for (int i = pos - start; i < newpos - start; ++i) {
- embeddings[i] = level;
- }
- }
- }
- catch (ClassCastException e) {
- }
- }
- pos = newpos;
- } while (pos < limit);
- nativeBidiChars(this, text, 0, embeddings, 0, text.length, flags);
- }
- /**
- * Create Bidi from the given text, embedding, and direction information.
- * The embeddings array may be null. If present, the values represent embedding level
- * information. Negative values from -1 to -61 indicate overrides at the absolute value
- * of the level. Positive values from 1 to 61 indicate embeddings. Where values are
- * zero, the base embedding level as determined by the base direction is assumed.
- * @param text an array containing the paragraph of text to process.
- * @param textStart the index into the text array of the start of the paragraph.
- * @param embeddings an array containing embedding values for each character in the paragraph.
- * This can be null, in which case it is assumed that there is no external embedding information.
- * @param embStart the index into the embedding array of the start of the paragraph.
- * @param paragraphLength the length of the paragraph in the text and embeddings arrays.
- * @param flags a collection of flags that control the algorithm. The
- * algorithm understands the flags DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT, DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT,
- * Other values are reserved.
- */
- public Bidi(char[] text, int textStart, byte[] embeddings, int embStart, int paragraphLength, int flags) {
- if (text == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("text is null");
- }
- if (paragraphLength < 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad length: " + paragraphLength);
- }
- if (textStart < 0 || paragraphLength > text.length - textStart) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad range: " + textStart +
- " length: " + paragraphLength +
- " for text of length: " + text.length);
- }
- if (embeddings != null && (embStart < 0 || paragraphLength > embeddings.length - embStart)) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad range: " + embStart +
- " length: " + paragraphLength +
- " for embeddings of length: " + text.length);
- }
- if (embeddings != null) {
- // native uses high bit to indicate override, not negative value, sigh
- for (int i = embStart, embLimit = embStart + paragraphLength; i < embLimit; ++i) {
- if (embeddings[i] < 0) {
- byte[] temp = new byte[paragraphLength];
- System.arraycopy(embeddings, embStart, temp, 0, paragraphLength);
- for (i -= embStart; i < paragraphLength; ++i) {
- if (temp[i] < 0) {
- temp[i] = (byte)(-temp[i] | 0x80);
- }
- }
- embeddings = temp;
- embStart = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- nativeBidiChars(this, text, textStart, embeddings, embStart, paragraphLength, flags);
- }
- /**
- * Private constructor used by line bidi.
- */
- private Bidi(int dir, int baseLevel, int length, int[] data, int[] cws) {
- reset(dir, baseLevel, length, data, cws);
- }
- /**
- * Private mutator used by native code.
- */
- private void reset(int dir, int baselevel, int length, int[] data, int[] cws) {
- this.dir = (byte)dir;
- this.baselevel = (byte)baselevel;
- this.length = length;
- this.runs = data;
- this.cws = cws;
- }
- /**
- * Create a Bidi object representing the bidi information on a line of text within
- * the paragraph represented by the current Bidi. This call is not required if the
- * entire paragraph fits on one line.
- * @param lineStart the offset from the start of the paragraph to the start of the line.
- * @param lineLimit the offset from the start of the paragraph to the limit of the line.
- */
- public Bidi createLineBidi(int lineStart, int lineLimit) {
- if (lineStart == 0 && lineLimit == length) {
- return this;
- }
- int lineLength = lineLimit - lineStart;
- if (lineStart < 0 ||
- lineLimit < lineStart ||
- lineLimit > length) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("range " + lineStart +
- " to " + lineLimit +
- " is invalid for paragraph of length " + length);
- }
- if (runs == null) {
- return new Bidi(dir, baselevel, lineLength, null, null);
- } else {
- int cwspos = -1;
- int[] ncws = null;
- if (cws != null) {
- int cwss = 0;
- int cwsl = cws.length;
- while (cwss < cwsl) {
- if (cws[cwss] >= lineStart) {
- cwsl = cwss;
- while (cwsl < cws.length && cws[cwsl] < lineLimit) {
- cwsl++;
- }
- int ll = lineLimit-1;
- while (cwsl > cwss && cws[cwsl-1] == ll) {
- cwspos = ll; // record start of counter-directional whitespace
- --cwsl;
- --ll;
- }
- if (cwspos == lineStart) { // entire line is cws, so ignore
- return new Bidi(dir, baselevel, lineLength, null, null);
- }
- int ncwslen = cwsl - cwss;
- if (ncwslen > 0) {
- ncws = new int[ncwslen];
- for (int i = 0; i < ncwslen; ++i) {
- ncws[i] = cws[cwss+i] - lineStart;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- ++cwss;
- }
- }
- int[] nruns = null;
- int nlevel = baselevel;
- int limit = cwspos == -1 ? lineLimit : cwspos;
- int rs = 0;
- int rl = runs.length;
- int ndir = dir;
- for (; rs < runs.length; rs += 2) {
- if (runs[rs] > lineStart) {
- rl = rs;
- while (rl < runs.length && runs[rl] < limit) {
- rl += 2;
- }
- if ((rl > rs) || (runs[rs+1] != baselevel)) {
- rl += 2;
- if (cwspos != -1 && rl > rs && runs[rl-1] != baselevel) { // add level for cws
- nruns = new int[rl - rs + 2];
- nruns[rl - rs] = lineLength;
- nruns[rl - rs + 1] = baselevel;
- } else {
- limit = lineLimit;
- nruns = new int[rl - rs];
- }
- int n = 0;
- for (int i = rs; i < rl; i += 2) {
- nruns[n++] = runs[i] - lineStart;
- nruns[n++] = runs[i+1];
- }
- nruns[n-2] = limit - lineStart;
- } else {
- ndir = (runs[rs+1] & 0x1) == 0 ? DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT : DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return new Bidi(ndir, baselevel, lineLength, nruns, ncws);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return true if the line is not left-to-right or right-to-left. This means it either has mixed runs of left-to-right
- * and right-to-left text, or the base direction differs from the direction of the only run of text.
- * @return true if the line is not left-to-right or right-to-left.
- */
- public boolean isMixed() {
- return dir == DIR_MIXED;
- }
- /**
- * Return true if the line is all left-to-right text and the base direction is left-to-right.
- * @return true if the line is all left-to-right text and the base direction is left-to-right
- */
- public boolean isLeftToRight() {
- return dir == DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
- }
- /**
- * Return true if the line is all right-to-left text, and the base direction is right-to-left.
- * @return true if the line is all right-to-left text, and the base direction is right-to-left
- */
- public boolean isRightToLeft() {
- return dir == DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
- }
- /**
- * Return the length of text in the line.
- * @return the length of text in the line
- */
- public int getLength() {
- return length;
- }
- /**
- * Return true if the base direction is left-to-right.
- * @return true if the base direction is left-to-right
- */
- public boolean baseIsLeftToRight() {
- return (baselevel & 0x1) == 0;
- }
- /**
- * Return the base level (0 if left-to-right, 1 if right-to-left).
- * @return the base level
- */
- public int getBaseLevel() {
- return baselevel;
- }
- /**
- * Return the resolved level of the character at offset. If offset is <0 or >=
- * the length of the line, return the base direction level.
- * @param offset the index of the character for which to return the level
- * @return the resolved level of the character at offset
- */
- public int getLevelAt(int offset) {
- if (runs == null || offset < 0 || offset >= length) {
- return baselevel;
- } else {
- int i = 0;
- do {
- if (offset < runs[i]) {
- return runs[i+1];
- }
- i += 2;
- } while (true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return the number of level runs.
- * @return the number of level runs
- */
- public int getRunCount() {
- return runs == null ? 1 : runs.length / 2;
- }
- /**
- * Return the level of the nth logical run in this line.
- * @param run the index of the run, between 0 and <code>getRunCount()</code>
- * @return the level of the run
- */
- public int getRunLevel(int run) {
- return runs == null ? baselevel : runs[run * 2 + 1];
- }
- /**
- * Return the index of the character at the start of the nth logical run in this line, as
- * an offset from the start of the line.
- * @param run the index of the run, between 0 and <code>getRunCount()</code>
- * @return the start of the run
- */
- public int getRunStart(int run) {
- return (runs == null || run == 0) ? 0 : runs[run * 2 - 2];
- }
- /**
- * Return the index of the character past the end of the nth logical run in this line, as
- * an offset from the start of the line. For example, this will return the length
- * of the line for the last run on the line.
- * @param run the index of the run, between 0 and <code>getRunCount()</code>
- * @return limit the limit of the run
- */
- public int getRunLimit(int run) {
- return runs == null ? length : runs[run * 2];
- }
- /**
- * Return true if the specified text requires bidi analysis. If this returns false,
- * the text will display left-to-right. Clients can then avoid constructing a Bidi object.
- * Text in the Arabic Presentation Forms area of Unicode is presumed to already be shaped
- * and ordered for display, and so will not cause this function to return true.
- *
- * @param text the text containing the characters to test
- * @param start the start of the range of characters to test
- * @param limit the limit of the range of characters to test
- * @return true if the range of characters requires bidi analysis
- */
- public static boolean requiresBidi(char[] text, int start, int limit) {
- for (int i = start; i < limit; ++i) {
- char c = text[i];
- if (c < '\u0591') continue;
- if (c > '\u202e') continue; // if contains arabic extended data, presume already ordered
- int dc = nativeGetDirectionCode(c);
- if ((RMASK & (1 << dc)) != 0) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Reorder the objects in the array into visual order based on their levels.
- * This is a utility function to use when you have a collection of objects
- * representing runs of text in logical order, each run containing text
- * at a single level. The elements at <code>index</code> from
- * <code>objectStart</code> up to <code>objectStart + count</code>
- * in the objects array will be reordered into visual order assuming
- * each run of text has the level indicated by the corresponding element
- * in the levels array (at <code>index - objectStart + levelStart</code>).
- *
- * @param levels an array representing the bidi level of each object
- * @param levelStart the start position in the levels array
- * @param objects the array of objects to be reordered into visual order
- * @param objectStart the start position in the objects array
- * @param count the number of objects to reorder
- */
- public static void reorderVisually(byte[] levels, int levelStart, Object[] objects, int objectStart, int count) {
- if (count < 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("count " + count + " must be >= 0");
- }
- if (levelStart < 0 || levelStart + count > levels.length) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("levelStart " + levelStart + " and count " + count +
- " out of range [0, " + levels.length + "]");
- }
- if (objectStart < 0 || objectStart + count > objects.length) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("objectStart " + objectStart + " and count " + count +
- " out of range [0, " + objects.length + "]");
- }
- byte lowestOddLevel = (byte)(NUMLEVELS + 1);
- byte highestLevel = 0;
- // initialize mapping and levels
- int levelLimit = levelStart + count;
- for (int i = levelStart; i < levelLimit; i++) {
- byte level = levels[i];
- if (level > highestLevel) {
- highestLevel = level;
- }
- if ((level & 0x01) != 0 && level < lowestOddLevel) {
- lowestOddLevel = level;
- }
- }
- int delta = objectStart - levelStart;
- while (highestLevel >= lowestOddLevel) {
- int i = levelStart;
- for (;;) {
- while (i < levelLimit && levels[i] < highestLevel) {
- i++;
- }
- int begin = i++;
- if (begin == levelLimit) {
- break; // no more runs at this level
- }
- while (i < levelLimit && levels[i] >= highestLevel) {
- i++;
- }
- int end = i - 1;
- begin += delta;
- end += delta;
- while (begin < end) {
- Object temp = objects[begin];
- objects[begin] = objects[end];
- objects[end] = temp;
- ++begin;
- --end;
- }
- }
- --highestLevel;
- }
- }
- private static final char NUMLEVELS = 62;
- private static final int RMASK =
- (1 << 1 /* U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT */) |
- (1 << 5 /* U_ARABIC_NUMBER */) |
- (1 << 13 /* U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_ARABIC */) |
- (1 << 14 /* U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_EMBEDDING */) |
- (1 << 15 /* U_RIGHT_TO_LEFT_OVERRIDE */);
- /** Access native bidi implementation. */
- private static native int nativeGetDirectionCode(char c);
- /** Access native bidi implementation. */
- private static synchronized native void nativeBidiChars(Bidi bidi, char[] text, int textStart,
- byte[] embeddings, int embeddingStart,
- int length, int flags);
- /**
- * Display the bidi internal state, used in debugging.
- */
- public String toString() {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(super.toString());
- buf.append("[dir: " + dir);
- buf.append(" baselevel: " + baselevel);
- buf.append(" length: " + length);
- if (runs == null) {
- buf.append(" runs: null");
- } else {
- buf.append(" runs: [");
- for (int i = 0; i < runs.length; i += 2) {
- if (i != 0) {
- buf.append(' ');
- }
- buf.append(runs[i]); // limit
- buf.append('/');
- buf.append(runs[i+1]); // level
- }
- buf.append(']');
- }
- if (cws == null) {
- buf.append(" cws: null");
- } else {
- buf.append(" cws: [");
- for (int i = 0; i < cws.length; ++i) {
- if (i != 0) {
- buf.append(' ');
- }
- buf.append(Integer.toHexString(cws[i]));
- }
- buf.append(']');
- }
- buf.append(']');
- return buf.toString();
- }
- }