- /*
- * @(#)TreeModelEvent.java 1.31 03/01/23
- *
- * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
- package javax.swing.event;
- import java.util.EventObject;
- import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
- /**
- * Encapsulates information describing changes to a tree model, and
- * used to notify tree model listeners of the change.
- * For more information and examples see
- * <a
- href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/events/treemodellistener.html">How to Write a Tree Model Listener</a>,
- * a section in <em>The Java Tutorial.</em>
- * <p>
- * <strong>Warning:</strong>
- * Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with
- * future Swing releases. The current serialization support is
- * appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running
- * the same version of Swing. As of 1.4, support for long term storage
- * of all JavaBeans<sup><font size="-2">TM</font></sup>
- * has been added to the <code>java.beans</code> package.
- * Please see {@link java.beans.XMLEncoder}.
- *
- * @version 1.31 01/23/03
- * @author Rob Davis
- * @author Ray Ryan
- * @author Scott Violet
- */
- public class TreeModelEvent extends EventObject {
- /** Path to the parent of the nodes that have changed. */
- protected TreePath path;
- /** Indices identifying the position of where the children were. */
- protected int[] childIndices;
- /** Children that have been removed. */
- protected Object[] children;
- /**
- * Used to create an event when nodes have been changed, inserted, or
- * removed, identifying the path to the parent of the modified items as
- * an array of Objects. All of the modified objects are siblings which are
- * direct descendents (not grandchildren) of the specified parent.
- * The positions at which the inserts, deletes, or changes occurred are
- * specified by an array of <code>int</code>. The indexes in that array
- * must be in order, from lowest to highest.
- * <p>
- * For changes, the indexes in the model correspond exactly to the indexes
- * of items currently displayed in the UI. As a result, it is not really
- * critical if the indexes are not in their exact order. But after multiple
- * inserts or deletes, the items currently in the UI no longer correspond
- * to the items in the model. It is therefore critical to specify the
- * indexes properly for inserts and deletes.
- * <p>
- * For inserts, the indexes represent the <i>final</i> state of the tree,
- * after the inserts have occurred. Since the indexes must be specified in
- * order, the most natural processing methodology is to do the inserts
- * starting at the lowest index and working towards the highest. Accumulate
- * a Vector of <code>Integer</code> objects that specify the
- * insert-locations as you go, then convert the Vector to an
- * array of <code>int</code> to create the event. When the postition-index
- * equals zero, the node is inserted at the beginning of the list. When the
- * position index equals the size of the list, the node is "inserted" at
- * (appended to) the end of the list.
- * <p>
- * For deletes, the indexes represent the <i>initial</i> state of the tree,
- * before the deletes have occurred. Since the indexes must be specified in
- * order, the most natural processing methodology is to use a delete-counter.
- * Start by initializing the counter to zero and start work through the
- * list from lowest to higest. Every time you do a delete, add the current
- * value of the delete-counter to the index-position where the delete occurred,
- * and append the result to a Vector of delete-locations, using
- * <code>addElement()</code>. Then increment the delete-counter. The index
- * positions stored in the Vector therefore reflect the effects of all previous
- * deletes, so they represent each object's position in the initial tree.
- * (You could also start at the highest index and working back towards the
- * lowest, accumulating a Vector of delete-locations as you go using the
- * <code>insertElementAt(Integer, 0)</code>.) However you produce the Vector
- * of initial-positions, you then need to convert the Vector of <code>Integer</code>
- * objects to an array of <code>int</code> to create the event.
- * <p>
- * <b>Notes:</b><ul>
- * <li>Like the <code>insertNodeInto</code> method in the
- * <code>DefaultTreeModel</code> class, <code>insertElementAt</code>
- * appends to the <code>Vector</code> when the index matches the size
- * of the vector. So you can use <code>insertElementAt(Integer, 0)</code>
- * even when the vector is empty.
- * <ul>To create a node changed event for the root node, specify the parent
- * as null and the "child" index as zero.
- * </ul>
- *
- * @param source the Object responsible for generating the event (typically
- * the creator of the event object passes <code>this</code>
- * for its value)
- * @param path an array of Object identifying the path to the
- * parent of the modified item(s), where the first element
- * of the array is the Object stored at the root node and
- * the last element is the Object stored at the parent node
- * @param childIndices an array of <code>int</code> that specifies the
- * index values of the removed items. The indices must be
- * in sorted order, from lowest to highest
- * @param children an array of Object containing the inserted, removed, or
- * changed objects
- * @see TreePath
- */
- public TreeModelEvent(Object source, Object[] path, int[] childIndices,
- Object[] children)
- {
- this(source, new TreePath(path), childIndices, children);
- }
- /**
- * Used to create an event when nodes have been changed, inserted, or
- * removed, identifying the path to the parent of the modified items as
- * a TreePath object. For more information on how to specify the indexes
- * and objects, see
- * <code>TreeModelEvent(Object,Object[],int[],Object[])</code>.
- *
- * @param source the Object responsible for generating the event (typically
- * the creator of the event object passes <code>this</code>
- * for its value)
- * @param path a TreePath object that identifies the path to the
- * parent of the modified item(s)
- * @param childIndices an array of <code>int</code> that specifies the
- * index values of the modified items
- * @param children an array of Object containing the inserted, removed, or
- * changed objects
- *
- * @see #TreeModelEvent(Object,Object[],int[],Object[])
- */
- public TreeModelEvent(Object source, TreePath path, int[] childIndices,
- Object[] children)
- {
- super(source);
- this.path = path;
- this.childIndices = childIndices;
- this.children = children;
- }
- /**
- * Used to create an event when the node structure has changed in some way,
- * identifying the path to the root of a modified subtree as an array of
- * Objects. A structure change event might involve nodes swapping position,
- * for example, or it might encapsulate multiple inserts and deletes in the
- * subtree stemming from the node, where the changes may have taken place at
- * different levels of the subtree.
- * <blockquote>
- * <b>Note:</b><br>
- * JTree collapses all nodes under the specified node, so that only its
- * immediate children are visible.
- * </blockquote>
- *
- * @param source the Object responsible for generating the event (typically
- * the creator of the event object passes <code>this</code>
- * for its value)
- * @param path an array of Object identifying the path to the root of the
- * modified subtree, where the first element of the array is
- * the object stored at the root node and the last element
- * is the object stored at the changed node
- * @see TreePath
- */
- public TreeModelEvent(Object source, Object[] path)
- {
- this(source, new TreePath(path));
- }
- /**
- * Used to create an event when the node structure has changed in some way,
- * identifying the path to the root of the modified subtree as a TreePath
- * object. For more information on this event specification, see
- * <code>TreeModelEvent(Object,Object[])</code>.
- *
- * @param source the Object responsible for generating the event (typically
- * the creator of the event object passes <code>this</code>
- * for its value)
- * @param path a TreePath object that identifies the path to the
- * change. In the DefaultTreeModel,
- * this object contains an array of user-data objects,
- * but a subclass of TreePath could use some totally
- * different mechanism -- for example, a node ID number
- *
- * @see #TreeModelEvent(Object,Object[])
- */
- public TreeModelEvent(Object source, TreePath path)
- {
- super(source);
- this.path = path;
- this.childIndices = new int[0];
- }
- /**
- * For all events, except treeStructureChanged,
- * returns the parent of the changed nodes.
- * For treeStructureChanged events, returns the ancestor of the
- * structure that has changed. This and
- * <code>getChildIndices</code> are used to get a list of the effected
- * nodes.
- * <p>
- * The one exception to this is a treeNodesChanged event that is to
- * identify the root, in which case this will return the root
- * and <code>getChildIndices</code> will return null.
- *
- * @return the TreePath used in identifying the changed nodes.
- * @see TreePath#getLastPathComponent
- */
- public TreePath getTreePath() { return path; }
- /**
- * Convenience method to get the array of objects from the TreePath
- * instance that this event wraps.
- *
- * @return an array of Objects, where the first Object is the one
- * stored at the root and the last object is the one
- * stored at the node identified by the path
- */
- public Object[] getPath() {
- if(path != null)
- return path.getPath();
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the objects that are children of the node identified by
- * <code>getPath</code> at the locations specified by
- * <code>getChildIndices</code>. If this is a removal event the
- * returned objects are no longer children of the parent node.
- *
- * @return an array of Object containing the children specified by
- * the event
- * @see #getPath
- * @see #getChildIndices
- */
- public Object[] getChildren() {
- if(children != null) {
- int cCount = children.length;
- Object[] retChildren = new Object[cCount];
- System.arraycopy(children, 0, retChildren, 0, cCount);
- return retChildren;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the values of the child indexes. If this is a removal event
- * the indexes point to locations in the initial list where items
- * were removed. If it is an insert, the indices point to locations
- * in the final list where the items were added. For node changes,
- * the indices point to the locations of the modified nodes.
- *
- * @return an array of <code>int</code> containing index locations for
- * the children specified by the event
- */
- public int[] getChildIndices() {
- if(childIndices != null) {
- int cCount = childIndices.length;
- int[] retArray = new int[cCount];
- System.arraycopy(childIndices, 0, retArray, 0, cCount);
- return retArray;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a string that displays and identifies this object's
- * properties.
- *
- * @return a String representation of this object
- */
- public String toString() {
- StringBuffer retBuffer = new StringBuffer();
- retBuffer.append(getClass().getName() + " " +
- Integer.toString(hashCode()));
- if(path != null)
- retBuffer.append(" path " + path);
- if(childIndices != null) {
- retBuffer.append(" indices [ ");
- for(int counter = 0; counter < childIndices.length; counter++)
- retBuffer.append(Integer.toString(childIndices[counter])+ " ");
- retBuffer.append("]");
- }
- if(children != null) {
- retBuffer.append(" children [ ");
- for(int counter = 0; counter < children.length; counter++)
- retBuffer.append(children[counter] + " ");
- retBuffer.append("]");
- }
- return retBuffer.toString();
- }
- }