1. package com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL;
  2. /**
  3. * com/sun/corba/se/PortableActivationIDL/ActivatorOperations.java .
  4. * Generated by the IDL-to-Java compiler (portable), version "3.2"
  5. * from ../../../../src/share/classes/com/sun/corba/se/PortableActivationIDL/activation.idl
  6. * Wednesday, September 15, 2004 3:50:44 AM PDT
  7. */
  8. public interface ActivatorOperations
  9. {
  10. /** A new ORB started server registers itself with the Activator
  11. */
  12. void registerServer (String serverId, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerProxy serverObj) throws com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerNotRegistered;
  13. /** A server is shutting down that was started by this activator.
  14. * Complete termination of the server is detected by the death of the
  15. * process implementing the server.
  16. */
  17. void serverGoingDown (String serverId);
  18. /** Called whenever an ORB instance is created. This registers
  19. * the transport endpoints and the ORB proxy callback object.
  20. * Note that we cannot detect when an ORB shuts down, although
  21. * all of the POA shutdowns should still be reported.
  22. */
  23. void registerORB (String serverId, String orbId, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ORBProxy orb, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.EndPointInfo[] endPointInfo) throws com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerNotRegistered, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.NoSuchEndPoint, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ORBAlreadyRegistered;
  24. /** Construct or find an ORBD object template corresponding to the
  25. * server's object template and return it. Called whenever a
  26. * persistent POA is created.
  27. */
  28. org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ObjectReferenceTemplate registerPOA (String serverId, String orbId, org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ObjectReferenceTemplate poaTemplate);
  29. /** Called whenever a POA is destroyed.
  30. */
  31. void poaDestroyed (String serverId, String orbId, org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ObjectReferenceTemplate poaTemplate);
  32. /** If the server is not running, start it up. This is allowed
  33. * whether or not the server has been installed.
  34. */
  35. void activate (String serverId) throws com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerAlreadyActive, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerNotRegistered, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerHeldDown;
  36. /** If the server is running, shut it down
  37. */
  38. void shutdown (String serverId) throws com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerNotActive, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerNotRegistered;
  39. /** Invoke the server install hook. If the server is not
  40. * currently running, this method will activate it.
  41. */
  42. void install (String serverId) throws com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerNotRegistered, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerHeldDown, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerAlreadyInstalled;
  43. /** Invoke the server uninstall hook. If the server is not
  44. * currently running, this method will activate it.
  45. * After this hook completes, the server may still be running.
  46. */
  47. void uninstall (String serverId) throws com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerNotRegistered, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerHeldDown, com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerAlreadyUninstalled;
  48. /** list active servers
  49. */
  50. String[] getActiveServers ();
  51. /** list all registered ORBs for a server
  52. */
  53. String[] getORBNames (String serverId) throws com.sun.corba.se.PortableActivationIDL.ServerNotRegistered;
  54. /** Find the server template that corresponds to the ORBD's
  55. * adapter id.
  56. */
  57. org.omg.PortableInterceptor.ObjectReferenceTemplate lookupPOATemplate (String serverId, String orbId, String[] orbAdapterName);
  58. } // interface ActivatorOperations