1. /*
  2. * @(#)PNGMetadataFormatResources.java 1.7 03/12/19
  3. *
  4. * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  5. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
  6. */
  7. package com.sun.imageio.plugins.png;
  8. import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
  9. import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormat;
  10. import javax.imageio.metadata.IIOMetadataFormatImpl;
  11. public class PNGMetadataFormatResources extends ListResourceBundle {
  12. static final Object[][] contents = {
  13. // Node name, followed by description
  14. { "IHDR", "The IHDR chunk, containing the header" },
  15. { "PLTE", "The PLTE chunk, containing the palette" },
  16. { "PLTEEntry", "A palette entry" },
  17. { "bKGD", "The bKGD chunk, containing the background color" },
  18. { "bKGD_RGB", "An RGB background color, for RGB and RGBAlpha images" },
  19. { "bKGD_Grayscale",
  20. "A grayscale background color, for Gray and GrayAlpha images" },
  21. { "bKGD_Palette", "A background palette index" },
  22. { "cHRM", "The cHRM chunk, containing color calibration" },
  23. { "gAMA", "The gAMA chunk, containing the image gamma" },
  24. { "hIST", "The hIST chunk, containing histogram information " },
  25. { "hISTEntry", "A histogram entry" },
  26. { "iCCP", "The iCCP chunk, containing an ICC color profile" },
  27. { "iTXt", "The iTXt chunk, containing internationalized text" },
  28. { "iTXtEntry", "A localized text entry" },
  29. { "pHYS",
  30. "The pHYS chunk, containing the pixel size and aspect ratio" },
  31. { "sBIT", "The sBIT chunk, containing significant bit information" },
  32. { "sBIT_Grayscale", "Significant bit information for gray samples" },
  33. { "sBIT_GrayAlpha",
  34. "Significant bit information for gray and alpha samples" },
  35. { "sBIT_RGB", "Significant bit information for RGB samples" },
  36. { "sBIT_RGBAlpha", "Significant bit information for RGBA samples" },
  37. { "sBIT_Palette",
  38. "Significant bit information for RGB palette entries" },
  39. { "sPLT", "The sPLT chunk, containing a suggested palette" },
  40. { "sPLTEntry", "A suggested palette entry" },
  41. { "sRGB", "The sRGB chunk, containing rendering intent information" },
  42. { "tEXt", "The tEXt chunk, containing text" },
  43. { "tEXtEntry", "A text entry" },
  44. { "tIME", "The tIME chunk, containing the image modification time" },
  45. { "tRNS", "The tRNS chunk, containing transparency information" },
  46. { "tRNS_Grayscale",
  47. "A grayscale value that should be considered transparent" },
  48. { "tRNS_RGB",
  49. "An RGB value that should be considered transparent" },
  50. { "tRNS_Palette",
  51. "A palette index that should be considered transparent" },
  52. { "zTXt", "The zTXt chunk, containing compressed text" },
  53. { "zTXtEntry", "A compressed text entry" },
  54. { "UnknownChunks", "A set of unknown chunks" },
  55. { "UnknownChunk", "Unknown chunk data stored as a byte array" },
  56. // Node name + "/" + AttributeName, followed by description
  57. { "IHDR/width", "The width of the image in pixels" },
  58. { "IHDR/height", "The height of the image in pixels" },
  59. { "IHDR/bitDepth", "The bit depth of the image samples" },
  60. { "IHDR/colorType", "The color type of the image" },
  61. { "IHDR/compressionMethod",
  62. "The compression used for image data, always \"deflate\"" },
  63. { "IHDR/filterMethod",
  64. "The filtering method used for compression, always \"adaptive\"" },
  65. { "IHDR/interlaceMethod",
  66. "The interlacing method, \"none\" or \"adam7\"" },
  67. { "PLTEEntry/index", "The index of a palette entry" },
  68. { "PLTEEntry/red", "The red value of a palette entry" },
  69. { "PLTEEntry/green", "The green value of a palette entry" },
  70. { "PLTEEntry/blue", "The blue value of a palette entry" },
  71. { "bKGD_Grayscale/gray", "A gray value to be used as a background" },
  72. { "bKGD_RGB/red", "A red value to be used as a background" },
  73. { "bKGD_RGB/green", "A green value to be used as a background" },
  74. { "bKGD_RGB/blue", "A blue value to be used as a background" },
  75. { "bKGD_Palette/index", "A palette index to be used as a background" },
  76. { "cHRM/whitePointX",
  77. "The CIE x coordinate of the white point, multiplied by 1e5" },
  78. { "cHRM/whitePointY",
  79. "The CIE y coordinate of the white point, multiplied by 1e5" },
  80. { "cHRM/redX",
  81. "The CIE x coordinate of the red primary, multiplied by 1e5" },
  82. { "cHRM/redY",
  83. "The CIE y coordinate of the red primary, multiplied by 1e5" },
  84. { "cHRM/greenX",
  85. "The CIE x coordinate of the green primary, multiplied by 1e5" },
  86. { "cHRM/greenY",
  87. "The CIE y coordinate of the green primary, multiplied by 1e5" },
  88. { "cHRM/blueX",
  89. "The CIE x coordinate of the blue primary, multiplied by 1e5" },
  90. { "cHRM/blueY",
  91. "The CIE y coordinate of the blue primary, multiplied by 1e5" },
  92. { "gAMA/value",
  93. "The image gamma, multiplied by 1e5" },
  94. { "hISTEntry/index", "The palette index of this histogram entry" },
  95. { "hISTEntry/value", "The frequency of this histogram entry" },
  96. { "iCCP/profileName", "The name of this ICC profile" },
  97. { "iCCP/compressionMethod",
  98. "The compression method used to store this ICC profile" },
  99. { "iTXtEntry/keyword", "The keyword" },
  100. { "iTXtEntry/compressionMethod",
  101. "The compression method used to store this iTXt entry" },
  102. { "iTXtEntry/languageTag",
  103. "The ISO tag describing the language this iTXt entry" },
  104. { "iTXtEntry/translatedKeyword",
  105. "The translated keyword for iTXt entry" },
  106. { "iTXtEntry/text",
  107. "The localized text" },
  108. { "pHYS/pixelsPerUnitXAxis",
  109. "The number of horizontal pixels per unit, multiplied by 1e5" },
  110. { "pHYS/pixelsPerUnitYAxis",
  111. "The number of vertical pixels per unit, multiplied by 1e5" },
  112. { "pHYS/unitSpecifier",
  113. "The unit specifier for this chunk (i.e., meters)" },
  114. { "sBIT_Grayscale/gray",
  115. "The number of significant bits of the gray samples" },
  116. { "sBIT_GrayAlpha/gray",
  117. "The number of significant bits of the gray samples" },
  118. { "sBIT_GrayAlpha/alpha",
  119. "The number of significant bits of the alpha samples" },
  120. { "sBIT_RGB/red",
  121. "The number of significant bits of the red samples" },
  122. { "sBIT_RGB/green",
  123. "The number of significant bits of the green samples" },
  124. { "sBIT_RGB/blue",
  125. "The number of significant bits of the blue samples" },
  126. { "sBIT_RGBAlpha/red",
  127. "The number of significant bits of the red samples" },
  128. { "sBIT_RGBAlpha/green",
  129. "The number of significant bits of the green samples" },
  130. { "sBIT_RGBAlpha/blue",
  131. "The number of significant bits of the blue samples" },
  132. { "sBIT_RGBAlpha/alpha",
  133. "The number of significant bits of the alpha samples" },
  134. { "sBIT_Palette/red",
  135. "The number of significant bits of the red palette entries" },
  136. { "sBIT_Palette/green",
  137. "The number of significant bits of the green palette entries" },
  138. { "sBIT_Palette/blue",
  139. "The number of significant bits of the blue palette entries" },
  140. { "sPLTEntry/index", "The index of a suggested palette entry" },
  141. { "sPLTEntry/red", "The red value of a suggested palette entry" },
  142. { "sPLTEntry/green", "The green value of a suggested palette entry" },
  143. { "sPLTEntry/blue", "The blue value of a suggested palette entry" },
  144. { "sPLTEntry/alpha", "The blue value of a suggested palette entry" },
  145. { "sRGB/renderingIntent", "The rendering intent" },
  146. { "tEXtEntry/keyword", "The keyword" },
  147. { "tEXtEntry/value", "The text" },
  148. { "tIME/year", "The year when the image was last modified" },
  149. { "tIME/month",
  150. "The month when the image was last modified, 1 = January" },
  151. { "tIME/day",
  152. "The day of the month when the image was last modified" },
  153. { "tIME/hour",
  154. "The hour when the image was last modified" },
  155. { "tIME/minute",
  156. "The minute when the image was last modified" },
  157. { "tIME/second",
  158. "The second when the image was last modified, 60 = leap second" },
  159. { "tRNS_Grayscale/gray",
  160. "The gray value to be considered transparent" },
  161. { "tRNS_RGB/red",
  162. "The red value to be considered transparent" },
  163. { "tRNS_RGB/green",
  164. "The green value to be considered transparent" },
  165. { "tRNS_RGB/blue",
  166. "The blure value to be considered transparent" },
  167. { "tRNS_Palette/index",
  168. "A palette index to be considered transparent" },
  169. { "tRNS_Palette/alpha",
  170. "The transparency associated with the palette entry" },
  171. { "zTXtEntry/keyword", "The keyword" },
  172. { "zTXtEntry/compressionMethod", "The compression method" },
  173. { "zTXtEntry/text", "The compressed text" },
  174. { "UnknownChunk/type", "The 4-character type of the unknown chunk" }
  175. };
  176. public PNGMetadataFormatResources() {}
  177. public Object[][] getContents() {
  178. return contents;
  179. }
  180. }