- /*
- * @(#)ClassFileTransformer.java 1.5 04/05/05
- *
- * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
- package java.lang.instrument;
- import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
- /*
- * Copyright 2003 Wily Technology, Inc.
- */
- /**
- * An agent provides an implementation of this interface in order
- * to transform class files.
- * The transformation occurs before the class is defined by the JVM.
- * <P>
- * Note the term <i>class file</i> is used as defined in the chapter
- * <a href="http://java.sun.com/docs/books/vmspec/2nd-edition/html/ClassFile.doc.html#80959">The class File Format</a>
- * of <i>The Java Virtual Machine Specification</i>, to mean a sequence
- * of bytes in class file format, whether or not they reside in a file.
- *
- * @see java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation
- * @see java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#addTransformer
- * @see java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#removeTransformer
- * @since JDK1.5
- */
- public interface ClassFileTransformer {
- /**
- * The implementation of this method may transform the supplied class file and
- * return a new replacement class file.
- *
- * <P>
- * Once a transformer has been registered with
- * {@link java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#addTransformer Instrumentation.addTransformer},
- * the transformer will be called for every new class definition and every class redefinition.
- * The request for a new class definition is made with
- * {@link java.lang.ClassLoader#defineClass ClassLoader.defineClass}.
- * The request for a class redefinition is made with
- * {@link java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation#redefineClasses Instrumentation.redefineClasses}
- * or its native equivalents.
- * The transformer is called during the processing of the request, before the class file bytes
- * have been verified or applied.
- *
- * <P>
- * If the implementing method determines that no transformations are needed,
- * it should return <code>null</code>.
- * Otherwise, it should create a new <code>byte[]</code> array,
- * copy the input <code>classfileBuffer</code> into it,
- * along with all desired transformations, and return the new array.
- * The input <code>classfileBuffer</code> must not be modified.
- *
- * <P>
- * In the redefine case, the transformer must support the redefinition semantics.
- * If a class that the transformer changed during initial definition is later redefined, the
- * transformer must insure that the second class output class file is a legal
- * redefinition of the first output class file.
- *
- * <P>
- * If the transformer believes the <code>classFileBuffer</code> does not
- * represent a validly formatted class file, it should throw
- * an <code>IllegalClassFormatException</code>. Subsequent transformers
- * will still be called and the load or redefine will still
- * be attempted. Throwing an <code>IllegalClassFormatException</code> thus
- * has the same effect as returning null but facilitates the
- * logging or debugging of format corruptions.
- *
- * @param loader the defining loader of the class to be transformed,
- * may be <code>null</code> if the bootstrap loader
- * @param className the name of the class in the internal form of fully
- * qualified class and interface names as defined in
- * <i>The Java Virtual Machine Specification</i>.
- * For example, <code>"java/util/List"</code>.
- * @param classBeingRedefined if this is a redefine, the class being redefined,
- * otherwise <code>null</code>
- * @param protectionDomain the protection domain of the class being defined or redefined
- * @param classfileBuffer the input byte buffer in class file format - must not be modified
- *
- * @throws IllegalClassFormatException if the input does not represent a well-formed class file
- * @return a well-formed class file buffer (the result of the transform),
- or <code>null</code> if no transform is performed.
- * @see Instrumentation#redefineClasses
- */
- byte[]
- transform( ClassLoader loader,
- String className,
- Class<?> classBeingRedefined,
- ProtectionDomain protectionDomain,
- byte[] classfileBuffer)
- throws IllegalClassFormatException;
- }