1. /*
  2. * @(#)Semaphore.java 1.8 04/07/12
  3. *
  4. * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  5. * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
  6. */
  7. package java.util.concurrent;
  8. import java.util.*;
  9. import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;
  10. import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
  11. /**
  12. * A counting semaphore. Conceptually, a semaphore maintains a set of
  13. * permits. Each {@link #acquire} blocks if necessary until a permit is
  14. * available, and then takes it. Each {@link #release} adds a permit,
  15. * potentially releasing a blocking acquirer.
  16. * However, no actual permit objects are used; the <tt>Semaphore</tt> just
  17. * keeps a count of the number available and acts accordingly.
  18. *
  19. * <p>Semaphores are often used to restrict the number of threads than can
  20. * access some (physical or logical) resource. For example, here is
  21. * a class that uses a semaphore to control access to a pool of items:
  22. * <pre>
  23. * class Pool {
  24. * private static final MAX_AVAILABLE = 100;
  25. * private final Semaphore available = new Semaphore(MAX_AVAILABLE, true);
  26. *
  27. * public Object getItem() throws InterruptedException {
  28. * available.acquire();
  29. * return getNextAvailableItem();
  30. * }
  31. *
  32. * public void putItem(Object x) {
  33. * if (markAsUnused(x))
  34. * available.release();
  35. * }
  36. *
  37. * // Not a particularly efficient data structure; just for demo
  38. *
  39. * protected Object[] items = ... whatever kinds of items being managed
  40. * protected boolean[] used = new boolean[MAX_AVAILABLE];
  41. *
  42. * protected synchronized Object getNextAvailableItem() {
  43. * for (int i = 0; i < MAX_AVAILABLE; ++i) {
  44. * if (!used[i]) {
  45. * used[i] = true;
  46. * return items[i];
  47. * }
  48. * }
  49. * return null; // not reached
  50. * }
  51. *
  52. * protected synchronized boolean markAsUnused(Object item) {
  53. * for (int i = 0; i < MAX_AVAILABLE; ++i) {
  54. * if (item == items[i]) {
  55. * if (used[i]) {
  56. * used[i] = false;
  57. * return true;
  58. * } else
  59. * return false;
  60. * }
  61. * }
  62. * return false;
  63. * }
  64. *
  65. * }
  66. * </pre>
  67. *
  68. * <p>Before obtaining an item each thread must acquire a permit from
  69. * the semaphore, guaranteeing that an item is available for use. When
  70. * the thread has finished with the item it is returned back to the
  71. * pool and a permit is returned to the semaphore, allowing another
  72. * thread to acquire that item. Note that no synchronization lock is
  73. * held when {@link #acquire} is called as that would prevent an item
  74. * from being returned to the pool. The semaphore encapsulates the
  75. * synchronization needed to restrict access to the pool, separately
  76. * from any synchronization needed to maintain the consistency of the
  77. * pool itself.
  78. *
  79. * <p>A semaphore initialized to one, and which is used such that it
  80. * only has at most one permit available, can serve as a mutual
  81. * exclusion lock. This is more commonly known as a <em>binary
  82. * semaphore</em>, because it only has two states: one permit
  83. * available, or zero permits available. When used in this way, the
  84. * binary semaphore has the property (unlike many {@link Lock}
  85. * implementations), that the "lock" can be released by a
  86. * thread other than the owner (as semaphores have no notion of
  87. * ownership). This can be useful in some specialized contexts, such
  88. * as deadlock recovery.
  89. *
  90. * <p> The constructor for this class optionally accepts a
  91. * <em>fairness</em> parameter. When set false, this class makes no
  92. * guarantees about the order in which threads acquire permits. In
  93. * particular, <em>barging</em> is permitted, that is, a thread
  94. * invoking {@link #acquire} can be allocated a permit ahead of a
  95. * thread that has been waiting - logically the new thread places itself at
  96. * the head of the queue of waiting threads. When fairness is set true, the
  97. * semaphore guarantees that threads invoking any of the {@link
  98. * #acquire() acquire} methods are selected to obtain permits in the order in
  99. * which their invocation of those methods was processed
  100. * (first-in-first-out; FIFO). Note that FIFO ordering necessarily
  101. * applies to specific internal points of execution within these
  102. * methods. So, it is possible for one thread to invoke
  103. * <tt>acquire</tt> before another, but reach the ordering point after
  104. * the other, and similarly upon return from the method.
  105. * Also note that the untimed {@link #tryAcquire() tryAcquire} methods do not
  106. * honor the fairness setting, but will take any permits that are
  107. * available.
  108. *
  109. * <p>Generally, semaphores used to control resource access should be
  110. * initialized as fair, to ensure that no thread is starved out from
  111. * accessing a resource. When using semaphores for other kinds of
  112. * synchronization control, the throughput advantages of non-fair
  113. * ordering often outweigh fairness considerations.
  114. *
  115. * <p>This class also provides convenience methods to {@link
  116. * #acquire(int) acquire} and {@link #release(int) release} multiple
  117. * permits at a time. Beware of the increased risk of indefinite
  118. * postponement when these methods are used without fairness set true.
  119. *
  120. * @since 1.5
  121. * @author Doug Lea
  122. *
  123. */
  124. public class Semaphore implements java.io.Serializable {
  125. private static final long serialVersionUID = -3222578661600680210L;
  126. /** All mechanics via AbstractQueuedSynchronizer subclass */
  127. private final Sync sync;
  128. /**
  129. * Synchronization implementation for semaphore. Uses AQS state
  130. * to represent permits. Subclassed into fair and nonfair
  131. * versions.
  132. */
  133. abstract static class Sync extends AbstractQueuedSynchronizer {
  134. Sync(int permits) {
  135. setState(permits);
  136. }
  137. final int getPermits() {
  138. return getState();
  139. }
  140. final int nonfairTryAcquireShared(int acquires) {
  141. for (;;) {
  142. int available = getState();
  143. int remaining = available - acquires;
  144. if (remaining < 0 ||
  145. compareAndSetState(available, remaining))
  146. return remaining;
  147. }
  148. }
  149. protected final boolean tryReleaseShared(int releases) {
  150. for (;;) {
  151. int p = getState();
  152. if (compareAndSetState(p, p + releases))
  153. return true;
  154. }
  155. }
  156. final void reducePermits(int reductions) {
  157. for (;;) {
  158. int current = getState();
  159. int next = current - reductions;
  160. if (compareAndSetState(current, next))
  161. return;
  162. }
  163. }
  164. final int drainPermits() {
  165. for (;;) {
  166. int current = getState();
  167. if (current == 0 || compareAndSetState(current, 0))
  168. return current;
  169. }
  170. }
  171. }
  172. /**
  173. * NonFair version
  174. */
  175. final static class NonfairSync extends Sync {
  176. NonfairSync(int permits) {
  177. super(permits);
  178. }
  179. protected int tryAcquireShared(int acquires) {
  180. return nonfairTryAcquireShared(acquires);
  181. }
  182. }
  183. /**
  184. * Fair version
  185. */
  186. final static class FairSync extends Sync {
  187. FairSync(int permits) {
  188. super(permits);
  189. }
  190. protected int tryAcquireShared(int acquires) {
  191. Thread current = Thread.currentThread();
  192. for (;;) {
  193. Thread first = getFirstQueuedThread();
  194. if (first != null && first != current)
  195. return -1;
  196. int available = getState();
  197. int remaining = available - acquires;
  198. if (remaining < 0 ||
  199. compareAndSetState(available, remaining))
  200. return remaining;
  201. }
  202. }
  203. }
  204. /**
  205. * Creates a <tt>Semaphore</tt> with the given number of
  206. * permits and nonfair fairness setting.
  207. * @param permits the initial number of permits available. This
  208. * value may be negative, in which case releases must
  209. * occur before any acquires will be granted.
  210. */
  211. public Semaphore(int permits) {
  212. sync = new NonfairSync(permits);
  213. }
  214. /**
  215. * Creates a <tt>Semaphore</tt> with the given number of
  216. * permits and the given fairness setting.
  217. * @param permits the initial number of permits available. This
  218. * value may be negative, in which case releases must
  219. * occur before any acquires will be granted.
  220. * @param fair true if this semaphore will guarantee first-in
  221. * first-out granting of permits under contention, else false.
  222. */
  223. public Semaphore(int permits, boolean fair) {
  224. sync = (fair)? new FairSync(permits) : new NonfairSync(permits);
  225. }
  226. /**
  227. * Acquires a permit from this semaphore, blocking until one is
  228. * available, or the thread is {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted}.
  229. *
  230. * <p>Acquires a permit, if one is available and returns immediately,
  231. * reducing the number of available permits by one.
  232. * <p>If no permit is available then the current thread becomes
  233. * disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until
  234. * one of two things happens:
  235. * <ul>
  236. * <li>Some other thread invokes the {@link #release} method for this
  237. * semaphore and the current thread is next to be assigned a permit; or
  238. * <li>Some other thread {@link Thread#interrupt interrupts} the current
  239. * thread.
  240. * </ul>
  241. *
  242. * <p>If the current thread:
  243. * <ul>
  244. * <li>has its interrupted status set on entry to this method; or
  245. * <li>is {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted} while waiting
  246. * for a permit,
  247. * </ul>
  248. * then {@link InterruptedException} is thrown and the current thread's
  249. * interrupted status is cleared.
  250. *
  251. * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
  252. *
  253. * @see Thread#interrupt
  254. */
  255. public void acquire() throws InterruptedException {
  256. sync.acquireSharedInterruptibly(1);
  257. }
  258. /**
  259. * Acquires a permit from this semaphore, blocking until one is
  260. * available.
  261. *
  262. * <p>Acquires a permit, if one is available and returns immediately,
  263. * reducing the number of available permits by one.
  264. * <p>If no permit is available then the current thread becomes
  265. * disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until
  266. * some other thread invokes the {@link #release} method for this
  267. * semaphore and the current thread is next to be assigned a permit.
  268. *
  269. * <p>If the current thread
  270. * is {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted} while waiting
  271. * for a permit then it will continue to wait, but the time at which
  272. * the thread is assigned a permit may change compared to the time it
  273. * would have received the permit had no interruption occurred. When the
  274. * thread does return from this method its interrupt status will be set.
  275. *
  276. */
  277. public void acquireUninterruptibly() {
  278. sync.acquireShared(1);
  279. }
  280. /**
  281. * Acquires a permit from this semaphore, only if one is available at the
  282. * time of invocation.
  283. * <p>Acquires a permit, if one is available and returns immediately,
  284. * with the value <tt>true</tt>,
  285. * reducing the number of available permits by one.
  286. *
  287. * <p>If no permit is available then this method will return
  288. * immediately with the value <tt>false</tt>.
  289. *
  290. * <p>Even when this semaphore has been set to use a
  291. * fair ordering policy, a call to <tt>tryAcquire()</tt> <em>will</em>
  292. * immediately acquire a permit if one is available, whether or not
  293. * other threads are currently waiting.
  294. * This "barging" behavior can be useful in certain
  295. * circumstances, even though it breaks fairness. If you want to honor
  296. * the fairness setting, then use
  297. * {@link #tryAcquire(long, TimeUnit) tryAcquire(0, TimeUnit.SECONDS) }
  298. * which is almost equivalent (it also detects interruption).
  299. *
  300. * @return <tt>true</tt> if a permit was acquired and <tt>false</tt>
  301. * otherwise.
  302. */
  303. public boolean tryAcquire() {
  304. return sync.nonfairTryAcquireShared(1) >= 0;
  305. }
  306. /**
  307. * Acquires a permit from this semaphore, if one becomes available
  308. * within the given waiting time and the
  309. * current thread has not been {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted}.
  310. * <p>Acquires a permit, if one is available and returns immediately,
  311. * with the value <tt>true</tt>,
  312. * reducing the number of available permits by one.
  313. * <p>If no permit is available then
  314. * the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling
  315. * purposes and lies dormant until one of three things happens:
  316. * <ul>
  317. * <li>Some other thread invokes the {@link #release} method for this
  318. * semaphore and the current thread is next to be assigned a permit; or
  319. * <li>Some other thread {@link Thread#interrupt interrupts} the current
  320. * thread; or
  321. * <li>The specified waiting time elapses.
  322. * </ul>
  323. * <p>If a permit is acquired then the value <tt>true</tt> is returned.
  324. * <p>If the current thread:
  325. * <ul>
  326. * <li>has its interrupted status set on entry to this method; or
  327. * <li>is {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted} while waiting to acquire
  328. * a permit,
  329. * </ul>
  330. * then {@link InterruptedException} is thrown and the current thread's
  331. * interrupted status is cleared.
  332. * <p>If the specified waiting time elapses then the value <tt>false</tt>
  333. * is returned.
  334. * If the time is less than or equal to zero, the method will not wait
  335. * at all.
  336. *
  337. * @param timeout the maximum time to wait for a permit
  338. * @param unit the time unit of the <tt>timeout</tt> argument.
  339. * @return <tt>true</tt> if a permit was acquired and <tt>false</tt>
  340. * if the waiting time elapsed before a permit was acquired.
  341. *
  342. * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
  343. *
  344. * @see Thread#interrupt
  345. *
  346. */
  347. public boolean tryAcquire(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
  348. throws InterruptedException {
  349. return sync.tryAcquireSharedNanos(1, unit.toNanos(timeout));
  350. }
  351. /**
  352. * Releases a permit, returning it to the semaphore.
  353. * <p>Releases a permit, increasing the number of available permits
  354. * by one.
  355. * If any threads are trying to acquire a permit, then one
  356. * is selected and given the permit that was just released.
  357. * That thread is (re)enabled for thread scheduling purposes.
  358. * <p>There is no requirement that a thread that releases a permit must
  359. * have acquired that permit by calling {@link #acquire}.
  360. * Correct usage of a semaphore is established by programming convention
  361. * in the application.
  362. */
  363. public void release() {
  364. sync.releaseShared(1);
  365. }
  366. /**
  367. * Acquires the given number of permits from this semaphore,
  368. * blocking until all are available,
  369. * or the thread is {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted}.
  370. *
  371. * <p>Acquires the given number of permits, if they are available,
  372. * and returns immediately,
  373. * reducing the number of available permits by the given amount.
  374. *
  375. * <p>If insufficient permits are available then the current thread becomes
  376. * disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until
  377. * one of two things happens:
  378. * <ul>
  379. * <li>Some other thread invokes one of the {@link #release() release}
  380. * methods for this semaphore, the current thread is next to be assigned
  381. * permits and the number of available permits satisfies this request; or
  382. * <li>Some other thread {@link Thread#interrupt interrupts} the current
  383. * thread.
  384. * </ul>
  385. *
  386. * <p>If the current thread:
  387. * <ul>
  388. * <li>has its interrupted status set on entry to this method; or
  389. * <li>is {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted} while waiting
  390. * for a permit,
  391. * </ul>
  392. * then {@link InterruptedException} is thrown and the current thread's
  393. * interrupted status is cleared.
  394. * Any permits that were to be assigned to this thread are instead
  395. * assigned to other threads trying to acquire permits, as if
  396. * permits had been made available by a call to {@link #release()}.
  397. *
  398. * @param permits the number of permits to acquire
  399. *
  400. * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
  401. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if permits less than zero.
  402. *
  403. * @see Thread#interrupt
  404. */
  405. public void acquire(int permits) throws InterruptedException {
  406. if (permits < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
  407. sync.acquireSharedInterruptibly(permits);
  408. }
  409. /**
  410. * Acquires the given number of permits from this semaphore,
  411. * blocking until all are available.
  412. *
  413. * <p>Acquires the given number of permits, if they are available,
  414. * and returns immediately,
  415. * reducing the number of available permits by the given amount.
  416. *
  417. * <p>If insufficient permits are available then the current thread becomes
  418. * disabled for thread scheduling purposes and lies dormant until
  419. * some other thread invokes one of the {@link #release() release}
  420. * methods for this semaphore, the current thread is next to be assigned
  421. * permits and the number of available permits satisfies this request.
  422. *
  423. * <p>If the current thread
  424. * is {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted} while waiting
  425. * for permits then it will continue to wait and its position in the
  426. * queue is not affected. When the
  427. * thread does return from this method its interrupt status will be set.
  428. *
  429. * @param permits the number of permits to acquire
  430. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if permits less than zero.
  431. *
  432. */
  433. public void acquireUninterruptibly(int permits) {
  434. if (permits < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
  435. sync.acquireShared(permits);
  436. }
  437. /**
  438. * Acquires the given number of permits from this semaphore, only
  439. * if all are available at the time of invocation.
  440. *
  441. * <p>Acquires the given number of permits, if they are available, and
  442. * returns immediately, with the value <tt>true</tt>,
  443. * reducing the number of available permits by the given amount.
  444. *
  445. * <p>If insufficient permits are available then this method will return
  446. * immediately with the value <tt>false</tt> and the number of available
  447. * permits is unchanged.
  448. *
  449. * <p>Even when this semaphore has been set to use a fair ordering
  450. * policy, a call to <tt>tryAcquire</tt> <em>will</em>
  451. * immediately acquire a permit if one is available, whether or
  452. * not other threads are currently waiting. This
  453. * "barging" behavior can be useful in certain
  454. * circumstances, even though it breaks fairness. If you want to
  455. * honor the fairness setting, then use {@link #tryAcquire(int,
  456. * long, TimeUnit) tryAcquire(permits, 0, TimeUnit.SECONDS) }
  457. * which is almost equivalent (it also detects interruption).
  458. *
  459. * @param permits the number of permits to acquire
  460. *
  461. * @return <tt>true</tt> if the permits were acquired and <tt>false</tt>
  462. * otherwise.
  463. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if permits less than zero.
  464. */
  465. public boolean tryAcquire(int permits) {
  466. if (permits < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
  467. return sync.nonfairTryAcquireShared(permits) >= 0;
  468. }
  469. /**
  470. * Acquires the given number of permits from this semaphore, if all
  471. * become available within the given waiting time and the
  472. * current thread has not been {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted}.
  473. * <p>Acquires the given number of permits, if they are available and
  474. * returns immediately, with the value <tt>true</tt>,
  475. * reducing the number of available permits by the given amount.
  476. * <p>If insufficient permits are available then
  477. * the current thread becomes disabled for thread scheduling
  478. * purposes and lies dormant until one of three things happens:
  479. * <ul>
  480. * <li>Some other thread invokes one of the {@link #release() release}
  481. * methods for this semaphore, the current thread is next to be assigned
  482. * permits and the number of available permits satisfies this request; or
  483. * <li>Some other thread {@link Thread#interrupt interrupts} the current
  484. * thread; or
  485. * <li>The specified waiting time elapses.
  486. * </ul>
  487. * <p>If the permits are acquired then the value <tt>true</tt> is returned.
  488. * <p>If the current thread:
  489. * <ul>
  490. * <li>has its interrupted status set on entry to this method; or
  491. * <li>is {@link Thread#interrupt interrupted} while waiting to acquire
  492. * the permits,
  493. * </ul>
  494. * then {@link InterruptedException} is thrown and the current thread's
  495. * interrupted status is cleared.
  496. * Any permits that were to be assigned to this thread, are instead
  497. * assigned to other threads trying to acquire permits, as if
  498. * the permits had been made available by a call to {@link #release()}.
  499. *
  500. * <p>If the specified waiting time elapses then the value <tt>false</tt>
  501. * is returned.
  502. * If the time is
  503. * less than or equal to zero, the method will not wait at all.
  504. * Any permits that were to be assigned to this thread, are instead
  505. * assigned to other threads trying to acquire permits, as if
  506. * the permits had been made available by a call to {@link #release()}.
  507. *
  508. * @param permits the number of permits to acquire
  509. * @param timeout the maximum time to wait for the permits
  510. * @param unit the time unit of the <tt>timeout</tt> argument.
  511. * @return <tt>true</tt> if all permits were acquired and <tt>false</tt>
  512. * if the waiting time elapsed before all permits were acquired.
  513. *
  514. * @throws InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted
  515. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if permits less than zero.
  516. *
  517. * @see Thread#interrupt
  518. *
  519. */
  520. public boolean tryAcquire(int permits, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
  521. throws InterruptedException {
  522. if (permits < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
  523. return sync.tryAcquireSharedNanos(permits, unit.toNanos(timeout));
  524. }
  525. /**
  526. * Releases the given number of permits, returning them to the semaphore.
  527. * <p>Releases the given number of permits, increasing the number of
  528. * available permits by that amount.
  529. * If any threads are trying to acquire permits, then one
  530. * is selected and given the permits that were just released.
  531. * If the number of available permits satisfies that thread's request
  532. * then that thread is (re)enabled for thread scheduling purposes;
  533. * otherwise the thread will wait until sufficient permits are available.
  534. * If there are still permits available
  535. * after this thread's request has been satisfied, then those permits
  536. * are assigned in turn to other threads trying to acquire permits.
  537. *
  538. * <p>There is no requirement that a thread that releases a permit must
  539. * have acquired that permit by calling {@link Semaphore#acquire acquire}.
  540. * Correct usage of a semaphore is established by programming convention
  541. * in the application.
  542. *
  543. * @param permits the number of permits to release
  544. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if permits less than zero.
  545. */
  546. public void release(int permits) {
  547. if (permits < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
  548. sync.releaseShared(permits);
  549. }
  550. /**
  551. * Returns the current number of permits available in this semaphore.
  552. * <p>This method is typically used for debugging and testing purposes.
  553. * @return the number of permits available in this semaphore.
  554. */
  555. public int availablePermits() {
  556. return sync.getPermits();
  557. }
  558. /**
  559. * Acquire and return all permits that are immediately available.
  560. * @return the number of permits
  561. */
  562. public int drainPermits() {
  563. return sync.drainPermits();
  564. }
  565. /**
  566. * Shrinks the number of available permits by the indicated
  567. * reduction. This method can be useful in subclasses that use
  568. * semaphores to track resources that become unavailable. This
  569. * method differs from <tt>acquire</tt> in that it does not block
  570. * waiting for permits to become available.
  571. * @param reduction the number of permits to remove
  572. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if reduction is negative
  573. */
  574. protected void reducePermits(int reduction) {
  575. if (reduction < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
  576. sync.reducePermits(reduction);
  577. }
  578. /**
  579. * Returns true if this semaphore has fairness set true.
  580. * @return true if this semaphore has fairness set true.
  581. */
  582. public boolean isFair() {
  583. return sync instanceof FairSync;
  584. }
  585. /**
  586. * Queries whether any threads are waiting to acquire. Note that
  587. * because cancellations may occur at any time, a <tt>true</tt>
  588. * return does not guarantee that any other thread will ever
  589. * acquire. This method is designed primarily for use in
  590. * monitoring of the system state.
  591. *
  592. * @return true if there may be other threads waiting to acquire
  593. * the lock.
  594. */
  595. public final boolean hasQueuedThreads() {
  596. return sync.hasQueuedThreads();
  597. }
  598. /**
  599. * Returns an estimate of the number of threads waiting to
  600. * acquire. The value is only an estimate because the number of
  601. * threads may change dynamically while this method traverses
  602. * internal data structures. This method is designed for use in
  603. * monitoring of the system state, not for synchronization
  604. * control.
  605. * @return the estimated number of threads waiting for this lock
  606. */
  607. public final int getQueueLength() {
  608. return sync.getQueueLength();
  609. }
  610. /**
  611. * Returns a collection containing threads that may be waiting to
  612. * acquire. Because the actual set of threads may change
  613. * dynamically while constructing this result, the returned
  614. * collection is only a best-effort estimate. The elements of the
  615. * returned collection are in no particular order. This method is
  616. * designed to facilitate construction of subclasses that provide
  617. * more extensive monitoring facilities.
  618. * @return the collection of threads
  619. */
  620. protected Collection<Thread> getQueuedThreads() {
  621. return sync.getQueuedThreads();
  622. }
  623. /**
  624. * Returns a string identifying this semaphore, as well as its state.
  625. * The state, in brackets, includes the String
  626. * "Permits =" followed by the number of permits.
  627. * @return a string identifying this semaphore, as well as its
  628. * state
  629. */
  630. public String toString() {
  631. return super.toString() + "[Permits = " + sync.getPermits() + "]";
  632. }
  633. }