- /*
- * @(#)ActivationGroupDesc.java 1.24 00/02/02
- *
- * Copyright 1997-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package java.rmi.activation;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.rmi.MarshalledObject;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.Collections;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Properties;
- /**
- * An activation group descriptor contains the information necessary to
- * create/recreate an activation group in which to activate objects.
- * Such a descriptor contains: <ul>
- * <li> the group's class name,
- * <li> the group's code location (the location of the group's class), and
- * <li> a "marshalled" object that can contain group specific
- * initialization data. </ul> <p>
- *
- * The group's class must be a concrete subclass of
- * <code>ActivationGroup</code>. A subclass of
- * <code>ActivationGroup</code> is created/recreated via the
- * <code>ActivationGroup.createGroup</code> static method that invokes
- * a special constructor that takes two arguments: <ul>
- *
- * <li> the group's <code>ActivationGroupID</code>, and
- * <li> the group's initialization data (in a
- * <code>java.rmi.MarshalledObject</code>)</ul><p>
- *
- * @version 1.24, 02/02/00
- * @author Ann Wollrath
- * @since 1.2
- * @see ActivationGroup
- * @see ActivationGroupID
- */
- public final class ActivationGroupDesc implements java.io.Serializable {
- /**
- * @serial The group's fully package qualified class name.
- */
- private String className;
- /**
- * @serial The location from where to load the group's class.
- */
- private String location;
- /**
- * @serial The group's initialization data.
- */
- private MarshalledObject data;
- /**
- * @serial The controlling options for executing the VM in
- * another process.
- */
- private CommandEnvironment env;
- /**
- * @serial A properties map which will override those set
- * by default in the subprocess environment.
- */
- private Properties props;
- /** indicate compatibility with the Java 2 SDK v1.2 version of class */
- private static final long serialVersionUID = -4936225423168276595L;
- /**
- * Constructs a group descriptor that uses the system defaults for group
- * implementation and code location. Properties specify Java
- * environment overrides (which will override system properties in
- * the group implementation's VM). The command
- * environment can control the exact command/options used in
- * starting the child VM, or can be <code>null</code> to accept
- * rmid's default.
- *
- * <p>This constructor will create an <code>ActivationGroupDesc</code>
- * with a <code>null</code> group class name, which indicates the system's
- * default <code>ActivationGroup</code> implementation.
- *
- * @param overrides the set of properties to set when the group is
- * recreated.
- * @param cmd the controlling options for executing the VM in
- * another process (or <code>null</code>).
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public ActivationGroupDesc(Properties overrides,
- CommandEnvironment cmd)
- {
- this(null, null, null, overrides, cmd);
- }
- /**
- * Specifies an alternate group implementation and execution
- * environment to be used for the group.
- *
- * @param className the group's package qualified class name or
- * <code>null</code>. A <code>null</code> group class name indicates
- * the system's default <code>ActivationGroup</code> implementation.
- * @param location the location from where to load the group's
- * class
- * @param data the group's initialization data contained in
- * marshalled form (could contain properties, for example)
- * @param overrides a properties map which will override those set
- * by default in the subprocess environment (will be translated
- * into <code>-D</code> options), or <code>null</code>.
- * @param cmd the controlling options for executing the VM in
- * another process (or <code>null</code>).
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public ActivationGroupDesc(String className,
- String location,
- MarshalledObject data,
- Properties overrides,
- CommandEnvironment cmd)
- {
- this.props = overrides;
- this.env = cmd;
- this.data = data;
- this.location = location;
- this.className = className;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the group's class name (possibly <code>null</code>). A
- * <code>null</code> group class name indicates the system's default
- * <code>ActivationGroup</code> implementation.
- * @return the group's class name
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public String getClassName() {
- return className;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the group's code location.
- * @return the group's code location
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public String getLocation() {
- return location;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the group's initialization data.
- * @return the group's initialization data
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public MarshalledObject getData() {
- return data;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the group's property-override list.
- * @return the property-override list, or <code>null</code>
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public Properties getPropertyOverrides() {
- return (props != null) ? (Properties) props.clone() : null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the group's command-environment control object.
- * @return the command-environment object, or <code>null</code>
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public CommandEnvironment getCommandEnvironment() {
- return this.env;
- }
- /**
- * Startup options for ActivationGroup implementations.
- *
- * This class allows overriding default system properties and
- * specifying implementation-defined options for ActivationGroups.
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public static class CommandEnvironment
- implements java.io.Serializable
- {
- /**
- * @serial
- */
- private String command;
- /**
- * @serial
- */
- private String[] options;
- /**
- * Create a CommandEnvironment with all the necessary
- * information.
- *
- * @param cmdpath the name of the java executable, including
- * the full path, or <code>null</code>, meaning "use rmid's default".
- * The named program <em>must</em> be able to accept multiple
- * <code>-Dpropname=value</code> options (as documented for the
- * "java" tool)
- *
- * @param argv extra options which will be used in creating the
- * ActivationGroup. Null has the same effect as an empty
- * list.
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public CommandEnvironment(String cmdpath,
- String[] argv)
- {
- this.command = cmdpath; // might be null
- // Hold a safe copy of argv in this.options
- if (argv == null) {
- this.options = null;
- } else {
- this.options = new String[argv.length];
- System.arraycopy(argv, 0, this.options, 0, argv.length);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fetch the configured path-qualified java command name.
- *
- * @return the configured name, or <code>null</code> if configured to
- * accept the default
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public String getCommandPath() {
- return (this.command);
- }
- /**
- * Fetch the configured java command options.
- *
- * @return An array of the command options which will be passed
- * to the new child command by rmid.
- * Note that rmid may add other options before or after these
- * options, or both.
- * Never returns <code>null</code>.
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public String[] getCommandOptions() {
- return (this.options != null
- ? (String[]) this.options.clone()
- : new String[0]);
- }
- /**
- * Compares two command environments for content equality.
- *
- * @param obj the Object to compare with
- * @return true if these Objects are equal; false otherwise.
- * @see java.util.Hashtable
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public boolean equals(Object obj) {
- if (obj instanceof CommandEnvironment) {
- CommandEnvironment env = (CommandEnvironment) obj;
- return
- ((command == null ? env.command == null :
- command.equals(env.command)) &&
- Arrays.equals(options, env.options));
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Return identical values for similar
- * <code>CommandEnvironment</code>s.
- * @return an integer
- * @see java.util.Hashtable
- */
- public int hashCode()
- {
- // hash command and ignore possibly expensive options
- return (command == null ? 0 : command.hashCode());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Compares two activation group descriptors for content equality.
- *
- * @param obj the Object to compare with
- * @return true if these Objects are equal; false otherwise.
- * @see java.util.Hashtable
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public boolean equals(Object obj) {
- if (obj instanceof ActivationGroupDesc) {
- ActivationGroupDesc desc = (ActivationGroupDesc) obj;
- return
- ((className == null ? desc.className == null :
- className.equals(desc.className)) &&
- (location == null ? desc.location == null :
- location.equals(desc.location)) &&
- (data == null ? desc.data == null : data.equals(desc.data)) &&
- (env == null ? desc.env == null : env.equals(desc.env)) &&
- (props == null ? desc.props == null :
- props.equals(desc.props)));
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Produce identical numbers for similar <code>ActivationGroupDesc</code>s.
- * @return an integer
- * @see java.util.Hashtable
- */
- public int hashCode()
- {
- // hash location, className, data, and env
- // but omit props (may be expensive)
- return ((location == null
- ? 0
- : location.hashCode() << 24) ^
- (env == null
- ? 0
- : env.hashCode() << 16) ^
- (className == null
- ? 0
- : className.hashCode() << 8) ^
- (data == null
- ? 0
- : data.hashCode()));
- }
- }