- /*
- * @(#)CompactStringArray.java 1.13 00/01/19
- *
- * Copyright 1996-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- /*
- * (C) Copyright Taligent, Inc. 1996 - All Rights Reserved
- * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1996 - All Rights Reserved
- *
- * The original version of this source code and documentation is copyrighted
- * and owned by Taligent, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of IBM. These
- * materials are provided under terms of a License Agreement between Taligent
- * and Sun. This technology is protected by multiple US and International
- * patents. This notice and attribution to Taligent may not be removed.
- * Taligent is a registered trademark of Taligent, Inc.
- *
- */
- package java.text;
- /**
- * class CompactATypeArray : use only on primitive data types
- * Provides a compact way to store information that is indexed by Unicode
- * values, such as character properties, types, keyboard values, etc.This
- * is very useful when you have a block of Unicode data that contains
- * significant values while the rest of the Unicode data is unused in the
- * application or when you have a lot of redundance, such as where all 21,000
- * Han ideographs have the same value. However, lookup is much faster than a
- * hash table.
- * A compact array of any primitive data type serves two purposes:
- * <UL type = round>
- * <LI>Fast access of the indexed values.
- * <LI>Smaller memory footprint.
- * </UL>
- * A compact array is composed of a index array and value array. The index
- * array contains the indicies of Unicode characters to the value array.
- *
- * @see CompactShortArray
- * @see CompactByteArray
- * @see CompactIntArray
- * @see CompactCharArray
- * @version 1.13 01/19/00
- * @author Helena Shih
- */
- final class CompactStringArray implements Cloneable {
- /**
- * The total number of Unicode characters.
- */
- public static final int UNICODECOUNT =65536;
- /**
- * Default constructor for CompactStringArray, the default value of the
- * compact array is "".
- */
- public CompactStringArray()
- {
- this("");
- }
- /**
- * Constructor for CompactStringArray.
- * @param defaultValue the default value of the compact array.
- */
- public CompactStringArray(String defaultValue)
- {
- int i;
- values = new char[UNICODECOUNT]; /*type = char*/
- indices = new short[INDEXCOUNT];
- setElementAt((char)0,'\uFFFF',defaultValue);
- for (i = 0; i < INDEXCOUNT; ++i) {
- indices[i] = (short)(i<<BLOCKSHIFT);
- }
- isCompact = false;
- }
- /**
- * Constructor for CompactStringArray.
- * @param indexArray the indicies of the compact array.
- * @param newValues the values of the compact array.
- * @exception IllegalArgumentException If the index is out of range.
- */
- public CompactStringArray(short indexArray[],
- char[] newValues,
- String exceptions)
- {
- int i;
- if (indexArray.length != INDEXCOUNT)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index out of bounds.");
- for (i = 0; i < INDEXCOUNT; ++i) {
- short index = indexArray[i];
- if ((index < 0) || (index >= newValues.length+BLOCKCOUNT))
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index out of bounds.");
- }
- indices = indexArray;
- values = newValues;
- }
- /**
- * Get the mapped value (String) of a Unicode character.
- * @param index the character to get the mapped value with
- * @param toAppendTo the string buffer to append the values to
- */
- public void elementAt(char index, StringBuffer toAppendTo)
- {
- char result = (values[(indices[index>>BLOCKSHIFT] & 0xFFFF) +
- (index & BLOCKMASK)]);
- if (result >= '\uE000' && result <= '\uF800') {
- for (int i = (int) result - 0xE000; ; ++i) {
- result = exceptions.charAt(i);
- if (result == '\uFFFF') return;
- toAppendTo.append(result);
- }
- } else {
- toAppendTo.append(result);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get the mapped value of a Unicode character.
- * @param index the character to get the mapped value with
- * @return the mapped value of the given character
- */
- public String elementAt(char index) {
- StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
- elementAt(index,result);
- return result.toString();
- }
- /**
- * Set a new value for a Unicode character.
- * Set automatically expands the array if it is compacted.
- * @param index the character to set the mapped value with
- * @param value the new mapped value
- */
- public void setElementAt(char index, String value)
- {
- if (isCompact)
- expand();
- if (value.length() == 1) {
- char ch = value.charAt(0);
- if (ch < '\uE000' || ch >= '\uF800') {
- values[(int)index] = ch;
- return;
- }
- }
- // search for the string to see if it is already present
- String temp = value + '\uFFFF';
- int position = exceptions.toString().indexOf(temp);
- if (position != -1) {
- values[(int)index] = (char)(0xE000 + position);
- return;
- };
- // if not found, append.
- values[(int)index] = (char) (0xE000 + exceptions.length());
- for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); ++i) {
- exceptions.append(value.charAt(i));
- }
- exceptions.append('\uFFFF'); // termination
- }
- /**
- * Set new values for a range of Unicode character.
- * @param start the starting offset of the range
- * @param end the ending offset of the range
- * @param value the new mapped value
- */
- public void setElementAt(char start, char end, String value)
- {
- if (start >= end) return; // catch degenerate case
- setElementAt(start,value);
- char firstValue = values[(int)start];
- for (int i = start + 1; i <= end; ++i) {
- values[i] = firstValue;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Compact the array.
- */
- public void compact()
- {
- if (isCompact == false) {
- char[] tempIndex;
- int tempIndexCount;
- char[] tempArray;
- short iBlock, iIndex;
- // make temp storage, larger than we need
- tempIndex = new char[UNICODECOUNT];
- // set up first block.
- tempIndexCount = BLOCKCOUNT;
- for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < BLOCKCOUNT; ++iIndex) {
- tempIndex[iIndex] = (char)iIndex;
- }; // endfor (iIndex = 0; .....)
- indices[0] = (short)0;
- // for each successive block, find out its first position
- // in the compacted array
- for (iBlock = 1; iBlock < INDEXCOUNT; ++iBlock) {
- int newCount, firstPosition, block;
- block = iBlock<<BLOCKSHIFT;
- if (DEBUGSMALL) if (block > DEBUGSMALLLIMIT) break;
- firstPosition = FindOverlappingPosition(block, tempIndex,
- tempIndexCount);
- newCount = firstPosition + BLOCKCOUNT;
- if (newCount > tempIndexCount) {
- for (iIndex = (short)tempIndexCount;
- iIndex < newCount;
- ++iIndex) {
- tempIndex[iIndex]
- = (char)(iIndex - firstPosition + block);
- } // endfor (iIndex = tempIndexCount....)
- tempIndexCount = newCount;
- } // endif (newCount > tempIndexCount)
- indices[iBlock] = (short)firstPosition;
- } // endfor (iBlock = 1.....)
- // now allocate and copy the items into the array
- tempArray = new char[tempIndexCount];
- for (iIndex = 0; iIndex < tempIndexCount; ++iIndex) {
- tempArray[iIndex] = values[tempIndex[iIndex]];
- }
- values = null;
- values = tempArray;
- isCompact = true;
- } // endif (isCompact != false)
- }
- /** For internal use only. Do not modify the result, the behavior of
- * modified results are undefined.
- */
- public short getIndexArray()[]
- {
- return indices;
- }
- /** For internal use only. Do not modify the result, the behavior of
- * modified results are undefined.
- */
- public char getStringArray()[]
- {
- return values;
- }
- /**
- * Overrides Cloneable
- */
- public Object clone()
- {
- try {
- CompactStringArray other = (CompactStringArray) super.clone();
- other.values = (char[])values.clone();
- other.indices = (short[])indices.clone();
- other.exceptions = new StringBuffer(exceptions.toString());
- return other;
- } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
- throw new InternalError();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Compares the equality of two compact array objects.
- * @param obj the compact array object to be compared with this.
- * @return true if the current compact array object is the same
- * as the compact array object obj; false otherwise.
- */
- public boolean equals(Object obj) {
- if (obj == null) return false;
- if (this == obj) // quick check
- return true;
- if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) // same class?
- return false;
- CompactStringArray other = (CompactStringArray) obj;
- for (int i = 0; i < UNICODECOUNT; i++) {
- // could be sped up later
- if (elementAt((char)i) != other.elementAt((char)i))
- return false;
- }
- return true; // we made it through the guantlet.
- }
- /**
- * Generates the hash code for the compact array object
- */
- public int hashCode() {
- int result = 0;
- int increment = Math.min(3, values.length16);
- for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i+= increment) {
- result = result * 37 + values[i];
- }
- return result;
- }
- /**
- * package private : for internal use only
- */
- void writeArrays()
- {
- int i;
- int cnt = 0;
- if (values.length > 0)
- cnt = values.length;
- else
- cnt = values.length + UNICODECOUNT;
- System.out.println("{");
- for (i = 0; i < INDEXCOUNT-1; i++)
- {
- System.out.print("(short)" + (int)((getIndexArrayValue(i) >= 0) ?
- (int)getIndexArrayValue(i) :
- (int)(getIndexArrayValue(i)+UNICODECOUNT)) + ", ");
- if (i != 0)
- if (i % 10 == 0)
- System.out.println();
- }
- System.out.println("(char)" +
- (int)((getIndexArrayValue(INDEXCOUNT-1) >= 0) ?
- (int)getIndexArrayValue(i) :
- (int)(getIndexArrayValue(i)+UNICODECOUNT)) + " }");
- System.out.println("{");
- for (i = 0; i < cnt-1; i++)
- {
- char ch = getArrayValue(i);
- if (ch < 0x20 || (ch > 0x7E && ch < 0xA0) || ch > 0x100)
- System.out.print("(char)0x" +
- Integer.toString((int)ch,16).toUpperCase() + ",");
- else System.out.print("\'" + ch + "\',");
- if (i != 0)
- if (i % 10 == 0)
- System.out.println();
- }
- System.out.println("(char)" + (int)getArrayValue(cnt-1) + " }");
- System.out.println("\"" + exceptions.toString() + "\"");
- }
- // Print char Array : Debug only
- void printIndex(char start, short count)
- {
- int i;
- for (i = start; i < count; ++i)
- {
- System.out.println(i + " -> : " +
- (int)((indices[i] >= 0) ?
- indices[i] : indices[i] + UNICODECOUNT));
- }
- System.out.println();
- }
- void printPlainArray(int start,int count, char[] tempIndex)
- {
- int iIndex;
- if (tempIndex != null)
- {
- for (iIndex = start; iIndex < start + count; ++iIndex)
- {
- System.out.print(" " + (int)getArrayValue(tempIndex[iIndex]));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (iIndex = start; iIndex < start + count; ++iIndex)
- {
- System.out.print(" " + (int)getArrayValue(iIndex));
- }
- }
- System.out.println(" Range: start " + start + " , count " + count);
- }
- /**
- * private functions
- */
- /**
- * Expanded takes the array back to a 65536 element array
- */
- private void expand()
- {
- int i;
- if (isCompact) {
- char[] tempArray;
- tempArray = new char[UNICODECOUNT];
- for (i = 0; i < UNICODECOUNT; ++i) {
- tempArray[i] =(values[((int)indices[i>>BLOCKSHIFT] & 0xFFFF) +
- (i & BLOCKMASK)]);;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < INDEXCOUNT; ++i) {
- indices[i] = (short)(i<<BLOCKSHIFT);
- }
- values = null;
- values = tempArray;
- isCompact = false;
- }
- }
- // # of elements in the indexed array
- private short capacity()
- {
- return (short)values.length;
- }
- private char getArrayValue(int n)
- {
- return values[n];
- }
- private short getIndexArrayValue(int n)
- {
- return indices[n];
- }
- private int
- FindOverlappingPosition(int start, char[] tempIndex, int tempIndexCount)
- {
- int i;
- short j;
- short currentCount;
- printPlainArray(start, BLOCKCOUNT, null);
- printPlainArray(0, tempIndexCount, tempIndex);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < tempIndexCount; i += BLOCKCOUNT) {
- currentCount = (short)BLOCKCOUNT;
- if (i + BLOCKCOUNT > tempIndexCount) {
- currentCount = (short)(tempIndexCount - i);
- }
- for (j = 0; j < currentCount; ++j) {
- if (values[start + j] != values[tempIndex[i + j]]) break;
- }
- if (j == currentCount) break;
- }
- for (j = 1; j < i; ++j) {
- System.out.print(" ");
- }
- printPlainArray(start, BLOCKCOUNT, null);
- System.out.println(" Found At: " + i);
- }
- return i;
- }
- private static final int DEBUGSHOWOVERLAPLIMIT = 100;
- private static final boolean DEBUGTRACE = false;
- private static final boolean DEBUGSMALL = false;
- private static final boolean DEBUGOVERLAP = false;
- private static final int DEBUGSMALLLIMIT = 30000;
- private static final int BLOCKSHIFT =7;
- private static final int BLOCKCOUNT =(1<<BLOCKSHIFT);
- private static final int INDEXSHIFT =(16-BLOCKSHIFT);
- private static final int INDEXCOUNT =(1<<INDEXSHIFT);
- private static final int BLOCKMASK = BLOCKCOUNT - 1;
- private char[] values; // char -> short (char parameterized short)
- private short indices[];
- private StringBuffer exceptions = new StringBuffer();
- private boolean isCompact;
- };