- /*
- * @(#)PlainView.java 1.63 00/02/02
- *
- * Copyright 1997-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package javax.swing.text;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import java.util.Properties;
- import java.awt.*;
- import javax.swing.event.*;
- /**
- * Implements View interface for a simple multi-line text view
- * that has text in one font and color. The view represents each
- * child element as a line of text.
- *
- * @author Timothy Prinzing
- * @version 1.63 02/02/00
- * @see View
- */
- public class PlainView extends View implements TabExpander {
- /**
- * Constructs a new PlainView wrapped on an element.
- *
- * @param elem the element
- */
- public PlainView(Element elem) {
- super(elem);
- lineBuffer = new Segment();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the tab size set for the document, defaulting to 8.
- *
- * @return the tab size
- */
- protected int getTabSize() {
- Integer i = (Integer) getDocument().getProperty(PlainDocument.tabSizeAttribute);
- int size = (i != null) ? i.intValue() : 8;
- return size;
- }
- /**
- * Renders a line of text, suppressing whitespace at the end
- * and exanding any tabs. This is implemented to make calls
- * to the methods <code>drawUnselectedText</code> and
- * <code>drawSelectedText</code> so that the way selected and
- * unselected text are rendered can be customized.
- *
- * @param lineIndex the line to draw >= 0
- * @param g the graphics context
- * @param x the starting X position >= 0
- * @param y the starting Y position >= 0
- * @see #drawUnselectedText
- * @see #drawSelectedText
- */
- protected void drawLine(int lineIndex, Graphics g, int x, int y) {
- Element line = getElement().getElement(lineIndex);
- Element elem;
- try {
- if (line.isLeaf()) {
- drawElement(line, g, x, y);
- } else {
- // this line contains the composed text.
- int count = line.getElementCount();
- for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- elem = line.getElement(i);
- x = drawElement(elem, g, x, y);
- }
- }
- } catch (BadLocationException e) {
- throw new StateInvariantError("Can't render line: " + lineIndex);
- }
- }
- private int drawElement(Element elem, Graphics g, int x, int y) throws BadLocationException {
- int p0 = elem.getStartOffset();
- int p1 = elem.getEndOffset();
- p1 = Math.min(getDocument().getLength(), p1);
- AttributeSet attr = elem.getAttributes();
- if (Utilities.isComposedTextAttributeDefined(attr)) {
- g.setColor(unselected);
- x = Utilities.drawComposedText(attr, g, x, y,
- p0-elem.getStartOffset(),
- p1-elem.getStartOffset());
- } else {
- if (sel0 == sel1) {
- // no selection
- x = drawUnselectedText(g, x, y, p0, p1);
- } else if ((p0 >= sel0 && p0 <= sel1) && (p1 >= sel0 && p1 <= sel1)) {
- x = drawSelectedText(g, x, y, p0, p1);
- } else if (sel0 >= p0 && sel0 <= p1) {
- if (sel1 >= p0 && sel1 <= p1) {
- x = drawUnselectedText(g, x, y, p0, sel0);
- x = drawSelectedText(g, x, y, sel0, sel1);
- x = drawUnselectedText(g, x, y, sel1, p1);
- } else {
- x = drawUnselectedText(g, x, y, p0, sel0);
- x = drawSelectedText(g, x, y, sel0, p1);
- }
- } else if (sel1 >= p0 && sel1 <= p1) {
- x = drawSelectedText(g, x, y, p0, sel1);
- x = drawUnselectedText(g, x, y, sel1, p1);
- } else {
- x = drawUnselectedText(g, x, y, p0, p1);
- }
- }
- return x;
- }
- /**
- * Renders the given range in the model as normal unselected
- * text. Uses the foreground or disabled color to render the text.
- *
- * @param g the graphics context
- * @param x the starting X coordinate >= 0
- * @param y the starting Y coordinate >= 0
- * @param p0 the beginning position in the model >= 0
- * @param p1 the ending position in the model >= 0
- * @returns the X location of the end of the range >= 0
- * @exception BadLocationException if the range is invalid
- */
- protected int drawUnselectedText(Graphics g, int x, int y,
- int p0, int p1) throws BadLocationException {
- g.setColor(unselected);
- Document doc = getDocument();
- doc.getText(p0, p1 - p0, lineBuffer);
- return Utilities.drawTabbedText(lineBuffer, x, y, g, this, p0);
- }
- /**
- * Renders the given range in the model as selected text. This
- * is implemented to render the text in the color specified in
- * the hosting component. It assumes the highlighter will render
- * the selected background.
- *
- * @param g the graphics context
- * @param x the starting X coordinate >= 0
- * @param y the starting Y coordinate >= 0
- * @param p0 the beginning position in the model >= 0
- * @param p1 the ending position in the model >= 0
- * @returns the location of the end of the range.
- * @exception BadLocationException if the range is invalid
- */
- protected int drawSelectedText(Graphics g, int x,
- int y, int p0, int p1) throws BadLocationException {
- g.setColor(selected);
- Document doc = getDocument();
- doc.getText(p0, p1 - p0, lineBuffer);
- return Utilities.drawTabbedText(lineBuffer, x, y, g, this, p0);
- }
- /**
- * Gives access to a buffer that can be used to fetch
- * text from the associated document.
- *
- * @returns the buffer
- */
- protected final Segment getLineBuffer() {
- return lineBuffer;
- }
- /**
- * Checks to see if the font metrics and longest line
- * are up-to-date.
- */
- final void updateMetrics() {
- Component host = getContainer();
- Font f = host.getFont();
- if (font != f) {
- // The font changed, we need to recalculate the
- // longest line.
- calculateLongestLine();
- tabSize = getTabSize() * metrics.charWidth('m');
- }
- }
- // ---- View methods ----------------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Determines the preferred span for this view along an
- * axis.
- *
- * @param axis may be either View.X_AXIS or View.Y_AXIS
- * @returns the span the view would like to be rendered into >= 0.
- * Typically the view is told to render into the span
- * that is returned, although there is no guarantee.
- * The parent may choose to resize or break the view.
- * @exception IllegalArgumentException for an invalid axis
- */
- public float getPreferredSpan(int axis) {
- updateMetrics();
- switch (axis) {
- case View.X_AXIS:
- return getLineWidth(longLine);
- case View.Y_AXIS:
- return getElement().getElementCount() * metrics.getHeight();
- default:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid axis: " + axis);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Renders using the given rendering surface and area on that surface.
- * The view may need to do layout and create child views to enable
- * itself to render into the given allocation.
- *
- * @param g the rendering surface to use
- * @param a the allocated region to render into
- *
- * @see View#paint
- */
- public void paint(Graphics g, Shape a) {
- Shape originalA = a;
- a = adjustPaintRegion(a);
- Rectangle alloc = (Rectangle) a;
- tabBase = alloc.x;
- JTextComponent host = (JTextComponent) getContainer();
- g.setFont(host.getFont());
- sel0 = host.getSelectionStart();
- sel1 = host.getSelectionEnd();
- unselected = (host.isEnabled()) ?
- host.getForeground() : host.getDisabledTextColor();
- Caret c = host.getCaret();
- selected = c.isSelectionVisible() ? host.getSelectedTextColor() : unselected;
- updateMetrics();
- // If the lines are clipped then we don't expend the effort to
- // try and paint them. Since all of the lines are the same height
- // with this object, determination of what lines need to be repainted
- // is quick.
- Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
- int fontHeight = metrics.getHeight();
- int heightBelow = (alloc.y + alloc.height) - (clip.y + clip.height);
- int linesBelow = Math.max(0, heightBelow / fontHeight);
- int heightAbove = clip.y - alloc.y;
- int linesAbove = Math.max(0, heightAbove / fontHeight);
- int linesTotal = alloc.height / fontHeight;
- if (alloc.height % fontHeight != 0) {
- linesTotal++;
- }
- // update the visible lines
- Rectangle lineArea = lineToRect(a, linesAbove);
- int y = lineArea.y + metrics.getAscent();
- int x = lineArea.x;
- Element map = getElement();
- int lineCount = map.getElementCount();
- int endLine = Math.min(lineCount, linesTotal - linesBelow);
- lineCount--;
- Highlighter h = host.getHighlighter();
- LayeredHighlighter dh = (h instanceof LayeredHighlighter) ?
- (LayeredHighlighter)h : null;
- for (int line = linesAbove; line < endLine; line++) {
- if (dh != null) {
- Element lineElement = map.getElement(line);
- if (line == lineCount) {
- dh.paintLayeredHighlights(g, lineElement.getStartOffset(),
- lineElement.getEndOffset(),
- originalA, host, this);
- }
- else {
- dh.paintLayeredHighlights(g, lineElement.getStartOffset(),
- lineElement.getEndOffset() - 1,
- originalA, host, this);
- }
- }
- drawLine(line, g, x, y);
- y += fontHeight;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Should return a shape ideal for painting based on the passed in
- * Shape <code>a</code>. This is useful if painting in a different
- * region. The default implementation returns <code>a</code>.
- */
- Shape adjustPaintRegion(Shape a) {
- return a;
- }
- /**
- * Provides a mapping from the document model coordinate space
- * to the coordinate space of the view mapped to it.
- *
- * @param pos the position to convert >= 0
- * @param a the allocated region to render into
- * @return the bounding box of the given position
- * @exception BadLocationException if the given position does not
- * represent a valid location in the associated document
- * @see View#modelToView
- */
- public Shape modelToView(int pos, Shape a, Position.Bias b) throws BadLocationException {
- // line coordinates
- Document doc = getDocument();
- Element map = getElement();
- int lineIndex = map.getElementIndex(pos);
- Rectangle lineArea = lineToRect(a, lineIndex);
- // determine span from the start of the line
- tabBase = lineArea.x;
- Element line = map.getElement(lineIndex);
- int p0 = line.getStartOffset();
- doc.getText(p0, pos - p0, lineBuffer);
- int xOffs = Utilities.getTabbedTextWidth(lineBuffer, metrics, tabBase, this, p0);
- // fill in the results and return
- lineArea.x += xOffs;
- lineArea.width = 1;
- lineArea.height = metrics.getHeight();
- return lineArea;
- }
- /**
- * Provides a mapping from the view coordinate space to the logical
- * coordinate space of the model.
- *
- * @param fx the X coordinate >= 0
- * @param fy the Y coordinate >= 0
- * @param a the allocated region to render into
- * @return the location within the model that best represents the
- * given point in the view >= 0
- * @see View#viewToModel
- */
- public int viewToModel(float fx, float fy, Shape a, Position.Bias[] bias) {
- // PENDING(prinz) properly calculate bias
- bias[0] = Position.Bias.Forward;
- Rectangle alloc = a.getBounds();
- Document doc = getDocument();
- int x = (int) fx;
- int y = (int) fy;
- if (y < alloc.y) {
- // above the area covered by this icon, so the the position
- // is assumed to be the start of the coverage for this view.
- return getStartOffset();
- } else if (y > alloc.y + alloc.height) {
- // below the area covered by this icon, so the the position
- // is assumed to be the end of the coverage for this view.
- return getEndOffset() - 1;
- } else {
- // positioned within the coverage of this view vertically,
- // so we figure out which line the point corresponds to.
- // if the line is greater than the number of lines contained, then
- // simply use the last line as it represents the last possible place
- // we can position to.
- Element map = doc.getDefaultRootElement();
- int lineIndex = Math.abs((y - alloc.y) / metrics.getHeight() );
- if (lineIndex >= map.getElementCount()) {
- return getEndOffset() - 1;
- }
- Element line = map.getElement(lineIndex);
- if (x < alloc.x) {
- // point is to the left of the line
- return line.getStartOffset();
- } else if (x > alloc.x + alloc.width) {
- // point is to the right of the line
- return line.getEndOffset() - 1;
- } else {
- // Determine the offset into the text
- try {
- int p0 = line.getStartOffset();
- int p1 = line.getEndOffset() - 1;
- doc.getText(p0, p1 - p0, lineBuffer);
- tabBase = alloc.x;
- int offs = p0 + Utilities.getTabbedTextOffset(lineBuffer, metrics,
- tabBase, x, this, p0);
- return offs;
- } catch (BadLocationException e) {
- // should not happen
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gives notification that something was inserted into the document
- * in a location that this view is responsible for.
- *
- * @param changes the change information from the associated document
- * @param a the current allocation of the view
- * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children
- * @see View#insertUpdate
- */
- public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory f) {
- updateDamage(changes, a, f);
- }
- /**
- * Gives notification that something was removed from the document
- * in a location that this view is responsible for.
- *
- * @param changes the change information from the associated document
- * @param a the current allocation of the view
- * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children
- * @see View#removeUpdate
- */
- public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory f) {
- updateDamage(changes, a, f);
- }
- /**
- * Gives notification from the document that attributes were changed
- * in a location that this view is responsible for.
- *
- * @param changes the change information from the associated document
- * @param a the current allocation of the view
- * @param f the factory to use to rebuild if the view has children
- * @see View#changedUpdate
- */
- public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory f) {
- updateDamage(changes, a, f);
- }
- // --- TabExpander methods ------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Returns the next tab stop position after a given reference position.
- * This implementation does not support things like centering so it
- * ignores the tabOffset argument.
- *
- * @param x the current position >= 0
- * @param tabOffset the position within the text stream
- * that the tab occurred at >= 0.
- * @return the tab stop, measured in points >= 0
- */
- public float nextTabStop(float x, int tabOffset) {
- if (tabSize == 0) {
- return x;
- }
- int ntabs = (((int) x) - tabBase) / tabSize;
- return tabBase + ((ntabs + 1) * tabSize);
- }
- // --- local methods ------------------------------------------------
- /*
- * We can damage the line that begins the range to cover
- * the case when the insert/remove is only on one line.
- * If lines are added or removed we will damage the whole
- * view. The longest line is checked to see if it has
- * changed.
- */
- void updateDamage(DocumentEvent changes, Shape a, ViewFactory f) {
- Component host = getContainer();
- updateMetrics();
- Element elem = getElement();
- DocumentEvent.ElementChange ec = changes.getChange(elem);
- Element[] added = (ec != null) ? ec.getChildrenAdded() : null;
- Element[] removed = (ec != null) ? ec.getChildrenRemoved() : null;
- if (((added != null) && (added.length > 0)) ||
- ((removed != null) && (removed.length > 0))) {
- // lines were added or removed...
- if (added != null) {
- int currWide = getLineWidth(longLine);
- for (int i = 0; i < added.length; i++) {
- int w = getLineWidth(added[i]);
- if (w > currWide) {
- currWide = w;
- longLine = added[i];
- }
- }
- }
- if (removed != null) {
- for (int i = 0; i < removed.length; i++) {
- if (removed[i] == longLine) {
- calculateLongestLine();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- preferenceChanged(null, true, true);
- host.repaint();
- } else {
- Element map = getElement();
- int line = map.getElementIndex(changes.getOffset());
- damageLineRange(line, line, a, host);
- if (changes.getType() == DocumentEvent.EventType.INSERT) {
- // check to see if the line is longer than current
- // longest line.
- int w = getLineWidth(longLine);
- Element e = map.getElement(line);
- if (e == longLine) {
- preferenceChanged(null, true, false);
- } else if (getLineWidth(e) > w) {
- longLine = e;
- preferenceChanged(null, true, false);
- }
- } else if (changes.getType() == DocumentEvent.EventType.REMOVE) {
- if (map.getElement(line) == longLine) {
- // removed from longest line... recalc
- calculateLongestLine();
- preferenceChanged(null, true, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void damageLineRange(int line0, int line1, Shape a, Component host) {
- if (a != null) {
- Rectangle area0 = lineToRect(a, line0);
- Rectangle area1 = lineToRect(a, line1);
- if ((area0 != null) && (area1 != null)) {
- Rectangle damage = area0.union(area1);
- host.repaint(damage.x, damage.y, damage.width, damage.height);
- } else {
- host.repaint();
- }
- }
- }
- private Rectangle lineToRect(Shape a, int line) {
- Rectangle r = null;
- updateMetrics();
- if (metrics != null) {
- Rectangle alloc = a.getBounds();
- r = new Rectangle(alloc.x, alloc.y + (line * metrics.getHeight()),
- alloc.width, metrics.getHeight());
- }
- return r;
- }
- /**
- * Iterate over the lines represented by the child elements
- * of the element this view represents, looking for the line
- * that is the longest. The <em>longLine</em> variable is updated to
- * represent the longest line contained. The <em>font</em> variable
- * is updated to indicate the font used to calculate the
- * longest line.
- */
- private void calculateLongestLine() {
- Component c = getContainer();
- font = c.getFont();
- metrics = c.getFontMetrics(font);
- Document doc = getDocument();
- Element lines = getElement();
- int n = lines.getElementCount();
- int maxWidth = -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- Element line = lines.getElement(i);
- int w = getLineWidth(line);
- if (w > maxWidth) {
- maxWidth = w;
- longLine = line;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Calculate the width of the line represented by
- * the given element. It is assumed that the font
- * and font metrics are up-to-date.
- */
- private int getLineWidth(Element line) {
- int p0 = line.getStartOffset();
- int p1 = line.getEndOffset();
- int w;
- try {
- line.getDocument().getText(p0, p1 - p0, lineBuffer);
- w = Utilities.getTabbedTextWidth(lineBuffer, metrics, tabBase,
- this, p0);
- } catch (BadLocationException ble) {
- w = 0;
- }
- return w;
- }
- // --- member variables -----------------------------------------------
- /**
- * Font metrics for the currrent font.
- */
- protected FontMetrics metrics;
- /**
- * The current longest line. This is used to calculate
- * the preferred width of the view. Since the calculation
- * is potentially expensive we try to avoid it by stashing
- * which line is currently the longest.
- */
- Element longLine;
- /**
- * Font used to calculate the longest line... if this
- * changes we need to recalculate the longest line
- */
- Font font;
- Segment lineBuffer;
- int tabSize;
- int tabBase;
- int sel0;
- int sel1;
- Color unselected;
- Color selected;
- }