- /*
- * @(#)VariableHeightLayoutCache.java 1.13 00/02/02
- *
- * Copyright 1998-2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package javax.swing.tree;
- import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent;
- import java.awt.Dimension;
- import java.awt.Rectangle;
- import java.util.Enumeration;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
- import java.util.Stack;
- import java.util.Vector;
- /**
- * NOTE: This will become more open in a future release.
- * <p>
- * <strong>Warning:</strong>
- * Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with
- * future Swing releases. The current serialization support is appropriate
- * for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same
- * version of Swing. A future release of Swing will provide support for
- * long term persistence.
- *
- * @version 1.13 02/02/00
- * @author Rob Davis
- * @author Ray Ryan
- * @author Scott Violet
- */
- public class VariableHeightLayoutCache extends AbstractLayoutCache {
- /**
- * The array of nodes that are currently visible, in the order they
- * are displayed.
- */
- private Vector visibleNodes;
- /**
- * This is set to true if one of the entries has an invalid size.
- */
- private boolean updateNodeSizes;
- /**
- * The root node of the internal cache of nodes that have been shown.
- * If the treeModel is vending a network rather than a true tree,
- * there may be one cached node for each path to a modeled node.
- */
- private TreeStateNode root;
- /**
- * Used in getting sizes for nodes to avoid creating a new Rectangle
- * every time a size is needed.
- */
- private Rectangle boundsBuffer;
- /**
- * Maps from TreePath to a TreeStateNode.
- */
- private Hashtable treePathMapping;
- /**
- * A stack of stacks.
- */
- private Stack tempStacks;
- public VariableHeightLayoutCache() {
- super();
- tempStacks = new Stack();
- visibleNodes = new Vector();
- boundsBuffer = new Rectangle();
- treePathMapping = new Hashtable();
- }
- /**
- * Sets the TreeModel that will provide the data.
- *
- * @param newModel the TreeModel that is to provide the data
- * @beaninfo
- * bound: true
- * description: The TreeModel that will provide the data.
- */
- public void setModel(TreeModel newModel) {
- super.setModel(newModel);
- rebuild();
- }
- /**
- * Determines whether or not the root node from
- * the TreeModel is visible.
- *
- * @param rootVisible true if the root node of the tree is to be displayed
- * @see #rootVisible
- * @beaninfo
- * bound: true
- * description: Whether or not the root node
- * from the TreeModel is visible.
- */
- public void setRootVisible(boolean rootVisible) {
- if(isRootVisible() != rootVisible && root != null) {
- if(rootVisible) {
- root.updatePreferredSize(0);
- visibleNodes.insertElementAt(root, 0);
- }
- else if(visibleNodes.size() > 0) {
- visibleNodes.removeElementAt(0);
- if(treeSelectionModel != null)
- treeSelectionModel.removeSelectionPath
- (root.getTreePath());
- }
- if(treeSelectionModel != null)
- treeSelectionModel.resetRowSelection();
- if(getRowCount() > 0)
- getNode(0).setYOrigin(0);
- updateYLocationsFrom(0);
- visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- super.setRootVisible(rootVisible);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the height of each cell. If the specified value
- * is less than or equal to zero the current cell renderer is
- * queried for each row's height.
- *
- * @param rowHeight the height of each cell, in pixels
- * @beaninfo
- * bound: true
- * description: The height of each cell.
- */
- public void setRowHeight(int rowHeight) {
- if(rowHeight != getRowHeight()) {
- super.setRowHeight(rowHeight);
- invalidateSizes();
- this.visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the renderer that is responsible for drawing nodes in the tree.
- */
- public void setNodeDimensions(NodeDimensions nd) {
- super.setNodeDimensions(nd);
- invalidateSizes();
- visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- /**
- * Marks the path <code>path</code> expanded state to
- * <code>isExpanded</code>.
- */
- public void setExpandedState(TreePath path, boolean isExpanded) {
- if(path != null) {
- if(isExpanded)
- ensurePathIsExpanded(path, true);
- else {
- TreeStateNode node = getNodeForPath(path, false, true);
- if(node != null) {
- node.makeVisible();
- node.collapse();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the path is expanded, and visible.
- */
- public boolean getExpandedState(TreePath path) {
- TreeStateNode node = getNodeForPath(path, true, false);
- return (node != null) ? (node.isVisible() && node.isExpanded()) :
- false;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the Rectangle enclosing the label portion that the
- * item identified by row will be drawn into.
- */
- public Rectangle getBounds(TreePath path, Rectangle placeIn) {
- TreeStateNode node = getNodeForPath(path, true, false);
- if(node != null) {
- if(updateNodeSizes)
- updateNodeSizes(false);
- return node.getNodeBounds(placeIn);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the path for passed in row. If row is not visible
- * null is returned.
- */
- public TreePath getPathForRow(int row) {
- if(row >= 0 && row < getRowCount()) {
- return getNode(row).getTreePath();
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the row that the last item identified in path is visible
- * at. Will return -1 if any of the elements in path are not
- * currently visible.
- */
- public int getRowForPath(TreePath path) {
- if(path == null)
- return -1;
- TreeStateNode visNode = getNodeForPath(path, true, false);
- if(visNode != null)
- return visNode.getRow();
- return -1;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the number of visible rows.
- */
- public int getRowCount() {
- return visibleNodes.size();
- }
- /**
- * Instructs the LayoutCache that the bounds for <code>path</code>
- * are invalid, and need to be updated.
- */
- public void invalidatePathBounds(TreePath path) {
- TreeStateNode node = getNodeForPath(path, true, false);
- if(node != null) {
- node.markSizeInvalid();
- if(node.isVisible())
- updateYLocationsFrom(node.getRow());
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the preferred height.
- */
- public int getPreferredHeight() {
- // Get the height
- int rowCount = getRowCount();
- if(rowCount > 0) {
- TreeStateNode node = getNode(rowCount - 1);
- return node.getYOrigin() + node.getPreferredHeight();
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the preferred width and height for the region in
- * <code>visibleRegion</code>.
- */
- public int getPreferredWidth(Rectangle bounds) {
- if(updateNodeSizes)
- updateNodeSizes(false);
- return getMaxNodeWidth();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the path to the node that is closest to x,y. If
- * there is nothing currently visible this will return null, otherwise
- * it'll always return a valid path. If you need to test if the
- * returned object is exactly at x, y you should get the bounds for
- * the returned path and test x, y against that.
- */
- public TreePath getPathClosestTo(int x, int y) {
- if(getRowCount() == 0)
- return null;
- if(updateNodeSizes)
- updateNodeSizes(false);
- int row = getRowContainingYLocation(y);
- return getNode(row).getTreePath();
- }
- /**
- * Returns an Enumerator that increments over the visible paths
- * starting at the passed in location. The ordering of the enumeration
- * is based on how the paths are displayed.
- */
- public Enumeration getVisiblePathsFrom(TreePath path) {
- TreeStateNode node = getNodeForPath(path, true, false);
- if(node != null) {
- return new VisibleTreeStateNodeEnumeration(node);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the number of visible children for row.
- */
- public int getVisibleChildCount(TreePath path) {
- TreeStateNode node = getNodeForPath(path, true, false);
- return (node != null) ? node.getVisibleChildCount() : 0;
- }
- /**
- * Informs the TreeState that it needs to recalculate all the sizes
- * it is referencing.
- */
- public void invalidateSizes() {
- if(root != null)
- root.deepMarkSizeInvalid();
- if(!isFixedRowHeight() && visibleNodes.size() > 0) {
- updateNodeSizes(true);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the value identified by row is currently expanded.
- */
- public boolean isExpanded(TreePath path) {
- if(path != null) {
- TreeStateNode lastNode = getNodeForPath(path, true, false);
- return (lastNode != null && lastNode.isExpanded());
- }
- return false;
- }
- //
- // TreeModelListener methods
- //
- /**
- * <p>Invoked after a node (or a set of siblings) has changed in some
- * way. The node(s) have not changed locations in the tree or
- * altered their children arrays, but other attributes have
- * changed and may affect presentation. Example: the name of a
- * file has changed, but it is in the same location in the file
- * system.</p>
- *
- * <p>e.path() returns the path the parent of the changed node(s).</p>
- *
- * <p>e.childIndices() returns the index(es) of the changed node(s).</p>
- */
- public void treeNodesChanged(TreeModelEvent e) {
- if(e != null) {
- int changedIndexs[];
- TreeStateNode changedNode;
- changedIndexs = e.getChildIndices();
- changedNode = getNodeForPath(e.getTreePath(), false, false);
- if(changedNode != null) {
- Object changedValue = changedNode.getValue();
- /* Update the size of the changed node, as well as all the
- child indexs that are passed in. */
- changedNode.updatePreferredSize();
- if(changedNode.hasBeenExpanded() && changedIndexs != null) {
- int counter;
- TreeStateNode changedChildNode;
- for(counter = 0; counter < changedIndexs.length;
- counter++) {
- changedChildNode = (TreeStateNode)changedNode
- .getChildAt(changedIndexs[counter]);
- /* Reset the user object. */
- changedChildNode.setUserObject
- (treeModel.getChild(changedValue,
- changedIndexs[counter]));
- changedChildNode.updatePreferredSize();
- }
- }
- else if (changedNode == root) {
- // Null indicies for root indicates it changed.
- changedNode.updatePreferredSize();
- }
- if(!isFixedRowHeight()) {
- int aRow = changedNode.getRow();
- if(aRow != -1)
- this.updateYLocationsFrom(aRow);
- }
- this.visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * <p>Invoked after nodes have been inserted into the tree.</p>
- *
- * <p>e.path() returns the parent of the new nodes
- * <p>e.childIndices() returns the indices of the new nodes in
- * ascending order.
- */
- public void treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent e) {
- if(e != null) {
- int changedIndexs[];
- TreeStateNode changedParentNode;
- changedIndexs = e.getChildIndices();
- changedParentNode = getNodeForPath(e.getTreePath(), false, false);
- /* Only need to update the children if the node has been
- expanded once. */
- // PENDING(scott): make sure childIndexs is sorted!
- if(changedParentNode != null && changedIndexs != null &&
- changedIndexs.length > 0) {
- if(changedParentNode.hasBeenExpanded()) {
- boolean makeVisible;
- int counter;
- Object changedParent;
- TreeStateNode newNode;
- int oldChildCount = changedParentNode.
- getChildCount();
- changedParent = changedParentNode.getValue();
- makeVisible = ((changedParentNode == root &&
- !rootVisible) ||
- (changedParentNode.getRow() != -1 &&
- changedParentNode.isExpanded()));
- for(counter = 0;counter < changedIndexs.length;counter++)
- {
- newNode = this.createNodeAt(changedParentNode,
- changedIndexs[counter]);
- }
- if(oldChildCount == 0) {
- // Update the size of the parent.
- changedParentNode.updatePreferredSize();
- }
- if(treeSelectionModel != null)
- treeSelectionModel.resetRowSelection();
- /* Update the y origins from the index of the parent
- to the end of the visible rows. */
- if(!isFixedRowHeight() && (makeVisible ||
- (oldChildCount == 0 &&
- changedParentNode.isVisible()))) {
- if(changedParentNode == root)
- this.updateYLocationsFrom(0);
- else
- this.updateYLocationsFrom(changedParentNode.
- getRow());
- this.visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- else if(makeVisible)
- this.visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- else if(treeModel.getChildCount(changedParentNode.getValue())
- - changedIndexs.length == 0) {
- changedParentNode.updatePreferredSize();
- if(!isFixedRowHeight() && changedParentNode.isVisible())
- updateYLocationsFrom(changedParentNode.getRow());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * <p>Invoked after nodes have been removed from the tree. Note that
- * if a subtree is removed from the tree, this method may only be
- * invoked once for the root of the removed subtree, not once for
- * each individual set of siblings removed.</p>
- *
- * <p>e.path() returns the former parent of the deleted nodes.</p>
- *
- * <p>e.childIndices() returns the indices the nodes had before they were deleted in ascending order.</p>
- */
- public void treeNodesRemoved(TreeModelEvent e) {
- if(e != null) {
- int changedIndexs[];
- TreeStateNode changedParentNode;
- changedIndexs = e.getChildIndices();
- changedParentNode = getNodeForPath(e.getTreePath(), false, false);
- // PENDING(scott): make sure that changedIndexs are sorted in
- // ascending order.
- if(changedParentNode != null && changedIndexs != null &&
- changedIndexs.length > 0) {
- if(changedParentNode.hasBeenExpanded()) {
- boolean makeInvisible;
- int counter;
- int removedRow;
- TreeStateNode removedNode;
- makeInvisible = ((changedParentNode == root &&
- !rootVisible) ||
- (changedParentNode.getRow() != -1 &&
- changedParentNode.isExpanded()));
- for(counter = changedIndexs.length - 1;counter >= 0;
- counter--) {
- removedNode = (TreeStateNode)changedParentNode.
- getChildAt(changedIndexs[counter]);
- if(removedNode.isExpanded()) {
- removedNode.collapse(false);
- }
- /* Let the selection model now. */
- if(makeInvisible) {
- removedRow = removedNode.getRow();
- if(removedRow != -1) {
- visibleNodes.removeElementAt(removedRow);
- }
- }
- changedParentNode.remove(changedIndexs[counter]);
- }
- if(changedParentNode.getChildCount() == 0) {
- // Update the size of the parent.
- changedParentNode.updatePreferredSize();
- }
- if(treeSelectionModel != null)
- treeSelectionModel.resetRowSelection();
- /* Update the y origins from the index of the parent
- to the end of the visible rows. */
- if(!isFixedRowHeight() && (makeInvisible ||
- (changedParentNode.getChildCount() == 0 &&
- changedParentNode.isVisible()))) {
- if(changedParentNode == root) {
- /* It is possible for first row to have been
- removed if the root isn't visible, in which
- case ylocations will be off! */
- if(getRowCount() > 0)
- getNode(0).setYOrigin(0);
- updateYLocationsFrom(0);
- }
- else
- updateYLocationsFrom(changedParentNode.getRow());
- this.visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- else if(makeInvisible)
- this.visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- else if(treeModel.getChildCount(changedParentNode.getValue())
- == 0) {
- changedParentNode.updatePreferredSize();
- if(!isFixedRowHeight() && changedParentNode.isVisible())
- this.updateYLocationsFrom(changedParentNode.getRow());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * <p>Invoked after the tree has drastically changed structure from a
- * given node down. If the path returned by e.getPath() is of length
- * one and the first element does not identify the current root node
- * the first element should become the new root of the tree.<p>
- *
- * <p>e.path() holds the path to the node.</p>
- * <p>e.childIndices() returns null.</p>
- */
- public void treeStructureChanged(TreeModelEvent e) {
- if(e != null)
- {
- TreePath changedPath = e.getTreePath();
- TreeStateNode changedNode;
- changedNode = getNodeForPath(changedPath, false, false);
- // Check if new tree structure!
- if(changedNode == null && changedPath != null &&
- changedPath.getPathCount() == 1)
- changedNode = root;
- if(changedNode != null) {
- boolean wasExpanded, wasVisible;
- int newIndex;
- wasExpanded = changedNode.isExpanded();
- wasVisible = (changedNode.getRow() != -1);
- if(changedNode == root) {
- this.rebuild();
- }
- else {
- int nodeIndex, oldRow;
- TreeStateNode newNode, parent;
- /* Remove the current node and recreate a new one. */
- parent = (TreeStateNode)changedNode.getParent();
- nodeIndex = parent.getIndex(changedNode);
- if(wasVisible && wasExpanded) {
- changedNode.collapse(false);
- }
- if(wasVisible)
- visibleNodes.removeElement(changedNode);
- changedNode.removeFromParent();
- createNodeAt(parent, nodeIndex);
- newNode = (TreeStateNode)parent.getChildAt(nodeIndex);
- if(wasVisible && wasExpanded)
- newNode.expand(false);
- newIndex = newNode.getRow();
- if(!isFixedRowHeight() && wasVisible) {
- if(newIndex == 0)
- updateYLocationsFrom(newIndex);
- else
- updateYLocationsFrom(newIndex - 1);
- this.visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- else if(wasVisible)
- this.visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // Local methods
- //
- private void visibleNodesChanged() {
- }
- /**
- * Adds a mapping for node.
- */
- private void addMapping(TreeStateNode node) {
- treePathMapping.put(node.getTreePath(), node);
- }
- /**
- * Removes the mapping for a previously added node.
- */
- private void removeMapping(TreeStateNode node) {
- treePathMapping.remove(node.getTreePath());
- }
- /**
- * Returns the node previously added for <code>path</code>. This may
- * return null, if you to create a node use getNodeForPath.
- */
- private TreeStateNode getMapping(TreePath path) {
- return (TreeStateNode)treePathMapping.get(path);
- }
- /**
- * Retursn the bounds for row, <code>row</code> by reference in
- * <code>placeIn</code>. If <code>placeIn</code> is null a new
- * Rectangle will be created and returned.
- */
- private Rectangle getBounds(int row, Rectangle placeIn) {
- if(updateNodeSizes)
- updateNodeSizes(false);
- if(row >= 0 && row < getRowCount()) {
- return getNode(row).getNodeBounds(placeIn);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Completely rebuild the tree, all expanded state, and node caches are
- * removed. All nodes are collapsed, except the root.
- */
- private void rebuild() {
- treePathMapping.clear();
- if(treeModel != null) {
- Object rootObject = treeModel.getRoot();
- root = createNodeForValue(rootObject);
- root.path = new TreePath(rootObject);
- addMapping(root);
- root.updatePreferredSize(0);
- visibleNodes.removeAllElements();
- if (isRootVisible())
- visibleNodes.addElement(root);
- if(!root.isExpanded())
- root.expand();
- else {
- Enumeration cursor = root.children();
- while(cursor.hasMoreElements()) {
- visibleNodes.addElement(cursor.nextElement());
- }
- if(!isFixedRowHeight())
- updateYLocationsFrom(0);
- }
- }
- else {
- visibleNodes.removeAllElements();
- root = null;
- }
- /* Clear out the selection model, might not always be the right
- thing to do, but the tree is being rebuilt, soooo.... */
- if(treeSelectionModel != null) {
- treeSelectionModel.clearSelection();
- }
- this.visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- /**
- * Creates a new node to represent the node at <I>childIndex</I> in
- * <I>parent</I>s children. This should be called if the node doesn't
- * already exist and <I>parent</I> has been expanded at least once.
- * The newly created node will be made visible if <I>parent</I> is
- * currently expanded. This does not update the position of any
- * cells, nor update the selection if it needs to be. If succesful
- * in creating the new TreeStateNode, it is returned, otherwise
- * null is returned.
- */
- private TreeStateNode createNodeAt(TreeStateNode parent,
- int childIndex) {
- boolean isParentRoot;
- Object newValue;
- TreeStateNode newChildNode;
- newValue = treeModel.getChild(parent.getValue(), childIndex);
- newChildNode = createNodeForValue(newValue);
- parent.insert(newChildNode, childIndex);
- newChildNode.updatePreferredSize(-1);
- isParentRoot = (parent == root);
- if(newChildNode != null && parent.isExpanded() &&
- (parent.getRow() != -1 || isParentRoot)) {
- int newRow;
- /* Find the new row to insert this newly visible node at. */
- if(childIndex == 0) {
- if(isParentRoot && !isRootVisible())
- newRow = 0;
- else
- newRow = parent.getRow() + 1;
- }
- else if(childIndex == parent.getChildCount())
- newRow = parent.getLastVisibleNode().getRow() + 1;
- else {
- TreeStateNode previousNode;
- previousNode = (TreeStateNode)parent.
- getChildAt(childIndex - 1);
- newRow = previousNode.getLastVisibleNode().getRow() + 1;
- }
- visibleNodes.insertElementAt(newChildNode, newRow);
- }
- return newChildNode;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the TreeStateNode identified by path. This mirrors
- * the behavior of getNodeForPath, but tries to take advantage of
- * path if it is an instance of AbstractTreePath.
- */
- private TreeStateNode getNodeForPath(TreePath path,
- boolean onlyIfVisible,
- boolean shouldCreate) {
- if(path != null) {
- TreeStateNode node;
- node = getMapping(path);
- if(node != null) {
- if(onlyIfVisible && !node.isVisible())
- return null;
- return node;
- }
- // Check all the parent paths, until a match is found.
- Stack paths;
- if(tempStacks.size() == 0) {
- paths = new Stack();
- }
- else {
- paths = (Stack)tempStacks.pop();
- }
- try {
- paths.push(path);
- path = path.getParentPath();
- node = null;
- while(path != null) {
- node = getMapping(path);
- if(node != null) {
- // Found a match, create entries for all paths in
- // paths.
- while(node != null && paths.size() > 0) {
- path = (TreePath)paths.pop();
- node.getLoadedChildren(shouldCreate);
- int childIndex = treeModel.
- getIndexOfChild(node.getUserObject(),
- path.getLastPathComponent());
- if(childIndex == -1 ||
- childIndex >= node.getChildCount() ||
- (onlyIfVisible && !node.isVisible())) {
- node = null;
- }
- else
- node = (TreeStateNode)node.getChildAt
- (childIndex);
- }
- return node;
- }
- paths.push(path);
- path = path.getParentPath();
- }
- }
- finally {
- paths.removeAllElements();
- tempStacks.push(paths);
- }
- // If we get here it means they share a different root!
- // We could throw an exception...
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the y locations of all of the visible nodes after
- * location.
- */
- private void updateYLocationsFrom(int location) {
- if(location >= 0 && location < getRowCount()) {
- int counter, maxCounter, newYOrigin;
- TreeStateNode aNode;
- aNode = getNode(location);
- newYOrigin = aNode.getYOrigin() + aNode.getPreferredHeight();
- for(counter = location + 1, maxCounter = visibleNodes.size();
- counter < maxCounter;counter++) {
- aNode = (TreeStateNode)visibleNodes.
- elementAt(counter);
- aNode.setYOrigin(newYOrigin);
- newYOrigin += aNode.getPreferredHeight();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Resets the y origin of all the visible nodes as well as messaging
- * all the visible nodes to updatePreferredSize(). You should not
- * normally have to call this. Expanding and contracting the nodes
- * automaticly adjusts the locations.
- * updateAll determines if updatePreferredSize() is call on all nodes
- * or just those that don't have a valid size.
- */
- private void updateNodeSizes(boolean updateAll) {
- int aY, counter, maxCounter;
- TreeStateNode node;
- updateNodeSizes = false;
- for(aY = counter = 0, maxCounter = visibleNodes.size();
- counter < maxCounter; counter++) {
- node = (TreeStateNode)visibleNodes.elementAt(counter);
- node.setYOrigin(aY);
- if(updateAll || !node.hasValidSize())
- node.updatePreferredSize(counter);
- aY += node.getPreferredHeight();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the index of the row containing location. If there
- * are no rows, -1 is returned. If location is beyond the last
- * row index, the last row index is returned.
- */
- private int getRowContainingYLocation(int location) {
- if(isFixedRowHeight()) {
- if(getRowCount() == 0)
- return -1;
- return Math.max(0, Math.min(getRowCount() - 1,
- location / getRowHeight()));
- }
- int max, maxY, mid, min, minY;
- TreeStateNode node;
- if((max = getRowCount()) <= 0)
- return -1;
- mid = min = 0;
- while(min < max) {
- mid = (max - min) / 2 + min;
- node = (TreeStateNode)visibleNodes.elementAt(mid);
- minY = node.getYOrigin();
- maxY = minY + node.getPreferredHeight();
- if(location < minY) {
- max = mid - 1;
- }
- else if(location >= maxY) {
- min = mid + 1;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if(min == max) {
- mid = min;
- if(mid >= getRowCount())
- mid = getRowCount() - 1;
- }
- return mid;
- }
- /**
- * Ensures that all the path components in path are expanded, accept
- * for the last component which will only be expanded if expandLast
- * is true.
- * Returns true if succesful in finding the path.
- */
- private void ensurePathIsExpanded(TreePath aPath, boolean expandLast) {
- if(aPath != null) {
- // Make sure the last entry isn't a leaf.
- if(treeModel.isLeaf(aPath.getLastPathComponent())) {
- aPath = aPath.getParentPath();
- expandLast = true;
- }
- if(aPath != null) {
- TreeStateNode lastNode = getNodeForPath(aPath, false,
- true);
- if(lastNode != null) {
- lastNode.makeVisible();
- if(expandLast)
- lastNode.expand();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the AbstractTreeUI.VisibleNode displayed at the given row
- */
- private TreeStateNode getNode(int row) {
- return (TreeStateNode)visibleNodes.elementAt(row);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the maximum node width.
- */
- private int getMaxNodeWidth() {
- int maxWidth = 0;
- int nodeWidth;
- int counter;
- TreeStateNode node;
- for(counter = getRowCount() - 1;counter >= 0;counter--) {
- node = this.getNode(counter);
- nodeWidth = node.getPreferredWidth() + node.getXOrigin();
- if(nodeWidth > maxWidth)
- maxWidth = nodeWidth;
- }
- return maxWidth;
- }
- /**
- * Responsible for creating a TreeStateNode that will be used
- * to track display information about value.
- */
- private TreeStateNode createNodeForValue(Object value) {
- return new TreeStateNode(value);
- }
- /**
- * TreeStateNode is used to keep track of each of
- * the nodes that have been expanded. This will also cache the preferred
- * size of the value it represents.
- */
- private class TreeStateNode extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {
- /** Preferred size needed to draw the user object. */
- protected int preferredWidth;
- protected int preferredHeight;
- /** X location that the user object will be drawn at. */
- protected int xOrigin;
- /** Y location that the user object will be drawn at. */
- protected int yOrigin;
- /** Is this node currently expanded? */
- protected boolean expanded;
- /** Has this node been expanded at least once? */
- protected boolean hasBeenExpanded;
- /** Path of this node. */
- protected TreePath path;
- public TreeStateNode(Object value) {
- super(value);
- }
- //
- // Overriden DefaultMutableTreeNode methods
- //
- /**
- * Messaged when this node is added somewhere, resets the path
- * and adds a mapping from path to this node.
- */
- public void setParent(MutableTreeNode parent) {
- super.setParent(parent);
- if(parent != null) {
- path = ((TreeStateNode)parent).getTreePath().
- pathByAddingChild(getUserObject());
- addMapping(this);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Messaged when this node is removed from its parent, this messages
- * <code>removedFromMapping</code> to remove all the children.
- */
- public void remove(int childIndex) {
- TreeStateNode node = (TreeStateNode)getChildAt(childIndex);
- node.removeFromMapping();
- super.remove(childIndex);
- }
- /**
- * Messaged to set the user object. This resets the path.
- */
- public void setUserObject(Object o) {
- super.setUserObject(o);
- if(path != null) {
- TreeStateNode parent = (TreeStateNode)getParent();
- if(parent != null)
- resetChildrenPaths(parent.getTreePath());
- else
- resetChildrenPaths(null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the children of the receiver.
- * If the receiver is not currently expanded, this will return an
- * empty enumeration.
- */
- public Enumeration children() {
- if (!this.isExpanded()) {
- return DefaultMutableTreeNode.EMPTY_ENUMERATION;
- } else {
- return super.children();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the receiver is a leaf.
- */
- public boolean isLeaf() {
- return getModel().isLeaf(this.getValue());
- }
- //
- // VariableHeightLayoutCache
- //
- /**
- * Returns the location and size of this node.
- */
- public Rectangle getNodeBounds(Rectangle placeIn) {
- if(placeIn == null)
- placeIn = new Rectangle(getXOrigin(), getYOrigin(),
- getPreferredWidth(),
- getPreferredHeight());
- else {
- placeIn.x = getXOrigin();
- placeIn.y = getYOrigin();
- placeIn.width = getPreferredWidth();
- placeIn.height = getPreferredHeight();
- }
- return placeIn;
- }
- /**
- * @return x location to draw node at.
- */
- public int getXOrigin() {
- if(!hasValidSize())
- updatePreferredSize(getRow());
- return xOrigin;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the y origin the user object will be drawn at.
- */
- public int getYOrigin() {
- if(isFixedRowHeight()) {
- int aRow = getRow();
- if(aRow == -1)
- return -1;
- return getRowHeight() * aRow;
- }
- return yOrigin;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the preferred height of the receiver.
- */
- public int getPreferredHeight() {
- if(isFixedRowHeight())
- return getRowHeight();
- else if(!hasValidSize())
- updatePreferredSize(getRow());
- return preferredHeight;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the preferred width of the receiver.
- */
- public int getPreferredWidth() {
- if(!hasValidSize())
- updatePreferredSize(getRow());
- return preferredWidth;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if this node has a valid size.
- */
- public boolean hasValidSize() {
- return (preferredHeight != 0);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the row of the receiver.
- */
- public int getRow() {
- return visibleNodes.indexOf(this);
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if this node has been expanded at least once.
- */
- public boolean hasBeenExpanded() {
- return hasBeenExpanded;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the receiver has been expanded.
- */
- public boolean isExpanded() {
- return expanded;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the last visible node that is a child of this
- * instance.
- */
- public TreeStateNode getLastVisibleNode() {
- TreeStateNode node = this;
- while(node.isExpanded() && node.getChildCount() > 0)
- node = (TreeStateNode)node.getLastChild();
- return node;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the receiver is currently visible.
- */
- public boolean isVisible() {
- if(this == root)
- return true;
- TreeStateNode parent = (TreeStateNode)getParent();
- return (parent != null && parent.isExpanded() &&
- parent.isVisible());
- }
- /**
- * Returns the number of children this will have. If the children
- * have not yet been loaded, this messages the model.
- */
- public int getModelChildCount() {
- if(hasBeenExpanded)
- return super.getChildCount();
- return getModel().getChildCount(getValue());
- }
- /**
- * Returns the number of visible children, that is the number of
- * children that are expanded, or leafs.
- */
- public int getVisibleChildCount() {
- int childCount = 0;
- if(isExpanded()) {
- int maxCounter = getChildCount();
- childCount += maxCounter;
- for(int counter = 0; counter < maxCounter; counter++)
- childCount += ((TreeStateNode)getChildAt(counter)).
- getVisibleChildCount();
- }
- return childCount;
- }
- /**
- * Toggles the receiver between expanded and collapsed.
- */
- public void toggleExpanded() {
- if (isExpanded()) {
- collapse();
- } else {
- expand();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Makes the receiver visible, but invoking
- * <code>expandParentAndReceiver</code> on the superclass.
- */
- public void makeVisible() {
- TreeStateNode parent = (TreeStateNode)getParent();
- if(parent != null)
- parent.expandParentAndReceiver();
- }
- /**
- * Expands the receiver.
- */
- public void expand() {
- expand(true);
- }
- /**
- * Collapses the receiver.
- */
- public void collapse() {
- collapse(true);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the value the receiver is representing. This is a cover
- * for getUserObject.
- */
- public Object getValue() {
- return getUserObject();
- }
- /**
- * Returns a TreePath instance for this node.
- */
- public TreePath getTreePath() {
- return path;
- }
- //
- // Local methods
- //
- /**
- * Recreates the receivers path, and all its childrens paths.
- */
- protected void resetChildrenPaths(TreePath parentPath) {
- removeMapping(this);
- if(parentPath == null)
- path = new TreePath(getUserObject());
- else
- path = parentPath.pathByAddingChild(getUserObject());
- addMapping(this);
- for(int counter = getChildCount() - 1; counter >= 0; counter--)
- ((TreeStateNode)getChildAt(counter)).resetChildrenPaths(path);
- }
- /**
- * Sets y origin the user object will be drawn at to
- * <I>newYOrigin</I>.
- */
- protected void setYOrigin(int newYOrigin) {
- yOrigin = newYOrigin;
- }
- /**
- * Shifts the y origin by <code>offset</code>.
- */
- protected void shiftYOriginBy(int offset) {
- yOrigin += offset;
- }
- /**
- * Updates the receivers preferredSize by invoking
- * <code>updatePreferredSize</code> with an argument of -1.
- */
- protected void updatePreferredSize() {
- updatePreferredSize(getRow());
- }
- /**
- * Updates the preferred size by asking the current renderer
- * for the Dimension needed to draw the user object this
- * instance represents.
- */
- protected void updatePreferredSize(int index) {
- Rectangle bounds = getNodeDimensions(this.getUserObject(),
- index, getLevel(),
- isExpanded(),
- boundsBuffer);
- if(bounds == null) {
- xOrigin = 0;
- preferredWidth = preferredHeight = 0;
- updateNodeSizes = true;
- }
- else if(bounds.height == 0) {
- xOrigin = 0;
- preferredWidth = preferredHeight = 0;
- updateNodeSizes = true;
- }
- else {
- xOrigin = bounds.x;
- preferredWidth = bounds.width;
- if(isFixedRowHeight())
- preferredHeight = getRowHeight();
- else
- preferredHeight = bounds.height;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Marks the receivers size as invalid. Next time the size, location
- * is asked for it will be obtained.
- */
- protected void markSizeInvalid() {
- preferredHeight = 0;
- }
- /**
- * Marks the receivers size, and all its descendants sizes, as invalid.
- */
- protected void deepMarkSizeInvalid() {
- markSizeInvalid();
- for(int counter = getChildCount() - 1; counter >= 0; counter--)
- ((TreeStateNode)getChildAt(counter)).deepMarkSizeInvalid();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the children of the receiver. If the children haven't
- * been loaded from the model and
- * <code>createIfNeeded</code> is true, the children are first
- * loaded.
- */
- protected Enumeration getLoadedChildren(boolean createIfNeeded) {
- if(!createIfNeeded || hasBeenExpanded)
- return super.children();
- TreeStateNode newNode;
- Object realNode = getValue();
- TreeModel treeModel = getModel();
- int count = treeModel.getChildCount(realNode);
- hasBeenExpanded = true;
- int childRow = getRow();
- if(childRow == -1) {
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- newNode = createNodeForValue
- (treeModel.getChild(realNode, i));
- this.add(newNode);
- newNode.updatePreferredSize(-1);
- }
- }
- else {
- childRow++;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- newNode = createNodeForValue
- (treeModel.getChild(realNode, i));
- this.add(newNode);
- newNode.updatePreferredSize(childRow++);
- }
- }
- return super.children();
- }
- /**
- * Messaged from expand and collapse. This is meant for subclassers
- * that may wish to do something interesting with this.
- */
- protected void didAdjustTree() {
- }
- /**
- * Invokes <code>expandParentAndReceiver</code> on the parent,
- * and expands the receiver.
- */
- protected void expandParentAndReceiver() {
- TreeStateNode parent = (TreeStateNode)getParent();
- if(parent != null)
- parent.expandParentAndReceiver();
- expand();
- }
- /**
- * Expands this node in the tree. This will load the children
- * from the treeModel if this node has not previously been
- * expanded. If <I>adjustTree</I> is true the tree and selection
- * are updated accordingly.
- */
- protected void expand(boolean adjustTree) {
- if (!isExpanded() && !isLeaf()) {
- boolean isFixed = isFixedRowHeight();
- int startHeight = getPreferredHeight();
- int originalRow = getRow();
- expanded = true;
- updatePreferredSize(originalRow);
- if (!hasBeenExpanded) {
- TreeStateNode newNode;
- Object realNode = getValue();
- TreeModel treeModel = getModel();
- int count = treeModel.getChildCount(realNode);
- hasBeenExpanded = true;
- if(originalRow == -1) {
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- newNode = createNodeForValue(treeModel.getChild
- (realNode, i));
- this.add(newNode);
- newNode.updatePreferredSize(-1);
- }
- }
- else {
- int offset = originalRow + 1;
- for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- newNode = createNodeForValue(treeModel.getChild
- (realNode, i));
- this.add(newNode);
- newNode.updatePreferredSize(offset);
- }
- }
- }
- int i = originalRow;
- Enumeration cursor = preorderEnumeration();
- cursor.nextElement(); // don't add me, I'm already in
- int newYOrigin;
- if(isFixed)
- newYOrigin = 0;
- else if(this == root && !isRootVisible())
- newYOrigin = 0;
- else
- newYOrigin = getYOrigin() + this.getPreferredHeight();
- TreeStateNode aNode;
- if(!isFixed) {
- while (cursor.hasMoreElements()) {
- aNode = (TreeStateNode)cursor.nextElement();
- if(!updateNodeSizes && !aNode.hasValidSize())
- aNode.updatePreferredSize(i + 1);
- aNode.setYOrigin(newYOrigin);
- newYOrigin += aNode.getPreferredHeight();
- visibleNodes.insertElementAt(aNode, ++i);
- }
- }
- else {
- while (cursor.hasMoreElements()) {
- aNode = (TreeStateNode)cursor.nextElement();
- visibleNodes.insertElementAt(aNode, ++i);
- }
- }
- if(adjustTree && (originalRow != i ||
- getPreferredHeight() != startHeight)) {
- // Adjust the Y origin of any nodes following this row.
- if(!isFixed && ++i < getRowCount()) {
- int counter;
- int heightDiff = newYOrigin -
- (getYOrigin() + getPreferredHeight()) +
- (getPreferredHeight() - startHeight);
- for(counter = visibleNodes.size() - 1;counter >= i;
- counter--)
- ((TreeStateNode)visibleNodes.elementAt(counter)).
- shiftYOriginBy(heightDiff);
- }
- didAdjustTree();
- visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- // Update the rows in the selection
- if(treeSelectionModel != null) {
- treeSelectionModel.resetRowSelection();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Collapses this node in the tree. If <I>adjustTree</I> is
- * true the tree and selection are updated accordingly.
- */
- protected void collapse(boolean adjustTree) {
- if (isExpanded()) {
- Enumeration cursor = preorderEnumeration();
- cursor.nextElement(); // don't remove me, I'm still visible
- int rowsDeleted = 0;
- boolean isFixed = isFixedRowHeight();
- int lastYEnd;
- if(isFixed)
- lastYEnd = 0;
- else
- lastYEnd = getPreferredHeight() + getYOrigin();
- int startHeight = getPreferredHeight();
- int startYEnd = lastYEnd;
- int myRow = getRow();
- if(!isFixed) {
- while(cursor.hasMoreElements()) {
- TreeStateNode node = (TreeStateNode)cursor.
- nextElement();
- if (node.isVisible()) {
- rowsDeleted++;
- //visibleNodes.removeElement(node);
- lastYEnd = node.getYOrigin() +
- node.getPreferredHeight();
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- while(cursor.hasMoreElements()) {
- TreeStateNode node = (TreeStateNode)cursor.
- nextElement();
- if (node.isVisible()) {
- rowsDeleted++;
- //visibleNodes.removeElement(node);
- }
- }
- }
- // Clean up the visible nodes.
- for (int counter = rowsDeleted + myRow; counter > myRow;
- counter--) {
- visibleNodes.removeElementAt(counter);
- }
- expanded = false;
- if(myRow == -1)
- markSizeInvalid();
- else if (adjustTree)
- updatePreferredSize(myRow);
- if(myRow != -1 && adjustTree &&
- (rowsDeleted > 0 || startHeight != getPreferredHeight())) {
- // Adjust the Y origin of any rows following this one.
- startYEnd += (getPreferredHeight() - startHeight);
- if(!isFixed && (myRow + 1) < getRowCount() &&
- startYEnd != lastYEnd) {
- int counter, maxCounter, shiftAmount;
- shiftAmount = startYEnd - lastYEnd;
- for(counter = myRow + 1, maxCounter =
- visibleNodes.size();
- counter < maxCounter;counter++)
- ((TreeStateNode)visibleNodes.elementAt(counter))
- .shiftYOriginBy(shiftAmount);
- }
- didAdjustTree();
- visibleNodesChanged();
- }
- if(treeSelectionModel != null && rowsDeleted > 0 &&
- myRow != -1) {
- treeSelectionModel.resetRowSelection();
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes the receiver, and all its children, from the mapping
- * table.
- */
- protected void removeFromMapping() {
- if(path != null) {
- removeMapping(this);
- for(int counter = getChildCount() - 1; counter >= 0; counter--)
- ((TreeStateNode)getChildAt(counter)).removeFromMapping();
- }
- }
- } // End of VariableHeightLayoutCache.TreeStateNode
- /**
- * An enumerator to iterate through visible nodes.
- */
- private class VisibleTreeStateNodeEnumeration implements
- Enumeration {
- /** Parent thats children are being enumerated. */
- protected TreeStateNode parent;
- /** Index of next child. An index of -1 signifies parent should be
- * visibled next. */
- protected int nextIndex;
- /** Number of children in parent. */
- protected int childCount;
- protected VisibleTreeStateNodeEnumeration(TreeStateNode node) {
- this(node, -1);
- }
- protected VisibleTreeStateNodeEnumeration(TreeStateNode parent,
- int startIndex) {
- this.parent = parent;
- this.nextIndex = startIndex;
- this.childCount = this.parent.getChildCount();
- }
- /**
- * @return true if more visible nodes.
- */
- public boolean hasMoreElements() {
- return (parent != null);
- }
- /**
- * @return next visible TreePath.
- */
- public Object nextElement() {
- if(!hasMoreElements())
- throw new NoSuchElementException("No more visible paths");
- Object retObject;
- if(nextIndex == -1) {
- retObject = parent.getTreePath();
- }
- else {
- TreeStateNode node = (TreeStateNode)parent.
- getChildAt(nextIndex);
- retObject = node.getTreePath();
- }
- updateNextObject();
- return retObject;
- }
- /**
- * Determines the next object by invoking <code>updateNextIndex</code>
- * and if not succesful <code>findNextValidParent</code>.
- */
- protected void updateNextObject() {
- if(!updateNextIndex()) {
- findNextValidParent();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Finds the next valid parent, this should be called when nextIndex
- * is beyond the number of children of the current parent.
- */
- protected boolean findNextValidParent() {
- if(parent == root) {
- // mark as invalid!
- parent = null;
- return false;
- }
- while(parent != null) {
- TreeStateNode newParent = (TreeStateNode)parent.
- getParent();
- if(newParent != null) {
- nextIndex = newParent.getIndex(parent);
- parent = newParent;
- childCount = parent.getChildCount();
- if(updateNextIndex())
- return true;
- }
- else
- parent = null;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Updates <code>nextIndex</code> returning false if it is beyond
- * the number of children of parent.
- */
- protected boolean updateNextIndex() {
- // nextIndex == -1 identifies receiver, make sure is expanded
- // before descend.
- if(nextIndex == -1 && !parent.isExpanded())
- return false;
- // Check that it can have kids
- if(childCount == 0)
- return false;
- // Make sure next index not beyond child count.
- else if(++nextIndex >= childCount)
- return false;
- TreeStateNode child = (TreeStateNode)parent.
- getChildAt(nextIndex);
- if(child != null && child.isExpanded()) {
- parent = child;
- nextIndex = -1;
- childCount = child.getChildCount();
- }
- return true;
- }
- } // VariableHeightLayoutCache.VisibleTreeStateNodeEnumeration
- }