- /*
- * @(#)GraphicsEnvironment.java 1.55 03/01/23
- *
- * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
- package java.awt;
- import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
- import java.util.Hashtable;
- import java.util.Locale;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.io.InputStream;
- import sun.java2d.HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment;
- import sun.java2d.SunGraphicsEnvironment;
- /**
- *
- * The <code>GraphicsEnvironment</code> class describes the collection
- * of {@link GraphicsDevice} objects and {@link java.awt.Font} objects
- * available to a Java(tm) application on a particular platform.
- * The resources in this <code>GraphicsEnvironment</code> might be local
- * or on a remote machine. <code>GraphicsDevice</code> objects can be
- * screens, printers or image buffers and are the destination of
- * {@link Graphics2D} drawing methods. Each <code>GraphicsDevice</code>
- * has a number of {@link GraphicsConfiguration} objects associated with
- * it. These objects specify the different configurations in which the
- * <code>GraphicsDevice</code> can be used.
- * @see GraphicsDevice
- * @see GraphicsConfiguration
- * @version 1.55, 01/23/03
- */
- public abstract class GraphicsEnvironment {
- private static GraphicsEnvironment localEnv;
- /**
- * The headless state of the Toolkit and GraphicsEnvironment
- */
- private static Boolean headless;
- /**
- * This is an abstract class and cannot be instantiated directly.
- * Instances must be obtained from a suitable factory or query method.
- */
- protected GraphicsEnvironment() {
- }
- /**
- * Returns the local <code>GraphicsEnvironment</code>.
- * @return the local <code>GraphicsEnvironment</code>
- */
- public static synchronized GraphicsEnvironment getLocalGraphicsEnvironment() {
- if (localEnv == null) {
- String nm = (String) java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged
- (new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction
- ("java.awt.graphicsenv", null));
- try {
- localEnv =
- (GraphicsEnvironment) Class.forName(nm).newInstance();
- if (isHeadless()) {
- localEnv = new HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment(localEnv);
- }
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- throw new Error("Could not find class: "+nm);
- } catch (InstantiationException e) {
- throw new Error("Could not instantiate Graphics Environment: "
- + nm);
- } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
- throw new Error ("Could not access Graphics Environment: "
- + nm);
- }
- }
- return localEnv;
- }
- /**
- * Tests whether or not a display, keyboard, and mouse can be
- * supported in this environment. If this method returns true,
- * a HeadlessException is thrown from areas of the Toolkit
- * and GraphicsEnvironment that are dependent on a display,
- * keyboard, or mouse.
- * @return <code>true</code> if this environment cannot support
- * a display, keyboard, and mouse; <code>false</code>
- * otherwise
- * @see java.awt.HeadlessException
- * @since 1.4
- */
- public static boolean isHeadless() {
- return getHeadlessProperty();
- }
- /**
- * @return the value of the property "java.awt.headless"
- * @since 1.4
- */
- private static boolean getHeadlessProperty() {
- if (headless == null) {
- String nm = (String)java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(
- new sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction(
- "java.awt.headless", "false"));
- if (nm.equals("true")) {
- headless = Boolean.TRUE;
- } else {
- headless = Boolean.FALSE;
- }
- }
- return headless.booleanValue();
- }
- /**
- * Check for headless state and throw HeadlessException if headless
- * @since 1.4
- */
- static void checkHeadless() throws HeadlessException {
- if (isHeadless()) {
- throw new HeadlessException();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns whether or not a display, keyboard, and mouse can be
- * supported in this graphics environment. If this returns true,
- * <code>HeadlessException</code> will be thrown from areas of the
- * graphics environment that are dependent on a display, keyboard, or
- * mouse.
- * @return <code>true</code> if a display, keyboard, and mouse
- * can be supported in this environment; <code>false</code>
- * otherwise
- * @see java.awt.HeadlessException
- * @see #isHeadless
- * @since 1.4
- */
- public boolean isHeadlessInstance() {
- // By default (local graphics environment), simply check the
- // headless property.
- return getHeadlessProperty();
- }
- /**
- * Returns an array of all of the screen <code>GraphicsDevice</code>
- * objects.
- * @return an array containing all the <code>GraphicsDevice</code>
- * objects that represent screen devices
- * @exception HeadlessException if isHeadless() returns true
- * @see #isHeadless()
- */
- public abstract GraphicsDevice[] getScreenDevices()
- throws HeadlessException;
- /**
- * Returns the default screen <code>GraphicsDevice</code>.
- * @return the <code>GraphicsDevice</code> that represents the
- * default screen device
- * @exception HeadlessException if isHeadless() returns true
- * @see #isHeadless()
- */
- public abstract GraphicsDevice getDefaultScreenDevice()
- throws HeadlessException;
- /**
- * Returns a <code>Graphics2D</code> object for rendering into the
- * specified {@link BufferedImage}.
- * @param img the specified <code>BufferedImage</code>
- * @return a <code>Graphics2D</code> to be used for rendering into
- * the specified <code>BufferedImage</code>
- */
- public abstract Graphics2D createGraphics(BufferedImage img);
- /**
- * Returns an array containing a one-point size instance of all fonts
- * available in this <code>GraphicsEnvironment</code>. Typical usage
- * would be to allow a user to select a particular font. Then, the
- * application can size the font and set various font attributes by
- * calling the <code>deriveFont</code> method on the choosen instance.
- * <p>
- * This method provides for the application the most precise control
- * over which <code>Font</code> instance is used to render text.
- * If a font in this <code>GraphicsEnvironment</code> has multiple
- * programmable variations, only one
- * instance of that <code>Font</code> is returned in the array, and
- * other variations must be derived by the application.
- * <p>
- * If a font in this environment has multiple programmable variations,
- * such as Multiple-Master fonts, only one instance of that font is
- * returned in the <code>Font</code> array. The other variations
- * must be derived by the application.
- *
- * @return an array of <code>Font</code> objects
- * @see #getAvailableFontFamilyNames
- * @see java.awt.Font
- * @see java.awt.Font#deriveFont
- * @see java.awt.Font#getFontName
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public abstract Font[] getAllFonts();
- /**
- * Returns an array containing the names of all font families available
- * in this <code>GraphicsEnvironment</code>.
- * Typical usage would be to allow a user to select a particular family
- * name and allow the application to choose related variants of the
- * same family when the user specifies style attributes such
- * as Bold or Italic.
- * <p>
- * This method provides for the application some control over which
- * <code>Font</code> instance is used to render text, but allows the
- * <code>Font</code> object more flexibility in choosing its own best
- * match among multiple fonts in the same font family.
- *
- * @return an array of <code>String</code> containing names of font
- * families
- * @see #getAllFonts
- * @see java.awt.Font
- * @see java.awt.Font#getFamily
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public abstract String[] getAvailableFontFamilyNames();
- /**
- * Returns an array containing the localized names of all font families
- * available in this <code>GraphicsEnvironment</code>.
- * Typical usage would be to allow a user to select a particular family
- * name and allow the application to choose related variants of the
- * same family when the user specifies style attributes such
- * as Bold or Italic.
- * <p>
- * This method provides for the application some control over which
- * <code>Font</code> instance used to render text, but allows the
- * <code>Font</code> object more flexibility in choosing its own best
- * match among multiple fonts in the same font family.
- * If <code>l</code> is <code>null</code>, this method returns an
- * array containing all font family names available in this
- * <code>GraphicsEnvironment</code>.
- *
- * @param l a {@link Locale} object that represents a
- * particular geographical, political, or cultural region
- * @return an array of <code>String</code> objects containing names of
- * font families specific to the specified <code>Locale</code>
- * @see #getAllFonts
- * @see java.awt.Font
- * @see java.awt.Font#getFamily
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public abstract String[] getAvailableFontFamilyNames(Locale l);
- /**
- * Returns the Point where Windows should be centered.
- * It is recommended that centered Windows be checked to ensure they fit
- * within the available display area using getMaximumWindowBounds().
- * @return the point where Windows should be centered
- *
- * @exception HeadlessException if isHeadless() returns true
- * @see #getMaximumWindowBounds
- * @since 1.4
- */
- public Point getCenterPoint() throws HeadlessException {
- // Default implementation: return the center of the usable bounds of the
- // default screen device.
- Rectangle usableBounds =
- SunGraphicsEnvironment.getUsableBounds(getDefaultScreenDevice());
- return new Point((usableBounds.width / 2) + usableBounds.x,
- (usableBounds.height / 2) + usableBounds.y);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the maximum bounds for centered Windows.
- * These bounds account for objects in the native windowing system such as
- * task bars and menu bars. The returned bounds will reside on a single
- * display with one exception: on multi-screen systems where Windows should
- * be centered across all displays, this method returns the bounds of the
- * entire display area.
- * <p>
- * To get the usable bounds of a single display, use
- * <code>GraphicsConfiguration.getBounds()</code> and
- * <code>Toolkit.getScreenInsets()</code>.
- * @return the maximum bounds for centered Windows
- *
- * @exception HeadlessException if isHeadless() returns true
- * @see #getCenterPoint
- * @see GraphicsConfiguration#getBounds
- * @see Toolkit#getScreenInsets
- * @since 1.4
- */
- public Rectangle getMaximumWindowBounds() throws HeadlessException {
- // Default implementation: return the usable bounds of the default screen
- // device. This is correct for Microsoft Windows and non-Xinerama X11.
- return SunGraphicsEnvironment.getUsableBounds(getDefaultScreenDevice());
- }
- }