- /*
- * @(#)StyleSheet.java 1.77 03/01/23
- *
- * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
- * SUN PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.
- */
- package javax.swing.text.html;
- import java.util.*;
- import java.awt.*;
- import java.io.*;
- import java.net.*;
- import javax.swing.Icon;
- import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
- import javax.swing.border.*;
- import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
- import javax.swing.text.*;
- /**
- * Support for defining the visual characteristics of
- * HTML views being rendered. The StyleSheet is used to
- * translate the HTML model into visual characteristics.
- * This enables views to be customized by a look-and-feel,
- * multiple views over the same model can be rendered
- * differently, etc. This can be thought of as a CSS
- * rule repository. The key for CSS attributes is an
- * object of type CSS.Attribute. The type of the value
- * is up to the StyleSheet implementation, but the
- * <code>toString</code> method is required
- * to return a string representation of CSS value.
- * <p>
- * The primary entry point for HTML View implementations
- * to get their attributes is the
- * <a href="#getViewAttributes">getViewAttributes</a>
- * method. This should be implemented to establish the
- * desired policy used to associate attributes with the view.
- * Each HTMLEditorKit (i.e. and therefore each associated
- * JEditorPane) can have its own StyleSheet, but by default one
- * sheet will be shared by all of the HTMLEditorKit instances.
- * HTMLDocument instance can also have a StyleSheet, which
- * holds the document-specific CSS specifications.
- * <p>
- * In order for Views to store less state and therefore be
- * more lightweight, the StyleSheet can act as a factory for
- * painters that handle some of the rendering tasks. This allows
- * implementations to determine what they want to cache
- * and have the sharing potentially at the level that a
- * selector is common to multiple views. Since the StyleSheet
- * may be used by views over multiple documents and typically
- * the HTML attributes don't effect the selector being used,
- * the potential for sharing is significant.
- * <p>
- * The rules are stored as named styles, and other information
- * is stored to translate the context of an element to a
- * rule quickly. The following code fragment will display
- * the named styles, and therefore the CSS rules contained.
- * <code><pre>
- *
- * import java.util.*;
- * import javax.swing.text.*;
- * import javax.swing.text.html.*;
- *
- * public class ShowStyles {
- *
- * public static void main(String[] args) {
- * HTMLEditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit();
- * HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) kit.createDefaultDocument();
- * StyleSheet styles = doc.getStyleSheet();
- *
- * Enumeration rules = styles.getStyleNames();
- * while (rules.hasMoreElements()) {
- * String name = (String) rules.nextElement();
- * Style rule = styles.getStyle(name);
- * System.out.println(rule.toString());
- * }
- * System.exit(0);
- * }
- * }
- *
- * </pre></code>
- * <p>
- * The semantics for when a CSS style should overide visual attributes
- * defined by an element are not well defined. For example, the html
- * <code><body bgcolor=red></code> makes the body have a red
- * background. But if the html file also contains the CSS rule
- * <code>body { background: blue }</code> it becomes less clear as to
- * what color the background of the body should be. The current
- * implemention gives visual attributes defined in the element the
- * highest precedence, that is they are always checked before any styles.
- * Therefore, in the previous example the background would have a
- * red color as the body element defines the background color to be red.
- * <p>
- * As already mentioned this supports CSS. We don't support the full CSS
- * spec. Refer to the javadoc of the CSS class to see what properties
- * we support. The two major CSS parsing related
- * concepts we do not currently
- * support are pseudo selectors, such as <code>A:link { color: red }</code>,
- * and the <code>important</code> modifier.
- * <p>
- * <font color="red">Note: This implementation is currently
- * incomplete. It can be replaced with alternative implementations
- * that are complete. Future versions of this class will provide
- * better CSS support.</font>
- *
- * @author Timothy Prinzing
- * @author Sunita Mani
- * @author Sara Swanson
- * @author Jill Nakata
- * @version 1.77 01/23/03
- */
- public class StyleSheet extends StyleContext {
- // As the javadoc states, this class maintains a mapping between
- // a CSS selector (such as p.bar) and a Style.
- // This consists of a number of parts:
- // . Each selector is broken down into its constituent simple selectors,
- // and stored in an inverted graph, for example:
- // p { color: red } ol p { font-size: 10pt } ul p { font-size: 12pt }
- // results in the graph:
- // root
- // |
- // p
- // / \
- // ol ul
- // each node (an instance of SelectorMapping) has an associated
- // specificity and potentially a Style.
- // . Every rule that is asked for (either by way of getRule(String) or
- // getRule(HTML.Tag, Element)) results in a unique instance of
- // ResolvedStyle. ResolvedStyles contain the AttributeSets from the
- // SelectorMapping.
- // . When a new rule is created it is inserted into the graph, and
- // the AttributeSets of each ResolvedStyles are updated appropriately.
- // . This class creates special AttributeSets, LargeConversionSet and
- // SmallConversionSet, that maintain a mapping between StyleConstants
- // and CSS so that developers that wish to use the StyleConstants
- // methods can do so.
- // . When one of the AttributeSets is mutated by way of a
- // StyleConstants key, all the associated CSS keys are removed. This is
- // done so that the two representations don't get out of sync. For
- // example, if the developer adds StyleConsants.BOLD, FALSE to an
- // AttributeSet that contains HTML.Tag.B, the HTML.Tag.B entry will
- // be removed.
- /**
- * Construct a StyleSheet
- */
- public StyleSheet() {
- super();
- selectorMapping = new SelectorMapping(0);
- resolvedStyles = new Hashtable();
- if (css == null) {
- css = new CSS();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the style to use to render the given type
- * of HTML tag. The element given is representing
- * the tag and can be used to determine the nesting
- * for situations where the attributes will differ
- * if nesting inside of elements.
- *
- * @param t the type to translate to visual attributes
- * @param e the element representing the tag; the element
- * can be used to determine the nesting for situations where
- * the attributes will differ if nested inside of other
- * elements
- * @return the set of CSS attributes to use to render
- * the tag
- */
- public Style getRule(HTML.Tag t, Element e) {
- SearchBuffer sb = SearchBuffer.obtainSearchBuffer();
- try {
- // Build an array of all the parent elements.
- Vector searchContext = sb.getVector();
- for (Element p = e; p != null; p = p.getParentElement()) {
- searchContext.addElement(p);
- }
- // Build a fully qualified selector.
- int n = searchContext.size();
- StringBuffer cacheLookup = sb.getStringBuffer();
- AttributeSet attr;
- String eName;
- Object name;
- // >= 1 as the HTML.Tag for the 0th element is passed in.
- for (int counter = n - 1; counter >= 1; counter--) {
- e = (Element)searchContext.elementAt(counter);
- attr = e.getAttributes();
- name = attr.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute);
- eName = name.toString();
- cacheLookup.append(eName);
- if (attr != null) {
- if (attr.isDefined(HTML.Attribute.ID)) {
- cacheLookup.append('#');
- cacheLookup.append(attr.getAttribute
- (HTML.Attribute.ID));
- }
- else if (attr.isDefined(HTML.Attribute.CLASS)) {
- cacheLookup.append('.');
- cacheLookup.append(attr.getAttribute
- (HTML.Attribute.CLASS));
- }
- }
- cacheLookup.append(' ');
- }
- cacheLookup.append(t.toString());
- e = (Element)searchContext.elementAt(0);
- attr = e.getAttributes();
- if (e.isLeaf()) {
- // For leafs, we use the second tier attributes.
- Object testAttr = attr.getAttribute(t);
- if (testAttr instanceof AttributeSet) {
- attr = (AttributeSet)testAttr;
- }
- else {
- attr = null;
- }
- }
- if (attr != null) {
- if (attr.isDefined(HTML.Attribute.ID)) {
- cacheLookup.append('#');
- cacheLookup.append(attr.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.ID));
- }
- else if (attr.isDefined(HTML.Attribute.CLASS)) {
- cacheLookup.append('.');
- cacheLookup.append(attr.getAttribute
- (HTML.Attribute.CLASS));
- }
- }
- Style style = getResolvedStyle(cacheLookup.toString(),
- searchContext, t);
- return style;
- }
- finally {
- SearchBuffer.releaseSearchBuffer(sb);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the rule that best matches the selector given
- * in string form. Where <code>selector</code> is a space separated
- * String of the element names. For example, <code>selector</code>
- * might be 'html body tr td''<p>
- * The attributes of the returned Style will change
- * as rules are added and removed. That is if you to ask for a rule
- * with a selector "table p" and a new rule was added with a selector
- * of "p" the returned Style would include the new attributes from
- * the rule "p".
- */
- public Style getRule(String selector) {
- selector = cleanSelectorString(selector);
- if (selector != null) {
- Style style = getResolvedStyle(selector);
- return style;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a set of rules to the sheet. The rules are expected to
- * be in valid CSS format. Typically this would be called as
- * a result of parsing a <style> tag.
- */
- public void addRule(String rule) {
- if (rule != null) {
- CssParser parser = new CssParser();
- try {
- parser.parse(getBase(), new StringReader(rule), false, false);
- } catch (IOException ioe) { }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Translates a CSS declaration to an AttributeSet that represents
- * the CSS declaration. Typically this would be called as a
- * result of encountering an HTML style attribute.
- */
- public AttributeSet getDeclaration(String decl) {
- if (decl == null) {
- return SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY;
- }
- CssParser parser = new CssParser();
- return parser.parseDeclaration(decl);
- }
- /**
- * Loads a set of rules that have been specified in terms of
- * CSS1 grammar. If there are collisions with existing rules,
- * the newly specified rule will win.
- *
- * @param in the stream to read the CSS grammar from
- * @param ref the reference URL. This value represents the
- * location of the stream and may be null. All relative
- * URLs specified in the stream will be based upon this
- * parameter.
- */
- public void loadRules(Reader in, URL ref) throws IOException {
- CssParser parser = new CssParser();
- parser.parse(ref, in, false, false);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches a set of attributes to use in the view for
- * displaying. This is basically a set of attributes that
- * can be used for View.getAttributes.
- */
- public AttributeSet getViewAttributes(View v) {
- return new ViewAttributeSet(v);
- }
- /**
- * Removes a named style previously added to the document.
- *
- * @param nm the name of the style to remove
- */
- public void removeStyle(String nm) {
- Style aStyle = getStyle(nm);
- if (aStyle != null) {
- String selector = cleanSelectorString(nm);
- String[] selectors = getSimpleSelectors(selector);
- synchronized(this) {
- SelectorMapping mapping = getRootSelectorMapping();
- for (int i = selectors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- mapping = mapping.getChildSelectorMapping(selectors[i],
- true);
- }
- Style rule = mapping.getStyle();
- if (rule != null) {
- mapping.setStyle(null);
- if (resolvedStyles.size() > 0) {
- Enumeration values = resolvedStyles.elements();
- while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
- ResolvedStyle style = (ResolvedStyle)values.
- nextElement();
- style.removeStyle(rule);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- super.removeStyle(nm);
- }
- /**
- * Adds the rules from the StyleSheet <code>ss</code> to those of
- * the receiver. <code>ss's</code> rules will override the rules of
- * any previously added style sheets. An added StyleSheet will never
- * override the rules of the receiving style sheet.
- *
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public void addStyleSheet(StyleSheet ss) {
- synchronized(this) {
- if (linkedStyleSheets == null) {
- linkedStyleSheets = new Vector();
- }
- if (!linkedStyleSheets.contains(ss)) {
- linkedStyleSheets.insertElementAt(ss, 0);
- linkStyleSheetAt(ss, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes the StyleSheet <code>ss</code> from those of the receiver.
- *
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public void removeStyleSheet(StyleSheet ss) {
- synchronized(this) {
- if (linkedStyleSheets != null) {
- int index = linkedStyleSheets.indexOf(ss);
- if (index != -1) {
- linkedStyleSheets.removeElementAt(index);
- unlinkStyleSheet(ss, index);
- if (index == 0 && linkedStyleSheets.size() == 0) {
- linkedStyleSheets = null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //
- // The following is used to import style sheets.
- //
- /**
- * Returns an array of the linked StyleSheets. Will return null
- * if there are no linked StyleSheets.
- *
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public StyleSheet[] getStyleSheets() {
- StyleSheet[] retValue;
- synchronized(this) {
- if (linkedStyleSheets != null) {
- retValue = new StyleSheet[linkedStyleSheets.size()];
- linkedStyleSheets.copyInto(retValue);
- }
- else {
- retValue = null;
- }
- }
- return retValue;
- }
- /**
- * Imports a style sheet from <code>url</code>. The resulting rules
- * are directly added to the receiver. If you do not want the rules
- * to become part of the receiver, create a new StyleSheet and use
- * addStyleSheet to link it in.
- *
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public void importStyleSheet(URL url) {
- try {
- InputStream is;
- is = url.openStream();
- Reader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
- CssParser parser = new CssParser();
- parser.parse(url, r, false, true);
- r.close();
- is.close();
- } catch (Throwable e) {
- // on error we simply have no styles... the html
- // will look mighty wrong but still function.
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets the base. All import statements that are relative, will be
- * relative to <code>base</code>.
- *
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public void setBase(URL base) {
- this.base = base;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the base.
- *
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public URL getBase() {
- return base;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a CSS attribute to the given set.
- *
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public void addCSSAttribute(MutableAttributeSet attr, CSS.Attribute key,
- String value) {
- css.addInternalCSSValue(attr, key, value);
- }
- /**
- * Adds a CSS attribute to the given set.
- *
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public boolean addCSSAttributeFromHTML(MutableAttributeSet attr,
- CSS.Attribute key, String value) {
- Object iValue = css.getCssValue(key, value);
- if (iValue != null) {
- attr.addAttribute(key, iValue);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // ---- Conversion functionality ---------------------------------
- /**
- * Converts a set of HTML attributes to an equivalent
- * set of CSS attributes.
- *
- * @param htmlAttrSet AttributeSet containing the HTML attributes.
- */
- public AttributeSet translateHTMLToCSS(AttributeSet htmlAttrSet) {
- AttributeSet cssAttrSet = css.translateHTMLToCSS(htmlAttrSet);
- MutableAttributeSet cssStyleSet = addStyle(null, null);
- cssStyleSet.addAttributes(cssAttrSet);
- return cssStyleSet;
- }
- /**
- * Adds an attribute to the given set, and returns
- * the new representative set. This is reimplemented to
- * convert StyleConstant attributes to CSS prior to forwarding
- * to the superclass behavior. The StyleConstants attribute
- * has no corresponding CSS entry, the StyleConstants attribute
- * is stored (but will likely be unused).
- *
- * @param old the old attribute set
- * @param key the non-null attribute key
- * @param value the attribute value
- * @return the updated attribute set
- * @see MutableAttributeSet#addAttribute
- */
- public AttributeSet addAttribute(AttributeSet old, Object key,
- Object value) {
- if (css == null) {
- // supers constructor will call this before returning,
- // and we need to make sure CSS is non null.
- css = new CSS();
- }
- if (key instanceof StyleConstants) {
- HTML.Tag tag = HTML.getTagForStyleConstantsKey(
- (StyleConstants)key);
- if (tag != null && old.isDefined(tag)) {
- old = removeAttribute(old, tag);
- }
- Object cssValue = css.styleConstantsValueToCSSValue
- ((StyleConstants)key, value);
- if (cssValue != null) {
- Object cssKey = css.styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey
- ((StyleConstants)key);
- if (cssKey != null) {
- return super.addAttribute(old, cssKey, cssValue);
- }
- }
- }
- return super.addAttribute(old, key, value);
- }
- /**
- * Adds a set of attributes to the element. If any of these attributes
- * are StyleConstants attributes, they will be converted to CSS prior
- * to forwarding to the superclass behavior.
- *
- * @param old the old attribute set
- * @param attr the attributes to add
- * @return the updated attribute set
- * @see MutableAttributeSet#addAttribute
- */
- public AttributeSet addAttributes(AttributeSet old, AttributeSet attr) {
- if (!(attr instanceof HTMLDocument.TaggedAttributeSet)) {
- old = removeHTMLTags(old, attr);
- }
- return super.addAttributes(old, convertAttributeSet(attr));
- }
- /**
- * Removes an attribute from the set. If the attribute is a StyleConstants
- * attribute, the request will be converted to a CSS attribute prior to
- * forwarding to the superclass behavior.
- *
- * @param old the old set of attributes
- * @param key the non-null attribute name
- * @return the updated attribute set
- * @see MutableAttributeSet#removeAttribute
- */
- public AttributeSet removeAttribute(AttributeSet old, Object key) {
- if (key instanceof StyleConstants) {
- HTML.Tag tag = HTML.getTagForStyleConstantsKey(
- (StyleConstants)key);
- if (tag != null) {
- old = super.removeAttribute(old, tag);
- }
- Object cssKey = css.styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey((StyleConstants)key);
- if (cssKey != null) {
- return super.removeAttribute(old, cssKey);
- }
- }
- return super.removeAttribute(old, key);
- }
- /**
- * Removes a set of attributes for the element. If any of the attributes
- * is a StyleConstants attribute, the request will be converted to a CSS
- * attribute prior to forwarding to the superclass behavior.
- *
- * @param old the old attribute set
- * @param names the attribute names
- * @return the updated attribute set
- * @see MutableAttributeSet#removeAttributes
- */
- public AttributeSet removeAttributes(AttributeSet old, Enumeration names) {
- // PENDING: Should really be doing something similar to
- // removeHTMLTags here, but it is rather expensive to have to
- // clone names
- return super.removeAttributes(old, names);
- }
- /**
- * Removes a set of attributes. If any of the attributes
- * is a StyleConstants attribute, the request will be converted to a CSS
- * attribute prior to forwarding to the superclass behavior.
- *
- * @param old the old attribute set
- * @param attrs the attributes
- * @return the updated attribute set
- * @see MutableAttributeSet#removeAttributes
- */
- public AttributeSet removeAttributes(AttributeSet old, AttributeSet attrs) {
- if (old != attrs) {
- old = removeHTMLTags(old, attrs);
- }
- return super.removeAttributes(old, convertAttributeSet(attrs));
- }
- /**
- * Creates a compact set of attributes that might be shared.
- * This is a hook for subclasses that want to alter the
- * behavior of SmallAttributeSet. This can be reimplemented
- * to return an AttributeSet that provides some sort of
- * attribute conversion.
- *
- * @param a The set of attributes to be represented in the
- * the compact form.
- */
- protected SmallAttributeSet createSmallAttributeSet(AttributeSet a) {
- return new SmallConversionSet(a);
- }
- /**
- * Creates a large set of attributes that should trade off
- * space for time. This set will not be shared. This is
- * a hook for subclasses that want to alter the behavior
- * of the larger attribute storage format (which is
- * SimpleAttributeSet by default). This can be reimplemented
- * to return a MutableAttributeSet that provides some sort of
- * attribute conversion.
- *
- * @param a The set of attributes to be represented in the
- * the larger form.
- */
- protected MutableAttributeSet createLargeAttributeSet(AttributeSet a) {
- return new LargeConversionSet(a);
- }
- /**
- * For any StyleConstants key in attr that has an associated HTML.Tag,
- * it is removed from old. The resulting AttributeSet is then returned.
- */
- private AttributeSet removeHTMLTags(AttributeSet old, AttributeSet attr) {
- if (!(attr instanceof LargeConversionSet) &&
- !(attr instanceof SmallConversionSet)) {
- Enumeration names = attr.getAttributeNames();
- while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
- Object key = names.nextElement();
- if (key instanceof StyleConstants) {
- HTML.Tag tag = HTML.getTagForStyleConstantsKey(
- (StyleConstants)key);
- if (tag != null && old.isDefined(tag)) {
- old = super.removeAttribute(old, tag);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return old;
- }
- /**
- * Converts a set of attributes (if necessary) so that
- * any attributes that were specified as StyleConstants
- * attributes and have a CSS mapping, will be converted
- * to CSS attributes.
- */
- AttributeSet convertAttributeSet(AttributeSet a) {
- if ((a instanceof LargeConversionSet) ||
- (a instanceof SmallConversionSet)) {
- // known to be converted.
- return a;
- }
- // in most cases, there are no StyleConstants attributes
- // so we iterate the collection of keys to avoid creating
- // a new set.
- Enumeration names = a.getAttributeNames();
- while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
- Object name = names.nextElement();
- if (name instanceof StyleConstants) {
- // we really need to do a conversion, iterate again
- // building a new set.
- MutableAttributeSet converted = new LargeConversionSet();
- Enumeration keys = a.getAttributeNames();
- while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
- Object key = keys.nextElement();
- Object cssValue = null;
- if (key instanceof StyleConstants) {
- // convert the StyleConstants attribute if possible
- Object cssKey = css.styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey
- ((StyleConstants)key);
- if (cssKey != null) {
- Object value = a.getAttribute(key);
- cssValue = css.styleConstantsValueToCSSValue
- ((StyleConstants)key, value);
- if (cssValue != null) {
- converted.addAttribute(cssKey, cssValue);
- }
- }
- }
- if (cssValue == null) {
- converted.addAttribute(key, a.getAttribute(key));
- }
- }
- return converted;
- }
- }
- return a;
- }
- /**
- * Large set of attributes that does conversion of requests
- * for attributes of type StyleConstants.
- */
- class LargeConversionSet extends SimpleAttributeSet {
- /**
- * Creates a new attribute set based on a supplied set of attributes.
- *
- * @param source the set of attributes
- */
- public LargeConversionSet(AttributeSet source) {
- super(source);
- }
- public LargeConversionSet() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Checks whether a given attribute is defined.
- *
- * @param key the attribute key
- * @return true if the attribute is defined
- * @see AttributeSet#isDefined
- */
- public boolean isDefined(Object key) {
- if (key instanceof StyleConstants) {
- Object cssKey = css.styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey
- ((StyleConstants)key);
- if (cssKey != null) {
- return super.isDefined(cssKey);
- }
- }
- return super.isDefined(key);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of an attribute.
- *
- * @param key the attribute name
- * @return the attribute value
- * @see AttributeSet#getAttribute
- */
- public Object getAttribute(Object key) {
- if (key instanceof StyleConstants) {
- Object cssKey = css.styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey
- ((StyleConstants)key);
- if (cssKey != null) {
- Object value = super.getAttribute(cssKey);
- if (value != null) {
- return css.cssValueToStyleConstantsValue
- ((StyleConstants)key, value);
- }
- }
- }
- return super.getAttribute(key);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Small set of attributes that does conversion of requests
- * for attributes of type StyleConstants.
- */
- class SmallConversionSet extends SmallAttributeSet {
- /**
- * Creates a new attribute set based on a supplied set of attributes.
- *
- * @param source the set of attributes
- */
- public SmallConversionSet(AttributeSet attrs) {
- super(attrs);
- }
- /**
- * Checks whether a given attribute is defined.
- *
- * @param key the attribute key
- * @return true if the attribute is defined
- * @see AttributeSet#isDefined
- */
- public boolean isDefined(Object key) {
- if (key instanceof StyleConstants) {
- Object cssKey = css.styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey
- ((StyleConstants)key);
- if (cssKey != null) {
- return super.isDefined(cssKey);
- }
- }
- return super.isDefined(key);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of an attribute.
- *
- * @param key the attribute name
- * @return the attribute value
- * @see AttributeSet#getAttribute
- */
- public Object getAttribute(Object key) {
- if (key instanceof StyleConstants) {
- Object cssKey = css.styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey
- ((StyleConstants)key);
- if (cssKey != null) {
- Object value = super.getAttribute(cssKey);
- if (value != null) {
- return css.cssValueToStyleConstantsValue
- ((StyleConstants)key, value);
- }
- }
- }
- return super.getAttribute(key);
- }
- }
- // ---- Resource handling ----------------------------------------
- /**
- * Fetches the font to use for the given set of attributes.
- */
- public Font getFont(AttributeSet a) {
- return css.getFont(this, a, 12);
- }
- /**
- * Takes a set of attributes and turn it into a foreground color
- * specification. This might be used to specify things
- * like brighter, more hue, etc.
- *
- * @param a the set of attributes
- * @return the color
- */
- public Color getForeground(AttributeSet a) {
- Color c = css.getColor(a, CSS.Attribute.COLOR);
- if (c == null) {
- return Color.black;
- }
- return c;
- }
- /**
- * Takes a set of attributes and turn it into a background color
- * specification. This might be used to specify things
- * like brighter, more hue, etc.
- *
- * @param a the set of attributes
- * @return the color
- */
- public Color getBackground(AttributeSet a) {
- return css.getColor(a, CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_COLOR);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the box formatter to use for the given set
- * of CSS attributes.
- */
- public BoxPainter getBoxPainter(AttributeSet a) {
- return new BoxPainter(a, css, this);
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the list formatter to use for the given set
- * of CSS attributes.
- */
- public ListPainter getListPainter(AttributeSet a) {
- return new ListPainter(a, this);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the base font size, with valid values between 1 and 7.
- */
- public void setBaseFontSize(int sz) {
- css.setBaseFontSize(sz);
- }
- /**
- * Sets the base font size from the passed in String. The string
- * can either identify a specific font size, with legal values between
- * 1 and 7, or identifiy a relative font size such as +1 or -2.
- */
- public void setBaseFontSize(String size) {
- css.setBaseFontSize(size);
- }
- public static int getIndexOfSize(float pt) {
- return CSS.getIndexOfSize(pt);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the point size, given a size index.
- */
- public float getPointSize(int index) {
- return css.getPointSize(index);
- }
- /**
- * Given a string such as "+2", "-2", or "2",
- * returns a point size value.
- */
- public float getPointSize(String size) {
- return css.getPointSize(size);
- }
- /**
- * Converts a color string such as "RED" or "#NNNNNN" to a Color.
- * Note: This will only convert the HTML3.2 color strings
- * or a string of length 7;
- * otherwise, it will return null.
- */
- public Color stringToColor(String string) {
- return CSS.stringToColor(string);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the ImageIcon to draw in the background for
- * <code>attr</code>.
- */
- ImageIcon getBackgroundImage(AttributeSet attr) {
- Object value = attr.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BACKGROUND_IMAGE);
- if (value != null) {
- return ((CSS.BackgroundImage)value).getImage(getBase());
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a rule into the StyleSheet.
- *
- * @param selector the selector to use for the rule.
- * This will be a set of simple selectors, and must
- * be a length of 1 or greater.
- * @param declaration the set of CSS attributes that
- * make up the rule.
- */
- void addRule(String[] selector, AttributeSet declaration,
- boolean isLinked) {
- int n = selector.length;
- StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
- sb.append(selector[0]);
- for (int counter = 1; counter < n; counter++) {
- sb.append(' ');
- sb.append(selector[counter]);
- }
- String selectorName = sb.toString();
- Style rule = getStyle(selectorName);
- if (rule == null) {
- // Notice how the rule is first created, and it not part of
- // the synchronized block. It is done like this as creating
- // a new rule will fire a ChangeEvent. We do not want to be
- // holding the lock when calling to other objects, it can
- // result in deadlock.
- Style altRule = addStyle(selectorName, null);
- synchronized(this) {
- SelectorMapping mapping = getRootSelectorMapping();
- for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- mapping = mapping.getChildSelectorMapping
- (selector[i], true);
- }
- rule = mapping.getStyle();
- if (rule == null) {
- rule = altRule;
- mapping.setStyle(rule);
- refreshResolvedRules(selectorName, selector, rule,
- mapping.getSpecificity());
- }
- }
- }
- if (isLinked) {
- rule = getLinkedStyle(rule);
- }
- rule.addAttributes(declaration);
- }
- //
- // The following gaggle of methods is used in maintaing the rules from
- // the sheet.
- //
- /**
- * Updates the attributes of the rules to reference any related
- * rules in <code>ss</code>.
- */
- private synchronized void linkStyleSheetAt(StyleSheet ss, int index) {
- if (resolvedStyles.size() > 0) {
- Enumeration values = resolvedStyles.elements();
- while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
- ResolvedStyle rule = (ResolvedStyle)values.nextElement();
- rule.insertExtendedStyleAt(ss.getRule(rule.getName()),
- index);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes references to the rules in <code>ss</code>.
- * <code>index</code> gives the index the StyleSheet was at, that is
- * how many StyleSheets had been added before it.
- */
- private synchronized void unlinkStyleSheet(StyleSheet ss, int index) {
- if (resolvedStyles.size() > 0) {
- Enumeration values = resolvedStyles.elements();
- while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
- ResolvedStyle rule = (ResolvedStyle)values.nextElement();
- rule.removeExtendedStyleAt(index);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the simple selectors that comprise selector.
- */
- /* protected */
- String[] getSimpleSelectors(String selector) {
- selector = cleanSelectorString(selector);
- SearchBuffer sb = SearchBuffer.obtainSearchBuffer();
- Vector selectors = sb.getVector();
- int lastIndex = 0;
- int length = selector.length();
- while (lastIndex != -1) {
- int newIndex = selector.indexOf(' ', lastIndex);
- if (newIndex != -1) {
- selectors.addElement(selector.substring(lastIndex, newIndex));
- if (++newIndex == length) {
- lastIndex = -1;
- }
- else {
- lastIndex = newIndex;
- }
- }
- else {
- selectors.addElement(selector.substring(lastIndex));
- lastIndex = -1;
- }
- }
- String[] retValue = new String[selectors.size()];
- selectors.copyInto(retValue);
- SearchBuffer.releaseSearchBuffer(sb);
- return retValue;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a string that only has one space between simple selectors,
- * which may be the passed in String.
- */
- /*protected*/ String cleanSelectorString(String selector) {
- boolean lastWasSpace = true;
- for (int counter = 0, maxCounter = selector.length();
- counter < maxCounter; counter++) {
- switch(selector.charAt(counter)) {
- case ' ':
- if (lastWasSpace) {
- return _cleanSelectorString(selector);
- }
- lastWasSpace = true;
- break;
- case '\n':
- case '\r':
- case '\t':
- return _cleanSelectorString(selector);
- default:
- lastWasSpace = false;
- }
- }
- if (lastWasSpace) {
- return _cleanSelectorString(selector);
- }
- // It was fine.
- return selector;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a new String that contains only one space between non
- * white space characters.
- */
- private String _cleanSelectorString(String selector) {
- SearchBuffer sb = SearchBuffer.obtainSearchBuffer();
- StringBuffer buff = sb.getStringBuffer();
- boolean lastWasSpace = true;
- int lastIndex = 0;
- char[] chars = selector.toCharArray();
- int numChars = chars.length;
- String retValue = null;
- try {
- for (int counter = 0; counter < numChars; counter++) {
- switch(chars[counter]) {
- case ' ':
- if (!lastWasSpace) {
- lastWasSpace = true;
- if (lastIndex < counter) {
- buff.append(chars, lastIndex,
- 1 + counter - lastIndex);
- }
- }
- lastIndex = counter + 1;
- break;
- case '\n':
- case '\r':
- case '\t':
- if (!lastWasSpace) {
- lastWasSpace = true;
- if (lastIndex < counter) {
- buff.append(chars, lastIndex,
- counter - lastIndex);
- buff.append(' ');
- }
- }
- lastIndex = counter + 1;
- break;
- default:
- lastWasSpace = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (lastWasSpace && buff.length() > 0) {
- // Remove last space.
- buff.setLength(buff.length() - 1);
- }
- else if (lastIndex < numChars) {
- buff.append(chars, lastIndex, numChars - lastIndex);
- }
- retValue = buff.toString();
- }
- finally {
- SearchBuffer.releaseSearchBuffer(sb);
- }
- return retValue;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the root selector mapping that all selectors are relative
- * to. This is an inverted graph of the selectors.
- */
- private SelectorMapping getRootSelectorMapping() {
- return selectorMapping;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the specificity of the passed in String. It assumes the
- * passed in string doesn't contain junk, that is each selector is
- * separated by a space and each selector at most contains one . or one
- * #. A simple selector has a weight of 1, an id selector has a weight
- * of 100, and a class selector has a weight of 10000.
- */
- /*protected*/ static int getSpecificity(String selector) {
- int specificity = 0;
- boolean lastWasSpace = true;
- for (int counter = 0, maxCounter = selector.length();
- counter < maxCounter; counter++) {
- switch(selector.charAt(counter)) {
- case '.':
- specificity += 100;
- break;
- case '#':
- specificity += 10000;
- break;
- case ' ':
- lastWasSpace = true;
- break;
- default:
- if (lastWasSpace) {
- lastWasSpace = false;
- specificity += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return specificity;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the style that linked attributes should be added to. This
- * will create the style if necessary.
- */
- private Style getLinkedStyle(Style localStyle) {
- // NOTE: This is not synchronized, and the caller of this does
- // not synchronize. There is the chance for one of the callers to
- // overwrite the existing resolved parent, but it is quite rare.
- // The reason this is left like this is because setResolveParent
- // will fire a ChangeEvent. It is really, REALLY bad for us to
- // hold a lock when calling outside of us, it may cause a deadlock.
- Style retStyle = (Style)localStyle.getResolveParent();
- if (retStyle == null) {
- retStyle = addStyle(null, null);
- localStyle.setResolveParent(retStyle);
- }
- return retStyle;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the resolved style for <code>selector</code>. This will
- * create the resolved style, if necessary.
- */
- private synchronized Style getResolvedStyle(String selector,
- Vector elements,
- HTML.Tag t) {
- Style retStyle = (Style)resolvedStyles.get(selector);
- if (retStyle == null) {
- retStyle = createResolvedStyle(selector, elements, t);
- }
- return retStyle;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the resolved style for <code>selector</code>. This will
- * create the resolved style, if necessary.
- */
- private synchronized Style getResolvedStyle(String selector) {
- Style retStyle = (Style)resolvedStyles.get(selector);
- if (retStyle == null) {
- retStyle = createResolvedStyle(selector);
- }
- return retStyle;
- }
- /**
- * Adds <code>mapping</code> to <code>elements</code>. It is added
- * such that <code>elements</code> will remain ordered by
- * specificity.
- */
- private void addSortedStyle(SelectorMapping mapping, Vector elements) {
- int size = elements.size();
- if (size > 0) {
- int specificity = mapping.getSpecificity();
- for (int counter = 0; counter < size; counter++) {
- if (specificity >= ((SelectorMapping)elements.elementAt
- (counter)).getSpecificity()) {
- elements.insertElementAt(mapping, counter);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- elements.addElement(mapping);
- }
- /**
- * Adds <code>parentMapping</code> to <code>styles</code>, and
- * recursively calls this method if <code>parentMapping</code> has
- * any child mappings for any of the Elements in <code>elements</code>.
- */
- private synchronized void getStyles(SelectorMapping parentMapping,
- Vector styles,
- String[] tags, String[] ids, String[] classes,
- int index, int numElements,
- Hashtable alreadyChecked) {
- // Avoid desending the same mapping twice.
- if (alreadyChecked.contains(parentMapping)) {
- return;
- }
- alreadyChecked.put(parentMapping, parentMapping);
- Style style = parentMapping.getStyle();
- if (style != null) {
- addSortedStyle(parentMapping, styles);
- }
- for (int counter = index; counter < numElements; counter++) {
- String tagString = tags[counter];
- if (tagString != null) {
- SelectorMapping childMapping = parentMapping.
- getChildSelectorMapping(tagString, false);
- if (childMapping != null) {
- getStyles(childMapping, styles, tags, ids, classes,
- counter + 1, numElements, alreadyChecked);
- }
- if (classes[counter] != null) {
- String className = classes[counter];
- childMapping = parentMapping.getChildSelectorMapping(
- tagString + "." + className, false);
- if (childMapping != null) {
- getStyles(childMapping, styles, tags, ids, classes,
- counter + 1, numElements, alreadyChecked);
- }
- childMapping = parentMapping.getChildSelectorMapping(
- "." + className, false);
- if (childMapping != null) {
- getStyles(childMapping, styles, tags, ids, classes,
- counter + 1, numElements, alreadyChecked);
- }
- }
- if (ids[counter] != null) {
- String idName = ids[counter];
- childMapping = parentMapping.getChildSelectorMapping(
- tagString + "#" + idName, false);
- if (childMapping != null) {
- getStyles(childMapping, styles, tags, ids, classes,
- counter + 1, numElements, alreadyChecked);
- }
- childMapping = parentMapping.getChildSelectorMapping(
- "#" + idName, false);
- if (childMapping != null) {
- getStyles(childMapping, styles, tags, ids, classes,
- counter + 1, numElements, alreadyChecked);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates and returns a Style containing all the rules that match
- * <code>selector</code>.
- */
- private synchronized Style createResolvedStyle(String selector,
- String[] tags,
- String[] ids, String[] classes) {
- SearchBuffer sb = SearchBuffer.obtainSearchBuffer();
- Vector tempVector = sb.getVector();
- Hashtable tempHashtable = sb.getHashtable();
- // Determine all the Styles that are appropriate, placing them
- // in tempVector
- try {
- SelectorMapping mapping = getRootSelectorMapping();
- int numElements = tags.length;
- String tagString = tags[0];
- SelectorMapping childMapping = mapping.getChildSelectorMapping(
- tagString, false);
- if (childMapping != null) {
- getStyles(childMapping, tempVector, tags, ids, classes, 1,
- numElements, tempHashtable);
- }
- if (classes[0] != null) {
- String className = classes[0];
- childMapping = mapping.getChildSelectorMapping(
- tagString + "." + className, false);
- if (childMapping != null) {
- getStyles(childMapping, tempVector, tags, ids, classes, 1,
- numElements, tempHashtable);
- }
- childMapping = mapping.getChildSelectorMapping(
- "." + className, false);
- if (childMapping != null) {
- getStyles(childMapping, tempVector, tags, ids, classes,
- 1, numElements, tempHashtable);
- }
- }
- if (ids[0] != null) {
- String idName = ids[0];
- childMapping = mapping.getChildSelectorMapping(
- tagString + "#" + idName, false);
- if (childMapping != null) {
- getStyles(childMapping, tempVector, tags, ids, classes,
- 1, numElements, tempHashtable);
- }
- childMapping = mapping.getChildSelectorMapping(
- "#" + idName, false);
- if (childMapping != null) {
- getStyles(childMapping, tempVector, tags, ids, classes,
- 1, numElements, tempHashtable);
- }
- }
- // Create a new Style that will delegate to all the matching
- // Styles.
- int numLinkedSS = (linkedStyleSheets != null) ?
- linkedStyleSheets.size() : 0;
- int numStyles = tempVector.size();
- AttributeSet[] attrs = new AttributeSet[numStyles + numLinkedSS];
- for (int counter = 0; counter < numStyles; counter++) {
- attrs[counter] = ((SelectorMapping)tempVector.
- elementAt(counter)).getStyle();
- }
- // Get the AttributeSet from linked style sheets.
- for (int counter = 0; counter < numLinkedSS; counter++) {
- AttributeSet attr = ((StyleSheet)linkedStyleSheets.
- elementAt(counter)).getRule(selector);
- if (attr == null) {
- attrs[counter + numStyles] = SimpleAttributeSet.EMPTY;
- }
- else {
- attrs[counter + numStyles] = attr;
- }
- }
- ResolvedStyle retStyle = new ResolvedStyle(selector, attrs,
- numStyles);
- resolvedStyles.put(selector, retStyle);
- return retStyle;
- }
- finally {
- SearchBuffer.releaseSearchBuffer(sb);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Creates and returns a Style containing all the rules that
- * matches <code>selector</code>.
- *
- * @param elements a Vector of all the Elements
- * the style is being asked for. The
- * first Element is the deepest Element, with the last Element
- * representing the root.
- * @param t the Tag to use for
- * the first Element in <code>elements</code>
- */
- private Style createResolvedStyle(String selector, Vector elements,
- HTML.Tag t) {
- int numElements = elements.size();
- // Build three arrays, one for tags, one for class's, and one for
- // id's
- String tags[] = new String[numElements];
- String ids[] = new String[numElements];
- String classes[] = new String[numElements];
- for (int counter = 0; counter < numElements; counter++) {
- Element e = (Element)elements.elementAt(counter);
- AttributeSet attr = e.getAttributes();
- if (counter == 0 && e.isLeaf()) {
- // For leafs, we use the second tier attributes.
- Object testAttr = attr.getAttribute(t);
- if (testAttr instanceof AttributeSet) {
- attr = (AttributeSet)testAttr;
- }
- else {
- attr = null;
- }
- }
- if (attr != null) {
- HTML.Tag tag = (HTML.Tag)attr.getAttribute(StyleConstants.
- NameAttribute);
- if (tag != null) {
- tags[counter] = tag.toString();
- }
- else {
- tags[counter] = null;
- }
- if (attr.isDefined(HTML.Attribute.CLASS)) {
- classes[counter] = attr.getAttribute
- (HTML.Attribute.CLASS).toString();
- }
- else {
- classes[counter] = null;
- }
- if (attr.isDefined(HTML.Attribute.ID)) {
- ids[counter] = attr.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.ID).
- toString();
- }
- else {
- ids[counter] = null;
- }
- }
- else {
- tags[counter] = ids[counter] = classes[counter] = null;
- }
- }
- tags[0] = t.toString();
- return createResolvedStyle(selector, tags, ids, classes);
- }
- /**
- * Creates and returns a Style containing all the rules that match
- * <code>selector</code>. It is assumed that each simple selector
- * in <code>selector</code> is separated by a space.
- */
- private Style createResolvedStyle(String selector) {
- SearchBuffer sb = SearchBuffer.obtainSearchBuffer();
- // Will contain the tags, ids, and classes, in that order.
- Vector elements = sb.getVector();
- try {
- boolean done;
- int dotIndex = 0;
- int spaceIndex = 0;
- int poundIndex = 0;
- int lastIndex = 0;
- int length = selector.length();
- while (lastIndex < length) {
- if (dotIndex == lastIndex) {
- dotIndex = selector.indexOf('.', lastIndex);
- }
- if (poundIndex == lastIndex) {
- poundIndex = selector.indexOf('#', lastIndex);
- }
- spaceIndex = selector.indexOf(' ', lastIndex);
- if (spaceIndex == -1) {
- spaceIndex = length;
- }
- if (dotIndex != -1 && poundIndex != -1 &&
- dotIndex < spaceIndex && poundIndex < spaceIndex) {
- if (poundIndex < dotIndex) {
- // #.
- if (lastIndex == poundIndex) {
- elements.addElement("");
- }
- else {
- elements.addElement(selector.substring(lastIndex,
- poundIndex));
- }
- if ((dotIndex + 1) < spaceIndex) {
- elements.addElement(selector.substring
- (dotIndex + 1, spaceIndex));
- }
- else {
- elements.addElement(null);
- }
- if ((poundIndex + 1) == dotIndex) {
- elements.addElement(null);
- }
- else {
- elements.addElement(selector.substring
- (poundIndex + 1, dotIndex));
- }
- }
- else if(poundIndex < spaceIndex) {
- // .#
- if (lastIndex == dotIndex) {
- elements.addElement("");
- }
- else {
- elements.addElement(selector.substring(lastIndex,
- dotIndex));
- }
- if ((dotIndex + 1) < poundIndex) {
- elements.addElement(selector.substring
- (dotIndex + 1, poundIndex));
- }
- else {
- elements.addElement(null);
- }
- if ((poundIndex + 1) == spaceIndex) {
- elements.addElement(null);
- }
- else {
- elements.addElement(selector.substring
- (poundIndex + 1, spaceIndex));
- }
- }
- dotIndex = poundIndex = spaceIndex + 1;
- }
- else if (dotIndex != -1 && dotIndex < spaceIndex) {
- // .
- if (dotIndex == lastIndex) {
- elements.addElement("");
- }
- else {
- elements.addElement(selector.substring(lastIndex,
- dotIndex));
- }
- if ((dotIndex + 1) == spaceIndex) {
- elements.addElement(null);
- }
- else {
- elements.addElement(selector.substring(dotIndex + 1,
- spaceIndex));
- }
- elements.addElement(null);
- dotIndex = spaceIndex + 1;
- }
- else if (poundIndex != -1 && poundIndex < spaceIndex) {
- // #
- if (poundIndex == lastIndex) {
- elements.addElement("");
- }
- else {
- elements.addElement(selector.substring(lastIndex,
- poundIndex));
- }
- elements.addElement(null);
- if ((poundIndex + 1) == spaceIndex) {
- elements.addElement(null);
- }
- else {
- elements.addElement(selector.substring(poundIndex + 1,
- spaceIndex));
- }
- poundIndex = spaceIndex + 1;
- }
- else {
- // id
- elements.addElement(selector.substring(lastIndex,
- spaceIndex));
- elements.addElement(null);
- elements.addElement(null);
- }
- lastIndex = spaceIndex + 1;
- }
- // Create the tag, id, and class arrays.
- int total = elements.size();
- int numTags = total / 3;
- String[] tags = new String[numTags];
- String[] ids = new String[numTags];
- String[] classes = new String[numTags];
- for (int index = 0, eIndex = total - 3; index < numTags;
- index++, eIndex -= 3) {
- tags[index] = (String)elements.elementAt(eIndex);
- ids[index] = (String)elements.elementAt(eIndex + 1);
- classes[index] = (String)elements.elementAt(eIndex + 2);
- }
- return createResolvedStyle(selector, tags, ids, classes);
- }
- finally {
- SearchBuffer.releaseSearchBuffer(sb);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Should be invoked when a new rule is added that did not previously
- * exist. Goes through and refreshes the necessary resolved
- * rules.
- */
- private synchronized void refreshResolvedRules(String selectorName,
- String[] selector,
- Style newStyle,
- int specificity) {
- if (resolvedStyles.size() > 0) {
- Enumeration values = resolvedStyles.elements();
- while (values.hasMoreElements()) {
- ResolvedStyle style = (ResolvedStyle)values.nextElement();
- if (style.matches(selectorName)) {
- style.insertStyle(newStyle, specificity);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * A temporary class used to hold a Vector, a StringBuffer and a
- * Hashtable. This is used to avoid allocing a lot of garbage when
- * searching for rules. Use the static method obtainSearchBuffer and
- * releaseSearchBuffer to get a SearchBuffer, and release it when
- * done.
- */
- private static class SearchBuffer {
- /** A stack containing instances of SearchBuffer. Used in getting
- * rules. */
- static Stack searchBuffers = new Stack();
- // A set of temporary variables that can be used in whatever way.
- Vector vector = null;
- StringBuffer stringBuffer = null;
- Hashtable hashtable = null;
- /**
- * Returns an instance of SearchBuffer. Be sure and issue
- * a releaseSearchBuffer when done with it.
- */
- static SearchBuffer obtainSearchBuffer() {
- SearchBuffer sb;
- try {
- sb = (SearchBuffer)searchBuffers.pop();
- } catch (EmptyStackException ese) {
- sb = new SearchBuffer();
- }
- return sb;
- }
- /**
- * Adds <code>sb</code> to the stack of SearchBuffers that can
- * be used.
- */
- static void releaseSearchBuffer(SearchBuffer sb) {
- sb.empty();
- searchBuffers.push(sb);
- }
- StringBuffer getStringBuffer() {
- if (stringBuffer == null) {
- stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
- }
- return stringBuffer;
- }
- Vector getVector() {
- if (vector == null) {
- vector = new Vector();
- }
- return vector;
- }
- Hashtable getHashtable() {
- if (hashtable == null) {
- hashtable = new Hashtable();
- }
- return hashtable;
- }
- void empty() {
- if (stringBuffer != null) {
- stringBuffer.setLength(0);
- }
- if (vector != null) {
- vector.removeAllElements();
- }
- if (hashtable != null) {
- hashtable.clear();
- }
- }
- }
- static final Border noBorder = new EmptyBorder(0,0,0,0);
- /**
- * Class to carry out some of the duties of
- * CSS formatting. Implementations of this
- * class enable views to present the CSS formatting
- * while not knowing anything about how the CSS values
- * are being cached.
- * <p>
- * As a delegate of Views, this object is responsible for
- * the insets of a View and making sure the background
- * is maintained according to the CSS attributes.
- */
- public static class BoxPainter implements Serializable {
- BoxPainter(AttributeSet a, CSS css, StyleSheet ss) {
- this.ss = ss;
- this.css = css;
- border = getBorder(a);
- binsets = border.getBorderInsets(null);
- topMargin = getLength(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_TOP, a);
- bottomMargin = getLength(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_BOTTOM, a);
- leftMargin = getLength(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_LEFT, a);
- rightMargin = getLength(CSS.Attribute.MARGIN_RIGHT, a);
- bg = ss.getBackground(a);
- if (ss.getBackgroundImage(a) != null) {
- bgPainter = new BackgroundImagePainter(a, css, ss);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fetches a border to render for the given attributes.
- * PENDING(prinz) This is pretty badly hacked at the
- * moment.
- */
- Border getBorder(AttributeSet a) {
- Border b = noBorder;
- Object o = a.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_STYLE);
- if (o != null) {
- String bstyle = o.toString();
- int bw = (int) getLength(CSS.Attribute.BORDER_TOP_WIDTH, a);
- if (bw > 0) {
- if (bstyle.equals("inset")) {
- Color c = getBorderColor(a);
- b = new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED, c.brighter(), c.darker());
- } else if (bstyle.equals("outset")) {
- Color c = getBorderColor(a);
- b = new BevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED, c.brighter(), c.darker());
- } else if (bstyle.equals("solid")) {
- Color c = getBorderColor(a);
- b = new LineBorder(c);
- }
- }
- }
- return b;
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the color to use for borders. This will either be
- * the value specified by the border-color attribute (which
- * is not inherited), or it will default to the color attribute
- * (which is inherited).
- */
- Color getBorderColor(AttributeSet a) {
- Color color = css.getColor(a, CSS.Attribute.BORDER_COLOR);
- if (color == null) {
- color = css.getColor(a, CSS.Attribute.COLOR);
- if (color == null) {
- return Color.black;
- }
- }
- return color;
- }
- /**
- * Fetches the inset needed on a given side to
- * account for the margin, border, and padding.
- *
- * @param side The size of the box to fetch the
- * inset for. This can be View.TOP,
- * View.LEFT, View.BOTTOM, or View.RIGHT.
- * @param v the view making the request. This is
- * used to get the AttributeSet, and may be used to
- * resolve percentage arguments.
- * @exception IllegalArgumentException for an invalid direction
- */
- public float getInset(int side, View v) {
- AttributeSet a = v.getAttributes();
- float inset = 0;
- switch(side) {
- case View.LEFT:
- inset += leftMargin;
- inset += binsets.left;
- inset += getLength(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_LEFT, a);
- break;
- case View.RIGHT:
- inset += rightMargin;
- inset += binsets.right;
- inset += getLength(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_RIGHT, a);
- break;
- case View.TOP:
- inset += topMargin;
- inset += binsets.top;
- inset += getLength(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_TOP, a);
- break;
- case View.BOTTOM:
- inset += bottomMargin;
- inset += binsets.bottom;
- inset += getLength(CSS.Attribute.PADDING_BOTTOM, a);
- break;
- default:
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid side: " + side);
- }
- return inset;
- }
- /**
- * Paints the CSS box according to the attributes
- * given. This should paint the border, padding,
- * and background.
- *
- * @param g the rendering surface.
- * @param x the x coordinate of the allocated area to
- * render into.
- * @param y the y coordinate of the allocated area to
- * render into.
- * @param w the width of the allocated area to render into.
- * @param h the height of the allocated area to render into.
- * @param v the view making the request. This is
- * used to get the AttributeSet, and may be used to
- * resolve percentage arguments.
- */
- public void paint(Graphics g, float x, float y, float w, float h, View v) {
- // PENDING(prinz) implement real rendering... which would
- // do full set of border and background capabilities.
- // remove margin
- x += leftMargin;
- y += topMargin;
- w -= leftMargin + rightMargin;
- h -= topMargin + bottomMargin;
- if (bg != null) {
- g.setColor(bg);
- g.fillRect((int) x, (int) y, (int) w, (int) h);
- }
- if (bgPainter != null) {
- bgPainter.paint(g, x, y, w, h, v);
- }
- border.paintBorder(null, g, (int) x, (int) y, (int) w, (int) h);
- }
- float getLength(CSS.Attribute key, AttributeSet a) {
- return css.getLength(a, key);
- }
- float topMargin;
- float bottomMargin;
- float leftMargin;
- float rightMargin;
- // Bitmask, used to indicate what margins are relative:
- // bit 0 for top, 1 for bottom, 2 for left and 3 for right.
- short marginFlags;
- Border border;
- Insets binsets;
- CSS css;
- StyleSheet ss;
- Color bg;
- BackgroundImagePainter bgPainter;
- }
- /**
- * Class to carry out some of the duties of CSS list
- * formatting. Implementations of this
- * class enable views to present the CSS formatting
- * while not knowing anything about how the CSS values
- * are being cached.
- */
- public static class ListPainter implements Serializable {
- ListPainter(AttributeSet attr, StyleSheet ss) {
- /* Get the image to use as a list bullet */
- String imgstr = (String)attr.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.
- type = null;
- if (imgstr != null && !imgstr.equals("none")) {
- String tmpstr = null;
- try {
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(imgstr, "()");
- if (st.hasMoreTokens())
- tmpstr = st.nextToken();
- if (st.hasMoreTokens())
- tmpstr = st.nextToken();
- URL u = new URL(tmpstr);
- img = new ImageIcon(u);
- } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
- if (tmpstr != null && ss != null && ss.getBase() != null) {
- try {
- URL u = new URL(ss.getBase(), tmpstr);
- img = new ImageIcon(u);
- } catch (MalformedURLException murle) {
- img = null;
- }
- }
- else {
- img = null;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Get the type of bullet to use in the list */
- if (img == null) {
- type = (CSS.Value)attr.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.
- }
- start = 1;
- paintRect = new Rectangle();
- }
- /**
- * Returns a string that represents the value
- * of the HTML.Attribute.TYPE attribute.
- * If this attributes is not defined, then
- * then the type defaults to "disc" unless
- * the tag is on Ordered list. In the case
- * of the latter, the default type is "decimal".
- */
- private CSS.Value getChildType(View childView) {
- CSS.Value childtype = (CSS.Value)childView.getAttributes().
- getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.LIST_STYLE_TYPE);
- if (childtype == null) {
- if (type == null) {
- // Parent view.
- View v = childView.getParent();
- HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument)v.getDocument();
- if (doc.matchNameAttribute(v.getElement().getAttributes(),
- HTML.Tag.OL)) {
- childtype = CSS.Value.DECIMAL;
- } else {
- childtype = CSS.Value.DISC;
- }
- } else {
- childtype = type;
- }
- }
- return childtype;
- }
- /**
- * Obtains the starting index from <code>parent</code>.
- */
- private void getStart(View parent) {
- checkedForStart = true;
- Element element = parent.getElement();
- if (element != null) {
- AttributeSet attr = element.getAttributes();
- Object startValue;
- if (attr != null && attr.isDefined(HTML.Attribute.START) &&
- (startValue = attr.getAttribute
- (HTML.Attribute.START)) != null &&
- (startValue instanceof String)) {
- try {
- start = Integer.parseInt((String)startValue);
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {}
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns an integer that should be used to render the child at
- * <code>childIndex</code> with. The retValue will usually be
- * <code>childIndex</code> + 1, unless <code>parentView</code>
- * has some Views that do not represent LI's, or one of the views
- * has a HTML.Attribute.START specified.
- */
- private int getRenderIndex(View parentView, int childIndex) {
- if (!checkedForStart) {
- getStart(parentView);
- }
- int retIndex = childIndex;
- for (int counter = childIndex; counter >= 0; counter--) {
- AttributeSet as = parentView.getElement().getElement(counter).
- getAttributes();
- if (as.getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute) !=
- HTML.Tag.LI) {
- retIndex--;
- }
- else {
- Object value = as.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.VALUE);
- if (value != null &&
- (value instanceof String)) {
- try {
- int iValue = Integer.parseInt((String)value);
- return retIndex - counter + iValue;
- }
- catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {}
- }
- }
- }
- return retIndex + start;
- }
- /**
- * Paints the CSS list decoration according to the
- * attributes given.
- *
- * @param g the rendering surface.
- * @param x the x coordinate of the list item allocation
- * @param y the y coordinate of the list item allocation
- * @param w the width of the list item allocation
- * @param h the height of the list item allocation
- * @param v the allocated area to paint into.
- * @param item which list item is being painted. This
- * is a number greater than or equal to 0.
- */
- public void paint(Graphics g, float x, float y, float w, float h, View v, int item) {
- View cv = v.getView(item);
- Object name = cv.getElement().getAttributes().getAttribute
- (StyleConstants.NameAttribute);
- // Only draw something if the View is a list item. This won't
- // be the case for comments.
- if (!(name instanceof HTML.Tag) ||
- name != HTML.Tag.LI) {
- return;
- }
- // How the list indicator is aligned is not specified, it is
- // left up to the UA. IE and NS differ on this behavior.
- // This is closer to NS where we align to the first line of text.
- // If the child is not text we draw the indicator at the
- // origin (0).
- float align = 0;
- if (cv.getViewCount() > 0) {
- View pView = cv.getView(0);
- Object cName = pView.getElement().getAttributes().
- getAttribute(StyleConstants.NameAttribute);
- if ((cName == HTML.Tag.P || cName == HTML.Tag.IMPLIED) &&
- pView.getViewCount() > 0) {
- paintRect.setBounds((int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h);
- Shape shape = cv.getChildAllocation(0, paintRect);
- if (shape != null && (shape = pView.getView(0).
- getChildAllocation(0, shape)) != null) {
- Rectangle rect = (shape instanceof Rectangle) ?
- (Rectangle)shape : shape.getBounds();
- align = pView.getView(0).getAlignment(View.Y_AXIS);
- y = rect.y;
- h = rect.height;
- }
- }
- }
- if (img != null) {
- drawIcon(g, (int) x, (int) y, (int) h, align,
- v.getContainer());
- return;
- }
- CSS.Value childtype = getChildType(cv);
- Font font = ((StyledDocument)cv.getDocument()).
- getFont(cv.getAttributes());
- if (font != null) {
- g.setFont(font);
- }
- if (childtype == CSS.Value.SQUARE || childtype == CSS.Value.CIRCLE
- || childtype == CSS.Value.DISC) {
- drawShape(g, childtype, (int) x, (int) y, (int) h, align);
- } else if (childtype == CSS.Value.CIRCLE) {
- drawShape(g, childtype, (int) x, (int) y, (int) h, align);
- } else if (childtype == CSS.Value.DECIMAL) {
- drawLetter(g, '1', (int) x, (int) y, (int) h, align,
- getRenderIndex(v, item));
- } else if (childtype == CSS.Value.LOWER_ALPHA) {
- drawLetter(g, 'a', (int) x, (int) y, (int) h, align,
- getRenderIndex(v, item));
- } else if (childtype == CSS.Value.UPPER_ALPHA) {
- drawLetter(g, 'A', (int) x, (int) y, (int) h, align,
- getRenderIndex(v, item));
- } else if (childtype == CSS.Value.LOWER_ROMAN) {
- drawLetter(g, 'i', (int) x, (int) y, (int) h, align,
- getRenderIndex(v, item));
- } else if (childtype == CSS.Value.UPPER_ROMAN) {
- drawLetter(g, 'I', (int) x, (int) y, (int) h, align,
- getRenderIndex(v, item));
- }
- }
- /**
- * Draws the bullet icon specified by the list-style-image argument.
- *
- * @param g the graphics context
- * @param ax x coordinate to place the bullet
- * @param ay y coordinate to place the bullet
- * @param ah height of the container the bullet is placed in
- * @param align preferred alignment factor for the child view
- */
- void drawIcon(Graphics g, int ax, int ay, int ah,
- float align, Component c) {
- // Align to bottom of icon.
- g.setColor(Color.black);
- int x = ax - img.getIconWidth() - bulletgap;
- int y = Math.max(ay, ay + (int)(align * ah) -img.getIconHeight());
- img.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);
- }
- /**
- * Draws the graphical bullet item specified by the type argument.
- *
- * @param g the graphics context
- * @param type type of bullet to draw (circle, square, disc)
- * @param ax x coordinate to place the bullet
- * @param ay y coordinate to place the bullet
- * @param ah height of the container the bullet is placed in
- * @param align preferred alignment factor for the child view
- */
- void drawShape(Graphics g, CSS.Value type, int ax, int ay, int ah,
- float align) {
- // Align to bottom of shape.
- g.setColor(Color.black);
- int x = ax - bulletgap - 8;
- int y = Math.max(ay, ay + (int)(align * ah) - 8);
- if (type == CSS.Value.SQUARE) {
- g.drawRect(x, y, 8, 8);
- } else if (type == CSS.Value.CIRCLE) {
- g.drawOval(x, y, 8, 8);
- } else {
- g.fillOval(x, y, 8, 8);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Draws the letter or number for an ordered list.
- *
- * @param g the graphics context
- * @param letter type of ordered list to draw
- * @param ax x coordinate to place the bullet
- * @param ay y coordinate to place the bullet
- * @param ah height of the container the bullet is placed in
- * @param index position of the list item in the list
- */
- void drawLetter(Graphics g, char letter, int ax, int ay, int ah,
- float align, int index) {
- g.setColor(Color.black);
- String str = formatItemNum(index, letter) + ".";
- FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
- int stringwidth = fm.stringWidth(str);
- int x = ax - stringwidth - bulletgap;
- int y = Math.max(ay + fm.getAscent(), ay + (int)(ah * align));
- g.drawString(str, x, y);
- }
- /**
- * Converts the item number into the ordered list number
- * (i.e. 1 2 3, i ii iii, a b c, etc.
- *
- * @param itemNum number to format
- * @param type type of ordered list
- */
- String formatItemNum(int itemNum, char type) {
- String numStyle = "1";
- boolean uppercase = false;
- String formattedNum;
- switch (type) {
- case '1':
- default:
- formattedNum = String.valueOf(itemNum);
- break;
- case 'A':
- uppercase = true;
- // fall through
- case 'a':
- formattedNum = formatAlphaNumerals(itemNum);
- break;
- case 'I':
- uppercase = true;
- // fall through
- case 'i':
- formattedNum = formatRomanNumerals(itemNum);
- }
- if (uppercase) {
- formattedNum = formattedNum.toUpperCase();
- }
- return formattedNum;
- }
- /**
- * Converts the item number into an alphabetic character
- *
- * @param itemNum number to format
- */
- String formatAlphaNumerals(int itemNum) {
- String result = "";
- if (itemNum > 26) {
- result = formatAlphaNumerals(itemNum / 26) +
- formatAlphaNumerals(itemNum % 26);
- } else {
- // -1 because item is 1 based.
- result = String.valueOf((char)('a' + itemNum - 1));
- }
- return result;
- }
- /* list of roman numerals */
- static final char romanChars[][] = {
- {'i', 'v'},
- {'x', 'l' },
- {'c', 'd' },
- {'m', '?' },
- };
- /**
- * Converts the item number into a roman numeral
- *
- * @param num number to format
- */
- String formatRomanNumerals(int num) {
- return formatRomanNumerals(0, num);
- }
- /**
- * Converts the item number into a roman numeral
- *
- * @param num number to format
- */
- String formatRomanNumerals(int level, int num) {
- if (num < 10) {
- return formatRomanDigit(level, num);
- } else {
- return formatRomanNumerals(level + 1, num / 10) +
- formatRomanDigit(level, num % 10);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Converts the item number into a roman numeral
- *
- * @param level position
- * @param num digit to format
- */
- String formatRomanDigit(int level, int digit) {
- String result = "";
- if (digit == 9) {
- result = result + romanChars[level][0];
- result = result + romanChars[level + 1][0];
- return result;
- } else if (digit == 4) {
- result = result + romanChars[level][0];
- result = result + romanChars[level][1];
- return result;
- } else if (digit >= 5) {
- result = result + romanChars[level][1];
- digit -= 5;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < digit; i++) {
- result = result + romanChars[level][0];
- }
- return result;
- }
- private Rectangle paintRect;
- private boolean checkedForStart;
- private int start;
- private CSS.Value type;
- URL imageurl;
- Icon img = null;
- private int bulletgap = 5;
- }
- /**
- * Paints the background image.
- */
- static class BackgroundImagePainter implements Serializable {
- ImageIcon backgroundImage;
- float hPosition;
- float vPosition;
- // bit mask: 0 for repeat x, 1 for repeat y, 2 for horiz relative,
- // 3 for vert relative
- short flags;
- // These are used when painting, updatePaintCoordinates updates them.
- private int paintX;
- private int paintY;
- private int paintMaxX;
- private int paintMaxY;
- BackgroundImagePainter(AttributeSet a, CSS css, StyleSheet ss) {
- backgroundImage = ss.getBackgroundImage(a);
- // Determine the position.
- CSS.BackgroundPosition pos = (CSS.BackgroundPosition)a.getAttribute
- if (pos != null) {
- hPosition = pos.getHorizontalPosition();
- vPosition = pos.getVerticalPosition();
- if (pos.isHorizontalPositionRelativeToSize()) {
- flags |= 4;
- }
- else if (pos.isHorizontalPositionRelativeToSize()) {
- hPosition *= css.getFontSize(a, 12);
- }
- if (pos.isVerticalPositionRelativeToSize()) {
- flags |= 8;
- }
- else if (pos.isVerticalPositionRelativeToFontSize()) {
- vPosition *= css.getFontSize(a, 12);
- }
- }
- // Determine any repeating values.
- CSS.Value repeats = (CSS.Value)a.getAttribute(CSS.Attribute.
- if (repeats == null || repeats == CSS.Value.BACKGROUND_REPEAT) {
- flags |= 3;
- }
- else if (repeats == CSS.Value.BACKGROUND_REPEAT_X) {
- flags |= 1;
- }
- else if (repeats == CSS.Value.BACKGROUND_REPEAT_Y) {
- flags |= 2;
- }
- }
- void paint(Graphics g, float x, float y, float w, float h, View v) {
- Rectangle clip = g.getClipRect();
- if (clip != null) {
- // Constrain the clip so that images don't draw outside the
- // legal bounds.
- g.clipRect((int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h);
- }
- if ((flags & 3) == 0) {
- // no repeating
- int width = backgroundImage.getIconWidth();
- int height = backgroundImage.getIconWidth();
- if ((flags & 4) == 4) {
- paintX = (int)(x + w * hPosition -
- (float)width * hPosition);
- }
- else {
- paintX = (int)x + (int)hPosition;
- }
- if ((flags & 8) == 8) {
- paintY = (int)(y + h * vPosition -
- (float)height * vPosition);
- }
- else {
- paintY = (int)y + (int)vPosition;
- }
- if (clip == null ||
- !((paintX + width <= clip.x) ||
- (paintY + height <= clip.y) ||
- (paintX >= clip.x + clip.width) ||
- (paintY >= clip.y + clip.height))) {
- backgroundImage.paintIcon(null, g, paintX, paintY);
- }
- }
- else {
- int width = backgroundImage.getIconWidth();
- int height = backgroundImage.getIconHeight();
- if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
- paintX = (int)x;
- paintY = (int)y;
- paintMaxX = (int)(x + w);
- paintMaxY = (int)(y + h);
- if (updatePaintCoordinates(clip, width, height)) {
- while (paintX < paintMaxX) {
- int ySpot = paintY;
- while (ySpot < paintMaxY) {
- backgroundImage.paintIcon(null, g, paintX,
- ySpot);
- ySpot += height;
- }
- paintX += width;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (clip != null) {
- // Reset clip.
- g.setClip(clip.x, clip.y, clip.width, clip.height);
- }
- }
- private boolean updatePaintCoordinates
- (Rectangle clip, int width, int height){
- if ((flags & 3) == 1) {
- paintMaxY = paintY + 1;
- }
- else if ((flags & 3) == 2) {
- paintMaxX = paintX + 1;
- }
- if (clip != null) {
- if ((flags & 3) == 1 && ((paintY + height <= clip.y) ||
- (paintY > clip.y + clip.height))) {
- // not visible.
- return false;
- }
- if ((flags & 3) == 2 && ((paintX + width <= clip.x) ||
- (paintX > clip.x + clip.width))) {
- // not visible.
- return false;
- }
- if ((flags & 1) == 1) {
- if ((clip.x + clip.width) < paintMaxX) {
- if ((clip.x + clip.width - paintX) % width == 0) {
- paintMaxX = clip.x + clip.width;
- }
- else {
- paintMaxX = ((clip.x + clip.width - paintX) /
- width + 1) * width + paintX;
- }
- }
- if (clip.x > paintX) {
- paintX = (clip.x - paintX) / width * width + paintX;
- }
- }
- if ((flags & 2) == 2) {
- if ((clip.y + clip.height) < paintMaxY) {
- if ((clip.y + clip.height - paintY) % height == 0) {
- paintMaxY = clip.y + clip.height;
- }
- else {
- paintMaxY = ((clip.y + clip.height - paintY) /
- height + 1) * height + paintY;
- }
- }
- if (clip.y > paintY) {
- paintY = (clip.y - paintY) / height * height + paintY;
- }
- }
- }
- // Valid
- return true;
- }
- }
- /**
- * A subclass of MuxingAttributeSet that translates between
- * CSS and HTML and StyleConstants. The AttributeSets used are
- * the CSS rules that match the Views Elements.
- */
- class ViewAttributeSet extends MuxingAttributeSet {
- ViewAttributeSet(View v) {
- host = v;
- // PENDING(prinz) fix this up to be a more realistic
- // implementation.
- Document doc = v.getDocument();
- SearchBuffer sb = SearchBuffer.obtainSearchBuffer();
- Vector muxList = sb.getVector();
- try {
- if (doc instanceof HTMLDocument) {
- StyleSheet styles = StyleSheet.this;
- Element elem = v.getElement();
- AttributeSet a = elem.getAttributes();
- AttributeSet htmlAttr = styles.translateHTMLToCSS(a);
- if (htmlAttr.getAttributeCount() != 0) {
- muxList.addElement(htmlAttr);
- }
- if (elem.isLeaf()) {
- Enumeration keys = a.getAttributeNames();
- while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
- Object key = keys.nextElement();
- if (key instanceof HTML.Tag) {
- if ((HTML.Tag)key == HTML.Tag.A) {
- Object o = a.getAttribute((HTML.Tag)key);
- /**
- In the case of an A tag, the css rules
- apply only for tags that have their
- href attribute defined and not for
- anchors that only have their name attributes
- defined, i.e anchors that function as
- destinations. Hence we do not add the
- attributes for that latter kind of
- anchors. When CSS2 support is added,
- it will be possible to specificity this
- kind of conditional behaviour in the
- stylesheet.
- **/
- if (o != null && o instanceof AttributeSet) {
- AttributeSet attr = (AttributeSet)o;
- if (attr.getAttribute(HTML.Attribute.HREF) == null) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- AttributeSet cssRule = styles.getRule((HTML.Tag) key, elem);
- if (cssRule != null) {
- muxList.addElement(cssRule);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- HTML.Tag t = (HTML.Tag) a.getAttribute
- (StyleConstants.NameAttribute);
- AttributeSet cssRule = styles.getRule(t, elem);
- if (cssRule != null) {
- muxList.addElement(cssRule);
- }
- }
- }
- AttributeSet[] attrs = new AttributeSet[muxList.size()];
- muxList.copyInto(attrs);
- setAttributes(attrs);
- }
- finally {
- SearchBuffer.releaseSearchBuffer(sb);
- }
- }
- // --- AttributeSet methods ----------------------------
- /**
- * Checks whether a given attribute is defined.
- * This will convert the key over to CSS if the
- * key is a StyleConstants key that has a CSS
- * mapping.
- *
- * @param key the attribute key
- * @return true if the attribute is defined
- * @see AttributeSet#isDefined
- */
- public boolean isDefined(Object key) {
- if (key instanceof StyleConstants) {
- Object cssKey = css.styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey
- ((StyleConstants)key);
- if (cssKey != null) {
- key = cssKey;
- }
- }
- return super.isDefined(key);
- }
- /**
- * Gets the value of an attribute. If the requested
- * attribute is a StyleConstants attribute that has
- * a CSS mapping, the request will be converted.
- *
- * @param key the attribute name
- * @return the attribute value
- * @see AttributeSet#getAttribute
- */
- public Object getAttribute(Object key) {
- if (key instanceof StyleConstants) {
- Object cssKey = css.styleConstantsKeyToCSSKey
- ((StyleConstants)key);
- if (cssKey != null) {
- Object value = doGetAttribute(cssKey);
- if (value instanceof CSS.CssValue) {
- return ((CSS.CssValue)value).toStyleConstants
- ((StyleConstants)key, host);
- }
- }
- }
- return doGetAttribute(key);
- }
- Object doGetAttribute(Object key) {
- Object retValue = super.getAttribute(key);
- if (retValue != null) {
- return retValue;
- }
- // didn't find it... try parent if it's a css attribute
- // that is inherited.
- if (key instanceof CSS.Attribute) {
- CSS.Attribute css = (CSS.Attribute) key;
- if (css.isInherited()) {
- AttributeSet parent = getResolveParent();
- if (parent != null)
- return parent.getAttribute(key);
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * If not overriden, the resolving parent defaults to
- * the parent element.
- *
- * @return the attributes from the parent
- * @see AttributeSet#getResolveParent
- */
- public AttributeSet getResolveParent() {
- if (host == null) {
- return null;
- }
- View parent = host.getParent();
- return (parent != null) ? parent.getAttributes() : null;
- }
- /** View created for. */
- View host;
- }
- /**
- * A subclass of MuxingAttributeSet that implements Style. Currently
- * the MutableAttributeSet methods are unimplemented, that is they
- * do nothing.
- */
- // PENDING(sky): Decide what to do with this. Either make it
- // contain a SimpleAttributeSet that modify methods are delegated to,
- // or change getRule to return an AttributeSet and then don't make this
- // implement Style.
- static class ResolvedStyle extends MuxingAttributeSet implements
- Serializable, Style {
- ResolvedStyle(String name, AttributeSet[] attrs, int extendedIndex) {
- super(attrs);
- this.name = name;
- this.extendedIndex = extendedIndex;
- }
- /**
- * Inserts a Style into the receiver so that the styles the
- * receiver represents are still ordered by specificity.
- * <code>style</code> will be added before any extended styles, that
- * is before extendedIndex.
- */
- synchronized void insertStyle(Style style, int specificity) {
- AttributeSet[] attrs = getAttributes();
- int maxCounter = attrs.length;
- int counter = 0;
- for (;counter < extendedIndex; counter++) {
- if (specificity > getSpecificity(((Style)attrs[counter]).
- getName())) {
- break;
- }
- }
- insertAttributeSetAt(style, counter);
- extendedIndex++;
- }
- /**
- * Removes a previously added style. This will do nothing if
- * <code>style</code> is not referenced by the receiver.
- */
- synchronized void removeStyle(Style style) {
- AttributeSet[] attrs = getAttributes();
- for (int counter = attrs.length - 1; counter >= 0; counter--) {
- if (attrs[counter] == style) {
- removeAttributeSetAt(counter);
- if (counter < extendedIndex) {
- extendedIndex--;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adds <code>s</code> as one of the Attributesets to look up
- * attributes in.
- */
- synchronized void insertExtendedStyleAt(Style attr, int index) {
- insertAttributeSetAt(attr, extendedIndex + index);
- }
- /**
- * Adds <code>s</code> as one of the AttributeSets to look up
- * attributes in. It will be the AttributeSet last checked.
- */
- synchronized void addExtendedStyle(Style attr) {
- insertAttributeSetAt(attr, getAttributes().length);
- }
- /**
- * Removes the style at <code>index</code> +
- * <code>extendedIndex</code>.
- */
- synchronized void removeExtendedStyleAt(int index) {
- removeAttributeSetAt(extendedIndex + index);
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the receiver matches <code>selector</code>, where
- * a match is defined by the CSS rule matching.
- * Each simple selector must be separated by a single space.
- */
- protected boolean matches(String selector) {
- int sLast = selector.length();
- if (sLast == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- int thisLast = name.length();
- int sCurrent = selector.lastIndexOf(' ');
- int thisCurrent = name.lastIndexOf(' ');
- if (sCurrent >= 0) {
- sCurrent++;
- }
- if (thisCurrent >= 0) {
- thisCurrent++;
- }
- if (!matches(selector, sCurrent, sLast, thisCurrent, thisLast)) {
- return false;
- }
- while (sCurrent != -1) {
- sLast = sCurrent - 1;
- sCurrent = selector.lastIndexOf(' ', sLast - 1);
- if (sCurrent >= 0) {
- sCurrent++;
- }
- boolean match = false;
- while (!match && thisCurrent != -1) {
- thisLast = thisCurrent - 1;
- thisCurrent = name.lastIndexOf(' ', thisLast - 1);
- if (thisCurrent >= 0) {
- thisCurrent++;
- }
- match = matches(selector, sCurrent, sLast, thisCurrent,
- thisLast);
- }
- if (!match) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the substring of the receiver, in the range
- * thisCurrent, thisLast matches the substring of selector in
- * the ranme sCurrent to sLast based on CSS selector matching.
- */
- boolean matches(String selector, int sCurrent, int sLast,
- int thisCurrent, int thisLast) {
- sCurrent = Math.max(sCurrent, 0);
- thisCurrent = Math.max(thisCurrent, 0);
- int thisDotIndex = boundedIndexOf(name, '.', thisCurrent,
- thisLast);
- int thisPoundIndex = boundedIndexOf(name, '#', thisCurrent,
- thisLast);
- int sDotIndex = boundedIndexOf(selector, '.', sCurrent, sLast);
- int sPoundIndex = boundedIndexOf(selector, '#', sCurrent, sLast);
- if (sDotIndex != -1) {
- // Selector has a '.', which indicates name must match it,
- // or if the '.' starts the selector than name must have
- // the same class (doesn't matter what element name).
- if (thisDotIndex == -1) {
- return false;
- }
- if (sCurrent == sDotIndex) {
- if ((thisLast - thisDotIndex) != (sLast - sDotIndex) ||
- !selector.regionMatches(sCurrent, name, thisDotIndex,
- (thisLast - thisDotIndex))) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- else {
- // Has to fully match.
- if ((sLast - sCurrent) != (thisLast - thisCurrent) ||
- !selector.regionMatches(sCurrent, name, thisCurrent,
- (thisLast - thisCurrent))) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (sPoundIndex != -1) {
- // Selector has a '#', which indicates name must match it,
- // or if the '#' starts the selector than name must have
- // the same id (doesn't matter what element name).
- if (thisPoundIndex == -1) {
- return false;
- }
- if (sCurrent == sPoundIndex) {
- if ((thisLast - thisPoundIndex) !=(sLast - sPoundIndex) ||
- !selector.regionMatches(sCurrent, name, thisPoundIndex,
- (thisLast - thisPoundIndex))) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- else {
- // Has to fully match.
- if ((sLast - sCurrent) != (thisLast - thisCurrent) ||
- !selector.regionMatches(sCurrent, name, thisCurrent,
- (thisLast - thisCurrent))) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- if (thisDotIndex != -1) {
- // Reciever references a class, just check element name.
- return (((thisDotIndex - thisCurrent) == (sLast - sCurrent)) &&
- selector.regionMatches(sCurrent, name, thisCurrent,
- thisDotIndex - thisCurrent));
- }
- if (thisPoundIndex != -1) {
- // Reciever references an id, just check element name.
- return (((thisPoundIndex - thisCurrent) ==(sLast - sCurrent))&&
- selector.regionMatches(sCurrent, name, thisCurrent,
- thisPoundIndex - thisCurrent));
- }
- // Fail through, no classes or ides, just check string.
- return (((thisLast - thisCurrent) == (sLast - sCurrent)) &&
- selector.regionMatches(sCurrent, name, thisCurrent,
- thisLast - thisCurrent));
- }
- /**
- * Similiar to String.indexOf, but allows an upper bound
- * (this is slower in that it will still check string starting at
- * start.
- */
- int boundedIndexOf(String string, char search, int start,
- int end) {
- int retValue = string.indexOf(search, start);
- if (retValue >= end) {
- return -1;
- }
- return retValue;
- }
- public void addAttribute(Object name, Object value) {}
- public void addAttributes(AttributeSet attributes) {}
- public void removeAttribute(Object name) {}
- public void removeAttributes(Enumeration names) {}
- public void removeAttributes(AttributeSet attributes) {}
- public void setResolveParent(AttributeSet parent) {}
- public String getName() {return name;}
- public void addChangeListener(ChangeListener l) {}
- public void removeChangeListener(ChangeListener l) {}
- public ChangeListener[] getChangeListeners() {
- return new ChangeListener[0];
- }
- /** The name of the Style, which is the selector.
- * This will NEVER change!
- */
- String name;
- /** Start index of styles coming from other StyleSheets. */
- private int extendedIndex;
- }
- /**
- * SelectorMapping contains a specifitiy, as an integer, and an associated
- * Style. It can also reference children <code>SelectorMapping</code>s,
- * so that it behaves like a tree.
- * <p>
- * This is not thread safe, it is assumed the caller will take the
- * necessary precations if this is to be used in a threaded environment.
- */
- static class SelectorMapping implements Serializable {
- public SelectorMapping(int specificity) {
- this.specificity = specificity;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the specificity this mapping represents.
- */
- public int getSpecificity() {
- return specificity;
- }
- /**
- * Sets the Style associated with this mapping.
- */
- public void setStyle(Style style) {
- this.style = style;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the Style associated with this mapping.
- */
- public Style getStyle() {
- return style;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the child mapping identified by the simple selector
- * <code>selector</code>. If a child mapping does not exist for
- *<code>selector</code>, and <code>create</code> is true, a new
- * one will be created.
- */
- public SelectorMapping getChildSelectorMapping(String selector,
- boolean create) {
- SelectorMapping retValue = null;
- if (children != null) {
- retValue = (SelectorMapping)children.get(selector);
- }
- else if (create) {
- children = new HashMap(7);
- }
- if (retValue == null && create) {
- int specificity = getChildSpecificity(selector);
- retValue = createChildSelectorMapping(specificity);
- children.put(selector, retValue);
- }
- return retValue;
- }
- /**
- * Creates a child <code>SelectorMapping</code> with the specified
- * <code>specificity</code>.
- */
- protected SelectorMapping createChildSelectorMapping(int specificity) {
- return new SelectorMapping(specificity);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the specificity for the child selector
- * <code>selector</code>.
- */
- protected int getChildSpecificity(String selector) {
- // class (.) 100
- // id (#) 10000
- char firstChar = selector.charAt(0);
- int specificity = getSpecificity();
- if (firstChar == '.') {
- specificity += 100;
- }
- else if (firstChar == '#') {
- specificity += 10000;
- }
- else {
- specificity += 1;
- if (selector.indexOf('.') != -1) {
- specificity += 100;
- }
- if (selector.indexOf('#') != -1) {
- specificity += 10000;
- }
- }
- return specificity;
- }
- /**
- * The specificity for this selector.
- */
- private int specificity;
- /**
- * Style for this selector.
- */
- private Style style;
- /**
- * Any sub selectors. Key will be String, and value will be
- * another SelectorMapping.
- */
- private HashMap children;
- }
- // ---- Variables ---------------------------------------------
- final static int DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 3;
- private CSS css;
- /**
- * An inverted graph of the selectors.
- */
- private SelectorMapping selectorMapping;
- /** Maps from selector (as a string) to Style that includes all
- * relevant styles. */
- private Hashtable resolvedStyles;
- /** Vector of StyleSheets that the rules are to reference.
- */
- private Vector linkedStyleSheets;
- /** Where the style sheet was found. Used for relative imports. */
- private URL base;
- /**
- * Default parser for CSS specifications that get loaded into
- * the StyleSheet.<p>
- * This class is NOT thread safe, do not ask it to parse while it is
- * in the middle of parsing.
- */
- class CssParser implements CSSParser.CSSParserCallback {
- /**
- * Parses the passed in CSS declaration into an AttributeSet.
- */
- public AttributeSet parseDeclaration(String string) {
- try {
- return parseDeclaration(new StringReader(string));
- } catch (IOException ioe) {}
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Parses the passed in CSS declaration into an AttributeSet.
- */
- public AttributeSet parseDeclaration(Reader r) throws IOException {
- parse(base, r, true, false);
- return declaration.copyAttributes();
- }
- /**
- * Parse the given CSS stream
- */
- public void parse(URL base, Reader r, boolean parseDeclaration,
- boolean isLink) throws IOException {
- this.base = base;
- this.isLink = isLink;
- this.parsingDeclaration = parseDeclaration;
- declaration.removeAttributes(declaration);
- selectorTokens.removeAllElements();
- selectors.removeAllElements();
- propertyName = null;
- parser.parse(r, this, parseDeclaration);
- }
- //
- // CSSParserCallback methods, public to implement the interface.
- //
- /**
- * Invoked when a valid @import is encountered, will call
- * <code>importStyleSheet</code> if a
- * <code>MalformedURLException</code> is not thrown in creating
- * the URL.
- */
- public void handleImport(String importString) {
- URL url = CSS.getURL(base, importString);
- if (url != null) {
- importStyleSheet(url);
- }
- }
- /**
- * A selector has been encountered.
- */
- public void handleSelector(String selector) {
- selector = selector.toLowerCase();
- int length = selector.length();
- if (selector.endsWith(",")) {
- if (length > 1) {
- selector = selector.substring(0, length - 1);
- selectorTokens.addElement(selector);
- }
- addSelector();
- }
- else if (length > 0) {
- selectorTokens.addElement(selector);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Invoked when the start of a rule is encountered.
- */
- public void startRule() {
- if (selectorTokens.size() > 0) {
- addSelector();
- }
- propertyName = null;
- }
- /**
- * Invoked when a property name is encountered.
- */
- public void handleProperty(String property) {
- propertyName = property;
- }
- /**
- * Invoked when a property value is encountered.
- */
- public void handleValue(String value) {
- if (propertyName != null) {
- CSS.Attribute cssKey = CSS.getAttribute(propertyName);
- if (cssKey != null) {
- // There is currently no mechanism to determine real
- // base that style sheet was loaded from. For the time
- // being, this maps for LIST_STYLE_IMAGE, which appear
- // to be the only one that currently matters. A more
- // general mechanism is definately needed.
- if (cssKey == CSS.Attribute.LIST_STYLE_IMAGE) {
- if (value != null && !value.equals("none")) {
- URL url = CSS.getURL(base, value);
- if (url != null) {
- value = url.toString();
- }
- }
- }
- addCSSAttribute(declaration, cssKey, value);
- }
- propertyName = null;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Invoked when the end of a rule is encountered.
- */
- public void endRule() {
- int n = selectors.size();
- for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- String[] selector = (String[]) selectors.elementAt(i);
- if (selector.length > 0) {
- StyleSheet.this.addRule(selector, declaration, isLink);
- }
- }
- declaration.removeAttributes(declaration);
- selectors.removeAllElements();
- }
- private void addSelector() {
- String[] selector = new String[selectorTokens.size()];
- selectorTokens.copyInto(selector);
- selectors.addElement(selector);
- selectorTokens.removeAllElements();
- }
- Vector selectors = new Vector();
- Vector selectorTokens = new Vector();
- /** Name of the current property. */
- String propertyName;
- MutableAttributeSet declaration = new SimpleAttributeSet();
- /** True if parsing a declaration, that is the Reader will not
- * contain a selector. */
- boolean parsingDeclaration;
- /** True if the attributes are coming from a linked/imported style. */
- boolean isLink;
- /** Where the CSS stylesheet lives. */
- URL base;
- CSSParser parser = new CSSParser();
- }
- }