- /*
- * @(#)Window.java 1.137 01/02/09
- *
- * Copyright 1995-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * This software is the proprietary information of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- * Use is subject to license terms.
- *
- */
- package java.awt;
- import java.awt.peer.WindowPeer;
- import java.awt.event.*;
- import java.util.Vector;
- import java.util.Locale;
- import java.util.EventListener;
- import java.io.Serializable;
- import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
- import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.OptionalDataException;
- import java.awt.im.InputContext;
- import java.util.ResourceBundle;
- import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
- import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
- import java.security.AccessController;
- import javax.accessibility.*;
- import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;
- import sun.awt.DebugHelper;
- /**
- * A <code>Window</code> object is a top-level window with no borders and no
- * menubar.
- * The default layout for a window is <code>BorderLayout</code>.
- * <p>
- * A window must have either a frame, dialog, or another window defined as its
- * owner when it's constructed.
- * <p>
- * In a multi-screen environment, you can create a <code>Window</code>
- * on a different screen device by constructing the <code>Window</code>
- * with {@link Window(Window, GraphicsConfiguration)}. The
- * <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code> object is one of the
- * <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code> objects of the target screen device.
- * <p>
- * In a virtual device multi-screen environment in which the desktop
- * area could span multiple physical screen devices, the bounds of all
- * configurations are relative to the virtual device coordinate system.
- * The origin of the virtual-coordinate system is at the upper left-hand
- * corner of the primary physical screen. Depending on the location of
- * the primary screen in the virtual device, negative coordinates are
- * possible, as shown in the following figure.
- * <p>
- * <img src="doc-files/MultiScreen.gif"
- * ALIGN=center HSPACE=10 VSPACE=7>
- * <p>
- * In such an environment, when calling <code>setLocation</code>,
- * you must pass a virtual coordinate to this method. Similarly,
- * calling <code>getLocationOnScreen</code> on a <code>Window</code> returns
- * virtual device coordinates. Call the <code>getBounds</code> method
- * of a <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code> to find its origin in the virtual
- * coordinate system.
- * <p>
- * The following code sets the location of a <code>Window</code>
- * at (10, 10) relative to the origin of the physical screen
- * of the corresponding <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code>. If the
- * bounds of the <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code> is not taken
- * into account, the <code>Window</code> location would be set
- * at (10, 10) relative to the virtual-coordinate system and would appear
- * on the primary physical screen, which might be different from the
- * physical screen of the specified <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code>.
- *
- * <pre>
- * Window w = new Window(Window owner, GraphicsConfiguration gc);
- * Rectangle bounds = gc.getBounds();
- * w.setLocation(10 + bounds.x, 10 + bounds.y);
- * </pre>
- *
- * <p>
- * Windows are capable of generating the following window events:
- * WindowOpened, WindowClosed.
- *
- * @version 1.137, 02/09/01
- * @author Sami Shaio
- * @author Arthur van Hoff
- * @see WindowEvent
- * @see #addWindowListener
- * @see java.awt.BorderLayout
- * @since JDK1.0
- */
- public class Window extends Container implements Accessible {
- /**
- * This represents the warning message that is
- * to be displayed in a non secure window. ie :
- * a window that has a security manager installed for
- * which calling SecurityManager.checkTopLevelWindow()
- * is false. This message can be displayed anywhere in
- * the window.
- *
- * @serial
- * @see getWarningString()
- */
- String warningString;
- static final int OPENED = 0x01;
- /**
- * An Integer value representing the Window State.
- *
- * @serial
- * @since 1.2
- * @see show()
- */
- int state;
- /**
- * A vector containing all the windows this
- * window currently owns.
- * @since 1.2
- * @see getOwnedWindows()
- */
- transient Vector ownedWindowList = new Vector();
- private transient WeakReference weakThis;
- transient WindowListener windowListener;
- private transient boolean active = false; // == true when Window receives WINDOW_ACTIVATED event
- // == false when Window receives WINDOW_DEACTIVATED event
- transient InputContext inputContext;
- private transient Object inputContextLock = new Object();
- /**
- * The Focus for the Window in question, and its components.
- *
- * @serial
- * @since 1.2
- * @See java.awt.FocusManager
- */
- private FocusManager focusMgr;
- private static final String base = "win";
- private static int nameCounter = 0;
- /*
- * JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID
- */
- private static final long serialVersionUID = 4497834738069338734L;
- private static final DebugHelper dbg = DebugHelper.create(Container.class);
- static {
- /* ensure that the necessary native libraries are loaded */
- Toolkit.loadLibraries();
- initIDs();
- }
- /**
- * Initialize JNI field and method IDs for fields that may be
- accessed from C.
- */
- private static native void initIDs();
- /**
- * Constructs a new window in default size with the
- * specified <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code>.
- * <p>
- * If there is a security manager, this method first calls
- * the security manager's <code>checkTopLevelWindow</code>
- * method with <code>this</code>
- * as its argument to determine whether or not the window
- * must be displayed with a warning banner.
- * @param gc the <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code>
- * of the target screen device. If <code>gc</code> is
- * <code>null</code>, the system default
- * <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code> is assumed.
- * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>gc</code>
- * is not from a screen device.
- * @see java.lang.SecurityManager#checkTopLevelWindow
- */
- Window(GraphicsConfiguration gc) {
- setWarningString();
- this.cursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR);
- this.focusMgr = new FocusManager(this);
- this.visible = false;
- if (gc == null) {
- this.graphicsConfig =
- GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().
- getDefaultScreenDevice().getDefaultConfiguration();
- } else {
- this.graphicsConfig = gc;
- }
- if (graphicsConfig.getDevice().getType() !=
- GraphicsDevice.TYPE_RASTER_SCREEN) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("not a screen device");
- }
- setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- /* offset the initial location with the original of the screen */
- Rectangle screenBounds = graphicsConfig.getBounds();
- int x = getX() + screenBounds.x;
- int y = getY() + screenBounds.y;
- setLocation(x, y);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new window in the default size.
- *
- * <p>First, if there is a security manager, its
- * <code>checkTopLevelWindow</code>
- * method is called with <code>this</code>
- * as its argument
- * to see if it's ok to display the window without a warning banner.
- * If the default implementation of <code>checkTopLevelWindow</code>
- * is used (that is, that method is not overriden), then this results in
- * a call to the security manager's <code>checkPermission</code> method with an
- * <code>AWTPermission("showWindowWithoutWarningBanner")</code>
- * permission. It that method raises a SecurityException,
- * <code>checkTopLevelWindow</code> returns false, otherwise it
- * returns true. If it returns false, a warning banner is created.
- *
- * @see java.lang.SecurityManager#checkTopLevelWindow
- */
- Window() {
- this((GraphicsConfiguration)null);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new invisible window with the specified
- * Frame as its owner.
- * <p>
- * If there is a security manager, this method first calls
- * the security manager's <code>checkTopLevelWindow</code>
- * method with <code>this</code>
- * as its argument to determine whether or not the window
- * must be displayed with a warning banner.
- *
- * @param owner the <code>Frame</code> to act as owner
- * @exception IllegalArgumentException if <code>gc</code>
- * is not from a screen device.
- * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if
- * <code>owner</code> is <code>null</code>
- * @see java.lang.SecurityManager#checkTopLevelWindow
- */
- public Window(Frame owner) {
- this(owner == null ? (GraphicsConfiguration)null :
- owner.getGraphicsConfiguration());
- ownedInit(owner);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new invisible window with the specified
- * Window as its owner.
- * <p>
- * If there is a security manager, this method first calls
- * the security manager's <code>checkTopLevelWindow</code>
- * method with <code>this</code>
- * as its argument to determine whether or not the window
- * must be displayed with a warning banner.
- *
- * @param owner the Window to act as owner
- * @exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if <code>owner</code>
- * is <code>null</code>
- * @see java.lang.SecurityManager#checkTopLevelWindow
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public Window(Window owner) {
- this(owner == null ? (GraphicsConfiguration)null :
- owner.getGraphicsConfiguration());
- ownedInit(owner);
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a new invisible window with the specified
- * window as its owner and a
- * <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code> of a screen device.
- * <p>
- * If there is a security manager, this method first calls
- * the security manager's <code>checkTopLevelWindow</code>
- * method with <code>this</code>
- * as its argument to determine whether or not the window
- * must be displayed with a warning banner.
- * @param owner the window to act as owner
- * @param gc the <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code>
- * of the target screen device. If <code>gc</code> is
- * <code>null</code>, the system default
- * <code>GraphicsConfiguration</code> is assumed.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if
- * <code>owner</code> is <code>null</code>.
- * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>gc</code> is not from
- * a screen device.
- * @see java.lang.SecurityManager#checkTopLevelWindow
- * @see java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration#getBounds
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public Window(Window owner, GraphicsConfiguration gc) {
- this(gc);
- ownedInit(owner);
- }
- private void ownedInit(Window owner) {
- if (owner == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("null owner window");
- }
- this.parent = owner;
- this.weakThis = new WeakReference(this);
- owner.addOwnedWindow(weakThis);
- }
- /**
- * Disposes of the input methods and context, and removes the WeakReference
- * which formerly pointed to this Window from the parent's owned Window
- * list.
- */
- protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
- if (parent != null) {
- ((Window)parent).removeOwnedWindow(weakThis);
- }
- super.finalize();
- }
- /**
- * Construct a name for this component. Called by getName() when the
- * name is null.
- */
- String constructComponentName() {
- synchronized (getClass()) {
- return base + nameCounter++;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Makes this Window displayable by creating the connection to its
- * native screen resource.
- * This method is called internally by the toolkit and should
- * not be called directly by programs.
- * @see Component#isDisplayable
- * @see Container#removeNotify
- * @since JDK1.0
- */
- public void addNotify() {
- synchronized (getTreeLock()) {
- Container parent = this.parent;
- if (parent != null && parent.getPeer() == null) {
- parent.addNotify();
- }
- if (peer == null)
- peer = getToolkit().createWindow(this);
- super.addNotify();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Causes this Window to be sized to fit the preferred size
- * and layouts of its subcomponents. If the window and/or its owner
- * are not yet displayable, both are made displayable before
- * calculating the preferred size. The Window will be validated
- * after the preferredSize is calculated.
- * @see Component#isDisplayable
- */
- public void pack() {
- Container parent = this.parent;
- if (parent != null && parent.getPeer() == null) {
- parent.addNotify();
- }
- if (peer == null) {
- addNotify();
- }
- setSize(getPreferredSize());
- isPacked = true;
- validate();
- }
- /**
- * Makes the Window visible. If the Window and/or its owner
- * are not yet displayable, both are made displayable. The
- * Window will be validated prior to being made visible.
- * If the Window is already visible, this will bring the Window
- * to the front.
- * @see java.awt.Component#isDisplayable
- * @see java.awt.Window#toFront
- * @see java.awt.Component#setVisible
- */
- public void show() {
- if (peer == null) {
- addNotify();
- }
- validate();
- if (visible) {
- toFront();
- } else {
- super.show();
- }
- // If first time shown, generate WindowOpened event
- if ((state & OPENED) == 0) {
- postWindowEvent(WindowEvent.WINDOW_OPENED);
- state |= OPENED;
- }
- }
- synchronized void postWindowEvent(int id) {
- // Fix for 4253157: accessibility adds AWTEventListener to
- // Toolkit to look for WINDOW_OPENED events, so post them
- // unconditionally for now.
- // if (windowListener != null
- // || (eventMask & AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK) != 0) {
- WindowEvent e = new WindowEvent(this, id);
- Toolkit.getEventQueue().postEvent(e);
- // }
- }
- /**
- * Hide this Window, its subcomponents, and all of its owned children.
- * The Window and its subcomponents can be made visible again
- * with a call to <code>show</code>.
- * </p>
- * @see Window#show
- * @see Window#dispose
- */
- public void hide() {
- synchronized(ownedWindowList) {
- for (int i = 0; i < ownedWindowList.size(); i++) {
- Window child = (Window) (((WeakReference)
- (ownedWindowList.elementAt(i))).get());
- if (child != null) {
- child.hide();
- }
- }
- }
- super.hide();
- }
- /**
- * Releases all of the native screen resources used by this Window,
- * its subcomponents, and all of its owned children. That is, the
- * resources for these Components will be destroyed, any memory
- * they consume will be returned to the OS, and they will be marked
- * as undisplayable.
- * <p>
- * The Window and its subcomponents can be made displayable again
- * by rebuilding the native resources with a subsequent call to
- * <code>pack</code> or <code>show</code>. The states of the recreated
- * Window and its subcomponents will be identical to the states of these
- * objects at the point where the Window was disposed (not accounting for
- * additional modifcations between those actions).
- * </p>
- * @see Component#isDisplayable
- * @see Window#pack
- * @see Window#show
- */
- public void dispose() {
- class DisposeAction implements Runnable {
- public void run() {
- synchronized(ownedWindowList) {
- for (int i = 0; i < ownedWindowList.size(); i++) {
- Window child = (Window) (((WeakReference)
- (ownedWindowList.elementAt(i))).get());
- if (child != null) {
- child.dispose();
- }
- }
- }
- hide();
- removeNotify();
- synchronized (inputContextLock) {
- if (inputContext != null) {
- inputContext.dispose();
- inputContext = null;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- DisposeAction action = new DisposeAction();
- if (EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {
- action.run();
- }
- else {
- try {
- EventQueue.invokeAndWait(action);
- }
- catch (InterruptedException e) {
- System.err.println("Disposal was interrupted:");
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
- System.err.println("Exception during disposal:");
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- // Execute outside the Runnable because postWindowEvent is
- // synchronized on (this). We don't need to synchronize the call
- // on the EventQueue anyways.
- postWindowEvent(WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSED);
- }
- // Should only be called while holding tree lock
- void adjustListeningChildren(long mask, int num) {
- if (dbg.on) {
- dbg.assert(mask == AWTEvent.HIERARCHY_EVENT_MASK ||
- }
- if (num == 0)
- return;
- if ((mask & AWTEvent.HIERARCHY_EVENT_MASK) != 0) {
- listeningChildren += num;
- }
- if ((mask & AWTEvent.HIERARCHY_BOUNDS_EVENT_MASK) != 0) {
- listeningBoundsChildren += num;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Brings this window to the front.
- * Places this window at the top of the stacking order and
- * shows it in front of any other windows.
- * @see java.awt.Window#toBack
- */
- public void toFront() {
- WindowPeer peer = (WindowPeer)this.peer;
- if (peer != null) {
- peer.toFront();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sends this window to the back.
- * Places this window at the bottom of the stacking order and
- * makes the corresponding adjustment to other visible windows.
- * @see java.awt.Window#toFront
- */
- public void toBack() {
- WindowPeer peer = (WindowPeer)this.peer;
- if (peer != null) {
- peer.toBack();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns the toolkit of this frame.
- * @return the toolkit of this window.
- * @see java.awt.Toolkit
- * @see java.awt.Toolkit#getDefaultToolkit()
- * @see java.awt.Component#getToolkit()
- */
- public Toolkit getToolkit() {
- return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
- }
- /**
- * Gets the warning string that is displayed with this window.
- * If this window is insecure, the warning string is displayed
- * somewhere in the visible area of the window. A window is
- * insecure if there is a security manager, and the security
- * manager's <code>checkTopLevelWindow</code> method returns
- * <code>false</code> when this window is passed to it as an
- * argument.
- * <p>
- * If the window is secure, then <code>getWarningString</code>
- * returns <code>null</code>. If the window is insecure, this
- * method checks for the system property
- * <code>awt.appletWarning</code>
- * and returns the string value of that property.
- * @return the warning string for this window.
- * @see java.lang.SecurityManager#checkTopLevelWindow(java.lang.Object)
- */
- public final String getWarningString() {
- return warningString;
- }
- private void setWarningString() {
- warningString = null;
- SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
- if (sm != null) {
- if (!sm.checkTopLevelWindow(this)) {
- // make sure the privileged action is only
- // for getting the property! We don't want the
- // above checkTopLevelWindow call to always succeed!
- warningString = (String) AccessController.doPrivileged(
- new GetPropertyAction("awt.appletWarning",
- "Java Applet Window"));
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Gets the <code>Locale</code> object that is associated
- * with this window, if the locale has been set.
- * If no locale has been set, then the default locale
- * is returned.
- * @return the locale that is set for this window.
- * @see java.util.Locale
- * @since JDK1.1
- */
- public Locale getLocale() {
- if (this.locale == null) {
- return Locale.getDefault();
- }
- return this.locale;
- }
- /**
- * Gets the input context for this window. A window always has an input context,
- * which is shared by subcomponents unless they create and set their own.
- * @see Component#getInputContext
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public InputContext getInputContext() {
- if (inputContext == null) {
- synchronized (inputContextLock) {
- if (inputContext == null) {
- inputContext = InputContext.getInstance();
- }
- }
- }
- return inputContext;
- }
- /**
- * Set the cursor image to a specified cursor.
- * @param <code>cursor</code> One of the constants defined
- * by the <code>Cursor</code> class. If this parameter is null
- * then the cursor for this window will be set to the type
- * @see java.awt.Component#getCursor
- * @see java.awt.Cursor
- * @since JDK1.1
- */
- public void setCursor(Cursor cursor) {
- if (cursor == null) {
- cursor = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR);
- }
- super.setCursor(cursor);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the owner of this window.
- */
- public Window getOwner() {
- return (Window)parent;
- }
- /**
- * Return an array containing all the windows this
- * window currently owns.
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public Window[] getOwnedWindows() {
- Window realCopy[];
- synchronized(ownedWindowList) {
- // Recall that ownedWindowList is actually a Vector of
- // WeakReferences and calling get() on one of these references
- // may return null. Make two arrays-- one the size of the
- // Vector (fullCopy with size fullSize), and one the size of
- // all non-null get()s (realCopy with size realSize).
- int fullSize = ownedWindowList.size();
- int realSize = 0;
- Window fullCopy[] = new Window[fullSize];
- for (int i = 0; i < fullSize; i++) {
- fullCopy[realSize] = (Window) (((WeakReference)
- (ownedWindowList.elementAt(i))).get());
- if (fullCopy[realSize] != null) {
- realSize++;
- }
- }
- if (fullSize != realSize) {
- realCopy = new Window[realSize];
- System.arraycopy(fullCopy, 0, realCopy, 0, realSize);
- } else {
- realCopy = fullCopy;
- }
- }
- return realCopy;
- }
- /**
- * Adds the specified window listener to receive window events from
- * this window.
- * If l is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
- *
- * @param l the window listener
- */
- public synchronized void addWindowListener(WindowListener l) {
- if (l == null) {
- return;
- }
- windowListener = AWTEventMulticaster.add(windowListener, l);
- newEventsOnly = true;
- }
- /**
- * Removes the specified window listener so that it no longer
- * receives window events from this window.
- * If l is null, no exception is thrown and no action is performed.
- *
- * @param l the window listener
- */
- public synchronized void removeWindowListener(WindowListener l) {
- if (l == null) {
- return;
- }
- windowListener = AWTEventMulticaster.remove(windowListener, l);
- }
- /**
- * Return an array of all the listeners that were added to the Window
- * with addXXXListener(), where XXX is the name of the <code>listenerType</code>
- * argument. For example, to get all of the WindowListener(s) for the
- * given Window <code>w</code>, one would write:
- * <pre>
- * WindowListener[] wls = (WindowListener[])(w.getListeners(WindowListener.class))
- * </pre>
- * If no such listener list exists, then an empty array is returned.
- *
- * @param listenerType Type of listeners requested
- * @return all of the listeners of the specified type supported by this text field
- * @since 1.3
- */
- public EventListener[] getListeners(Class listenerType) {
- EventListener l = null;
- if (listenerType == WindowListener.class) {
- l = windowListener;
- } else {
- return super.getListeners(listenerType);
- }
- return AWTEventMulticaster.getListeners(l, listenerType);
- }
- // REMIND: remove when filtering is handled at lower level
- boolean eventEnabled(AWTEvent e) {
- switch(e.id) {
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_OPENED:
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING:
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSED:
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_ICONIFIED:
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEICONIFIED:
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATED:
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEACTIVATED:
- if ((eventMask & AWTEvent.WINDOW_EVENT_MASK) != 0 ||
- windowListener != null) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return super.eventEnabled(e);
- }
- boolean isActive() {
- return active;
- }
- /**
- * Processes events on this window. If the event is an WindowEvent,
- * it invokes the processWindowEvent method, else it invokes its
- * superclass's processEvent.
- * @param e the event
- */
- protected void processEvent(AWTEvent e) {
- if (e instanceof WindowEvent) {
- processWindowEvent((WindowEvent)e);
- return;
- }
- super.processEvent(e);
- }
- /**
- * Processes window events occurring on this window by
- * dispatching them to any registered WindowListener objects.
- * NOTE: This method will not be called unless window events
- * are enabled for this component; this happens when one of the
- * following occurs:
- * a) A WindowListener object is registered via addWindowListener()
- * b) Window events are enabled via enableEvents()
- * @see Component#enableEvents
- * @param e the window event
- */
- protected void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) {
- if (windowListener != null) {
- switch(e.getID()) {
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_OPENED:
- windowListener.windowOpened(e);
- break;
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING:
- windowListener.windowClosing(e);
- break;
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSED:
- windowListener.windowClosed(e);
- break;
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_ICONIFIED:
- windowListener.windowIconified(e);
- break;
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEICONIFIED:
- windowListener.windowDeiconified(e);
- break;
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATED:
- windowListener.windowActivated(e);
- break;
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEACTIVATED:
- windowListener.windowDeactivated(e);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void preProcessKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {
- // Dump the list of child windows to System.out.
- if (e.isActionKey() && e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_F1 &&
- e.isControlDown() && e.isShiftDown() &&
- e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED) {
- list(System.out, 0);
- }
- }
- void postProcessKeyEvent(KeyEvent e) {
- WindowPeer peer = (WindowPeer)this.peer;
- if (peer == null)
- return;
- switch(peer.handleFocusTraversalEvent(e)) {
- case WindowPeer.IGNORE_EVENT:
- default:
- break;
- case WindowPeer.CONSUME_EVENT:
- e.consume();
- break;
- case WindowPeer.FOCUS_NEXT:
- if (focusMgr.focusNext())
- e.consume();
- break;
- case WindowPeer.FOCUS_PREVIOUS:
- if (focusMgr.focusPrevious())
- e.consume();
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- void setFocusOwner(Component c) {
- focusMgr.setFocusOwner(c);
- }
- void transferFocus(Component base) {
- nextFocus(base);
- }
- /**
- * Returns the child component of this Window which has focus if and
- * only if this Window is active.
- * @return the component with focus, or null if no children have focus
- * assigned to them.
- */
- public Component getFocusOwner() {
- if (active)
- return focusMgr.getFocusOwner();
- else
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated As of JDK version 1.1,
- * replaced by <code>transferFocus(Component)</code>.
- */
- void nextFocus(Component base) {
- focusMgr.focusNext(base);
- }
- /*
- * Dispatches an event to this window or one of its sub components.
- * @param e the event
- */
- void dispatchEventImpl(AWTEvent e) {
- switch(e.getID()) {
- case FocusEvent.FOCUS_GAINED:
- setFocusOwner(this);
- break;
- case ComponentEvent.COMPONENT_RESIZED:
- invalidate();
- validate();
- repaint();
- break;
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_ACTIVATED:
- active = true;
- /*
- Calling this messes up focus on Solaris
- focusMgr.activateFocus();
- */
- break;
- case WindowEvent.WINDOW_DEACTIVATED:
- active = false;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- super.dispatchEventImpl(e);
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated As of JDK version 1.1
- * replaced by <code>dispatchEvent(AWTEvent)</code>.
- */
- public boolean postEvent(Event e) {
- if (handleEvent(e)) {
- e.consume();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if this Window is showing on screen.
- * @see java.awt.Component#setVisible(boolean)
- */
- public boolean isShowing() {
- return visible;
- }
- /**
- * Apply the settings in the given ResourceBundle to this Window.
- * Currently, this applies the ResourceBundle's ComponentOrientation
- * to this Window and all components contained within it.
- *
- * @see java.awt.ComponentOrientation
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public void applyResourceBundle(ResourceBundle rb) {
- // A package-visible utility on Container does all the work
- applyOrientation(ComponentOrientation.getOrientation(rb));
- }
- /**
- * Load the ResourceBundle with the given name using the default locale
- * and apply its settings to this window.
- * Currently, this applies the ResourceBundle's ComponentOrientation
- * to this Window and all components contained within it.
- *
- * @see java.awt.ComponentOrientation
- * @since 1.2
- */
- public void applyResourceBundle(String rbName) {
- applyResourceBundle(ResourceBundle.getBundle(rbName));
- }
- /*
- * Support for tracking all windows owned by this window
- */
- void addOwnedWindow(WeakReference weakWindow) {
- if (weakWindow != null) {
- synchronized(ownedWindowList) {
- // this if statement should really be an assert, but we don't
- // have asserts...
- if (!ownedWindowList.contains(weakWindow)) {
- ownedWindowList.addElement(weakWindow);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void removeOwnedWindow(WeakReference weakWindow) {
- if (weakWindow != null) {
- // synchronized block not required since removeElement is
- // already synchronized
- ownedWindowList.removeElement(weakWindow);
- }
- }
- void connectOwnedWindow(Window child) {
- WeakReference weakChild = new WeakReference(child);
- child.weakThis = weakChild;
- child.parent = this;
- addOwnedWindow(weakChild);
- }
- /**
- * The window serialized data version.
- *
- * @serial
- */
- private int windowSerializedDataVersion = 1;
- /**
- * Writes default serializable fields to stream. Writes
- * a list of serializable ItemListener(s) as optional data.
- * The non-serializable ItemListener(s) are detected and
- * no attempt is made to serialize them. Write a list of
- * child Windows as optional data.
- *
- * @serialData Null terminated sequence of 0 or more pairs.
- * The pair consists of a String and Object.
- * The String indicates the type of object and
- * is one of the following :
- * itemListenerK indicating an ItemListener object.
- * @serialData Null terminated sequence of 0 or more pairs.
- * The pair consists of a String and Object.
- * The String indicates the type of object and
- * is one of the following :
- * ownedWindowK indicating a child Window object.
- *
- * @see AWTEventMulticaster.save(ObjectOutputStream, String, EventListener)
- * @see java.awt.Component.itemListenerK
- * @see java.awt.Component.ownedWindowK
- */
- private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream s)
- throws IOException
- {
- s.defaultWriteObject();
- AWTEventMulticaster.save(s, windowListenerK, windowListener);
- s.writeObject(null);
- synchronized (ownedWindowList) {
- for (int i = 0; i < ownedWindowList.size(); i++) {
- Window child = (Window) (((WeakReference)
- (ownedWindowList.elementAt(i))).get());
- if (child != null) {
- s.writeObject(ownedWindowK);
- s.writeObject(child);
- }
- }
- }
- s.writeObject(null);
- }
- /**
- * Read the default ObjectInputStream, a possibly null listener to
- * receive item events fired by the Window, and a possibly null
- * list of child Windows.
- * Unrecognised keys or values will be Ignored.
- *
- * @see removeActionListener()
- * @see addActionListener()
- */
- private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s)
- throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
- {
- s.defaultReadObject();
- ownedWindowList = new Vector();
- Object keyOrNull;
- while(null != (keyOrNull = s.readObject())) {
- String key = ((String)keyOrNull).intern();
- if (windowListenerK == key)
- addWindowListener((WindowListener)(s.readObject()));
- else // skip value for unrecognized key
- s.readObject();
- }
- try {
- while (null != (keyOrNull = s.readObject())) {
- String key = ((String)keyOrNull).intern();
- if (ownedWindowK == key)
- connectOwnedWindow((Window) s.readObject());
- else // skip value for unrecognized key
- s.readObject();
- }
- }
- catch (OptionalDataException e) {
- // 1.1 serialized form
- // ownedWindowList will be updated by Frame.readObject
- }
- setWarningString();
- inputContextLock = new Object();
- }
- /*
- * --- Accessibility Support ---
- *
- */
- /**
- * Gets the AccessibleContext associated with this Window.
- * For windows, the AccessibleContext takes the form of an
- * AccessibleAWTWindow.
- * A new AccessibleAWTWindow instance is created if necessary.
- *
- * @return an AccessibleAWTWindow that serves as the
- * AccessibleContext of this Window
- */
- public AccessibleContext getAccessibleContext() {
- if (accessibleContext == null) {
- accessibleContext = new AccessibleAWTWindow();
- }
- return accessibleContext;
- }
- /**
- * This class implements accessibility support for the
- * <code>Window</code> class. It provides an implementation of the
- * Java Accessibility API appropriate to window user-interface elements.
- */
- protected class AccessibleAWTWindow extends AccessibleAWTContainer {
- /**
- * Get the role of this object.
- *
- * @return an instance of AccessibleRole describing the role of the
- * object
- * @see AccessibleRole
- */
- public AccessibleRole getAccessibleRole() {
- return AccessibleRole.WINDOW;
- }
- /**
- * Get the state of this object.
- *
- * @return an instance of AccessibleStateSet containing the current
- * state set of the object
- * @see AccessibleState
- */
- public AccessibleStateSet getAccessibleStateSet() {
- AccessibleStateSet states = super.getAccessibleStateSet();
- if (getFocusOwner() != null) {
- states.add(AccessibleState.ACTIVE);
- }
- return states;
- }
- } // inner class AccessibleAWTWindow
- /**
- * This method returns the GraphicsConfiguration used by this Window.
- */
- public GraphicsConfiguration getGraphicsConfiguration() {
- //NOTE: for multiscreen, this will need to take into account
- //which screen the window is on/mostly on instead of returning the
- //default or constructor argument config.
- synchronized(getTreeLock()) {
- if (graphicsConfig == null) {
- graphicsConfig =
- GraphicsEnvironment. getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().
- getDefaultScreenDevice().
- getDefaultConfiguration();
- }
- return graphicsConfig;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Reset this Window's GraphicsConfiguration to the default.
- * Called from the Toolkit thread, so NO CLIENT CODE.
- */
- void resetGC() {
- synchronized(getTreeLock()) {
- graphicsConfig = GraphicsEnvironment.
- getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().
- getDefaultScreenDevice().
- getDefaultConfiguration();
- }
- }
- } // class Window
- class FocusManager implements java.io.Serializable {
- Container focusRoot;
- Component focusOwner;
- /*
- * JDK 1.1 serialVersionUID
- */
- static final long serialVersionUID = 2491878825643557906L;
- FocusManager(Container cont) {
- focusRoot = cont;
- }
- /* Re-activate the last component with focus if it is still
- * visible and active.
- * If no component had focus yet, assign it to first component
- * capable of receiving it (visible, active, focusable).
- * If no visible, active, focusable components are present,
- * assign focus to the focus root.
- */
- void activateFocus() {
- boolean assigned = false;
- if (focusOwner != null) {
- if ((assigned = assignFocus(focusOwner, false)) != true) {
- assigned = focusNext(focusOwner);
- }
- } else {
- // assign to first component capable of taking it
- assigned = focusForward(focusRoot);
- }
- if (!assigned) {
- focusRoot.requestFocus();
- }
- }
- synchronized void setFocusOwner(Component c) {
- //System.out.println("FocusManager.setFocusOwner: "+c.name);
- focusOwner = c;
- }
- Component getFocusOwner() {
- return focusOwner;
- }
- boolean focusNext() {
- return focusNext(focusOwner);
- }
- boolean focusNext(Component base) {
- synchronized (focusRoot.getTreeLock()) { // BUGID4067845
- Component target = base;
- if (target != null && target.parent != null) {
- //System.out.println("FocusManager.focusNext: owner="+focusOwner);
- do {
- boolean found = false;
- Container p = target.parent;
- Component c;
- for (int i = 0; i < p.ncomponents; i++) {
- c = p.component[i];
- if (found) {
- if (assignFocus(c)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (c instanceof Container &&
- c.isVisible() &&
- c.isEnabled()) {
- if (focusForward((Container)c)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- } else if (c == target) {
- found = true;
- }
- }
- target = p;
- } while (target != focusRoot && target.parent != null);
- }
- // wrap-around
- if (focusForward(focusRoot)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- boolean focusPrevious() {
- return focusPrevious(focusOwner);
- }
- boolean focusPrevious(Component base) {
- synchronized (focusRoot.getTreeLock()) { // BUGID4067845
- Component target = base;
- if (target != null && target.parent != null) {
- do {
- boolean found = false;
- Container p = target.parent;
- if (p != null) {
- Component c;
- for (int i = p.ncomponents-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- c = p.component[i];
- if (found) {
- if (assignFocus(c)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (c instanceof Container &&
- c.isVisible() &&
- c.isEnabled()) {
- if (focusBackward((Container)c)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- } else if (c == target) {
- found = true;
- }
- }
- }
- target = p;
- } while (target != null && target != focusRoot);
- }
- // wrap-around
- if (focusBackward(focusRoot)) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- boolean assignFocus(Component c) {
- return assignFocus(c, true);
- }
- synchronized boolean assignFocus(Component c, boolean requireTraversable) {
- if (c.isVisible() && c.isEnabled() &&
- (!requireTraversable || c.isFocusTraversable())) {
- //System.out.println("FocusManager.assignFocus: "+c);
- c.requestFocus();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- synchronized boolean focusForward(Container cont) {
- for (int i = 0; i < cont.ncomponents; i++) {
- Component c = cont.component[i];
- if (assignFocus(c)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (c instanceof Container && c.isVisible() && c.isEnabled()) {
- if (focusForward((Container)c)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- synchronized boolean focusBackward(Container cont) {
- for (int i = cont.ncomponents-1; i >= 0; i--) {
- Component c = cont.component[i];
- if (assignFocus(c)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (c instanceof Container && c.isVisible() && c.isEnabled()) {
- if (focusBackward((Container)c)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }